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COVID-19/Coronavirus thread


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Planned massive outdoor pre-rally with Trump and VP Pence, with an expected crowd of 40,000-100,000 just canceled after only a couple dozen show up.

”There’s still lots of space indoors at the BOK Center, come on down!”


MSM and intimidating protestors scared everyone away, right?  Too hot?   If all the mainstream media is fake news and a hoax, why or how would that impact the crowds? 

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Probably 7-9,000 people, just an educated guess.

Just one section in the upper deck, the first level is packed around half the stadium and then maybe half the standing area on the floor of the stadium.  Very, very few masks being worn.   Certainly no protesters preventing anyone from entering, then there is a number in the hundreds just enjoying being outside along with the 200 or so counter protestors somehow stopping 100,000 from entering... 

Campaign will undoubtedly claim 12-15,000.

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8 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

This is one of those emperor has no clothes moments. Would have been better off canceling and keeping up the illusion of millions wanted to attend.

Two reasons, they weren’t cognizant about Juneteenth/1921 being on the same weekend (now we’re in a totally different world after Minneapolis), and two months ago Oklahoma looked like one of the safest places in the country, and a friendly audience receptive to his message.

Not only that, but it’s going to make it even more challenging to schedule the next big rally, especially if there’s any type of outbreak in the next 2-3 weeks.   Puts the August conventions in even more jeopardy.

Brad Pascale likely to be out as campaign manager in the next 7-10 days.

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28 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

This is one of those emperor has no clothes moments. Would have been better off canceling and keeping up the illusion of millions wanted to attend.

He blamed the protesters for scaring people away yet he just claimed he can get rid of protestors anywhere in an hour or less. Maybe a few more Oklahomans valued their health more than most thought. 

The other thing that is scary is many of Trumps rally attendees go to many rallies. These aren’t just locals, so It could stretch to other areas,

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31 minutes ago, Tony said:


OMFG, how can anyone actually defend this idiot?  And I don’t mean this politically, dude is just a total fucking idiot who only cares about his re-election.  Just don’t get how anyone can still fall for his “draining the swamp” con when he’s no different than a career politician.

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6 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

OMFG, how can anyone actually defend this idiot?  And I don’t mean this politically, dude is just a total fucking idiot who only cares about his re-election.  Just don’t get how anyone can still fall for his “draining the swamp” con when he’s no different than a career politician.

It’s even worse. Are there really other politicians who would want to cut back testing during a pandemic, other than dictators. 

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I tuned out as soon as he expressed a preference for violent protesting and out of control looting in Seattle...because that would give him a more compelling argument against Defund the Police/coastal elites.  But in the middle of three overlapping national crises, our first priority should be to fight a cultural war like they are in HK over Chinese flag desecration?


“I may be wrong, but it's probably better for us to just watch that (Seattle) disaster."

Trump added that a congressman on the flight to the rally told him he shouldn't step in to end the CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.)

When you do testing to that extent, you are gonna find more people, you’re gonna find more cases. So I said to my people slow the testing down please. They test and they test. We have tests that people don’t know what's going on,” Trump said in the rally. He then imitated a public health official examining a patient, “If you have the sniffles, it’s a case!”


As President Trump spoke about the coronavirus and media coverage of it during his Saturday rally, he referred to the virus with a racist term "kung flu," while complaining about the amount of names for the virus.

"It's a disease, without question, has more names than any disease in history, " he said. "I can name 'kung flu,' I can name 19 different versions of name. Many call it a virus, which it is. Many call it a flu. What difference? I think we have 19, 20 different versions of the name."

This was the first time he used the racist term, opting to call it the "Chinese virus" early in the pandemic before changing to Covid or the coronavirus.

source: CNN.com

“I don’t think it’s anything worse than the flu,” said Brian Bernard, 54, a retired IT worker from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who sported a Trump 2020 hat. “I haven’t caught a cold or a flu in probably 15 years, and if I haven’t caught a cold or flu yet, I don’t think I’m gonna catch COVID.“


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3 hours ago, Soxbadger said:

This is one of those emperor has no clothes moments. Would have been better off canceling and keeping up the illusion of millions wanted to attend.

Schooled by kpop and tiktokkers. Hilarious. 


7 hours ago, bmags said:

IL numbers have started to plateau, but tests have stayed really high last 5 days some of the biggest dips saw drops in tests.

Chicago numbers look great however, I hope this isn’t growth in the rest of the state

Where do you see percentage of positive tests by location? 

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News just came out that two Secret Service agents in addition to those six advance (campaign) team members tested positive for Covid-19.

On Saturday night, the president defended his handling of the coronavirus, claiming to have saved "millions."

"We saved millions of lives. Now, it's time, get back to work,"

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13 hours ago, Tony said:

According to the White House...”He was very clearly joking.” 

