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COVID-19/Coronavirus thread


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Just now, southsideirish71 said:

I have already had Covid as well as my family.  I also identify as a conservative.  We are finally just starting to open up.  I want to see this open up more.  But it requires one thing.  Wear a fucking mask.  I hate wearing a mask.  Its not comfortable.  But in the end its something I do because its a requirement and if it opens up the economy and keeps the people from spreading it around then lets go for it.  I have witnessed over and over how morons want to fight with store owners on their personal freedoms.  My anti-vaxxing neighbor has issued a petition to their facebook friends on how the wittle kids cant wear masks in school.  Which is bullshit.  This is the same lady who lets her 3 year old run in the middle of the street while she does something else besides parent.  Oh and the kicker she is going to school for to work as a respiratory specialist.  Thats the person I want taking care of me when I have issues.  These are the crazy "freedom" caucus members who are just ignorant.  Now do I think that Covid will kill most people.  Probably not.  If you are not old or have secondary issues you will run through it.   And on the other side we have the crazies who want to stay locked away until there is a cure.  They watch Pandemic media porn every night where they forget that most "News" outlets will do anything for ratings. They almost relish locating a person under 25 who has it and dies.  I saw someone link a 15 year old who died.   The headline read healthy 15 year old dies of Covid.  So while Covid probably finished him off.  He was a newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetic with a 1500 mg/l blood sugar count and obese.  So while he succumbed to Covid as a  betting man the other two issues probably helped with turning this for the worse.    In the end this becomes a battle of crazies on both sides and then the rest of us in the middle.   But wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience to get my kid back into in person classes then he wears a mask.  If you really are a so called conservative then its in your best interest to get these numbers under control so there is no risk of being put back into the penalty box.  Wear your fucking mask already.  

I am very concerned about anti-vaxxers and the vaccine. The anti vax movement has seemed to have seized on this and made some real growth recently.

But yeah I'm one-hundred percent in the crowd that thinks once the virus is low enough, masks + handwashing + certain restrictions allow life to mostly go on.

That said, I really don't think night clubs or venues should be allowed to reopen until a vaccine (and should be reimbursed), and that restaurants/bars should be shut down at 10. If not, they need to be the first things that snap back when numbers creep up.

But they need to be reimbursed.

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13 minutes ago, bmags said:

I am very concerned about anti-vaxxers and the vaccine. The anti vax movement has seemed to have seized on this and made some real growth recently.

But yeah I'm one-hundred percent in the crowd that thinks once the virus is low enough, masks + handwashing + certain restrictions allow life to mostly go on.

That said, I really don't think night clubs or venues should be allowed to reopen until a vaccine (and should be reimbursed), and that restaurants/bars should be shut down at 10. If not, they need to be the first things that snap back when numbers creep up.

But they need to be reimbursed.

I can tell you this from my wife accord.  There are parents who do not like their kids to be sent home from school even if they are truly sick.  They could have a diagnosed flu test and they will still send Jr to school.  They will use medicine to help to temporarily lower the fever to try and bypass the school nurse.  You realize that these same people are going to do the same stupid tricks when their kids are sick with something else besides the flu.  Then you have the other side that if Timmy sniffles they block out 2 weeks for that kid being away from school.  I can only imagine how that is going to work in the fall.   And some of the temperature taking is a joke.  I had my dentist take my temp with a thermal scan.  Oh you are 94 you are good.  Lady if I was 94 degrees I would be dead.  

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10 minutes ago, southsideirish71 said:

I can tell you this from my wife accord.  There are parents who do not like their kids to be sent home from school even if they are truly sick.  They could have a diagnosed flu test and they will still send Jr to school.  They will use medicine to help to temporarily lower the fever to try and bypass the school nurse.  You realize that these same people are going to do the same stupid tricks when their kids are sick with something else besides the flu.  Then you have the other side that if Timmy sniffles they block out 2 weeks for that kid being away from school.  I can only imagine how that is going to work in the fall.   And some of the temperature taking is a joke.  I had my dentist take my temp with a thermal scan.  Oh you are 94 you are good.  Lady if I was 94 degrees I would be dead.  

