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The real issue now is the transmissibility of the Delta variant, especially with young people…despite being fully vaccinated.

Because there’s not the will to go backwards and shut down parts of the country again.



Total shocker that Pfizer is already pushing for booster shots in the US.

Edited by caulfield12
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10 hours ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

So, I gotta ask the group:


Should I enjoy some schadenfreude, or feel a white hot rage in seeing the erupting clusters of cases in the southern US?

Imagine for a moment that there are people in those states who did everything they were supposed to, stayed indoors, survived the last year, got in line to get vaccinated as soon as they were possibly allowed to, but they have some condition that screwed up their immune system so they can’t guarantee it will respond normally. There are basically no studies or statistics out there on what fraction of breakthrough cases also had immune system issues, in every article it is just given a sidebar saying “the vaccine is fully effective in everyone except maybe people who are immune compromised with no more details.” So someone like that will have survived the last year, done everything they could, gotten both doses, but they still know they might be at risk if cases stay elevated. 

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56 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Imagine for a moment that there are people in those states who did everything they were supposed to, stayed indoors, survived the last year, got in line to get vaccinated as soon as they were possibly allowed to, but they have some condition that screwed up their immune system so they can’t guarantee it will respond normally. There are basically no studies or statistics out there on what fraction of breakthrough cases also had immune system issues, in every article it is just given a sidebar saying “the vaccine is fully effective in everyone except maybe people who are immune compromised with no more details.” So someone like that will have survived the last year, done everything they could, gotten both doses, but they still know they might be at risk if cases stay elevated. 


So you also vote for "White Hot Rage."

Got it.

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36 minutes ago, Two-Gun Pete said:


So you also vote for "White Hot Rage."

Got it.

It's hard for me to enjoy schadenfreude when people I know are still at risk.  Every time I read the "I didn't get vaccinated, now I'm intubated" stories I just mumble "mf idiot" to myself and move on.  It's sucks that those stories are becoming more of a thing again 

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1 hour ago, Kyyle23 said:

It's hard for me to enjoy schadenfreude when people I know are still at risk.  Every time I read the "I didn't get vaccinated, now I'm intubated" stories I just mumble "mf idiot" to myself and move on.  It's sucks that those stories are becoming more of a thing again 

Yeah, I know. I've been reeeaaaally trying to give the whole "stoopud southerners" stereotype a rest.

But then, those Forrest fucking Gump and Gomer fucking Pyle motherfuckers down there keep giving the rest of the world ammo.


But, you're exactly right. This isn't doing any of us any favors to keep this thing going any longer than it has to. With the news from Pfizer about a booster, I'm wondering if the world is spiking the football before crossing the goal line on this pandemic. (Yes, I know Greg, the booster news wasn't on your preferred networks. )

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Say what you want about the stubborn folks who won't get vaxxed. As somebody with a feel for the hesitant, I think Dr. Fauci needs to realize half the population just doesn't trust him. That's on him. (I realize I'm in the minority here so let me add that this is just my opinion; I know most people willing to speak about the vaccine approve of Fauci and/or even love the guy.


p.s. I can assure you I've received both doses of moderna.

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1 hour ago, greg775 said:

Say what you want about the stubborn folks who won't get vaxxed. As somebody with a feel for the hesitant, I think Dr. Fauci needs to realize half the population just doesn't trust him. That's on him. (I realize I'm in the minority here so let me add that this is just my opinion; I know most people willing to speak about the vaccine approve of Fauci and/or even love the guy.


p.s. I can assure you I've received both doses of moderna.

The facts speak for themselves.

99%+ of the deaths in recent months are coming from the non vaccinated population.

This is one of those areas like gun rights that apparently the only way to change hearts and minds is continued heartbreak…even then, it doesn’t seem to move the meter.

UK is doing the exact same thing…charging headlong into herd immunity without actually having it…with cases running 10x higher per capita than the US.


The variants are outrunning world immunization efforts badly, especially in the second and third world.

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15 hours ago, The Beast said:

Let the record show that as of 7/11, fully vaccinated people do not need boosters but that could change as the data changes according to Dr. Fauci. 


FWIW, Israel is about to begin offering boosters to those with compromised immune systems, which is kinda exactly what I'm hoping for.

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8 hours ago, greg775 said:

Say what you want about the stubborn folks who won't get vaxxed. As somebody with a feel for the hesitant, I think Dr. Fauci needs to realize half the population just doesn't trust him. That's on him. (I realize I'm in the minority here so let me add that this is just my opinion; I know most people willing to speak about the vaccine approve of Fauci and/or even love the guy.


p.s. I can assure you I've received both doses of moderna.

