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COVID-19/Coronavirus thread


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21 minutes ago, greg775 said:

I have no idea. Did the people accept these vaccines in good faith right away? Was there any concern at all? Were those vaxxes deemed safe right away? I mean have you seen the clips of Kamala and Joe being asked about the vax when Trump was in office? Both said it'd be hard to take it. I just saw those clips again yesterday. 50 percent of America is rebelling and nobody should blame them. This thing has been very political like everything else. I can't blame people for not trusting the government and hence the vax. I just can't. Yes I wish they'd all get vaxxed, but it's still their choice and their choice to speak out against vaxxes.

p.s. I had to laugh when Joe said "my friends in the Republican party ... have you no shame?" Cmon it works both ways. Politicians on one side are 100 percent against politicians on the other side and people aren't dumb. They won't play along. They are worried about the vaccine. Some people like greg put aside political differences and still assume the best about those who developed the vaxxes and recommend i get vaxxed. So I get vaxxed.

Surprised some of you aren't buying the "freedom" issue in this. Folks if we lose our rights we are doomed if we are not already doomed. Freedom baby.


You may not, but I do. These people are willing kill thousands of Americans because they are the most selfish people on the face of the earth. You dont get to be a part of the people "making it political" and then at the same time "blame politics." At a certain point I wish that the pro-vaccine would make it political. If you dont get vaccinated you lose privileges. No White Sox games, no airplanes, no Disneyworld without a vaccine. Its time to stop playing nice with people who simply dont care about the rest of humanity. If you are okay with killing people, you dont deserve to get all the good things that the rest of us sacrificed for. 

There is no freedom issue here. Being a jackass isnt a protected right. You cant smoke weed in the majority of states, where is your "FREEDOM BABY", you cant hire a prostitute in most states "FREEDOM BABY"

You cant actually believe a word you wrote, because it doesnt even make sense. The govt isnt forcing people to get vaccinated "FREEDOM BABY" they are merely trying to convince people that getting one is smart, like not drinking and driving. But hey "FREEDOM BABY" lets get rid of all the drunk driving laws because well damnit, so what if I kill 4 people, "MOTHER FUCKING FREEDOM TO DRIVE DRUNK BITCHES US MOTHER FUCKING AAAA."

I cant live my life because some selfish bad people would rather kill their fellow Americans than do the right thing. That isnt "FREEDOM BABY", that is "YOURE AN IDIOT BABY".

And I am getting angry, I lost an entire year of doing things in my life and it may happen again because selfish horrible people think that wearing a mask and getting a shot somehow infringes on their "FREEDOM BABY."

Its garbage and if you are actually the "good" person you think you are, you would see why its stupid. I mean maybe I drive better drunk, how can we really know what will happen if a drink and drive? Maybe if I dont drink Ill get in an accident...

50 percent of the US is a clown show. People around the globe are begging for vaccines and people in the US are refusing them because they are listening to people who I wouldnt hire to answer phones for me. 

And that is how I really feel. 

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28 minutes ago, greg775 said:

I have no idea. Did the people accept these vaccines in good faith right away? Was there any concern at all? Were those vaxxes deemed safe right away? I mean have you seen the clips of Kamala and Joe being asked about the vax when Trump was in office? Both said it'd be hard to take it. I just saw those clips again yesterday. 50 percent of America is rebelling and nobody should blame them. This thing has been very political like everything else. I can't blame people for not trusting the government and hence the vax. I just can't. Yes I wish they'd all get vaxxed, but it's still their choice and their choice to speak out against vaxxes.

p.s. I had to laugh when Joe said "my friends in the Republican party ... have you no shame?" Cmon it works both ways. Politicians on one side are 100 percent against politicians on the other side and people aren't dumb. They won't play along. They are worried about the vaccine. Some people like greg put aside political differences and still assume the best about those who developed the vaxxes and recommend i get vaxxed. So I get vaxxed.

Surprised some of you aren't buying the "freedom" issue in this. Folks if we lose our rights we are doomed if we are not already doomed. Freedom baby.

The quote conservatives frequently cite from Kamala Harris that happened before the election had to be a political move rather than not taking it because Trump started operation warp speed. It’s a load of crap, she would have taken the vaccine just like Biden would have.

