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11 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

Cant wait to be remembered as the generation who brought back TB and Small Pox.


Smallpox doesn't exist in nature any more does it? I thought we genuinely had that one killed, aside from stockpiles in russian bioweapon labs.

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14 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Smallpox doesn't exist in nature any more does it? I thought we genuinely had that one killed, aside from stockpiles in russian bioweapon labs.

Ha that is just what the scientists want you to believe before they go door to door infecting you. 

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1 minute ago, Soxbadger said:

Ha that is just what the scientists want you to believe before they go door to door infecting you. 

Naw, that one has actually been gone for 40 years. Killed, by vaccination. 0 transmission in nature.

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1 minute ago, StrangeSox said:

The US also maintains stockpiles at the CDC.


Just now, Balta1701 said:

Naw, that one has actually been gone for 40 years. Killed, by vaccination. 0 transmission in nature.


Boom Fauci ouchie is full of smallpox and will kill us all. 

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2 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Sometime during my lifetime there was a debate about destroying that stockpile to make sure it was really permanently gone. 

Yes the Obama admin was pushed to destroy it but said "no no, we must keep it" It's still in secure storage at the CDC in Atlanta as of 2019.





They do discover misplaced vials of it every now and then, but there's catalogued storage of it still.

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3 hours ago, Balta1701 said:

Do you remember how for 2 months last year we were worried about DNA surviving on surfaces and then it turned out that this virus was extremely poor at survival on surfaces? It turns out that researchers who work on them (who needed more funding btw) have known for years that it is extremely difficult to keep these viruses alive outside of appropriate hosts. They are hard to store and hard to culture. That combined with evidence against the people who collect these having been exposed on its own makes a strong case against a lab leak being possible.


Here's another recent one, submitted for publication as of last week. Goes through how the clusters of early cases are unassociated with the lab, how there's a DNA split that can be recognized at the market samples that is traceable downlineaeges, how difficult it would be for samples to actually infect someone from the material that is collected by the lab, and a whole bunch of the DNA work that argues strongly against any laboratory or engineering source.


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10 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

Young people don’t feel they need it.

Distrust of government, masks, vaccine coming from Trump and right wing media.

Concerns about vaccine risks such as heart attacks, future pregnancies, etc.

The main reason for most middle class and poor people at least has been unable to get paid time off from work.

Bad PR with Johnson & Johnson.

Rural locations/lack of convenience or accessibility.

Religious objections.

Fear of long lines.


All these would probably rank higher than distrust of Fauci as reasons.

I like your post but disagree fully about your last sentence. Are you serious? A good portion of the non vaxxers think of Fauci as an egotistical mad scientist with very very greedy intention$ that involve ego and $$. Don't shoot the messenger. But this is so the way I see it and the people I talk to and deal with.

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2 hours ago, manbearpuig said:

Has anyone had to deal with a lost vaccine card? I hate myself sometimes.

I lost mine as I lose things. But I took pictures of my card after both the first and second doses were given.

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Well, I have one family member dead from covid, another one went into the hospital and fell into a coma and suffered from PRES, so I don't have much time for people peddling the same anti-vax bs that's been around for decades

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6 hours ago, ron883 said:


"It's impossible to tell whether that last bit of evolution took place in a laboratory or whether it took place in nature," Stanford professor and microbiologist David Relman told CBS News' Catherine Herridge.

Are we allowed to discuss the lab leak theory on the board? There was a time you couldn't bring it up in public without being labeled a lunatic or somebody who must be canceled. Cmon folks ... guess who are our rivals (nice word) or enemies (mean word)? China and Russia. Do I think there was a lab leak? No comment.

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10 hours ago, WhiteSoxFan1993 said:

For @greg775 or anybody else who is getting confused about conflicting information. In addition to being a nurse, my mom is a part of a worldwide group of medical professionals who are making a coordinated effort to fight misinformation on Tik Tok. I'm not going link to her account because some of her other content is embarrassing, so you'll have to take my word for it.

Anyway, one of the things they do is investigate videos of people claiming that someone close to them died shortly after getting vaccinated. For most of them the person they claimed had died wasn't even dead. For others there was clear evidence of a pre-existing condition like late-stage cancer or addiction. One had died in a car crash.

The once piece of information that we have and can be scientifically and medically verified is that over 99% of COVID deaths are unvaccinated people. Regardless of how little you trust Dr. Fauci, CNN, or anybody else, that fact alone should make everybody want to get vaccinated.

