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Tony La Russa named Manager


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  On 10/29/2020 at 8:17 PM, Green Line said:

What do people want?  Pinatas at home plate after a grand slam?  He said he's fine with player celebrations as long as they're sincere.  That sounds like the most reasonable statement I can think of.  Sportsmanship still matters.


Please give an example of an insincere celebration.

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Was really hoping they would take their sweet time and interview multiple candidates, I was thinking at least month before they named one

Well on the bright side, it'll take him 2 minutes to walk to the mound at his age, giving relief pitcher more warm up


The racist thing? That work gets bandied around so much its lost its value, it just means you made someone mad

Welcome back Tony, whats next? Bring Luzinski back....


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  On 10/29/2020 at 8:17 PM, Balta1701 said:

Please give an example of an insincere celebration.


Probably one where you are staring down a pitcher because you are mad or doing something really just to piss the other team off - nothing jumps off the top of my head, but we've certainly seen it done.  Whether you call that a "celebration" or not, heck if I know.  

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  On 10/29/2020 at 8:11 PM, SonofaRoache said:

You are very smart. Let's be real here though, he is right to a degree. Analytics are very important but we need a guy who can say, "wait a minute, in this moment, a gut decision makes sense." For instance, you have to take into account if a pitcher is tired or frustrated. Is a player likely to get hurt playing defense poorly. A guy may hit a pitcher well in his career, but is he in a big slump now? 


Roache, if you read my stuff about Cash I don't even entirely disagree with pairing analytics with game day observations. My problem with Tony is he basically implied that analytics are for before the game. 

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  On 10/29/2020 at 8:17 PM, TheTruth05 said:

Hahn has a job for life if he stays but I sincerely hope he goes into "idgaf" mode and starts wheeling and dealing to give this window a legit chance these next 2-3 years then leaves


And go where? He has a high paying job and has been viewed as a failure for most of his time in charge here. If the ship fails, he keeps his job because he didn't hire the coach. He will not be in a better situation anywhere else for the next 7 years. 

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  On 10/29/2020 at 8:13 PM, Yearnin' for Yermin said:

This hiring process was not done in a fair manner. JR totally undermined Hahn and made the decision for me. 

If the hiring process was done fairly and not totally rigged by Reinsdorf, I would leave here for good. Unfortunately it wasn't done fairly and I won't be honoring it. 


They'd break your knees in Vegas for that ya know

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  On 10/29/2020 at 8:05 PM, IWokeUpLikeThis said:


Just heard the news, and screamed so loud the house shook. 

Never bet against Tony LaRussa. He's a legend of the sport and Jim Leyland's called him the "GOAT" for a reason. He's kept sharp on the game through the years and put on an exhibition in relationship skills when he flipped a bunch of votes to get Harold into the HOF. TLR is the complete package - socially, relationship skills, fundamentals, knowledge, subtle moves, big moves. 

I'm so proud and grateful to be a fan. My favorite pro sports organization ever. This day goes down as one of my favorite in history and I can feel my body overcome with jolts of energy. 


Welcome to Soxtalk!

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  On 10/29/2020 at 8:15 PM, SonofaRoache said:

Why even watch the press conference then? No matter what he says people are gonna complain. If what he is saying is true, and i'll take him at his word, he will be much more progressive on the field than we thought. That is a good thing. He is here and nothing anyone can do about it. All we can do is hope our concerns are alleviated. 


I didn't watch the press conference....plus I was joking.

Like I've said before, who they sign in the offseason to play is much more important than this move imho.

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  On 10/29/2020 at 8:21 PM, SonofaRoache said:

And go where? He has a high paying job and has been viewed as a failure for most of his time in charge here. If the ship fails, he keeps his job because he didn't hire the coach. He will not be in a better situation anywhere else for the next 7 years. 


Things change very fast in this league, there's no doubt he'd be able to find another GM spot in a few years especially if the Sox has some success which is pretty hard to imagine they don't at this point.

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