I think some individual rights and freedom people take their arguments a little too far and think about people infringing on their rights too much. One sacrifice and they cry socialism or weaponize with the first amendment.

The reasons and excuses people are using not to get vaccinated are laughable. The Delta variant and the stats associated that that, the hospitalizations and deaths of the unvaccinated are still not enough for some folks. I listened to Hugh Hewitt’s “The Rundown” today and his callers kept ducking behind the emergency FDA approval and saying that is why they won’t get the vaccine, believing there were limited trials done. What Hewitt didn’t do is ask them if they would get the vaccine after the full FDA approval or what would make these folks get the vaccine. He even had a Trump supporting nurse from Indiana call in because he had callers who called in and were either misinformed, hesitated by the lack of a full approval wouldn’t get the vaccine because of their pre-existing conditions (one person was immunocompromised and her doctor said not to, which I understood) or because they had Covid already. Even with a plea from a health professional on the front lines, I’m not sure she got through to people.

I would love the vaccine hesitant to join the conversation instead of running the clock out on being vaccinated or worse, not sacrificing something to get better and not worse as a country. Sad to say, but I think Covid cases close to people who won’t get vaccinated is the only way to change their minds.

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10 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:


You may not, but I do. These people are willing kill thousands of Americans because they are the most selfish people on the face of the earth. You dont get to be a part of the people "making it political" and then at the same time "blame politics." At a certain point I wish that the pro-vaccine would make it political. If you dont get vaccinated you lose privileges. No White Sox games, no airplanes, no Disneyworld without a vaccine. Its time to stop playing nice with people who simply dont care about the rest of humanity. If you are okay with killing people, you dont deserve to get all the good things that the rest of us sacrificed for. 

There is no freedom issue here. Being a jackass isnt a protected right. You cant smoke weed in the majority of states, where is your "FREEDOM BABY", you cant hire a prostitute in most states "FREEDOM BABY"

You cant actually believe a word you wrote, because it doesnt even make sense. The govt isnt forcing people to get vaccinated "FREEDOM BABY" they are merely trying to convince people that getting one is smart, like not drinking and driving. But hey "FREEDOM BABY" lets get rid of all the drunk driving laws because well damnit, so what if I kill 4 people, "MOTHER FUCKING FREEDOM TO DRIVE DRUNK BITCHES US MOTHER FUCKING AAAA."

I cant live my life because some selfish bad people would rather kill their fellow Americans than do the right thing. That isnt "FREEDOM BABY", that is "YOURE AN IDIOT BABY".

And I am getting angry, I lost an entire year of doing things in my life and it may happen again because selfish horrible people think that wearing a mask and getting a shot somehow infringes on their "FREEDOM BABY."

Its garbage and if you are actually the "good" person you think you are, you would see why its stupid. I mean maybe I drive better drunk, how can we really know what will happen if a drink and drive? Maybe if I dont drink Ill get in an accident...

50 percent of the US is a clown show. People around the globe are begging for vaccines and people in the US are refusing them because they are listening to people who I wouldnt hire to answer phones for me. 

And that is how I really feel. 

It’s probably not a reasonable thought, but I have wondered if some people who won’t get the vaccine aren’t getting it as a political move, so things don’t improve and gains could happen in 2022 and 2024. 

I also have no problem with the private sector getting tough on people because it’s not a government mandate, my understanding is they can set their rules. And if it means the unvaccinated can’t do things (as hard as it would be to enforce), so be it.

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10 minutes ago, The Beast said:

It’s probably not a reasonable thought, but I have wondered if some people who won’t get the vaccine aren’t getting it as a political move, so things don’t improve and gains could happen in 2022 and 2024. 

I also have no problem with the private sector getting tough on people because it’s not a government mandate, my understanding is they can set their rules. And if it means the unvaccinated can’t do things (as hard as it would be to enforce), so be it.

Its already well established that certain vaccines are required for schools. Its not that hard to create laws that allow businesses to operate at different standards depending on if they require proof of vaccination. Sox can have 100% capacity if they require proof of vaccine, 50% if they dont. Money talks, non-vaccinated people arent a protected class. 

