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It's gonna be time to talk about the 2004 presidential campaigns soon, and, since you have all that political expertise, I thought you might wanna share those candidates you think will make it past the cut and discuss their weaknesses and strengths.


Currently, I'm thinking of voting for Bush again, since he seems to be a rather aggressive president.

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Candidates are as follows:


Dennis Kucinich

http://www.kucinich.us/issues.htm for information about where he stands


Howard Dean

http://www.deanforamerica.com/ for information about where he stands


Wesley Clark

http://www.draftwesleyclark.com/ for information about where he stands. [not the official campaign web page because the official campaign page doesn't have a link about where he stands on the issues]


Al Sharpton

http://www.al2004.org/platform.htm for information about where he stands.


Carol Mosley Braun

http://carolforpresident.com/content.php?page=about for information about her voting record and some of her stances


John Kerry



Dick Gephardt



John Edwards



Joe Lieberman



There's the stances of the 9 Democratic candidates.

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I'll save my personal choice and just post the official stances of the candidates later this afternoon.  I'd rather not get suckered into a "bleeding heart liberal" vs "compassionate conservatism" debate today.

Awwwww...come on!

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Awwwww...come on!

I figure this is going to turn into a grenade thread and I am in way too much of a good mood and too busy today [helping to organize a Ramadan fast-a-thon to raise money for a local charity plus normal organizational meetings] to get into a fevered debate about the 9 Democratic candidates this early.


I am backing my candidate right now and volunteering for him but I'm gonna reserve my choices of who I think will win until at least after the first few primaries.

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Carol Mosley-Braun lost the Senatorial election to Peter Fitzgerald five years ago.  What makes her think she has ANY chance in the PRESIDENTIAL election???

She has no chance, but there's candidates like that every year.


Guess they just want to be able to say they've run for President before.

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I figure this is going to turn into a grenade thread and I am in way too much of a good mood and too busy today [helping to organize a Ramadan fast-a-thon to raise money for a local charity plus normal organizational meetings] to get into a fevered debate about the 9 Democratic candidates this early.


I am backing my candidate right now and volunteering for him but I'm gonna reserve my choices of who I think will win until at least after the first few primaries.

APU I will be interested to see who you like.

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I figure this is going to turn into a grenade thread and I am in way too much of a good mood and too busy today [helping to organize a Ramadan fast-a-thon to raise money for a local charity plus normal organizational meetings] to get into a fevered debate about the 9 Democratic candidates this early.


I am backing my candidate right now and volunteering for him but I'm gonna reserve my choices of who I think will win until at least after the first few primaries.

APU I will be interested to see who you like.

I thought he supported Kucinich? :huh:

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I figure this is going to turn into a grenade thread and I am in way too much of a good mood and too busy today [helping to organize a Ramadan fast-a-thon to raise money for a local charity plus normal organizational meetings] to get into a fevered debate about the 9 Democratic candidates this early.


I am backing my candidate right now and volunteering for him but I'm gonna reserve my choices of who I think will win until at least after the first few primaries.

APU I will be interested to see who you like.

I thought he supported Kucinich? :huh:

I think thats who he wants.

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I kind of like Kucinich, he is the real definition of the left and he seems like he'd be agressive to do things he believes in.


Although he doesn't look like a president, he needs a new look if he wants to stand a chance. :lol:


I'd really like to see what happens if someone far left was in charge of the most powerful country and what affect it would have on the world.

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