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COVID-19/Coronavirus thread


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For @greg775 or anybody else who is getting confused about conflicting information. In addition to being a nurse, my mom is a part of a worldwide group of medical professionals who are making a coordinated effort to fight misinformation on Tik Tok. I'm not going link to her account because some of her other content is embarrassing, so you'll have to take my word for it.

Anyway, one of the things they do is investigate videos of people claiming that someone close to them died shortly after getting vaccinated. For most of them the person they claimed had died wasn't even dead. For others there was clear evidence of a pre-existing condition like late-stage cancer or addiction. One had died in a car crash.

The once piece of information that we have and can be scientifically and medically verified is that over 99% of COVID deaths are unvaccinated people. Regardless of how little you trust Dr. Fauci, CNN, or anybody else, that fact alone should make everybody want to get vaccinated.

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36 minutes ago, raBBit said:

I would say what is relevance of that but that would be applicable to all your posts.

Obviously you missed the sarcastic joke while lost in the weeds seeing every topic as being an opportunity to fight the righteous fight against snowflakes and the woke crowd. 

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17 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

Obviously you missed the sarcastic joke while lost in the weeds seeing every topic as being an opportunity to fight the righteous fight against snowflakes and the woke crowd. 

Is the joke that I watch Fox News? Because I don't and have never said anything about Fox News or watching it. You should try having an original take on anything. Also, politics are against the rules. So your hack Fox News jokes and snowflake/woke/fill-in-the-blank-buzzword drivel is against the rules. An admin just made the same lame hack jack you did to another poster and admitted that doing so is against the rules. So maybe I "missed the sarcastic joke" because you're a scatter brain that can't express yourself in any coherent fashion.

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11 minutes ago, raBBit said:

Is the joke that I watch Fox News? Because I don't and have never said anything about Fox News or watching it. You should try having an original take on anything. Also, politics are against the rules. So your hack Fox News jokes and snowflake/woke/fill-in-the-blank-buzzword drivel is against the rules. An admin just made the same lame hack jack you did to another poster and admitted that doing so is against the rules. So maybe I "missed the sarcastic joke" because you're a scatter brain that can't express yourself in any coherent fashion.

Let's be real, everybody knows there is more leniency on that rule here if you're ripping the right or saying orange man bad. 

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11 minutes ago, ron883 said:

Let's be real, everybody knows there is more leniency on that rule here if you're ripping the right or saying orange man bad. 

No doubt. People on the left get political and everything is okay. If people question the leftists who get the political, there is name calling, group shaming, threads are closed and in some cases suspensions are handed out. You have to support the big corporations, corporate media, big pharma initiatives here or you're bad. 

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45 minutes ago, raBBit said:

Is the joke that I watch Fox News? Because I don't and have never said anything about Fox News or watching it. You should try having an original take on anything. Also, politics are against the rules. So your hack Fox News jokes and snowflake/woke/fill-in-the-blank-buzzword drivel is against the rules. An admin just made the same lame hack jack you did to another poster and admitted that doing so is against the rules. So maybe I "missed the sarcastic joke" because you're a scatter brain that can't express yourself in any coherent fashion.


32 minutes ago, ron883 said:

Let's be real, everybody knows there is more leniency on that rule here if you're ripping the right or saying orange man bad. 




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7 minutes ago, raBBit said:

No doubt. People on the left get political and everything is okay. If people question the leftists who get the political, there is name calling, group shaming, threads are closed and in some cases suspensions are handed out. You have to support the big corporations, corporate media, big pharma initiatives here or you're bad. 

I do find it interesting that YouTube and twitter were removing videos that suggested covid started from a lab leak (accidental or not). After Jon Stewart went on Colbert's show and floated the possibility, I'm guessing they aren't removing those videos now. 

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11 hours ago, greg775 said:

That's a good post and worthy of deep contemplation. As a person who has done my part and been vaxxed do I feel ill will toward those who won't get vaxxed? You know at times I do and at times I feel like they may be the smart ones who simply do not want to be human guinea pigs toward the vax and are upset at many many things about the way this whole pandemic has been handled. U know, those folks don't trust Fauci and don't trust politicians and the way things have gone I kind of can't blame them. At the same time this is a guy (me) who made the decision to help my fellow brothers and sisters and trust those who want me vaxxed as having my best interest at heart.