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9 hours ago, greg775 said:

I think it's important to know cause this all might have been intentional by our enemies. Yes China is our enemy for many reasons but most because of their brutal treatment of their own.

In answer to your question. Yes I would hope I would have the guts to enlist rather than wait for what I feel would happen."

Greg, don't bullshit us, and don't bullshit yourself. You wouldn't serve if there was a shooting match vs the Chinese. 

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10 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

Facebook and twitter can set whatever policy they want to set as private sector entities.  Unless you failed Civics, this has nothing to do with free speech.

Huh? The government has told (OK requested) FB to get rid of the misinformation posts. That's free speech being attacked. Some of you don'y seem to realize the danger of big government. I mean some politicians in the USA and some organizations in the USA are actually backing communism. This is unheard of. Remember when Oz got suspended by the Marlins for praising Castro? That wouldn't happen in 2021. He'd be fine. This is an insane time in our world IMO. Freedom forever.

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1 hour ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

Greg, don't bullshit us, and don't bullshit yourself. You wouldn't serve if there was a shooting match vs the Chinese. 

I'd rather serve and go out ablazing than sit back and wait for the effects of the attacking of our water and grid and internet, etc. You are right though. I'd have to get in shape and all that.  Greg would need Boot Camp deluxe to be ready to help out.

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2 hours ago, Soxbadger said:


You may not, but I do. These people are willing kill thousands of Americans because they are the most selfish people on the face of the earth. You dont get to be a part of the people "making it political" and then at the same time "blame politics." At a certain point I wish that the pro-vaccine would make it political. If you dont get vaccinated you lose privileges. No White Sox games, no airplanes, no Disneyworld without a vaccine. Its time to stop playing nice with people who simply dont care about the rest of humanity. If you are okay with killing people, you dont deserve to get all the good things that the rest of us sacrificed for. 

There is no freedom issue here. Being a jackass isnt a protected right. You cant smoke weed in the majority of states, where is your "FREEDOM BABY", you cant hire a prostitute in most states "FREEDOM BABY"

You cant actually believe a word you wrote, because it doesnt even make sense. The govt isnt forcing people to get vaccinated "FREEDOM BABY" they are merely trying to convince people that getting one is smart, like not drinking and driving. But hey "FREEDOM BABY" lets get rid of all the drunk driving laws because well damnit, so what if I kill 4 people, "MOTHER FUCKING FREEDOM TO DRIVE DRUNK BITCHES US MOTHER FUCKING AAAA."

I cant live my life because some selfish bad people would rather kill their fellow Americans than do the right thing. That isnt "FREEDOM BABY", that is "YOURE AN IDIOT BABY".

And I am getting angry, I lost an entire year of doing things in my life and it may happen again because selfish horrible people think that wearing a mask and getting a shot somehow infringes on their "FREEDOM BABY."

Its garbage and if you are actually the "good" person you think you are, you would see why its stupid. I mean maybe I drive better drunk, how can we really know what will happen if a drink and drive? Maybe if I dont drink Ill get in an accident...

50 percent of the US is a clown show. People around the globe are begging for vaccines and people in the US are refusing them because they are listening to people who I wouldnt hire to answer phones for me. 

And that is how I really feel. 

Your anger is puzzling especially toward me. For instance I personally wish everybody would be fully vaxxed as I am.

But yes, I want America to be free and that means government can't tell social media sites to remove certain posts. Why?? Because these dissenting people have a right to their opinions. As much as you and I think it's insane, some people believe there are tracking devises in the vaccines. Other people believe the vaccines will cause big-time problems down the line. Guess what? It's 'possible' they are right. Politicians have caused this by saying and doing so many outrageous things the past few years. I'd be forcing the closure of this thread or I'd be suspended/banned if I got specific here.

While I prefer everybody do each other a favor and get vaxxed, they aren't buying it. Politicians should take some of the blame themselves and apologize and convince these people they are not pulling a fast one on them and maybe these people will listen. Just think ... 50 percent of America distrusts politicians so much they won't take a vaccine that according to many reputable people say will prevent you from dying or getting a severe case of covid. That's a lot of distrust with the politicians to take this risk of health.

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5 hours ago, greg775 said:

Your anger is puzzling especially toward me. For instance I personally wish everybody would be fully vaxxed as I am.