Thanks for the post. I'm glad I got vaxxed and hope I feel that way forever.

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8 hours ago, Soxbadger said:


I dont want anyone who didnt get a vaccine to get hurt, sick or die, but I also am extremely frustrated by their selfishness. Not for a second do I think that they are the smart ones, but sometimes I do feel sympathetic that they may not know better and that we as a society have failed them.

Its great that you got the vaccine and we will never know how many lives you may have saved by doing that. We also dont know how many lives are going to be lost because other people are refusing to get the vaccine. There was a time when Americans used to sacrifice for each other. Its unfortunate that 50% of the population now feels that the only thing that is important is themselves.

Getting vaccinated is such a low ask and yet we have failed. 

I appreciate the kind words from several posters that feel good that I got vaxxed twice via. Moderna. Thank u.

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1 hour ago, greg775 said:

I lost mine as I lose things. But I took pictures of my card after both the first and second doses were given.

I’ve got a picture of the front and back saved on my phone and the place I got my vaccine isn’t distributing them anymore otherwise I could have gone back there. As long we continue to not need proof when we go places I’m good. If it’s true we will need to get them every 6-months/year, I should be good next time.

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15 hours ago, greg775 said:

I appreciate the kind words from several posters that feel good that I got vaxxed twice via. Moderna. Thank u.

You should just create a signature that says you've been vaxxed with both shots.


It would be easier than reminding us on every single post you make in this thread. ;)

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On 7/13/2021 at 8:26 AM, caulfield12 said:

Young people don’t feel they need it.

Distrust of government, masks, vaccine coming from Trump and right wing media.

-Trump's administration put the vaccine effort together. Trump and Fox News (major advertisers surely include big pharma) have been pro vaccine. Not sure what you're talking about.

Concerns about vaccine risks such as heart attacks, future pregnancies, etc.

-This is probably true. The people I know that are not getting vaccinated are not getting vaxxed because they are young and have basically no grave risk with COVID, have big distrust of government/big pharma or are in the process of trying or planning to have children soon. 

The main reason for most middle class and poor people at least has been unable to get paid time off from work.

-This is false. Almost all the large corporations have programs for COVID. A lot of small, private companies have been put out of business by COVID anyways. 

Bad PR with Johnson & Johnson.

-Why so much focus on J&J? ?

Rural locations/lack of convenience or accessibility.

-When lockdowns started I moved out of the city and back with my folks until the real estate market reopened and I bought in a rural/suburban area. Vaccines are everywhere. Every Jewel, Target, Walgreens, CVS, etc. has them and has signs inside and outside the store telling people they have them. Not sure what you see in China but there is no lack of accessibility where I am. 

Religious objections.

-Can't speak to

Fear of long lines. 

-You just made this one up. When I got vaccinated the only line was waiting for my fiancée to get hers first. 

All these would probably rank higher than distrust of Fauci as reasons.

-BS. Facui has been at the forefront of this since the beginning and anyone objective can see how distrustful he is and how much he lies, flip-flops, etc. It's all on record. Certainly he has more impact than you realize. I am sure he's very popular where you are given his loyalties but not where I am. If the current administration was concerned with people getting as many people vaccinated as possible, they would have removed Fauci and replaced him with someone who has yet to tarnish their public image. Seems his place in the funding of the studies in the infectious disease community takes precedent over what is best for the people.

Do you have sources for any of this or just spit-balling?

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Would be curious to hear from the @bmags and others who are very learned on COVID and all the developments re: the media coverage of J&J. It has largely been very negative where the general media coverage on the vaccines as a whole has been very straight forward - "safe, no risk, get vaccinated, etc."

It doesn't seem like the cases of blood clotting with J&J have been any higher than the others. That FDA pause a few months back was very detrimental if you look at the number of doses administered vs. Pfizer/Moderna. Especially when you consider the convenience/preference of the one shot dose. Now this week they have been putting stuff out of the cases of Guillain-Barrat (spelling/GBS). Cases of GBS comes from vaccines and viruses in general, so there should be an expectation of some number of cases just like with a flu shot or whatever.  Also, I don't believe you can trace GBS back to whatever caused it so why such a hyper-focus and why is the media acting like that's not normal? It just seems like the media has a bias against J&J.