Let me tell you my honest professional opinion on all the "fever cameras" being installed at places:



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25 minutes ago, southsideirish71 said:

I can tell you this from my wife accord.  There are parents who do not like their kids to be sent home from school even if they are truly sick.  They could have a diagnosed flu test and they will still send Jr to school.  They will use medicine to help to temporarily lower the fever to try and bypass the school nurse.  You realize that these same people are going to do the same stupid tricks when their kids are sick with something else besides the flu.  Then you have the other side that if Timmy sniffles they block out 2 weeks for that kid being away from school.  I can only imagine how that is going to work in the fall.   And some of the temperature taking is a joke.  I had my dentist take my temp with a thermal scan.  Oh you are 94 you are good.  Lady if I was 94 degrees I would be dead.  

Yeah, I went to get a haircut, they took my temp with one of those things, 95.4. Good to go. If that thing is accurate and I am feeling normal............

I wonder what my real temp would have to have been to have it register 98.6 or near. Whatever it was, whoever was in there with me should be a bit nervous.

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900 cases, no tracing, open'r up fellas!


edit: we shut down to buy time to build massive, nationwide testing and tracing and treatment capacity and we've completely failed. hooray.


meanwhile, the DOJ is suing Hawaii over their 14 day quarantine requirements on behalf of rental property landlords in California and Nevada. 

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U.S. officials estimate that 20 million Americans have been infected with the coronavirus since it first arrived in the United States, meaning that the vast majority of the population remains susceptible.

Thursday’s estimate is roughly 10 times as many infections as the 2.3 million cases that have been confirmed. Officials have long known that millions of people were infected without knowing it and that many cases are being missed because of gaps in testing.

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1 hour ago, StrangeSox said:



U.S. officials estimate that 20 million Americans have been infected with the coronavirus since it first arrived in the United States, meaning that the vast majority of the population remains susceptible.

Thursday’s estimate is roughly 10 times as many infections as the 2.3 million cases that have been confirmed. Officials have long known that millions of people were infected without knowing it and that many cases are being missed because of gaps in testing.

US official mortality rate=5.0%


That still gives you a mortality rate of much closer to 0.6 than the 0.2-0.3 that we were projecting about a month or two ago.

Six times more deadly than the flu.  That’s a pretty significant multiplier, imo.


Sammy Hagar for next Texas Lt. Gov?


Rocker Sammy Hagar said he’s willing to sacrifice people to the coronavirus ― himself included ― if it means saving the economy.

The former Van Halen frontman told Rolling Stone magazine on Tuesday that he would also be happy to play shows “before there’s a vaccine, if it’s declining and seems to be going away.”

“I’m going to make a radical statement here. This is hard to say without stirring somebody up, but truthfully, I’d rather personally get sick and even die, if that’s what it takes,” the musician said as part of an article that asked touring artists how they were coping with being off the road.

“We have to save the world and this country from this economic thing that’s going to kill more people in the long run,” Hagar continued, saying he would “rather see everyone go back to work” and “if some of us have to sacrifice on that, OK.”

“I will die for my children and my grandchildren to have a life anywhere close to the life that I had in this wonderful country. That’s just the way that I feel about it,” he added. “I’m not going to go around spreading the disease. But there may be a time where we have to sacrifice. I mean, how many people die on the Earth every day? I have no idea. I’m sorry to say it, but we all gotta die, man.”

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30 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

US official mortality rate=5.0%


That still gives you a mortality rate of much closer to 0.6 than the 0.2-0.3 that we were projecting about a month or two ago.

Six times more deadly than the flu.  That’s a pretty significant multiplier, imo.


Sammy Hagar for next Texas Lt. Gov?


Rocker Sammy Hagar said he’s willing to sacrifice people to the coronavirus ― himself included ― if it means saving the economy.

The former Van Halen frontman told Rolling Stone magazine on Tuesday that he would also be happy to play shows “before there’s a vaccine, if it’s declining and seems to be going away.”

“I’m going to make a radical statement here. This is hard to say without stirring somebody up, but truthfully, I’d rather personally get sick and even die, if that’s what it takes,” the musician said as part of an article that asked touring artists how they were coping with being off the road.

“We have to save the world and this country from this economic thing that’s going to kill more people in the long run,” Hagar continued, saying he would “rather see everyone go back to work” and “if some of us have to sacrifice on that, OK.”