But yes, I want America to be free and that means government can't tell social media sites to remove certain posts. Why?? Because these dissenting people have a right to their opinions. As much as you and I think it's insane, some people believe there are tracking devises in the vaccines. Other people believe the vaccines will cause big-time problems down the line. Guess what? It's 'possible' they are right. Politicians have caused this by saying and doing so many outrageous things the past few years. I'd be forcing the closure of this thread or I'd be suspended/banned if I got specific here.

While I prefer everybody do each other a favor and get vaxxed, they aren't buying it. Politicians should take some of the blame themselves and apologize and convince these people they are not pulling a fast one on them and maybe these people will listen. Just think ... 50 percent of America distrusts politicians so much they won't take a vaccine that according to many reputable people say will prevent you from dying or getting a severe case of covid. That's a lot of distrust with the politicians to take this risk of health.

There in those two bolded statements is the problem. People have lost all concept of fact vs opinion. There aren't tracking devices in vaccines. That isn't even technologically possible. That's not an opinion. It's a lie that's causing people to die.

When did denial of medical and scientific facts become an opinion?

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7 hours ago, greg775 said:

Huh? The government has told (OK requested) FB to get rid of the misinformation posts. That's free speech being attacked. Some of you don'y seem to realize the danger of big government. I mean some politicians in the USA and some organizations in the USA are actually backing communism. This is unheard of. Remember when Oz got suspended by the Marlins for praising Castro? That wouldn't happen in 2021. He'd be fine. This is an insane time in our world IMO. Freedom forever.

I was pretty outraged by the Trump years too, but we aren't here about that.  This is about a private organization being able to set its own policies.  Stay on topic.

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8 hours ago, greg775 said:

Your anger is puzzling especially toward me. For instance I personally wish everybody would be fully vaxxed as I am.

But yes, I want America to be free and that means government can't tell social media sites to remove certain posts. Why?? Because these dissenting people have a right to their opinions. As much as you and I think it's insane, some people believe there are tracking devises in the vaccines. Other people believe the vaccines will cause big-time problems down the line. Guess what? It's 'possible' they are right. Politicians have caused this by saying and doing so many outrageous things the past few years. I'd be forcing the closure of this thread or I'd be suspended/banned if I got specific here.

While I prefer everybody do each other a favor and get vaxxed, they aren't buying it. Politicians should take some of the blame themselves and apologize and convince these people they are not pulling a fast one on them and maybe these people will listen. Just think ... 50 percent of America distrusts politicians so much they won't take a vaccine that according to many reputable people say will prevent you from dying or getting a severe case of covid. That's a lot of distrust with the politicians to take this risk of health.

Great you are fully vaccinated, but as long as you treat this as some sort of game, I am going to express my anger. You dont really believe in "freedom" or any of that, because if you did, you would have spent the last X+ years making consistent arguments against government infringement of rights.  Many of the anti-mask/anti-vaccine crowd are perfectly willing to rob people of their freedom when it doesnt fit their social narrative, even when it poses absolutely no personal risk to them. Yet I am supposed to sit silently while they scream about their freedom to harm other Americans.

It doesnt work that way.

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I still don't get why vaccinated v unvaccinated would evoke any type of anger at this point. if you're vaccinated, you should be generally protected from getting very sick/dying. So if you're vaccinated, then you should be at peace. 

If your angle is you're concerned about variants - then take a math and science class. variants will continue to run through the alphabet. delta, gamma, iota, etc. etc. You're not going to get all of India and Africa vaccinated and mutations will continue to occur. It's a global economy and it will continue to spread across the globe. You see it in places like Israel where they are very vaccinated and it's still occurring. So, to get mad at unvaccinated people? Don't understand it, nor will it change anything. It's like yelling at traffic on the Ike at 5pm ... just learn to live in it. If those people get sick? that's their choice. hospitals should have the capacity. 

If you're angry now, imagine the conversation on the booster shots over the next few years? You think it was hard to get 50% of the population vaccinated, then wait until you can only get 35-40% of the population to line up for boosters. The delta variant is already poking holes in the double vaccinated ... so what happens when there's a more prevalent strand? 


