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White Sox Spring Training Thread


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Not to sound like a whiner, but over the years, the White Sox has hit some bad luck. Of course, some of it was self-inflicted.

In the 1972, the team had acquired Dick Allen during the off-season and looked forward to a great year. They expected a home opening crowd approaching 50,000. Then there was a labor lockout, and the season was postponed. Their home opener ended up being on a cold April night and the crowd wasn't near 50,000.

In 1982, they had another good off-season, and this time the opener was snowed out.  It looked like January not April.

In 1994, the team had at least a decent chance of going to the World Series, and we all know  what the strike did to that.

Now the most serious setback in 2020. There's nothing like history repeating itself.

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