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2 hours ago, StrangeSox said:



Comments like those will surely save the travel and tourism industry, as well as Boeing.

Btw, if the new C-919 being built here in China doesn’t crash the first 2-3 years of domestic use, 30-40% of the world aircraft market share will be lost to Boeing and Airbus.

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No signs Trump has pandemic plan despite chilling warnings from administration's top doctors

Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN

Updated 12:12 AM ET, Mon August 3, 2020


(CNN)Donald Trump's top government experts now say that the pandemic is entering a new phase as it invades the rural heartland -- and they can't say how long it will last.

With millions of kids nowhere near going back to school and the economy reeling from a 32.9% annualized contraction in the second quarter, the months ahead are stretching into what looks like an endless crisis as Trump tweets "Make America Great Again" and spends his weekends on the golf course.

Top administration officials in recent days have repeatedly delivered information and warnings that directly contradict Trump's upbeat messaging on Friday on the virus: "We'll get rid of it, we'll beat it, and it will be soon."

Amid this grim outlook, the administration and Capitol Hill Democrats are deadlocked on a plan to extend federal unemployment payments to millions of Americans who lost their jobs in lockdowns.

Dr. Deborah Birx delivered a series of stunning warnings on CNN's "State of the Union" five months into a pandemic that the President once said posed no threat to Americans but has now killed more than 150,000 of them.

"What we are seeing today is different from March and April. It is extraordinarily widespread. It's into the rural as equal urban areas," Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator, told CNN's Dana Bash.

Birx even suggested that some Americans in multi-generational families should start wearing masks in their home and assume that they already have the disease. She did not reject a warning by former Federal Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb that there could be 300,000 coronavirus deaths by the end of the year, saying, "Anything is possible."

"To everybody who lives in a rural area, you are not immune or protected from this virus," Birx said. Her comments came after her colleague, Dr. Anthony Fauci, told a House committee on Friday it was "unclear" how long the crisis will last. But the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told Americans to brace for an average of 1,000 deaths a day for the next 30 days.

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4 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

No signs Trump has pandemic plan despite chilling warnings from administration's top doctors

Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN

Updated 12:12 AM ET, Mon August 3, 2020


(CNN)Donald Trump's top government experts now say that the pandemic is entering a new phase as it invades the rural heartland -- and they can't say how long it will last.

With millions of kids nowhere near going back to school and the economy reeling from a 32.9% annualized contraction in the second quarter, the months ahead are stretching into what looks like an endless crisis as Trump tweets "Make America Great Again" and spends his weekends on the golf course.

Top administration officials in recent days have repeatedly delivered information and warnings that directly contradict Trump's upbeat messaging on Friday on the virus: "We'll get rid of it, we'll beat it, and it will be soon."

Amid this grim outlook, the administration and Capitol Hill Democrats are deadlocked on a plan to extend federal unemployment payments to millions of Americans who lost their jobs in lockdowns.

Dr. Deborah Birx delivered a series of stunning warnings on CNN's "State of the Union" five months into a pandemic that the President once said posed no threat to Americans but has now killed more than 150,000 of them.

"What we are seeing today is different from March and April. It is extraordinarily widespread. It's into the rural as equal urban areas," Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator, told CNN's Dana Bash.

Birx even suggested that some Americans in multi-generational families should start wearing masks in their home and assume that they already have the disease. She did not reject a warning by former Federal Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb that there could be 300,000 coronavirus deaths by the end of the year, saying, "Anything is possible."

"To everybody who lives in a rural area, you are not immune or protected from this virus," Birx said. Her comments came after her colleague, Dr. Anthony Fauci, told a House committee on Friday it was "unclear" how long the crisis will last. But the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told Americans to brace for an average of 1,000 deaths a day for the next 30 days.

Little embers. They will be putting them out quickly. Quicker than anyone would have ever believed. Believe  me.

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  • Vietnam says the new strain of coronavirus behind its recent spike in cases is three times more infectious.
  • Each patient has been found to infect between five and six people on average, compared to a rate of 1.8 to 2.2 infections per patient as seen before, health minister Nguyen Thanh Long said Sunday.
  • The strain is new to Vietnam, but has been seen in the British Isles and Bangladesh before. 
  • The latest outbreak, first found in Da Nang on July 25, ended the country's 99-day streak of no new cases. Two hundred new cases have been found since, along with all six of the country's deaths.
  • Vietnam has previously admitted that its health system could not cope with a mass outbreak.
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1 hour ago, Balta1701 said:

Scary article about what went wrong and what continues to go wrong. It also points many other problems facing this country that have not been addressed. Yet, we are still debating about wearing masks. At the moment, this election cycle is doing little to confront and debate important issues. 