At the end of the day there's several ways to reach heard immunity and a whole bunch of science, math and case studies to look back into as we learn more about what has happened, is going on, and what will happen in the future. Herd immunity is likely to be met via a combo of vaccinations and catching covid. I think the key is the higher transmission rate is happening in those under 40. This is a positive thing. 

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9 minutes ago, BrianAnderson said:

I still don't get why vaccinated v unvaccinated would evoke any type of anger at this point.

Unvaccinated people put not just themselves at risk, but other unvaccinated people, which include kids under 13 who can't get vaccinated yet, so yes, I'm angry at people who believe and spread lies about the vaccine for that reason.

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10 minutes ago, BrianAnderson said:

I still don't get why vaccinated v unvaccinated would evoke any type of anger at this point. if you're vaccinated, you should be generally protected from getting very sick/dying. So if you're vaccinated, then you should be at peace. 

If your angle is you're concerned about variants - then take a math and science class. variants will continue to run through the alphabet. delta, gamma, iota, etc. etc. You're not going to get all of India and Africa vaccinated and mutations will continue to occur. It's a global economy and it will continue to spread across the globe. You see it in places like Israel where they are very vaccinated and it's still occurring. So, to get mad at unvaccinated people? Don't understand it, nor will it change anything. It's like yelling at traffic on the Ike at 5pm ... just learn to live in it. If those people get sick? that's their choice. hospitals should have the capacity. 

If you're angry now, imagine the conversation on the booster shots over the next few years? You think it was hard to get 50% of the population vaccinated, then wait until you can only get 35-40% of the population to line up for boosters. The delta variant is already poking holes in the double vaccinated ... so what happens when there's a more prevalent strand? 


At the end of the day there's several ways to reach heard immunity and a whole bunch of science, math and case studies to look back into as we learn more about what has happened, is going on, and what will happen in the future. Herd immunity is likely to be met via a combo of vaccinations and catching covid. I think the key is the higher transmission rate is happening in those under 40. This is a positive thing. 

So let’s see, paragraph 1 and 2…”why would you get mad about the variants, you’re fine from them.

Paragraph 3…”the delta variant is already poking holes in the double vaccinated what happens when there’s a more prevalent one”.

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2 minutes ago, WhiteSoxFan1993 said:

Unvaccinated people put not just themselves at risk, but other unvaccinated people, which include kids under 13 who can't get vaccinated yet, so yes, I'm angry at people who believe and spread lies about the vaccine for that reason.

What are you general thoughts on safety/numbers of vaccinated adults v. unvaccinated children? just numbers wise an unvaccinated child is safer than a vaccinated adult. 

to me, it's not like this is ravaging children. the overwhelming majority of cases is much like a common flu when kids get covid. 

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5 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

So let’s see, paragraph 1 and 2…”why would you get mad about the variants, you’re fine from them.

Paragraph 3…”the delta variant is already poking holes in the double vaccinated what happens when there’s a more prevalent one”.

yes, both are true. numbers continue to roll in. 95% protection against delta a few weeks ago, now closer to 2/3rds. 

Theres actually science behind getting both moderna and pfizer to protect better against the delta variant. 

Regardless, both of those statements are true that i said. You're generally protected from the delta variant with the vaccine. most likely outcome is a slight fever and minimal side effects. it's going to be this.. even if you look at highly vaccinated countries - variants will continue to exist because of a global economy. delta didn't start in the US. nor will the next variants... they'll continue to develop in other parts of the world and make their way through the entire globe.

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1 minute ago, BrianAnderson said:

yes, both are true. numbers continue to roll in. 95% protection against delta a few weeks ago, now closer to 2/3rds. 

Theres actually science behind getting both moderna and pfizer to protect better against the delta variant. 

Regardless, both of those statements are true that i said. You're generally protected from the delta variant with the vaccine. most likely outcome is a slight fever and minimal side effects. it's going to be this.. even if you look at highly vaccinated countries - variants will continue to exist because of a global economy. delta didn't start in the US. nor will the next variants... they'll continue to develop in other parts of the world and make their way through the entire globe.

And if you are immune compromised?

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51 minutes ago, BrianAnderson said:

I still don't get why vaccinated v unvaccinated would evoke any type of anger at this point. if you're vaccinated, you should be generally protected from getting very sick/dying. So if you're vaccinated, then you should be at peace. 


