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21 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

Then it all comes down to suppressing or discrediting the Democratic mail-in vote.

You can probably add some type of fake emergency with the US Postal Service...


Ensure low turnout: With the majority of the country still in lockdown, many states are trying to ramp up voting by mail to promote voter turnout during the pandemic and help keep voters safe. The President, however, has resisted these efforts. Despite studies that show voter fraud is extremely rare, Trump called voting by mail "corrupt" and said it is "very dangerous for this country because of cheaters." 

Republicans understand that low turnout has historically benefited their party. There is a long-documented history of Republicans pursuing measures that discourage voter participation. These tactics often affect low-income and marginalized people — groups that tend to vote Democratic. Given the way this virus has hit Democratic electorates particularly hard, the lack of mail-in voting could tip the election in Trump's favor.



Speaking of the mail, apparently Trump sent letters to people who even received their stimulus money automatically. I hope he didn’t try to rip off the USPS and paid full rate for each campaign letter, but I’m guessing probably not, probably paid the “Amazon” rate. Another hypocrite with his made in China Trump ties and shirts. Ivanka’s made in China lines. Even his buildings are constructed with Chinese steel, but he is all about America.

Edited by Dick Allen
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1 hour ago, Dick Allen said:

IMO, it’s a political Hail Mary. It isn’t based on science. They know if the economy hasn’t rebounded decently by the election, Trump is done, and the many who seemed to join his cult are done as well. Jared did them no favors with his prediction things would be rocking in July. But it might have been a dog whistle to the Trumpers that now is the time. If they don’t start now, the numbers will be horrific in November. They still might and probably will be, but if somehow this works, that’s great for them. The right to lifers don’t seem to really care about older Americans and those with conditions that make them susceptible to this. It was also a Fox News edict.  The funny thing is the Fox News gang can work in their office, but for some reason they are working from home. Do as I say not as I do.
I do agree with Soxbadger that by June, this is going to all blow up anyway. It is already happening. In Stillwater OK, they had to rescind their mask rule in stores and restaurants because employees there were being berated and even threatened with guns for trying to enforce, and trying to stay healthy. Just blowing everything off is going to put health care workers at risk. The hospital system will implode. People will die of Covid, and people will die of others things they would have normally survived but couldn’t get the care they needed because of either the system being overtaxed or of them being afraid to go to the hospital.

Everything is a political Hail Mary from Trump. Again, he is predicting the disease will be eradicated and he was moaning that he has been stuck in the White House. We don't need massive acts of denial, we need leadership. What is really needed is for him to tell the American public how dire this situation is. And I don't understand people getting so angry for being asked to wear a mask. States can open up if they want, but I am not taking part in this. We are not in this together. 

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1 hour ago, Dick Allen said:

Speaking of the mail, apparently Trump sent letters to people who even received their stimulus money automatically. I hope he didn’t try to rip off the USPS and paid full rate for each campaign letter, but I’m guessing probably not, probably paid the “Amazon” rate. Another hypocrite with his made in China Trump ties and shirts. Ivanka’s made in China lines. Even his buildings are constructed with Chinese steel, but he is all about America.

Yes I got a letter with Trumps signature on it in the mail Friday.  

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15 hours ago, Balta1701 said:

so the guy who shared this says it’s a real photo and this might be the worst thing I have ever seen.







I honestly don't even comprehend how anyone that thinks of themselves as "patriotic" could ever have anything to do with the confederate flag of nazis.  Those are the two biggest affronts to what this country has stood for in its history, and an association with those things is essentially treasonous. 

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16 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

I’m willing to wager a significant amount of money she has never been to Auschwitz.

It’s just another version of the “your fears, our freedom” argument.

If you’re a genuine patriotic American, you will go back to work, no matter what the ultimate costs to families in terms of lives lost.

Everyone who disagrees is basically a soft, socialist lefty who wants to take everyone’s guns away, shutter churches...trampling the 1st Amendment.  Meanwhile, this entire entire time, no governor has even argued against the right to protest, if you do it safely, wear a mask, social distance, and don’t block off streets preventing emergency vehicles from getting through.


