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Morning routine


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Mine goes something like this,

Make coffee

Start email

Goto bathroom with coffee for regularity

read email, log onto soxtalk

drive Jr. to school

finish email while eating breakfast

read soxtalk some more

brush teeth


go to work

read soxtalk :D

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Mine goes something like this,

Make coffee

Start email

Goto bathroom with coffee for regularity

read email, log onto soxtalk

drive Jr. to school

finish email while eating breakfast

read soxtalk some more

brush teeth


go to work

read soxtalk  :D

You never left the bathroom. :huh:

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Mine goes something like this,

Make coffee

Start email

Goto bathroom with coffee for regularity

read email, log onto soxtalk

drive Jr. to school

finish email while eating breakfast

read soxtalk some more

brush teeth


go to work

read soxtalk  :D

You never left the bathroom. :huh:


It's all that spicy mexican food I eat down here . . .

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wake up

shower with lights off...trust me, it's like the womb, it's sooo much easier to wake up in the morning.


get in car

start car

fake myself into believing I like where I work

take the 15 minute commute.

get to work

remember why i hate working here

remember that I forgot to make breakfast or lunch.

check email

log on to soxtalk

continue to hate working here :bang

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Hit snooze 3 or 4 times.

Drag my ass out of bed.


Do Hair.

Brush teeth.

put on deodorant.

pick the attire for the day.

Iron my shirt because I am too lazy to do it the night before and my wife is a terrible ironer.


hop in the car for a 30 minute commute.

Get to work late.

do an hour plus of "internet work".

Go and get breakfast at the cafeteria

do more "internet work".


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Wake up.

Turn on Howard Stern.

Take a shower while listening to Howard, who is usually interviewing a hot chick.

Get out of shower, brush teeth, comb hair, put on deodorant and some cologne, get dressed (sometimes iron).

Eat breakfast.

Drive to school and continue listening to Howard.

Arrive at school.

Sulk my way into class, since I don't want to be there.

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Well I don't really have one on weekends, just wake up whenever, turn on tv and watch football. Around 10:30 go play football with my buddies.


On Weekdays

Wake up (6:35)

Usually Go Back to Sleep (Anywhere from 5-20 minutes, depending on whether I want to eat breakfast, shave, or just throw on a hat and rush to school and shower when I get home)

Brust Teeth

Put in Contacts

Shave (If I feel like it)

Shower (90% of the time; sometimes I do it at night and then shower when I get home from school around 11:00)

Eat Breakfast (Once again, if I feel like it)

Read the Sports Page while I eat breakfast (Otherwise, take it in the car and read it while waiting for my first class to start. Usually a buddy of mine ends up reading part of it during my first class and I never end up finishing it)

Hop in the Car

Drive to School (Takes about 20 minutes)

On the way listen to Kevin and Beane show

Get out of Car....Drag my ass into class

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:lol: Get up at 6 am if I have to get to work by 7.. and 7 am if I have to be at work by 8..(it rotates)

then your normal routine if going to the bathroom, strip down bare and admire my physique for a few minutes and jump into the shower..and all that normal stuff afterward


then get dressed and "if" I have time I might log on to Soxtalk or whatver...but I mostly don't..eat some Honey Comb cereal before I go and I'm off..to a hard days of work and where I make the bug bucks :rolleyes:


then it all depends when i get home..usually at around 5:30 pm..sometimes later if I work OT..and if I'm feelin well I log on to Soxtalk right away to check it out..if not I wait to later at night..that's all


I live an exciting life, don't I :lol:

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Hmmm....morning? I'll use that term figuratively, considering I work 2nd shift at out hospital in town. Being so, I leave work at midnight, go to gym until 2 AM, play a little Everquest until 6 or 7 AM, then hit the bed. So, with that being said, my "morning" begins around 3 PM.


Wake up between 3 and 3:15 PM.

Look around, think of potential ways to sleep 5 more minutes.

Grab towel and wash cloth and throw them in the bathroom

Start hot water i shower, it takes a good 60-90 seconds to actually get hot

Honor the best nation around......urination.

Jump in the shower

Get out of shower, deodorize, cologne, hair brushing

Brush teeth

Hit the orange Listerine (Whoa, that burns)

Shave the rogue facial hairs

Flush toilet

Get Dressed (Socks, then Pants, then shirt, then hat, then shoes)

Grab Cell phone, wallet, keys

Open, re-lock and close door

I'm on my way

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Get up at 7:15 a.m.

Shower till 7.20 a.m.

Get changed into school uniform at 7:25 a.m.

Breakfast usually toast and or peaches at 7:30 a.m.

Brush teeth, gel hair and shave at 7:35 a.m.

Watch tv (e.g Yanks vs Red Sox game was on this morning) at 7:45 a.m

Drive to school at 8 a.m.

Get to school at 8:20 a.m.

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