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MLB Final Roster Options out of Spring Training

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Sadly many folks do not use subtlety when making any request.

Amazing how often people just comply without clearly thinking over the issue.

Every single sports or news organization makes similar requests and if makes those on the site worried over referencing the source of the article versus using links that is no big deal but there is a gray area here and if this is the way people react over something that is not being used commercially but for education and fair use if they prefer having a link that is the way it is.

Strange the hostility some folks show today that for whatever reason people think they can have limited regard for basic courtesy in communications.

I have been a long time coach and scout while also being a writer and the feeling I get sometimes from some members is hostility which I hope is not intended.

Thought I might help the enjoyment of the season's anticipation but there is a difference of working inside sports and letting emotions drive me to go personally after anyone's perspective and hopefully exhibit mutual courtesy.

I stuck it out because I thought that members might gain a unique perspective with my years of experience but for reasons that are unclear it seems people believe they can and will say anything without consideration and respect and not always doing it in an appropriate and civil manner.

I have been most patience with each and every point of view and perspective including this notion that italics are somehow offensive to some readers because I am trying to make it clearer to the reader.

This includes advising me of the site policy to use links versus copied and pasted articles.

I do appreciate the candor and advice.

But to personally insult the writer is something anyone should consider prior to hitting the send key.

If this is a challenge for some I may prefer to stick to private associates, friends and professional colleagues who have asked why I share experience and perspective in an environment where some believe it is OK to show a lack of professionalism even in recommending a preferential manner for the site to use links over articles even with the site and author referenced.

To each their own but using discretion as to how this is conveyed would better serve members, writers and readers with discretion.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions including not being required to censor said points of view.

The only thing would be to respect the integrity of each member and focus on the primary issues that most might agree are pertinent to and for this site which is White Sox baseball and the 2020 season, the coming prospects and the long-term sustainable success for the franchise.





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You were wrong about the full article posting.  Quit trying to make excuses and accept it.  You are also wrong about your goofy formatting of bold, italics, and carriage return spacing after almost every sentence being “clearer to the reader.”  Have you ever seen a formal report typed that way?  No?  Well, there’s a reason...  Hell, the only thing you are missing is an underline or perhaps yellow highlighting on your text!  Meanwhile, no one can even quote your posts without turning a thread into an illegible scroll-fest.

Edited by Moan4Yoan
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6 hours ago, Minoso-Pierce-Allen-HOF said:

Sadly many folks do not use subtlety when making any request.

Amazing how often people just comply without clearly thinking over the issue.

Every single sports or news organization makes similar requests and if makes those on the site worried over referencing the source of the article versus using links that is no big deal but there is a gray area here and if this is the way people react over something that is not being used commercially but for education and fair use if they prefer having a link that is the way it is.

Strange the hostility some folks show today that for whatever reason people think they can have limited regard for basic courtesy in communications.

I have been a long time coach and scout while also being a writer and the feeling I get sometimes from some members is hostility which I hope is not intended.

Thought I might help the enjoyment of the season's anticipation but there is a difference of working inside sports and letting emotions drive me to go personally after anyone's perspective and hopefully exhibit mutual courtesy.

I stuck it out because I thought that members might gain a unique perspective with my years of experience but for reasons that are unclear it seems people believe they can and will say anything without consideration and respect and not always doing it in an appropriate and civil manner.

I have been most patience with each and every point of view and perspective including this notion that italics are somehow offensive to some readers because I am trying to make it clearer to the reader.

This includes advising me of the site policy to use links versus copied and pasted articles.

I do appreciate the candor and advice.

But to personally insult the writer is something anyone should consider prior to hitting the send key.

If this is a challenge for some I may prefer to stick to private associates, friends and professional colleagues who have asked why I share experience and perspective in an environment where some believe it is OK to show a lack of professionalism even in recommending a preferential manner for the site to use links over articles even with the site and author referenced.

To each their own but using discretion as to how this is conveyed would better serve members, writers and readers with discretion.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions including not being required to censor said points of view.

The only thing would be to respect the integrity of each member and focus on the primary issues that most might agree are pertinent to and for this site which is White Sox baseball and the 2020 season, the coming prospects and the long-term sustainable success for the franchise.





