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Tell me what...?


Thanks because if it was not scanned so I could post it here those who didn't see the paper wouldn't have seen it..?  :dips***

They are taking them out like crazy. I would say the last ten rows, at least, are gone from the entire upperdeck. Not sure why we are kept in the dark.


San Fran has renamed their park SBC park. They sure are spending enough dough on ballpark names, don't they own US Cellular

"Kept in the dark.."? It was in the paper... just not online. :huh:

Yeah, but has anybody actually seen in print (hardcopy OR internet) saying just what exactly they are doing? Just odd that we start seeing pictures of seats being torn up and the White Sox page doesn't even acknowldge it, and there has been no mention of it on the news. I understand that JR wants to not take the spotlight away from the "other team" at this time, but he has to realize that there are some Sox fans out there who only truely care about news pertaining to his team, and not the other one, and that ANY news from our camp is enough to get us through the dark days, that have suddenly become oh so very bright.

Yea. There have been several stories about removing rows, building a extended roof, a HR porch in RF, etc, etc..


Several of them have been commented, at length, here on this site. Check the archives.

I'll do that. I have only been aware of this site for about...what is my registration date? That long. I'll look into those archives though. :D

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