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The worst thing to happen in 2020...

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Besides the expanded playoffs that they’ll never go backwards on?

The extra inning rule with a man on 2nd. Watching MLB Network earlier, and Mark DeRosa nailed it— if they were going to do it, start it in the 12th inning. Play real baseball for at least 2 more innings.

And he’s right. This is unscientific, but I looked at last year’s first 60 games for each team, and the average team played 5 extra inning games and 11 total extra innings (rounded up). Most games that go to extras, end in 10 or 11 anyway, so that would have been the way to go. Me personally? I would have no problem with ties after 12, but if they’re going to play the man on 2nd thing, start it in the 12th.


Edited by flavum
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