“I will die for my children and my grandchildren to have a life anywhere close to the life that I had in this wonderful country. That’s just the way that I feel about it,” he added. “I’m not going to go around spreading the disease. But there may be a time where we have to sacrifice. I mean, how many people die on the Earth every day? I have no idea. I’m sorry to say it, but we all gotta die, man.”

Again that death total is also a pretty significant understatement too.


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23 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

This is not at all what South Korea, Thailand, Germany, Australia or New Zealand did.

Even Vietnam, HK and Taiwan provided far more freedoms than here in mainland China.

This is almost like jerksticks’ “well, we don’t or can’t be 100% sure about anything so let’s just throw our hands up and trudge right through the unknown” line of thinking.   It doesn’t have to be one extreme or the other...except for the fact that the lack of a coordinated, consensus-driven Federal response has put us in this position.  Even the UK was able to course correct and largely overcome initial missteps.  Why would it be surprising that the US and Brazil have the two most similar political leaders as well as approaches to science (or lack thereof) and coronavirus debacles on their hands?

I probably shouldn't belabor this point, but I want to make clear (again) I was responding to the "crush" the virus statement, which I took to mean nearly or fully get rid of it within the population. That is not attainable short of an actual, real, full-on lock down IN THE UNITED STATES WHERE THE VIRUS HAS ALREADY TAKEN COMMUNITY HOLD. We can't go back and make TrumpCo take it more seriously to start with - that is long gone. We are where we are. At this point the best thing we can do to have the least overall negative effects on the population is to deploy and enforce (latter being key here) common sense measures like masks, distancing, avoiding super-big crowd scenarios, and protecting the especially vulnerable.


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1 hour ago, NorthSideSox72 said:

I probably shouldn't belabor this point, but I want to make clear (again) I was responding to the "crush" the virus statement, which I took to mean nearly or fully get rid of it within the population. That is not attainable short of an actual, real, full-on lock down IN THE UNITED STATES WHERE THE VIRUS HAS ALREADY TAKEN COMMUNITY HOLD. We can't go back and make TrumpCo take it more seriously to start with - that is long gone. We are where we are. At this point the best thing we can do to have the least overall negative effects on the population is to deploy and enforce (latter being key here) common sense measures like masks, distancing, avoiding super-big crowd scenarios, and protecting the especially vulnerable.


Well, yeah, that’s completely outside of the realm of possibility due to the current political environment...and ongoing actions (or inaction) to deliberately sabotage or obscure the reality of what’s actually going on because it simply doesn’t match the re-election tone like Defund the Police or protecting Mt. Rushmore do.


For example, Thailand hasn’t recorded a case in 31 days but still extending state of emergency through July because schools nationwide are reopening.  Or the Quantas CEO who is predicting no international flights out of Australia until July, 2021.


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10 hours ago, bmags said:

Incredibly false. 

Yeah, a dense population can take the necessary precautions (masks, no/minimal contact) and keep the virus from spreading.  Conversely, a sparse population can take no action and see the virus spread like wildfire.

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1 hour ago, hogan873 said:

Yeah, a dense population can take the necessary precautions (masks, no/minimal contact) and keep the virus from spreading.  Conversely, a sparse population can take no action and see the virus spread like wildfire.

I think you guys might need to read what he said again. ?

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Trying to throw 20,000,000+ Americans off of their health insurance in the middle of a pandemic and recession/depression seems like a pretty terrible move.





Not so sure about Abbott's win-win strategy


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37 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

Not so sure about Abbott's win-win strategy


It's too late and now it will be months before cases go down, but this is finally a move towards at least slowing the rate of increase. 

I still think we hit 10k cases a day in a couple weeks statewide. 

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Cities and states should be doing everything they can to enable people to meet up and do activities outdoors. We've got a decent chunk of data now that outdoors + masks is pretty safe, indoors/no masks is huge spreading potential.


edit: to this point:


Florida's posting huge numbers again today. 

edit2: and now Florida is shutting down bars

wear your masks, don't go to indoor hangouts. the problem is that we don't see the impacts of our collective decisions and actions for weeks, and by then we've already baked in a lot of damage. 

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