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24 minutes ago, Jerksticks said:

Absolutely.  CNN has become basically unreadable during this outbreak.  Everything is non-stop finger pointing and government shaming.  I’m appalled.  Like don’t these people have kids?

If there was a bully on the playground who was taking everyone's lunch money if they didn't praise him as the greatest person ever and my kid finally had enough and popped him in the jaw? I'd be immensely proud.


The irony is that Trump hurting anyone who isn't sufficiently praising him is itself a political move. If many governors are out there pointing out the substantial and ongoing federal failures, it damages him politically. If they're all out there praising what a good boy he is (like many of his administration members do in cabinet meetings and these daily briefings, including the medical experts), it makes him look like a strong, competent, capable leader. 

Let me just say that again, for clarity: President Trump is causing Americans to suffer and die by withholding much-needed aid during a pandemic if their states' governors are critical of him. That is monstrous.






edit: caulfield, kids and multiple family members who are hospital nurses. I don't want them to be deprived of much-needed PPE because Pritzker dared to criticize the Trump administration's ongoing failures or their original failure to prepare for this in any way. 

Edited by StrangeSox
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Who you voted for shouldn't determine if you live or die. The Electoral College shouldn't determine who gets all the supplies they need, who gets more than they ask for, and who gets nowhere near what they need. They are putting health care workers jobs on the line by playing politics and kissing someone's ass. This isn' a reality show competition, it's acually real.

Edited by Dick Allen
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2 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

Who you voted for shouldn't determine if you live or die. The Electoral College shouldn't determine who gets all the supplies they need, who gets more than they ask for, and who gets nowhere near what they need. They are putting health care workers jobs on the line by playing politics and kissing someone's ass. 

Why this isn't universally agreed upon is beyond me. 

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Cuomo keeps stressing he wants to work with Trump in partnership, not politics.

Then the Trump says he'd like to run against Cuomo because Fox brought it up - Cuomo shoots it down. Trump suggests hospital workers are stealing masks, New York doesn't need ventilators, won't open the Javitz Center to COVID-19 patients as initially requested. Trump is forcing states to bid against themselves - and the federal government - for supplies

That's not Cuomo playing politics, that's Trump willing to let thousands die to avoid admitting he hasn't botched this and Cuomo trying to improve the situation.

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26 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

Who you voted for shouldn't determine if you live or die. The Electoral College shouldn't determine who gets all the supplies they need, who gets more than they ask for, and who gets nowhere near what they need. They are putting health care workers jobs on the line by playing politics and kissing someone's ass. This isn' a reality show competition, it's acually real.

Mark this moment for posterity's sake, but I agree with Dick Allen.

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44 minutes ago, Jerksticks said:

Absolutely.  CNN has become basically unreadable during this outbreak.  Everything is non-stop finger pointing and government shaming.  I’m appalled.  Like don’t these people have kids?

This is classic false equivalency. You can't wait around for Trump to act. He is petty and never does half the things he has claimed to have done. He is not a stable genius. He calls liar over many things he is on record as saying. This is a lose-lose. Now the religious are claiming Fauci is out to undermine Trump. This will not have a good ending.

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24 minutes ago, Tony said:

Newsom should be applauded for dropping political differences and getting Trump to help, I agree. 

I'm not OK with the idea that if Newsom doesn't play nice with Trump, the President will brush the state off. I know we've lowered the bar on what it means to be President since 2016, but I still expect the President of the United States to set some sort of example. It's the highest office in the country. 

We should be holding the office to the highest standards, and not some D student, well at least they tried type of garbage.

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9 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

We should be holding the office to the highest standards, and not some D student, well at least they tried type of garbage.

Let me even step this up a notch.  Historically, we welcomed in the southern states after fighting an actual war against Lincoln and the north. Literally the only standards for readmission were to follow the rules for how to treat former slaves as equals in most aspects.  If they could treat the deep south as equals after fighting an actual war against them, this President can suck it up and take some political slaps from the other party, especially since we know he is at the front of the line to dish them out.

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5 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

Let me even step this up a notch.  Historically, we welcomed in the southern states after fighting an actual war against Lincoln and the north. Literally the only standards for readmission were to follow the rules for how to treat former slaves as equals in most aspects.  If they could treat the deep south as equals after fighting an actual war against them, this President can suck it up and take some political slaps from the other party, especially since we know he is at the front of the line to dish them out.

He absolutely should. But so should the other side.  Everyone needs to look in the mirror and step up and put the rest of the crap behind them. Lets not pretend that Governors shouldn't be great leaders too. Onus is one everyone to step up.  EVERYONE.  

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1 minute ago, Chisoxfn said:

He absolutely should. But so should the other side.  Everyone needs to look in the mirror and step up and put the rest of the crap behind them. Lets not pretend that Governors shouldn't be great leaders too. Onus is one everyone to step up.  EVERYONE.  

"The Other Side" doesn't control the levels of federal response and funding.  That is literally all that matters here.

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1 hour ago, Chisoxfn said:

He absolutely should. But so should the other side.  Everyone needs to look in the mirror and step up and put the rest of the crap behind them. Lets not pretend that Governors shouldn't be great leaders too. Onus is one everyone to step up.  EVERYONE.  

They can't put the failures of the federal government and its leadership behind them because the failures are widespread, ongoing, and causing death and suffering in their states right now. Today. 

I guess this needs to be said again: Trump withholding federal aid and resources from governors who don't praise him is itself a political act. He is trying to cover up his failures, and holding the states hostage to do so. Governors are going along with the game rather than having their citizens die. That's not Trump stepping up.

