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Time to pull out the Ray Rayner White Sox/Cubs Helmet

South Side Hit Men

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For all you youngsters out there, Ray Rayner was the morning cartoon show host on WGN in the 1970s and 1980s. He would provide White Sox and Cubs highlights at one point in his show, and flip his half White Sox half Cubs hat / helmet (he is wearing the dual hat in the video) to present the respective highlight.

This was pre-meatball/meathead days, when you could have a favorite home team, but not hate the team across town. I'll be rooting for the White Sox and Cubs the next three days, hope most of you can join me.

Go White Sox, beat the Piranhas!

Go Cubs, beat the Injuns!

Edited by South Side Hit Men
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  On 9/15/2020 at 6:22 PM, palehose1 said:

Been wearing it proudly since October 2016IMG_1190.jpg



  On 9/15/2020 at 6:10 PM, SouthWallace said:

Go Sox.  Fuck the Cubs.


Who are you rooting for tonight at Wrigley?

Not suggesting people should become Cub fans beyond Thursday, just stating it is in the White Sox' vested interest for the Cubs to beat Cleveland. I personally don't take any joy in the Cubs winning or losing. Sure we all know a few douchebag fans that are obnoxious, but there are also solid baseball fans among lifelong fans that are Cub fans, and I was happy for them in 2016, even though I wanted Cleveland to win (usually root for the American League team regardless in the World Series, unless the Expos (hate the Nationals) or Mets were in the World Series).

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  On 9/15/2020 at 6:05 PM, South Side Hit Men said:


This was pre-meatball/meathead days, when you could have a favorite home team, but not hate the team across town. I'll be rooting for the White Sox and Cubs the next three days, hope most of you can join me.

Go White Sox, beat the Piranhas!

Go Cubs, beat the Injuns!


I cannot stand the smarmy owner of the cubs or his racist father, so no, I will not be rooting for the cubs.


"Injuns"? .. in 2020? Yikes.

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i rooted for the Indians in 2016 vs cubs as there was no direct impact on the Sox.

Tonight I will root for the Indians to lose because it helps the Sox.

I, like most Sox fans, know a few knowledgeable Cub fans and we trade friendly barbs... but growing up on the SW side of Chicago, living in the SW burbs but working up North I have had my fill of most Cub fans. They will will not get past the Padres or Dodgers this year and then its time for another rebuild or another retool for them. 


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I will root for the Cubs to beat the Indians.

I will also generally hope for the Cubs to do well when they are not playing the Sox.  The people who walk around wearing t-shirts etc. trashing the other team in town, on both sides of town, look like complete blowhards who aren't worth 10 seconds of a conversation.  I'm not influenced by those people to also act like they do.  I also don't go to bars or drink alcohol and I don't have to work alongside people like this, so I don't have much contact with these kinds of losers.

I'm not a Cubs fan but I don't hate them either.  I hate the Dodgers though, and the Red Sox on any day Sale isn't pitching.

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  On 9/15/2020 at 6:38 PM, South Side Hit Men said:


Who are you rooting for tonight at Wrigley?

Not suggesting people should become Cub fans beyond Thursday, just stating it is in the White Sox' vested interest for the Cubs to beat Cleveland. I personally don't take any joy in the Cubs winning or losing. Sure we all know a few douchebag fans that are obnoxious, but there are also solid baseball fans among lifelong fans that are Cub fans, and I was happy for them in 2016, even though I wanted Cleveland to win (usually root for the American League team regardless in the World Series, unless the Expos (hate the Nationals) or Mets were in the World Series).


Let me stop you at "at Wrigley."  Sox take care of business and they are the division winner.  I don't pay attention to the Cubs.  They are constantly thrown in my face so I push back against it where I can, but I prefer to pay them no mind.

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  On 9/15/2020 at 7:14 PM, SouthWallace said:

Let me stop you at "at Wrigley."  Sox take care of business and they are the division winner.  I don't pay attention to the Cubs.  They are constantly thrown in my face so I push back against it where I can, but I prefer to pay them no mind.


These are the types of people we all strive to avoid, be it in discussions involving politics, sports, religion or other topics of grief and arguments.