Problem #1.  A baseball message board does not fall under "education".  That only applies to ACTUAL educational entities.  A college, an elementary school, etc.  A baseball message board is not in that category.  Not even in the gray as a maybe.

Problem #2.  "Fair Use" is a short snippet of the story, not the entire F'ing article.  (I even put the most important part in bold AND italics so that you would be sure to read it.)

Problem #3.  You are not the victim here.  As a user of Soxtalk and a guest on this website, you are expected to follow the forum rules.  Even after repeatedly being asked to do so, you decided that your errant interpretation of copyright law was more valid than the people who own and run this page, thus putting the team that runs this in legal jeopardy.  This is not OK.  When a user repeatedly ignores the rules of the page in exchange for their own point of view, you will run into hostility, as this page has been functioning for nearly 20 years, and we aren't going to endanger it because you feel you are right.  Putting this into danger is going to anger people, and create hostility.  If you have a problem with this, feel free to "prefer to stick to private associates, friends and professional colleagues who have asked why I share experience and perspective."

Problem #4.  We tried subtly and with discretion asking you to not create copyright violations on our page, but you decided the rules didn't apply to you and did it anyway. 

Problem #5. Your definition of "mutual courtesy" seems to be only a one way street.

Problem #6.  No one has censored anything related to your "point of view."  The only materials which have been removed are the copyrighted ones.  That is the policy of this page, and will continue to be so, no matter how wrong your opinion is of the actions.

Problem #7.  If legal action were to emerge because of your actions, this page would voluntarily turn over all of your related identifying information to the authorities and cooperate in any investigation, as well as show proof of the actions we took to prevent your illegal acts.

Problem #8.  If the rules here are not something you want to follow, please feel free to find a new home.  If you keep breaking the rules, we will help you start the journey to a new home.

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From the tone of your message it may be time for me to consider jumping off this bandwagon.

Don't know how you were raised but the lack of respect and civility is a bit far off for my tastes nor your understanding of what is fair use and educational.

Let's just say we will agree to disagree on this point.

But it is your site and it is your site.

Everything I personally wrote was for educational and entertainment purposes ("Fun a the Old Ballpark" as expressed by Harry Caray) and people had the right if they so choose and with reference to share said observations with whoever they wanted that may fall under fair use except for commercial purposes.

And this is over an article with comments of Jose Contreras and Orlando Hernandez all referenced.

It is your website so that is your right which you fully have the right to establish guidelines.

If I did something that was not in accordance with this site this was never my intention but I do reserve the right to have a different opinion on what is educational and fair use.

You interpret it differently and that is your right as it is your site.

It was requested to use links so I did such.

Maybe I am missing something but Soxtalk does not appear to be a commercial website.

And I am not engaged in any form commerce pertaining to this site.

I received my education at one of the top journalism universities in the nation.

There was nothing illegal whatsoever regarding postings which were referenced.

To insinuate such is incongruous.

I fully understand issues of copyright and know all too well was plagiarism is but the article in question was in fact referenced with site name-NBC Chicago, author-Chuck Garfien and date and under no circumstance was this being used for any commercial purpose.

One reader, in fact, inferred that what some postings I had written were not my own which was unfounded and I corrected that member that all words and thoughts were my own. 

If I did something to offend you or missed something in the translation please excuse any indiscretion in any communications that I may have missed or may have been misconstrued.

Thought I might try and add some substance from years of experience but the misinformation and innuendos being inferred are so beyond good taste one wonders where this directed hostility comes from?

If you have had in the past multiple abuses I could understand.

The only victim you imply here if there is one is free speech, reason and sharing information.

Did not think a message board on the White Sox would turn into such a circus. 

It was never my intention to do anything but share on the current state and future of the 2020 Chicago White Sox.

Why some feel it is not within the bounds of good taste to communicate with tact and dexterity on a non-commercial social media site is rather surprising. 

Don't know your personal situation nor what has happened to you on this site in the past.

That said I fully understand any concerns you may have and being your site you have the right to determine the methods and means of information shared if it is not original writing.

Good luck to this message board in your future endeavors.

You may be a great guy who has faced the wrath of overzealous MSM so please accept that we are on the same side here and I fully understand and appreciate any concerns expressed.

Thank you for the time aboard and if I do not return know the journey was an interesting one.

I wish you and all your members well.

My best.



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