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Tony La Russa named Manager


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  On 11/6/2020 at 3:37 PM, southsider2k5 said:

Jose Quintana = Miguel Cabrera.  Sure.  That a great analogy. 

There are no great ex-White Sox floating around that TLR could have called ahead of his hire.  There are no great CURRENT White Sox that TLR could have called in the last week.  It makes total sense that a leader wouldn't want to talk to the leaders of the team he is taking over.    Quit carrying the mail for a guy who doesn't care about anyone but himself.


If you said Hinch already reached out to Cabrera you would have a point.  You said Verlander, who's opinion is every bit as relevant to the Tigers as Quintana's would be to the Sox.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 4:45 PM, ThirdGen said:

If you said Hinch already reached out to Cabrera you would have a point.  You said Verlander, who's opinion is every bit as relevant to the Tigers as Quintana's would be to the Sox.


The point, as always, is that TLR has failed as a leader since being hired.  He has ignored the key members of his team.  He hasn't even been able to go out and give interviews, except in White Sox controlled media.  Tim Anderson already had his national award interview ruined with questions about why Tony hasn't reached out to him.

With all of the questions surrounding this hire, the man hasn't even done the minimal amount to try to show they were unfounded.  THAT is MY point.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 4:50 PM, southsider2k5 said:

The point, as always, is that TLR has failed as a leader since being hired.  He has ignored the key members of his team.  He hasn't even been able to go out and give interviews, except in White Sox controlled media.  Tim Anderson already had his national award interview ruined with questions about why Tony hasn't reached out to him.

With all of the questions surrounding this hire, the man hasn't even done the minimal amount to try to show they were unfounded.  THAT is MY point.


7 days.  He has been manager for seven days.  In November. He has no coaching staff.  He has 38 men on a roster to reach out to, but nothing of substance yet to tell him.  But because you and other internet posters have chosen to paint him as racist despite the fact that no player since 1979 has as much as suggested that, and have generally said the exact opposite, you believe he needs to prioritze singling out a Black player to ask for his approval.  An approach that no managerial hiring in history has used.  And when the media asks questions with the clear intent of stirring racial shit, and TA doesn't take the bait, you blame TLR.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 5:12 PM, ThirdGen said:

7 days.  He has been manager for seven days.  In November. He has no coaching staff.  He has 38 men on a roster to reach out to, but nothing of substance yet to tell him.  But because you and other internet posters have chosen to paint him as racist despite the fact that no player since 1979 has as much as suggested that, and have generally said the exact opposite, you believe he needs to prioritze singling out a Black player to ask for his approval.  An approach that no managerial hiring in history has used.  And when the media asks questions with the clear intent of stirring racial shit, and TA doesn't take the bait, you blame TLR.


Going to stop you right there and tell you that you are wrong.  Look it up.  You might not want to believe it, but it is out there.  Much of the rest of this post doesn't help your argument. 

Since you are fond of AJ HInch, guess who just hired a pitching coach, while being hired AFTER TLR?  He's had seven days to reach out to key members of the team and at the very least introduce himself. 

The conversation doesn't have to be of substance, but just a common courtesy used in pretty much any other industry out there.  Hell the last time my little six man shop was sold by the time seven days were up, I had an email intro, a call with the new management team, and they had flown out to IN from NYC to meet us and have lunch with us.

If you want to be a leader?  Lead.  Don't rest on your laurels, especially when your choice raised eyebrows.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 3:20 PM, southsider2k5 said:

In other words he was perfectly willing to reach out to people ahead of the process connected to the Tigers organization, there is no reason think once he was hired he would also reach out to the current players.  The fact that Tim Anderson, upon winning a huge honor of a national award, has to give interviews and get asked this question and be embarassed to give the answer that TLR seems to not care what he thinks enough to contact him, is horrifying. 


A bit overly dramatic. There are many horrifying things in this world. This is not one of them.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 5:18 PM, southsider2k5 said:

Going to stop you right there and tell you that you are wrong.  Look it up.  You might not want to believe it, but it is out there.  Much of the rest of this post doesn't help your argument. 

Since you are fond of AJ HInch, guess who just hired a pitching coach, while being hired AFTER TLR?  He's had seven days to reach out to key members of the team and at the very least introduce himself. 

The conversation doesn't have to be of substance, but just a common courtesy used in pretty much any other industry out there.  Hell the last time my little six man shop was sold by the time seven days were up, I had an email intro, a call with the new management team, and they had flown out to IN from NYC to meet us and have lunch with us.

If you want to be a leader?  Lead.  Don't rest on your laurels, especially when your choice raised eyebrows.


At least hold a zoom call with the players. I think you nailed it perfectly before, Tony doesn’t feel it’s his responsibility to reach out to the players.  You would think Tony would start to develop a rapport with his key players and not have them have to rely on reading about all the horrible things about their new manager on Twitter.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 3:20 PM, southsider2k5 said:

In other words he was perfectly willing to reach out to people ahead of the process connected to the Tigers organization, there is no reason think once he was hired he would also reach out to the current players.  The fact that Tim Anderson, upon winning a huge honor of a national award, has to give interviews and get asked this question and be embarassed to give the answer that TLR seems to not care what he thinks enough to contact him, is horrifying. 


Even if Hinch personally spoke to every person on the 40 man roster that has nothing to do with LaRussa.  If LaRussa had never managed before that may be an issue but there seems to be this belief that LaRussa has not managed since 1952 and is clueless.  Somehow I still believe LaRussa knows what he is doing and there are going to be some unpleasant players.  If it is because he does not care about their input at this point than so be it.

Do I think he should have reached out to the players, yes but that is my opinion, I do not think he really cares about them beyond if they can win baseball games.