I hope you can avoid these types in the future.


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  On 9/15/2020 at 8:39 PM, South Side Hit Men said:

These are the types of people we all strive to avoid, be it in discussions involving politics, sports, religion or other topics of grief and arguments.

I hope you can avoid these types in the future.



Actually of note is the "injuns" slur in your original post.  This really isn't the place for that, and we should all strive to be better than that.

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  On 9/15/2020 at 6:05 PM, South Side Hit Men said:


This was pre-meatball/meathead days, when you could have a favorite home team, but not hate the team across town. I'll be rooting for the White Sox and Cubs the next three days, hope most of you can join me.

Go White Sox, beat the Piranhas!

Go Cubs, beat the Injuns!


Hating the Cubs is not the “new thing.”  It’s the old thing.  The original thing.  The new thing is whining about the existence of a natural city rivalry.

Edited by 35thstreetswarm
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  On 9/15/2020 at 8:39 PM, South Side Hit Men said:

These are the types of people we all strive to avoid, be it in discussions involving politics, sports, religion or other topics of grief and arguments.

I hope you can avoid these types in the future.



You asked me who I was rooting for at Wrigley.  You called them to my attention.  Thanks for proving my point.

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I basically try to ignore them when they are not playing the Sox just because I have run into too many of their fans who are real asshats.  Case in point, I had no idea they had thrown a no hitter til someone mentioned it here.  Don't recall who threw it, just that I had never heard of him before.  A Cub pitcher throwing a no hitter is no different to me than a Rockie throwing a no hitter...good for him but in general I don't really care.  So I will not be wearing the dual hat...but I did love Ray Rayner.

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  On 9/15/2020 at 7:13 PM, YourWhatHurts said:

I will root for the Cubs to beat the Indians.

I will also generally hope for the Cubs to do well when they are not playing the Sox.  The people who walk around wearing t-shirts etc. trashing the other team in town, on both sides of town, look like complete blowhards who aren't worth 10 seconds of a conversation.  I'm not influenced by those people to also act like they do.  I also don't go to bars or drink alcohol and I don't have to work alongside people like this, so I don't have much contact with these kinds of losers.

I'm not a Cubs fan but I don't hate them either.  I hate the Dodgers though, and the Red Sox on any day Sale isn't pitching.


Seems like most of this post is spent being petty and judgemental in some misguided effort to show how non hateful and mature you are.

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  On 9/15/2020 at 8:52 PM, Eloy Jiménez said:

I don't hate the Cubs. I cheered for them in 2016 because there were Sox fans who thought we didn't want to rebuild. Turns out they were wrong. That being said, I don't see the Cubs playing the Sox in the World Series or anything like that.


I didn't cheer against the Cubs in 2016 because I didn't want to seem like a bitter Sox fan. I also was OK with them winning because my grandfather was able to witness them win one before he passed. Deep down, I wanted them to lose.

I wasn't one of these bitter ass Sox fans that cringe at the thought of a crosstown series. I don't like the Cubs, but I don't have disdain for them. I drank and partied the night they won. I enjoyed the atmosphere on the Northside during their run. 

To think people wouldn't want to see a crosstown series is just mindboggling to me. The atmosphere would be so incredibly cool. Bantering and shit talking with my Cubs fan friends during it would be great. There wouldn't be a split in the city and suburbs. EVERYBODY would have a rooting interest. A crosstown series would be a dream.  

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  On 9/15/2020 at 6:05 PM, South Side Hit Men said:


For all you youngsters out there, Ray Rayner was the morning cartoon show host on WGN in the 1970s and 1980s. He would provide White Sox and Cubs highlights at one point in his show, and flip his half White Sox half Cubs hat / helmet (he is wearing the dual hat in the video) to present the respective highlight.

This was pre-meatball/meathead days, when you could have a favorite home team, but not hate the team across town. I'll be rooting for the White Sox and Cubs the next three days, hope most of you can join me.

Go White Sox, beat the Piranhas!

Go Cubs, beat the Injuns!


What an absurd take; I learned to hate the Cubs from my father and Uncle, who grew up in the 50's and 60's. 