It would almost be understandable...if any of their bosses, managers or CEO suits were out there with them.  It’s not shared sacrifice, it’s about sacrificing those who are considered “expendable” by corporate elites to keep the profits flowing, the coffers filled.   Feel sorry so many who aren’t even aware they’re being manipulated behind the scenes by all these fronts for what is essentially Wall Street and the most ideologically-extreme right wing political action committees.

And no amount of jackbooted thugs will ever succeed in forcing consumers back out onto the streets to spend...in fact, for that 75% of Americans who think signs like these are reprehensible...it just makes it more likely they’ll stay inside longer to protect themselves from idiots like these.


Got to be careful. This was proven a fake photoshop. 100 percent false pic.




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23 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

They just became mandatory in IL yesterday. When I went to the grocery store today 15 of the first 20 people I saw outside had no masks. Jewel now requires them to get in the grocery store. There were a couple of people that took them off once they were in a but only a couple. It was the safest I felt there in weeks. I did hear security talking as I was leaving. Some guy got in by holding his shirt over his mouth and nose and then dropped it once he was in. They did escort him out.  I still don’t understand why people can’t put a mask on. They just must not give a fuck.

Because masks got hoarded. They are unavailable except online where you wait til June to get them. Hoarders.

Edited by greg775
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7 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

 Just blowing everything off is going to put health care workers at risk. The hospital system will implode. People will die of Covid, and people will die of others things they would have normally survived but couldn’t get the care they needed because of either the system being overtaxed or of them being afraid to go to the hospital.

Little surprised you are predicting Armageddon, Dick. This kind of worries me. I thought some hospitals were close to bankrupt because of LACK of business right now. Your opinion here is why we locked down in the first place, hospitals getting overrun. Are you saying we are not past that concern? Why are so many states then acting as if it's time to open up? Again ... most of these governors are very conservative re. corona and opening up very slowly.

Dick ... tell me if I'm wrong. Seems to me you are in favor of lockdown for quite some time to come. Like through the winter?  I think people will definitely starve in your scenario and there would be a Civil War as well. Just my take. I'm a little worried about yours since I think you are a regular guy.

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6 hours ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

Your brother is a nurse in Chicago and is saying it's not a big deal? Lol what?

My best friends wife is the lead nurse at Gottlieb and theyve been getting destroyed by corona for 6+ weeks. Lots of people dying. Draining and demoralizing shifts. No idea where your brother is a nurse but it must not be a major hospital network in Chicago because theyve been taxed even if not as bad as worst case thought 

From a relative of mine who is a nurse in Chicago: " Its beyond stupid at this point. Only one view is allowed by the liberal media and that is keep the shutdown going. Somehow the plot changed from flattening the curve to keep hospitals below capacity to nobody should ever get Covid. It makes no sense."

What do u all think of this?

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1 hour ago, turnin' two said:






I honestly don't even comprehend how anyone that thinks of themselves as "patriotic" could ever have anything to do with the confederate flag of nazis.  Those are the two biggest affronts to what this country has stood for in its history, and an association with those things is essentially treasonous. 

Don't forget. People are selfish and evil and a lot of this stuff is fake news/photoshop. The Nazi sign is NOT REAL.

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1 hour ago, greg775 said:

From a relative of mine who is a nurse in Chicago: " Its beyond stupid at this point. Only one view is allowed by the liberal media and that is keep the shutdown going. Somehow the plot changed from flattening the curve to keep hospitals below capacity to nobody should ever get Covid. It makes no sense."

What do u all think of this?

There is no liberal media and this makes no sense. The media has its issues  but enough of the fake news stuff. This crisis was not dreamed up to hurt Trump. 

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4 hours ago, Soxbadger said:

I think this is as good as we can do. It just doesnt seem like we have the resolve to stay inside.

Our chance was to contain before summer hit. Now its just keeping the numbers flat so the hospitals don't get over run.


Only as good as our dumbest citizen. Workers in OK threatened for wearing masks. 

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23 minutes ago, pcq said:

Only as good as our dumbest citizen. Workers in OK threatened for wearing masks. 