J&J is also the only vaccine allowed in the states that isn't mRNA/exploratory science. AstraZenaca, another non-mRNA vaccine, couldn't get FDA approval for whatever reason. While a big-pharma giant like Pfizer/J&J, AstraZeneca undoubtedly has some of the most brilliant people in the world working in their R&D and product development silos. I'd be more inclined to trust a vaccine from them over J&J, Moderna or Pfizer and for some reason they can't even get approval here. Seems like a bias towards the mRNA varieties. 

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The Trump administration and his mouthpieces were talking up the vaccine and how quickly Trump all by himself got us vaccines so quickly.

Then January 20 came, and Biden promised a million doses administered per month and 70% vaccination rate by July 4, and in an instant, the right wing propaganda went into full swing to try to sabotage those goals to make Biden look bad, and that's when the lies about the vaccine started spreading like wildfire.

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1 hour ago, raBBit said:

-Trump's administration put the vaccine effort together. Trump and Fox News (major advertisers surely include big pharma) have been pro vaccine. Not sure what you're talking about.

That's weird, a day ago you said you don't want Fox News....so how would you know this? Or are you just spit-balling? 



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2 hours ago, raBBit said:

Would be curious to hear from the @bmags and others who are very learned on COVID and all the developments re: the media coverage of J&J. It has largely been very negative where the general media coverage on the vaccines as a whole has been very straight forward - "safe, no risk, get vaccinated, etc."

It doesn't seem like the cases of blood clotting with J&J have been any higher than the others. That FDA pause a few months back was very detrimental if you look at the number of doses administered vs. Pfizer/Moderna. Especially when you consider the convenience/preference of the one shot dose. Now this week they have been putting stuff out of the cases of Guillain-Barrat (spelling/GBS). Cases of GBS comes from vaccines and viruses in general, so there should be an expectation of some number of cases just like with a flu shot or whatever.  Also, I don't believe you can trace GBS back to whatever caused it so why such a hyper-focus and why is the media acting like that's not normal? It just seems like the media has a bias against J&J.

J&J is also the only vaccine allowed in the states that isn't mRNA/exploratory science. AstraZenaca, another non-mRNA vaccine, couldn't get FDA approval for whatever reason. While a big-pharma giant like Pfizer/J&J, AstraZeneca undoubtedly has some of the most brilliant people in the world working in their R&D and product development silos. I'd be more inclined to trust a vaccine from them over J&J, Moderna or Pfizer and for some reason they can't even get approval here. Seems like a bias towards the mRNA varieties. 

1. When there are confirmed cases of some disorder directly associated with the J&J vaccine, the CDC is going to put out a notice about it because that is the way that you make sure health care providers are aware of it and looking for it associated with the vaccine, that way they are better prepared to respond to symptoms of it and that condition is treatable. That is why they did the J&J pause as well, because they are slowly identifying possible side effects such as heart issues in certain populations and have to get those notices out to doctors such that they can respond early. Notably, GBS is also one side effect of actually getting COVID (see here for published examples: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32678460/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32855289/). This is exactly how you should want things to work at a public health level, but yes one consequence of that has been more negative press stories. I don't know how to deal with that part in this world where people are looking for any reason they can to question vaccines, but the CDC should always be forthcoming with any notice of side effects.

2. AstraZeneca had some moderate issues with their vaccine tests. Unlike Pfizer and Moderna, they never set up a single, well-controlled study where a large number of people received the same dose and could then be compared with a placebo group. They had a variety of different dosing setups given in their tests. While Britain was ok with tolerating what was genuinely lower quality work, it was all but guaranteed that they would run into problems with the more rigorous safety checks of the US FDA and approval for emergency use would have been questionable. Thus, AstraZeneca never actually submitted their vaccine for emergency use approval in the US. Similarly, even when the vaccine was distributed widely in Britain, there were all sorts of different dosing schedules based on their choice to prioritize "Getting the first dose into arms as rapidly as they could" rather than "have everyone get 2 shots about 3 weeks apart" that would have limited their ability to present a clear and well controlled study of effectiveness and safety.

3. A 3rd vaccine, by Novavax, contains the spike protein itself, rather than relying on RNA to trigger production of spike proteins. They have run into some manufacturing difficulties that has slowed their approval process, but they are hoping to have it submitted for and receive an emergency use authorization within the next 2 months. There is no bias in favor of the RNA vaccines except for the ones present in the actual data.

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