That is what has been constantly said during his presidency. Either he was joking, or misspoke, or is misunderstood for some other odd reason. We need clarity during the crisis, not spin control.

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They are saying the campaign got played by teenagers on tik tok. I dont know how much of that is true as they claimed they had 1 million requests, but would have loved to have been able to claim 2 million requests. What it did do is give them no clue about the actual interest. Got them to set up a big stage outside for an overflow party. For all we know, if they knew the actual interest they may have cancelled the event sighting the Covid outbreak, which probably would have been better for public health, and the Trump campaign.

Edited by Dick Allen
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15 minutes ago, Yearnin' for Yermin said:

This is getting awfully political and particularly nasty towards our president. Please remember the rules and treat out president fairly


I don’t care what your political views are, Donald Trump is a horrible, selfish person and doesn’t deserve a single ounce of respect.  This whole Tulsa rally and the dumb comments he made during it just reinforce that.

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7 minutes ago, Tony said:

Its ron, don’t take a word he says seriously. He’s proven time and time again his opinion on anything and everything is meaningless. 

Typical words spoken by somebody that has been dunked/clowned on by me in a past discussion

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2 hours ago, Yearnin' for Yermin said:

This is getting awfully political and particularly nasty towards our president. Please remember the rules and treat out president fairly


It seems odd that he is holding campaign rallies during a pandemic and wants to slow testing down. No matter how he spins things, COVID-19 is going to be an issue in America even after the election and it is impacting people who are vulnerable. I can’t support the approach he has taken with the virus as of late and how he shows a complete disregard for science and that community. I can criticize him fairly, even though I know he only cares about his base and not moderate independents like me.

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56 minutes ago, Tony said:

Again, this is a “poster” that has spent years trying to troll this site by telling us Jose Abreu sends a bad message to kids by dipping on the field. But when someone criticizes Agent Orange about holding a rally during a pandemic, we better not make fun of his fearless leader. 

I'm not a Trump fan, I just think that many people and the (fake) news media treats him very unfairly. Disproportionally so in comparison to others. 

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21 minutes ago, Yearnin' for Yermin said:

I'm not a Trump fan, I just think that many people and the (fake) news media treats him very unfairly. Disproportionally so in comparison to others. 

Go back to 2010, the Tea Party Patriots and Mitch McConnell deliberately obstructing everything Obama tried to do...even after the Dems actually made numerous attempts to compromise.

If Trump loses in November, he will spend every single day of those subsequent four years trying to destroy Biden, not any different from the birther controversy.  Fox News, Breitbart, Alex Jones, Rush, OAN, etc. will do the exact same.  Why would anyone expect that dichotomy to change, the divisiveness to be healed?

It only seems MORE unfair is because this last month has been the bottom of the Trump presidency in terms of support and polling.   Obama reached similar numbers in the upper 30’s, but actually had the ability to reach out to more than just his base.  In fact, you can say the same of every President re-elected in modern times, even GW Bush and Nixon.

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Seems we’re going to see another “mass” rally in Arizona this week, where Covid cases have doubled recently and the Phoenix area still doesn’t have adequate testing capacity.

One penalty being discussed is $250 fines for not wearing masks.  Not sure how well that would work.

As for the protests, mostly outside where germs/bacteria are more easily dispersed and a much higher % of masking than was in evidence over the weekend in Tulsa, where it was 1 in 10, at best.  

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2 hours ago, StateStSports said:

Yes and masks will get us closer to some normalcy 

Six months into this and they still have no clue.   Do what HK, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Australia/NZ and Germany are doing.   Almost everyone wears masks there (at least in Asia), even for pollution and common colds.

Given the case increases, the CDC has been conducting a scientific review about the public health benefits of masks, and will soon make an updated recommendation, a senior CDC official told CNN.

A senior official with knowledge of the review said science is being studied as to whether masks are not only "good for source control -- and keeping you from giving it to others -- but we're also seeing if masks are going to protect you from getting [Covid-19] yourself."

"We know it's a good thing to wear a mask to protect others. We are studying if it is also potentially going to keep you safe," the official added.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said last week that people under 30 made up a majority of new coronavirus cases in several counties. He said that increase in young infected people could be related to Memorial Day parties, visits to bars or other gatherings.

And in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Friday that the median age was 37 for newly diagnosed coronavirus cases over the last week. In the state, 62% of new cases for the week of June 7 are under 45 years old, he said.


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6 hours ago, Tony said:

Which I don’t seem to understand? Do we think this is spreading more indoors, could that be the reason?

Yeah, Dr. Osterholm (who has been brought up in this thread) has said that a factor in the protests favor was that they were basically all outside and most of the protesters have been wearing masks.

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