Im vaccinated, but my children are not because they are too young. My child will go to school next year and be surrounded by other children. If they get covid and we have no idea what the long term impact is. I cant potentially take them on a trip because maybe a sub 3 year old wont wear a mask. I cant plan things for the future, because who knows if we are going to have another lockdown and we wont be able to go anywhere. 

That isnt even getting into the potential economic disaster that is on the horizon if there is another lockdown and if we cant put covid in the background. Who knows how many people will lose their jobs again, etc.

This isnt even getting into the societal argument that I dont want people to unnecessarily die over stupidity.

But yes, if I want to be extremely selfish and only think about my personal health, I am probably fine. Too bad I actually worry about other people. Sympathy is such a character flaw. 

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OK there are 71 cases in Olympic Village. 71. ... Remember the days when one NBA positive, I think it was Gobert, stopped the 2019-20 NCAA season in its tracks and basically ended the NCAA season in late March?

The Olympics have not yet been canceled, folks. Japan is in a state of emergency to late August and we still are having the Games as of today? Politics, politics, politics. If this was pre election in the USA, these games woulda never stood a chance of occurring. Again ... that's one of the reasons people are balking at getting vaxxed. Politics. Hatred of politicians and the fact they'll use anything to get elected has caused so much distrust that 1/2 of America thinks the vaccine is dangerous. Wow, what a world.

Greg prediction: Olympics will be called off by Thursday. There will be too many positives in the Village to go forward. Bless the competitors and coaches and officials. they don't deserve to catch Covid. Bless the athletes. Bring 'em home. These Games sadly should NOT be held.


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3 hours ago, Soxbadger said:


Im vaccinated, but my children are not because they are too young. My child will go to school next year and be surrounded by other children. If they get covid and we have no idea what the long term impact is. I cant potentially take them on a trip because maybe a sub 3 year old wont wear a mask. I cant plan things for the future, because who knows if we are going to have another lockdown and we wont be able to go anywhere. 

That isnt even getting into the potential economic disaster that is on the horizon if there is another lockdown and if we cant put covid in the background. Who knows how many people will lose their jobs again, etc.

This isnt even getting into the societal argument that I dont want people to unnecessarily die over stupidity.

But yes, if I want to be extremely selfish and only think about my personal health, I am probably fine. Too bad I actually worry about other people. Sympathy is such a character flaw. 

Ten years ago we'd all trust the government and we'd all be vaxxed. I feel your pain. I do. I want us all to be vaxxed via a safe vaccine that will do its job, not cause problems down the line. Today, only half of us are vaxxed because of many reasons, mainly distrust of those in charge. Think about how divided we will be 10 years from now if this continues. Sorry you are going through this, Badger. I can tell you are very frustrated/upset. We did our part you and me. We are vaxxed. Let's hope a charismatic leader, in my mind a John Kennedy or Reagan, can emerge that we can all get behind in the future before we are doomed. We are obviously on a path that will lead to secession at best; civil war at worst.

In the meantime, let's hope the unvaxxed realize it's not too late. Get vaxxed and hopefully in a month if they can avoid Delta strain they'll be protected. Surely the unvaxxed are a little bit scared about hospitalizations via the Delta strain.

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5 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

I was pretty outraged by the Trump years too, but we aren't here about that.  This is about a private organization being able to set its own policies.  Stay on topic.

Southsider, true or false. The government has asked Facebook to flag some people? I repeat the GOVERNMENT not a private organization. The defense rests.

Your last sentence is offensive by the way. Stay on topic? This has much more to do with a private organization setting its own policies when Big Brother is knocking on their door.

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1 minute ago, greg775 said:

Southsider, true or false. The government has asked Facebook to flag some people? I repeat the GOVERNMENT not a private organization. The defense rests.

Your last sentence is offensive by the way. Stay on topic? This has much more to do with a private organization setting its own policies when Big Brother is knocking on their door.

The government can ASK all they want, and that is still not an impingement of free speech.   You also understand that you have no right to damage other people and call it freedom of speech, right? 

You want to talk about offensive, let's talk about your Soxtalk act.

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