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I think if everybody just avoids panicking (and announcing cancellation of the entire season in the next week or two) maybe there will be a way to play games without fans at some point this season. It seems like it's a no-no to be optimistic about corona these days. It's almost as if people want the world to continue to stop until summer 2021.

Well ... I'm hoping we can keep our heads about us, come to some compromises, and play sports without fans in a month or so. I can pray, can't I? I see both sides, but unless we're all locked in our homes month after month until a vaccine is discovered and tested (May 2021?) there will have to be some compromises. If so ... I don't see why they can't try playing sports without fans.

On the other hand, if we just have to shut everything down til the vaccine is tested, well get ready to hunker down at home for 18 months. By then the world would have changed so much sports probably won't even be a consideration anymore.

CMON PEOPLE, let's see what happens and quit canceling things 3-4 months ahead of when we have to! Things might actually improve.

Edited by greg775
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I love it. See ... if leagues and colleges do not panic and wait this out a bit MAYBE all parties can come up with some solutions. Can u imagine how cool it'll be if baseball season can be saved??? We can't just give up and say "We'll see you all in May, 2021." Babysteps.

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4 hours ago, greg775 said:

I love it. See ... if leagues and colleges do not panic and wait this out a bit MAYBE all parties can come up with some solutions. Can u imagine how cool it'll be if baseball season can be saved??? We can't just give up and say "We'll see you all in May, 2021." Babysteps.

Agreed.  The health of the people of the country is #1, and before anything is decided upon we have to see what happens over the next few weeks.  It sounds like the peak could be soon, and how long we're at the peak will be important.  Access to rapid testing is also key.  They're making a lot of progress here, and if the testing is available in early May as predicted, that will go a long way to getting things back to some sort of normal.

But, yeah, let's see what happens before deciding that we'll be sheltered in place for 16 months.

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44 minutes ago, hi8is said:

It’s a travesty that the Astros won’t get retribution from fans for God knows how long.

I think this means the Astros have to be suspended since Manfred told us public shaming was their punishment.

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