Edited by StrangeSox
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Yes he should. But that doesn't make an excuse for the others to behave shitty either. Just because one person acts worse doesn't allow everyone else to do the same (even if they are less powerful). It makes them all babies.  

If my kid is less bad than another kid, it doesn't mean I'm not going to take my kid aside and explain to them how their behavior isn't okay and how they need to act differently (regardless of how the other individual is behaving).  We need to use this time for BOTH sides to clean their crooked crap up, period.  

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And right now...I don't care about the past.  Let all of that get handled after this disaster is done. The only thing that matters right here and right now is working together to get us as a country and a world through this crisis faster and as best we can.  Coulda woulda shoulda's don't matter right now.  Action and teamwork and proactive drive to fix things is flat out what matters.  Partisism right now completely hinders the near term best interest of this country (whether you are a president, senator, or governor).  

The more we focus on the here and the now and what we are going to do to solve our real needs, the better off the entire country and world are. PERIOD.  History will play itself out for all the mistakes after the fact.  

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1 hour ago, Chisoxfn said:

Yes he should. But that doesn't make an excuse for the others to behave shitty either. Just because one person acts worse doesn't allow everyone else to do the same (even if they are less powerful). It makes them all babies.  

If my kid is less bad than another kid, it doesn't mean I'm not going to take my kid aside and explain to them how their behavior isn't okay and how they need to act differently (regardless of how the other individual is behaving).  We need to use this time for BOTH sides to clean their crooked crap up, period.  

Criticizing ongoing failures isn't "being shitty." It isn't being a baby to ask the federal government to actually do its job and use the vast resources at its disposal (Trump still hasn't used the DPA to request GE to build ventilators, despite claiming he has).

Just stop with this "both sides" nonsense. Democratic governors aren't withholding aide from Republican counties whose leaders don't praise them. They aren't pretending over and over that it's all a hoax. They aren't continually and substantially failing to recognize and address the magnitude of this situation. One party controls the current administration, and they are the ones that continue to fail and continue to doom Americans to needless death and suffering.

You know what should really get governors to stop? If the Trump administration actually stepped up and took responsibility, recognized any of their failures in any way instead of insisting that they've been perfect, and actually started marshaling the resources to help states rather than claiming that New York is lying about needing ventilators. Get someone who is actually competent and capable of leading this in charge instead of the failson-in-law Kushner. Don't go out there and lie every single day in press briefings about what's going on and what you've done and will be doing.


Once again, Trump's ego is going to kill thousands of Americans. That's it. That's the shitty, baby behavior, not the people that dare to criticize his incompetence.




edit: We can't fix the failures of the past if we cannot even recognize them as failures. We can't fix the ongoing failures if pointing them out leads to your state being deprived of resources. You're right, this SHOULDN'T be partisan. The man at the top ensures that it is.


edit 2: I guess more fundamentally is that I'm not sure what the various governors pleading with the federal government to do its job are supposed to have done wrong here in the first place. To my knowledge, they are mainly out there asking for supplies and changes they need to be made, like using the DPA to get production ramped up quickly or having the federal government act as a single broker for supplies rather than 50 states + feds competing to buy the resources. If they point these things out, Trump's likely to slam them and kill their citizens through deprivation of aides and supplies.


Edited by StrangeSox
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11 minutes ago, Chisoxfn said:

Yes he should. But that doesn't make an excuse for the others to behave shitty either. Just because one person acts worse doesn't allow everyone else to do the same (even if they are less powerful). It makes them all babies.  

If my kid is less bad than another kid, it doesn't mean I'm not going to take my kid aside and explain to them how their behavior isn't okay and how they need to act differently (regardless of how the other individual is behaving).  We need to use this time for BOTH sides to clean their crooked crap up, period.  

By definition, anyone not agreeing with Trump and/or kissing his ass, is acting shitting according to him. So holding him accountable, is acting shitty. Asking for more supplies and not being thankful Trump had someone send you way less than you need is shitty. Trump says its a war, he's a wartime President. Than act like it. If a foreign country attacked NY, would Trumps say Coumo needs to deal with it, he's the back up? It's absurd. States bidding against states for equipment? This isn't an Aprrentice competition. This is just insane. 

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42 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

Let me even step this up a notch.  Historically, we welcomed in the southern states after fighting an actual war against Lincoln and the north. Literally the only standards for readmission were to follow the rules for how to treat former slaves as equals in most aspects.  If they could treat the deep south as equals after fighting an actual war against them, this President can suck it up and take some political slaps from the other party, especially since we know he is at the front of the line to dish them out.

Just to play devil's advocate, that plan, you know, didn't work too well for Mr. Lincoln.  


(Please don't take this too seriously, it was completely meant in jest...)

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15 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

By definition, anyone not agreeing with Trump and/or kissing his ass, is acting shitting according to him. So holding him accountable, is acting shitty. Asking for more supplies and not being thankful Trump had someone send you way less than you need is shitty. Trump says its a war, he's a wartime President. Than act like it. If a foreign country attacked NY, would Trumps say Coumo needs to deal with it, he's the back up? It's absurd. States bidding against states for equipment? This isn't an Aprrentice competition. This is just insane. 

They sent us the wrong masks ffs

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4 minutes ago, turnin' two said:

Bernstein is always a rough listen.  

I heard Lawrence Holmes was rough to listen to. He was pissed at the score for canning a few people and asking employees to take paycuts. At least Julie DiCaro was fired (and in the most JD way, made it about how shes a woman).

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