I dont want anyone who didnt get a vaccine to get hurt, sick or die, but I also am extremely frustrated by their selfishness. Not for a second do I think that they are the smart ones, but sometimes I do feel sympathetic that they may not know better and that we as a society have failed them.

Its great that you got the vaccine and we will never know how many lives you may have saved by doing that. We also dont know how many lives are going to be lost because other people are refusing to get the vaccine. There was a time when Americans used to sacrifice for each other. Its unfortunate that 50% of the population now feels that the only thing that is important is themselves.

Getting vaccinated is such a low ask and yet we have failed. 

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59 minutes ago, ron883 said:

I do find it interesting that YouTube and twitter were removing videos that suggested covid started from a lab leak (accidental or not). After Jon Stewart went on Colbert's show and floated the possibility, I'm guessing they aren't removing those videos now. 

Yeah, obviously the true scientific experts weighed in there. 

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24 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Yeah, obviously the true scientific experts weighed in there. 

Remember when everybody was going with the wet market theory despite a lack of evidence? They weren't removing those videos and banning users that floated that theory. All I'm saying is you can't dismiss the possibility of a lab leak. Nobody knows at this point. The point was that media corporations were controlling the narrative, when in reality nobody knows how it occurred. Sorry to upset you. 

Edited by ron883
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20 minutes ago, ron883 said:

Remember when everybody was going with the wet market theory despite a lack of evidence? They weren't removing those videos and banning users that floated that theory. All I'm saying is you can't dismiss the possibility of a lab leak. Nobody knows at this point. The point was that media corporations were controlling the narrative, when in reality nobody knows how it occurred. Sorry to upset you. 

No, but there remains good evidence against a “lab leak” hypothesis, albeit not conclusive, and no evidence for it. Similarly, there was evidence of people being infected at that market, so clearly there was a spreading event there, and it took evidence of earlier cases to prove that it wasn’t the origin point. So note the differences - a hypothesis is supported by evidence and is argued against when evidence exists that disproves it, a conspiracy feels right without evidence or with evidence the other way.

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9 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

No, but there remains good evidence against a “lab leak” hypothesis, albeit not conclusive, and no evidence for it. Similarly, there was evidence of people being infected at that market, so clearly there was a spreading event there, and it took evidence of earlier cases to prove that it wasn’t the origin point. So note the differences - a hypothesis is supported by evidence and is argued against when evidence exists that disproves it, a conspiracy feels right without evidence or with evidence the other way.


"It's impossible to tell whether that last bit of evolution took place in a laboratory or whether it took place in nature," Stanford professor and microbiologist David Relman told CBS News' Catherine Herridge.

Relman is no stranger to complex cases. When Anthrax was sent through the mail in 2001, Relman reviewed the science underpinning the FBI probe. Now, he's advising the government on the science behind the pandemic's origins.

He told CBS News that the lab-leak hypotheses are "absolutely legitimate" and are "plausible." Relman said the Wuhan lab housed a vast library of bat coronaviruses, including specimens from the caves.

"They weren't just studying these viruses. They were actually collecting samples from nature in the largest number with the greatest diversity of almost any place on the planet," he said.


Standford professor says those hypotheses are absolutely legitimate and plausible. Here's an idea - let's have an open mind and play devil's advocate more often, instead of just passing off opposing viewpoints as conspiracies. 

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6 minutes ago, ron883 said:


"It's impossible to tell whether that last bit of evolution took place in a laboratory or whether it took place in nature," Stanford professor and microbiologist David Relman told CBS News' Catherine Herridge.

Relman is no stranger to complex cases. When Anthrax was sent through the mail in 2001, Relman reviewed the science underpinning the FBI probe. Now, he's advising the government on the science behind the pandemic's origins.

He told CBS News that the lab-leak hypotheses are "absolutely legitimate" and are "plausible." Relman said the Wuhan lab housed a vast library of bat coronaviruses, including specimens from the caves.

"They weren't just studying these viruses. They were actually collecting samples from nature in the largest number with the greatest diversity of almost any place on the planet," he said.


Standford professor says those hypotheses are absolutely legitimate and plausible. Here's an idea - let's have an open mind and play devil's advocate more often, instead of just passing off opposing viewpoints as conspiracies. 

You do realize you almost repeated what he said with this article.

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4 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

You do realize you almost repeated what he said with this article.

He implied that the lab leak hypothesis is absolutely legitimate and plausible?


