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Guess what idiot


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forgot he had a calc exam today.


:dips***  :stupid

Haa...in the excitement of it all I was still studying for my Geology exam.


Hopefully I kick its ass :headbang

Yeah, unfortuantely I missed my exam completely. I did email my professor and plan on going to her office and begging her to let me make up the test.

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Double Ouch.  Hopefully you can convince her and hopefully she's a nice an understanding teacher.


If I were you, I'd pay of a doctor  :D

I'm thinking about it. The problem was I had three other tests this week and a paper, plus the Cubs series and it just completely slipped my mind. Well, at least I think I did pretty good on my other tests.

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Double Ouch.  Hopefully you can convince her and hopefully she's a nice an understanding teacher.


If I were you, I'd pay of a doctor  :D

Do NOT lie. More than likely, your professor has heard every story in the book, and if you lie, you have no chance of having her let you make it up because she'll know you're full of s***.


If I were you, I'd explain to her that you simply forgot because you had a lot of other stuff going on in your other classes. However, how did you forget about the test? Like, did you not go to class thinking you wouldn't miss anything, and then later you realized you had a test? Because if you have a history of poor attendance, you're going to be screwed. Your only hope is that she thinks you're a good student otherwise, and if she's kind, you might get lucky. If not, you're going to have to bite the bullet.

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Honesty? Bullwinkle that trick never works.


Good luck. All my professors have procedures for make up exams. They all involve starting out with less points (my old radio name - Les Points)

All my teachers make up policy is THERE ARE NONE. No excuses at all. Usually you can drop one test though and they call that the makeup.

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I've got you beat by far, wsf99!


Fall semester sophomore year (Fall, 2001), I overslept for a FINAL EXAM, missing the ENTIRE exam! I ran to the classroom to see if the professor was hanging around, to no luck, so I walked back to my dorm with an empty feeling. I call his office and get no answer, so I left a message on his voice mail...I got a reply about a half-hour later.


Fortunately, I had only missed a couple classes over the course of the semester, so he held great compassion for me, allowing me to take the final two hours later! I got an A in the class and thanked him dearly!

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I got an A in the class and thanked him dearly!

I thought you said you were a virgin? :huh:




But like Jason said, virtually ALL college professors (whether it be a legitimate university or a JC) say there are no make-ups. They say that just as a formality, though. Most of them will be understanding if you have a legitimate excuse. Sleeping in is weak, so you're going to have to pray you've had good attendance (like Heather said), otherwise you're most likely screwed.

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I thought you said you were a virgin? :huh:




But like Jason said, virtually ALL college professors (whether it be a legitimate university or a JC) say there are no make-ups.  They say that just as a formality, though.  Most of them will be understanding if you have a legitimate excuse.  Sleeping in is weak, so you're going to have to pray you've had good attendance (like Heather said), otherwise you're most likely screwed.

I know one thing, if I were a teacher, I wouldn't want to have to proture a bunch of makeups cause the students were late or what not.


But a lot of the time you can take the test at a different time in one of their different classes.


Or just be there all the time like Clu says, which is what I do anyway. I know if I don't go, then I'm gonna get lazy and stop going.

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Update: Was allowed to take the exam although mine was harder than the rest of the classes test.  I definately did not do very well, but hey some points are better than none.

Good to hear. Sometimes what teachers will do is let's say the original exam was an objective exam (multiple choice), the make-up will be an essay exam, which most agree is more difficult. But yes, like you said, some points are better than a "0". :)


Lesson learned -- don't sleep in when you have an exam, dumbass. :P

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Good to hear.  Sometimes what teachers will do is let's say the original exam was an objective exam (multiple choice), the make-up will be an essay exam, which most agree is more difficult.  But yes, like you said, some points are better than a "0". :)


Lesson learned -- don't sleep in when you have an exam, dumbass. :P

Of course, in Sideshowapu's case, essay tests would be perfect!!! Especially those of political context. :lol:

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Good to hear.  Sometimes what teachers will do is let's say the original exam was an objective exam (multiple choice), the make-up will be an essay exam, which most agree is more difficult.  But yes, like you said, some points are better than a "0".   :)


Lesson learned -- don't sleep in when you have an exam, dumbass.   :P

Of course, in Sideshowapu's case, essay tests would be perfect!!! Especially those of political context. :lol:



Does your green feature not work? :lol:

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That's good your teacher wasn't that bad. I have one teacher who said no way to people making tests up without a note from the doctor.

I had one telling me if you were in the hospital it wouldn't matter.


I always miss one day of classes (Well two days total) when I go to spring training. That way Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun I am enjoying sunny Arizona :headbang

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I had one telling me if you were in the hospital it wouldn't matter. 


I always miss one day of classes (Well two days total) when I go to spring training.  That way Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun I am enjoying sunny Arizona  :headbang

Heh, that sounds like a teacher playing hardball to me. And besides, I think it would be illegal for a professor to not allow a make-up exam if there was a legitimate medical reason for the student not coming to class that day.

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