I also think that is the type of guy that team needs as they seem to be a little too carefree from time to time.

Edited by Harry Chappas
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  On 11/6/2020 at 6:35 PM, Harry Chappas said:

Even if Hinch personally spoke to every person on the 40 man roster that has nothing to do with LaRussa.  If LaRussa had never managed before that may be an issue but there seems to be this belief that LaRussa has not managed since 1952 and is clueless.  Somehow I still believe LaRussa knows what he is doing and there are going to be some unpleasant players.  If it is because he does not care about their input at this point than so be it.

Do I think he should have reached out to the players, yes but that is my opinion, I do not think he really cares about them beyond if they can win baseball games.

I also think that is the type of guy that team needs as they seem to be a little too carefree from time to time.


The only reason I mentioned Hinch was someone else's response to ask what Hinch was doing.

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La Russa is on twitter. Yes he's in his 70's. I would of Preferred Hinch or even Cora but this was JR's call. Not Hahn, Not KW's. As they say "it is what it is".

What worries me is what's his chemistry going to be with this new, young, exciting team that's been built. If they go out a get a good #3 or #4 starter, the sky may be the limit.  

I love Anderson's bat flips, Jimenez and Robert's enthusiasm. We can't have Tony become a Nazis and try to change this chemistry and fun these guys want to have. 

I sent Tony a welcome back text and also mentioned the enthusiasm, bat flips and the fun they have and he needs to let it continue and guide these kids to 2 or 3  or 4 WS championships with right pitching additions. 

Hopefully La Russa picks the right pitching coach to get Cease, Dunning, Kopech and Crotchet to the next level like Are old pitching coach got Buehrle, Garland, etc. to next level. 

Everybody on twitter should send Tony a text, wishing well and tell him not to screw this Great Team Up. Let them bat flip, show enthusiasm, and let them have fun!!!! 

He's a smart baseball man, HOF manager, but I'm a little worried if he's out touch with today's young player and the use of analytics. We are on the cusp of winning consistently and be a perennial playoff team like the Braves and Dodgers. With the right additions, we can be the Dodgers of the American League!!!     

Edited by AJ'S Cousin
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One thing I don't really understand is why the hell would Tony police his *own* players pimping a big home run or celebrating after getting a big strikeout? I understand taking issue when the opposing team shows you up, but your own players?

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  On 11/7/2020 at 1:11 AM, coco1997 said:

One thing I don't really understand is why the hell would Tony police his *own* players pimping a big home run or celebrating after getting a big strikeout? I understand taking issue when the opposing team shows you up, but your own players?


He won't. That was Renteria's problem. He'll take offense when other guys do the same things our guys do, and when he throws balls at those guys, that will make our own team a target for retaliation, justly. And that will leave the locker room wondering what the hell they're allowed to do.

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Watching the Bachelorette these past 2 weeks was such an embodiment of the LaRussa dynamics. 

You have a decision-maker (Jerry/Clare Crawley) identifying a candidate with all the credentials they can dream of (Tony LaRussa/Dale).

You had all the other bachelors seeing the writing on the wall and using the stand-up comedy routine for launching hundreds of cheap insults at Dale to justify their hatred (ie. fans/twitter stooping to hundreds of character assassinations of Tony).

And finally you had the culmination of Clare Crawley getting engaged to Dale (Jerry hiring Tony). 

There’s a reason Dale was the quickest winner in Bachelor history and Tony has 3 world titles and 6 pennants to his name. It’s no coincidence both have endured a tsunami of grenades and couldn’t be less bothered. 

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  On 11/2/2020 at 5:21 PM, ThirdGen said:

IMO he was fairly terrible at the baseball side of things.  One World Series title in an era of only 16 teams for the most part, and no free agency issues to deal with.  And that's my point:  no one questioned him being involved in baseball decisions, yet everyone freaks when Reinsdorf does.


One had a halo, the other has horns.  Why?  That's above my pay grade.

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I guess that I am just a logical person and as one, I see no possible way that Tony LaRussa is the manager of the 2021 White Sox based on what is going on right now. If Reinny doesn't arrange a way out of this farce, the Sox are going to suffer big time. One thing that the Sox did have going extremely well under Renteria was the clubhouse. This is a very motivated and fun loving young team with a few interspersed older role models for leadership. Why in the world would they risk this with LaRussa who will have this hanging over him and them the entire season. 

  Reinny needs to wake up and arrange a way out for them to remove Tony from the manager spot and hire someone else.

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  On 11/4/2020 at 3:05 PM, ThirdGen said:

I think it is quite likely that if and when TLR contacts the players there will be no public acknowledgment of that from the players or management.  For all we know that process could be taking place now.  I have never seen a team discuss off season phone conversations and I don't think I've ever seen a player tweet about talking to a manager during the off season.  And in light of the potential for conflict, I think this is almost certain to be kept quiet, both to protect TLR and the players.  I doubt the Sox want the media to know that TLR spoke to TA for example, and have the media bombard TA with loaded questions to start controversy.


If the Sox were publically held, the board of directors would have rid themselves of Reinsdorf decades ago


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  On 11/6/2020 at 6:03 PM, fathom said:

At least hold a zoom call with the players. I think you nailed it perfectly before, Tony doesn’t feel it’s his responsibility to reach out to the players.  You would think Tony would start to develop a rapport with his key players and not have them have to rely on reading about all the horrible things about their new manager on Twitter.


I wonder if on other teams who recently hired a new manager, there is such concern that their new manager reaches out to all of the team's players? Frankly, this is the only time that I have ever seen so many people raising concerns about a new manager being hired and his seeking out his new players for some kind of "approval". I would doubt that the players themselves expect something special to occur like that.

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