Congrats on falling prey to foreign propaganda. 

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9 hours ago, greg775 said:

Say what you want about the stubborn folks who won't get vaxxed. As somebody with a feel for the hesitant, I think Dr. Fauci needs to realize half the population just doesn't trust him. That's on him. (I realize I'm in the minority here so let me add that this is just my opinion; I know most people willing to speak about the vaccine approve of Fauci and/or even love the guy.


p.s. I can assure you I've received both doses of moderna.


Its not on Fauci that people dont trust him, its on the people who have purposefully lied to "half the population" in an attempt to control them for money and power. This is going to end one way or another, I just hope for "half the population's" sake its not in a bunch of body bags. There is an old saying, You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. 

"Half the population" is an anchor on America and right now the rest of us are trying our best not to let that anchor drag the rest of us down into another covid lockdown. At some point "half the population" needs to take accountability for what they are doing to everyone else. But Im guessing "half the population" doesnt care how many people die because of their selfishness. 

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18 hours ago, greg775 said:

Say what you want about the stubborn folks who won't get vaxxed. As somebody with a feel for the hesitant, I think Dr. Fauci needs to realize half the population just doesn't trust him. That's on him. (I realize I'm in the minority here so let me add that this is just my opinion; I know most people willing to speak about the vaccine approve of Fauci and/or even love the guy.


p.s. I can assure you I've received both doses of moderna.

Why is it on him?

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1 hour ago, southsider2k5 said:
  • One-quarter of unvaccinated people who make less than $50,000 still say they either "definitely" or "probably" will get the vaccine, according to the Census Bureau. That rises to two-thirds of people when including those who are receptive or "unsure" about getting the vaccine.

Editor’s note: This post has been corrected to show one-quarter of unvaccinated people who make less than $50,000 either "definitely" or "probably" will get the vaccine, and two-thirds of unvaccinated people either will "definitely/probably" get the vaccine or are receptive/"unsure" of getting the vaccine.


Talk about poorly-phrased…

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21 hours ago, greg775 said:

Say what you want about the stubborn folks who won't get vaxxed. As somebody with a feel for the hesitant, I think Dr. Fauci needs to realize half the population just doesn't trust him. That's on him. (I realize I'm in the minority here so let me add that this is just my opinion; I know most people willing to speak about the vaccine approve of Fauci and/or even love the guy.


p.s. I can assure you I've received both doses of moderna.

Greg, do they not trust him because he changes his answers as time goes on? Because sometimes that is just science, new information and data changes advice.

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13 hours ago, Soxbadger said:

At some point "half the population" needs to take accountability for what they are doing to everyone else. But Im guessing "half the population" doesnt care how many people die because of their selfishness. 

That's a good post and worthy of deep contemplation. As a person who has done my part and been vaxxed do I feel ill will toward those who won't get vaxxed? You know at times I do and at times I feel like they may be the smart ones who simply do not want to be human guinea pigs toward the vax and are upset at many many things about the way this whole pandemic has been handled. U know, those folks don't trust Fauci and don't trust politicians and the way things have gone I kind of can't blame them. At the same time this is a guy (me) who made the decision to help my fellow brothers and sisters and trust those who want me vaxxed as having my best interest at heart.

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

Greg, do they not trust him because he changes his answers as time goes on? Because sometimes that is just science, new information and data changes advice.

Good point, Beast.

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8 hours ago, greg775 said:

That's a good post and worthy of deep contemplation. As a person who has done my part and been vaxxed do I feel ill will toward those who won't get vaxxed? You know at times I do and at times I feel like they may be the smart ones who simply do not want to be human guinea pigs toward the vax and are upset at many many things about the way this whole pandemic has been handled. U know, those folks don't trust Fauci and don't trust politicians and the way things have gone I kind of can't blame them. At the same time this is a guy (me) who made the decision to help my fellow brothers and sisters and trust those who want me vaxxed as having my best interest at heart.

Young people don’t feel they need it.

Distrust of government, masks, vaccine coming from Trump and right wing media.

Concerns about vaccine risks such as heart attacks, future pregnancies, etc.

The main reason for most middle class and poor people at least has been unable to get paid time off from work.

Bad PR with Johnson & Johnson.

Rural locations/lack of convenience or accessibility.

Religious objections.

Fear of long lines.


All these would probably rank higher than distrust of Fauci as reasons.

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