Also, you're the one that implied that that the notion of a lab leak being possible is from the "feelings crowd" as opposed to science. Add this to the list of things you were wrong about and should apologize for. 

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Just now, ron883 said:

He implied that the lab leak hypothesis is absolutely legitimate and plausible?


Also, you're the one that implied that that the notion of a lab leak being possible is from the "feelings crowd" as opposed to science. Add this to the list of things you were wrong about and should apologize for. 

That there is no actual evidence. 

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33 minutes ago, ron883 said:

He implied that the lab leak hypothesis is absolutely legitimate and plausible?


Also, you're the one that implied that that the notion of a lab leak being possible is from the "feelings crowd" as opposed to science. Add this to the list of things you were wrong about and should apologize for. 

He's anti-science there's no use in trying.

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49 minutes ago, ron883 said:


"It's impossible to tell whether that last bit of evolution took place in a laboratory or whether it took place in nature," Stanford professor and microbiologist David Relman told CBS News' Catherine Herridge.

Relman is no stranger to complex cases. When Anthrax was sent through the mail in 2001, Relman reviewed the science underpinning the FBI probe. Now, he's advising the government on the science behind the pandemic's origins.

He told CBS News that the lab-leak hypotheses are "absolutely legitimate" and are "plausible." Relman said the Wuhan lab housed a vast library of bat coronaviruses, including specimens from the caves.

"They weren't just studying these viruses. They were actually collecting samples from nature in the largest number with the greatest diversity of almost any place on the planet," he said.


Standford professor says those hypotheses are absolutely legitimate and plausible. Here's an idea - let's have an open mind and play devil's advocate more often, instead of just passing off opposing viewpoints as conspiracies. 

Do you remember how for 2 months last year we were worried about DNA surviving on surfaces and then it turned out that this virus was extremely poor at survival on surfaces? It turns out that researchers who work on them (who needed more funding btw) have known for years that it is extremely difficult to keep these viruses alive outside of appropriate hosts. They are hard to store and hard to culture. That combined with evidence against the people who collect these having been exposed on its own makes a strong case against a lab leak being possible.


Did researchers collect SARS-CoV-2 from a mine? 

Researchers from the WIV collected hundreds of samples from bats roosting in a mine between 2012 and 2015, after several miners working there had gotten sick with an unknown respiratory disease. (Last year, researchers reported that blood samples taken from the miners tested negative for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, meaning that the sickness was probably not COVID-199.) Back at the lab, WIV researchers detected nearly 300 coronaviruses in the bat samples, but they were able to get whole or partial genomic sequences from fewer than a dozen , and none of those that were reported were SARS-CoV-29,10. During the WHO-led origins probe earlier this year, WIV researchers told investigators that they cultured only three coronaviruses at the lab, and none were closely related to SARS-CoV-2.

Although the investigators didn’t sift through freezers at the WIV to confirm this information, the low number of genomes and cultures doesn’t surprise virologists. Munster says it’s exceedingly difficult to extract intact coronaviruses from bat samples. Virus levels tend to be low in the animals, and viruses are often degraded in faeces, saliva and droplets of blood. Additionally, when researchers want to study or genetically alter viruses, they need to keep them (or synthetic mimics of them) alive, by finding the appropriate live animal cells for the viruses to inhabit in the lab, which can be a challenge. 

So, for SARS-CoV-2 to have come from this mine in China, WIV researchers would have had to overcome some serious technical challenges — and they would have kept the information secret for a number of years and misled investigators on the WHO-led mission, scientists point out. There's no evidence of this, but it can't be ruled out.


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55 minutes ago, WhiteSoxFan1993 said:

So I had to click on the line for more context, this is the TN state health dept. that's doing this, and they're ending vaccine outreach programs to kids for all vaccines, not just COVID.

That's the first line in the first tweet. Does your embed not show both? Technical issues aside this a horrible development. We've now turned all vaccination into yet another culture war bullshit that's only going to harm a lot of people.

SCOOP: Tennessee Department of Health halts all vaccine outreach to kids – not just for COVID-19, but all diseases – amid pressure from GOP. Staff ordered to remove the agency logo from any documents providing vaccine info to the public, per internal dox.
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1 hour ago, WhiteSoxFan1993 said:

So I had to click on the line for more context, this is the TN state health dept. that's doing this, and they're ending vaccine outreach programs to kids for all vaccines, not just COVID.

Cant wait to be remembered as the generation who brought back TB and Small Pox.


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