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  On 9/15/2020 at 6:47 PM, chetkincaid said:

I cannot stand the smarmy owner of the cubs or his racist father, so no, I will not be rooting for the cubs.


"Injuns"? .. in 2020? Yikes.


The Rickettes are terrible people; I have no idea what I'd do if my favorite teams were owned by such heinous people. Jerry is a lot of things, but he's not a Rickette.

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  On 9/15/2020 at 10:45 PM, Blackout Friday said:

Seems like most of this post is spent being petty and judgemental in some misguided effort to show how non hateful and mature you are.


LOL at being petty.

I can wear a t-shirt that has the Sox logo on it to show my support and appreciation for the Sox.  I am part of one group and am showing my support for that one group without taking any special effort to attack any other groups.

OTOH someone who chooses to wear a t-shirt that says "Fuck the Cubs" is specifically taking an action which he already knows will likely anger or put down other people who are part of another group.  Signalling he is in the group of Sox fans isn't enough; he has to go further and intentionally try to anger other people in a different group or make them feel bad.  

What makes people like this blowhards, losers, etc. is that they will do things like put those juvenile stickers of a guy peeing on something on their vehicle, and it says Cubs or Sox or whatever on it, or something similar, and then they drive around, or they wear some shirt and walk around, etc. and they really don't care if some car goes by with a couple little kids in it or an old woman or old man, etc., they really don't give a shit about any of the other people they are intentionally trying to anger or make feel bad.  What other kind of terms are really good descriptors of these kinds of people?

Worse of all, it is all over sports.  Sports is the one field in the entirety of life where you can be uber competitive in all aspects of life and not take things away from other people that those people need, like basic rights, money, resources, land, etc.  The competitiveness of sports is perfectly pure and can exist completely without harmful incident.  And sports really doesn't make the world turn.  Sports can go away and people will still be just fine.  It's just really the one area where the results don't matter.  If the republicans take office, certain laws change, and if democrats take office, other laws change, and so it is logical that people get really uptight etc about politics because these things affects laws, money, property, rights, etc.  But if the Sox win the WS or the Cubs win the WS this year, life is still going to be basically the same for everybody in all of the most important ways.

The people that act like being a fan of X is so extremely important and that also not being a fan of Y is so extremely important, really come off like complete morons because how could they not be?

Some of the dumbest and trashiest people I have ever met in my life are these kinds of fans.  They generally don't know anything about sports either.  Go find the "Cub" fan wearing the Sox shirt about the Jail Cell or whatever and try to talk baseball with him and 1) he probably doesn't know much of anything about the game or even that much about his own team, and 2) is probably such a dipshit that there's really no reason to talk to him at all unless you're placing your order and he's bringing it to you.

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BTW I think it's fine to hate the Cubs, but making an effort to tell everyone about it all the time is putting you in blowhard territory.

And the rivalry is great.  Playing the Cubs always kind of feels a bit like the playoffs in the middle of the season, for both teams, and I think all of the players love it and almost all of the fans love it. 

I would not at all be surprised if the Sox and Cubs are in the same division in 2022.  If the DH comes to the NL in the new CBA, there really is no reason at all to keep an AL and NL anymore.  Might as well do a realignment.  I would actually bet that is how it will work out.  The owners will want more playoff revenue and expanded playoffs, etc., and will also probably want to cash in better on natural rivalry games.

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Still not sure you’re getting the irony he identified in your post.  And by the way, the reason it’s not a big deal to “put down another group” (?) in this context is *because* it’s just sports, which doesn’t really matter, as you point out.  The guy with the sticker doesn’t actually want to pee on everyone who likes the Cubs.  Normal Cub fans don’t feel denigrated as human beings when they see the sticker.  They are all just messing around and engaging in the time-honored tradition of trash talk about a meaningless pastime — engaging in harmless tribalism precisely because the stakes are so low.  You, on the other hand, have actually passed real judgment on the character of a whole group of people based on their t-shirts.

Also, a ten-paragraph double post is probably not the ideal vehicle for accusing others of being “blowhards”, but I digress.

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