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24 minutes ago, mqr said:

Cook County Jail is a really shitty, rock and hard place situation. Either you just let it continue to rip through there or release people and run the risk of having them spread the shit out of it. There really isn't a comfortable answer. 

Jails and nursing homes are places you do not want to be right now.  If you get one case, everyone gets it.

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It's a sad day. Numbers did not go down, but still on a modest trajectory. But 73 people died, and the deaths over the next week will be terrible. That said, I think Chicago in this first wave has avoided being overrun.

That said, we are below the IHME forecast in both beds needed and deaths so far, and mercifully we may be lower on our peak where they had 200+ people die in a day on 4/12. 

Thinking of all the families who are dealing with grief and the inability to grieve. Shitty day.


here is IHME link: https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/illinois

Here is a screenshot of where illinois is at

Screen Shot 2020-04-07 at 3.10.23 PM.png

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17 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

Jails and nursing homes are places you do not want to be right now.  If you get one case, everyone gets it.

We've had eight deaths at the same nursing home here in San Antonio. It looks like five today. 

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We’ve lost all perspective now in terms of what “doing a good job” in this situation even means...

We first had that 80-100k figure, then 200k, then 240k, Navarro even put the 500k figure from the Spanish flu out there.  The last 24 hours, now back down to the 50-80,000 range.

We will never know the real numbers, unfortunately.  This transition to opening up the economy again in May/June is going to be the trickiest part.

One of the statistics I saw recently was that complete school shutdowns resulted in roughly 2-4% more deaths.  That would mean something like 125-175 deaths so far prevented from those closures, in terms of US statistics.   I’m guessing there are a lot of Americans under 50 who will argue it’s not worth the disruption based on numbers like that.

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2 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

We’ve lost all perspective now in terms of what “doing a good job” in this situation even means...

We first had that 80-100k figure, then 200k, then 240k, Navarro even put the 500k figure from the Spanish flu out there.  The last 24 hours, now back down to the 50-80,000 range.

We will never know the real numbers, unfortunately.  This transition to opening up the economy again in May/June is going to be the trickiest part.

One of the statistics I saw recently was that complete school shutdowns resulted in roughly 2-4% more deaths.  That would mean something like 125-175 deaths so far prevented from those closures, in terms of US statistics.   I’m guessing there are a lot of Americans under 50 who will argue it’s not worth the disruption based on numbers like that.

First the figure was 1 or 2, then it was 15 cases going to zero soon.

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24 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

Trump now blaming the WHO. 

Seems like he’s starting to get cocky with the stock market recovering about half its lost value...it’s fine to be optimistic, but this is going to last at least through May/early June.

Wish he would make the pledge that no Trump 2020 campaign, Organization or Ivanka product lines would ever be manufactured abroad as well.  Of course, that will never happen.

It’s like he just learned for the first time this last week that there were around 200 countries in the world.

So we’re putting a hold on WHO funding but refusing any oversight on how hundreds of billions are being spent here?  Well, that makes so much sense...to make it even harder to get information to prevent the next pandemic down the line.  What is likely to happen is we will then get over-warned and it will be like the little boy crying wolf.

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Trump now blaming the fact that he has to be the cheerleader in chief for over optimism during the last four months.

Now he took just took back his WHO threat...we’re looking into it bigly.

Finally, ”They call it the herd.”   And a press secretary resigning that never actually gave a single press conference.


Well, that does it, one woman on that Laura Show, very good show, by the way...thought she was dead but now believes she was saved by hydroxychloroquine.   How do we know it wasn’t her believing that she was going better...when they could have had the same impact with a placebo?

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3 hours ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

I've read this a few times online and just want to say that there is no way Trump could maintain office without holding an election. If the election was postponed or delayed for any reason, Nancy Pelosi would become the President until a proper election can be held. That is how the Constitution has it written.

The only way - so I guess I shouldn't say no way - is for Trump to literally overthrow the government and military in a coup.

I would love if he tried to throw a coup to see who would be left to defend him. Who is going to be on the other side with a pitchfork, Kushner? 

3 hours ago, Texsox said:

Are people reusing fabric masks or washing them between uses? And is wearing one while driving really necessary? 

I made a mask out of a bandana and wore it once to Home Depot. I didn’t think I needed to wash it after one use for a short amount of time. I figured it would make a difference in washing it if I went to Aldi and Mariano’s on my usual grocery trip though.

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2 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I would love if he tried to throw a coup to see who would be left to defend him. 

I made a mask out of a bandana and wore it once to Home Depot. I didn’t think I needed to wash it after one use for a short amount of time. I figured it would make a difference in washing it if I went to Aldi and Mariano’s on my usual grocery trip though.

Every single member of the NRA.   If we thought PizzaGate was bad...

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5 minutes ago, Eloy Jiménez said:

I do not understand how numbers can be so wildly different. This is completely different than what the CDC, IHME are predicting for Texas.

When the input data lacks integrity - as the covid data does - the variance from model to model is going to be massive given the huge amount of assumptions being made by every modeler in the world. 

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Once my duties as a teacher are fulfilled for the year, I'm thinking about parking my RV in the woods somewhere and wait like a preper. 

I'm wondering why no one seems to be recommending keeping a log of who you have had contact with and where. If you are diagnosed wouldn't that be really helpful? 

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Just found out my cousin got out of the hospital from this yesterday. Bad enough to need a bpap to breathe (similar to a cpap), luckily not bad enough to be intubated. She's at home recovering now and seems to be doing better.


Please take this thing seriously, everyone.

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Over/under on how long this Fox press secretary will last?

Almost makes me yearn for the days of Spicer and Scaramucci...guess it depends if she has to face questions from a hostile audience of reporters at any time during her tenure.

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President Donald Trump credited his daughter Ivanka at a small business event with creating 15 million jobs – an astonishing claim that comes as the nation braces for millions of new unemployment claims.

The president's daughter appeared alongside her father in the Roosevelt Room as he held a conference call with CEOs, where he said his administration wants $250 billion in additional loans to shore up businesses and prevent mass layoffs.

'My daughter Ivanka Trump who just wants to have people working,' Trump said, acknowledging the first daughter, who has a job as a senior White House aide.

'I gave her lots of options. What do you like? She created over 15 million jobs working with some of you, but working with the biggest companies in the world,' Trump said. 

“They were training and training like nobody's ever seen. She started off with a goal of 500,000 jobs, and now she's up to over 15 million.' Trump was referencing job training commitments she helped coordinate – but not actual jobs that were created by her or the business leaders.




Unfortunately, not even sure this makes the Top Ten of outrageous claims/comments yesterday

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