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More good discussion of using less-sensitive, low-cost rapid testing. They wont' pick you up at low, low, low levels, but they'll pick you up before you become infectious. So maybe these cheaper tests would take an extra day or two to pick up, but if we can drastically increase testing volume and turnaround time, we're going to catch and quarantine far more cases early on. This is the way out of this until we get widespread effective vaccination and/or treatment.



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Finally turned on Dr. Birx after she FINALLY pushed back for the first time...probably a political calculation on her part that her reputation has been severely damaged in the scientific community after carrying his water for months and months and months.  The realization that Covid response will always be considered among the worst in the industrialized world (see Ed Yang Atlantic article linked earlier.)  


President Donald Trump criticized Dr. Deborah Birx in a Monday tweet after she warned the pandemic is "extraordinarily widespread" in the US.

While Trump and other top White House officials have publicly attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci, the tweet marked the first time Birx, the coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, publicly drew Trump's ire. 

The dust-up comes as the country continues to be ravaged by coronavirus, with more than 150,000 US citizens dead and more than 4 million cases. Trump has consistently lied and misled mostly in attempts to downplay concerns about the virus as he presses for schools and businesses to reopen.

"So Crazy Nancy Pelosi said horrible things about Dr. Deborah Birx, going after her because she was too positive on the very good job we are doing on combatting the China Virus, including Vaccines & Therapeutics. In order to counter Nancy, Deborah took the bait & hit us. Pathetic!" Trump wrote.

Edited by caulfield12
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1 hour ago, caulfield12 said:

Finally turned on Dr. Birx after she FINALLY pushed back for the first time...probably a political calculation on her part that her reputation has been severely damaged in the scientific community after carrying his water for months and months and months.  The realization that Covid response will always be considered among the worst in the industrialized world (see Ed Yang Atlantic article linked earlier.)  


President Donald Trump criticized Dr. Deborah Birx in a Monday tweet after she warned the pandemic is "extraordinarily widespread" in the US.

While Trump and other top White House officials have publicly attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci, the tweet marked the first time Birx, the coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, publicly drew Trump's ire. 

The dust-up comes as the country continues to be ravaged by coronavirus, with more than 150,000 US citizens dead and more than 4 million cases. Trump has consistently lied and misled mostly in attempts to downplay concerns about the virus as he presses for schools and businesses to reopen.

"So Crazy Nancy Pelosi said horrible things about Dr. Deborah Birx, going after her because she was too positive on the very good job we are doing on combatting the China Virus, including Vaccines & Therapeutics. In order to counter Nancy, Deborah took the bait & hit us. Pathetic!" Trump wrote.

Telling the truth is pathetic. That is what this has become. 

Edited by Dick Allen
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U.S. Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., has a message for Hoosier students, parents and teachers concerned about returning to classrooms amid the coronavirus pandemic: "Take a little risk."

Speaking Tuesday on the Fox Business channel, the first-term lawmaker condemned the plans of some school districts that are beginning the school year with online classes because Braun contends students learn best through in-person instruction.

"That's taking kind of a stick your head in the sand approach, try nothing, hunker down. That's not going to work," Braun said. "Be safe, take a little risk, address this disease head-on. Don't hunker down."

Braun said local school leaders should follow the examples of Purdue University and the University of Notre Dame, which both are planning to reopen for in-person classes with protections aimed at minimizing the potential spread of COVID-19.

"We in Indiana, as reflected in Notre Dame and Purdue, are enterprisers. We're not going to err on the side of taking the bureaucratic approach, the easy shutdown, the one-size-fits-all that's kind of dominated the whole approach on the disease to date," Braun said.

"Thank goodness we have a guy like (Purdue President) Mitch Daniels who never looked at the status quo or the conventional as being the way to do it. He, and Notre Dame following suit, are going to set the stage for what we need to do, and that is try, in a mitigated way, to get back to where you're most effective teaching kids — whether it's in elementary school, secondary, or postsecondary."


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