This is the problem with the Michigan Militia...and the intimidation factor in OK causing officials there to quickly cave on masks.   The guy who brandished a gun, the people who used threats and intimidation are today’s right wing heroes and martyrs.  They certainly weren’t arrested.   Let’s not forget what happened a quarter century ago with Ruby Ridge, Waco and McVeigh’s bombing of the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in OKC...which later tied into Columbine as well.

Joyce (Stillwater mayor) further explained, according to the News Press, the order to wear masks did not violate constitutional law -- one of the primary arguments of those objecting to wearing them.

"No law or court supports this view," Joyce said. "In fact, a Federal lawsuit against Guthrie's face covering order was fully dismissed by the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma."

In a long Twitter thread Friday evening, Joyce expanded on what happened.

"I knew there would be some objections, but I did not expect physical confrontations with employees and threatening phone calls to city hall. I hate that our businesses and their employees had to deal with abuse today, and I apologize for putting them in that position."



It’s not too much of a leap to think you might see the same tactics if they get away with it now...threatening those who are not voting for Trump in November (especially if we’re still going through a fall/winter lockdown period with seasonal flu and Covid hitting simultaneously.)

I mean, let’s not pretend that the most influential person in Stillwater isn’t OSU FB coach Mike Gundy, after all.




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40 minutes ago, pcq said:

I am expecting violence and unrest in November. I also do not think guns are allowed in govt buildings. 

At least for MI, these are the places where you can’t legally bring a gun.


A depository financial institution or a subsidiary or affiliate of a depository financial institution, including a bank, out-of-state bank, national bank, foreign bank branch, association, savings bank, or credit union

Property owned by a church or other house of religious worship, without permission

Courts and court offices

Theaters with 2,500 or more seats

Sports arenas

Day care centers, child care agencies, and child placing agencies


Bars, taverns, or other establishments where the primary source of income is selling alcohol by the glass for consumption on premises. These locations should have a sign indicating that concealed weapons are prohibited


Correctional facilities

College or university dormitories or classrooms



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5 hours ago, greg775 said:


Dick ... tell me if I'm wrong. Seems to me you are in favor of lockdown for quite some time to come. Like through the winter?  I think people will definitely starve in your scenario and there would be a Civil War as well. Just my take. I'm a little worried about yours since I think you are a regular guy. 

There wasn't really a "lock down"in Illinois . People have been out shopping like crazy at Lowes,  Home Depot, Walmart, Target.... Fast food places (other than Chinese ) and restaurants that remained open for carry out are screaming busy.     Other businesses  will gradually open,  but they will have to adhere to sanitation standards to prevent the spreading of the disease.   What is and should remain closed or prohibited are large public gatherings.

This doesn't have to be a big divisive issue or a blame game.



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49 minutes ago, greg775 said:

I heard it is fake on TV I believe it's fake. Nobody is going to make a sign that out of left field. I heard it was actually a sign supporting the first responders.

The problem is that it definitely wasn’t addressed to workers or first responders, but directly to Governor JB Pritzker.   There were also “Heil, Pritzker” signs with Nazi swastikas (see link).



“The expression comes from the title of an 1873 novel by German philologist Lorenz Diefenbach, Arbeit macht frei: Erzählung von Lorenz Diefenbach, in which gamblers and fraudsters find the path to virtue through labour.[2][3] The phrase was also used in French (le travail rend libre!) by Auguste Forel, a Swiss entomologist, neuroanatomist and psychiatrist, in his Fourmis de la Suisse (English: "Ants of Switzerland") (1920).[4] In 1922, the Deutsche Schulverein of Vienna, an ethnic nationalist "protective" organization of Germans within the Austrian empire, printed membership stamps with the phrase Arbeit macht frei. According to visitcracow.com: “In the 1930s, they (Nazis) promoted programs against unemployment through this sentence.”

The phrase is also evocative of the medieval German principle of Stadtluft macht frei ("urban air makes you free"), according to which serfs were liberated after being a city resident for one year and one day.[5]

source: wikipedia



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