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I volunteer for the Kucinich campaign but I'm going to wait on my analysis of who is going to get the nomination etc. until at least after some of the primaries are over.

Right now don't the polls say Clark? I'm not a big Clark fan myself. I'm familiar with a lot of them, but he's the only one that I am familiar enough to say I won't vote for him at least not now.


I will keep my mind open though. I must say I have had some fluctuations as of late of whether I would vote Bush again.

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Right now don't the polls say Clark?  I'm not a big Clark fan myself.  I'm familiar with a lot of them, but he's the only one that I am familiar enough to say I won't vote for him at least not now.


I will keep my mind open though.  I must say I have had some fluctuations as of late of whether I would vote Bush again.

Please find it in you heart to vote for someone other than Bush for president Jas. For the sake of the world!


p.s. we need a begging emoticon

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General Wesley Clark for President, finally Americans can be proud again.


That would be my slogan, he seems like a respectable choice.

It is kind of funny before last election people used to say the same things about Colin Powell, now that people actually know something about him, and he has had a chance to do something he is evil. Funny how things change...

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I figure this is going to turn into a grenade thread and I am in way too much of a good mood and too busy today [helping to organize a Ramadan fast-a-thon to raise money for a local charity plus normal organizational meetings] to get into a fevered debate about the 9 Democratic candidates this early.


I am backing my candidate right now and volunteering for him but I'm gonna reserve my choices of who I think will win until at least after the first few primaries.

APU I will be interested to see who you like.

I thought he supported Kucinich? :huh:

I think thats who he wants.

After reading his positions on gutting the military I wonder how he could like anyone else. "Department of Peace"? What's that for? to do airdrops of flowers over the middle east, take all our green suiters out of Iraq & have them all planting trees & picking up trash in s***ty neighborhoods across America? LMFAO!!


This guy is a leftist nutcase if I ever saw one.

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Right now don't the polls say Clark?  I'm not a big Clark fan myself.  I'm familiar with a lot of them, but he's the only one that I am familiar enough to say I won't vote for him at least not now.


I will keep my mind open though.  I must say I have had some fluctuations as of late of whether I would vote Bush again.

Please find it in you heart to vote for someone other than Bush for president Jas. For the sake of the world!


p.s. we need a begging emoticon




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I figure this is going to turn into a grenade thread and I am in way too much of a good mood and too busy today [helping to organize a Ramadan fast-a-thon to raise money for a local charity plus normal organizational meetings] to get into a fevered debate about the 9 Democratic candidates this early.


I am backing my candidate right now and volunteering for him but I'm gonna reserve my choices of who I think will win until at least after the first few primaries.

APU I will be interested to see who you like.

I thought he supported Kucinich? :huh:

I think thats who he wants.

After reading his positions on gutting the military I wonder how he could like anyone else. "Department of Peace"? What's that for? to do airdrops of flowers over the middle east, take all our green suiters out of Iraq & have them all planting trees & picking up trash in s***ty neighborhoods across America? LMFAO!!


This guy is a leftist nutcase if I ever saw one.

Here's the question Nuke...are ya willing to sign up for it ;)


I'm with ya on him Nuke. I know one thing, I'm definately not a Clark fan.

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I figure this is going to turn into a grenade thread and I am in way too much of a good mood and too busy today [helping to organize a Ramadan fast-a-thon to raise money for a local charity plus normal organizational meetings] to get into a fevered debate about the 9 Democratic candidates this early.


I am backing my candidate right now and volunteering for him but I'm gonna reserve my choices of who I think will win until at least after the first few primaries.

APU I will be interested to see who you like.

I thought he supported Kucinich? :huh:

I think thats who he wants.

After reading his positions on gutting the military I wonder how he could like anyone else. "Department of Peace"? What's that for? to do airdrops of flowers over the middle east, take all our green suiters out of Iraq & have them all planting trees & picking up trash in s***ty neighborhoods across America? LMFAO!!


This guy is a leftist nutcase if I ever saw one.

Here's the question Nuke...are ya willing to sign up for it ;)


I'm with ya on him Nuke. I know one thing, I'm definately not a Clark fan.

Yeah, I'm really enthusiastic about all that. I really want to go and sing KOOM-BY-f***ING-YA with islamic terrorists :rolleyes: . Fortunately that nutjob has no chance of getting elected.


Wesley Clark? From what I've heard of him he is an arrogant prick who is denounced by his own peers and was forced out of uniform because of it. f*** him.


Personally I don't think I could ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat to run this country. They are the party of welfare queens, criminals, socialism, and big government. f*** em all.







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Yeah, I'm really enthusiastic about all that.  I really want to go and sing KOOM-BY-f***ING-YA with islamic terrorists  :rolleyes: .  Fortunately that nutjob has no chance of getting elected.


Wesley Clark?  From what I've heard of him he is an arrogant prick who is denounced by his own peers and was forced out of uniform because of it.  f*** him.


Personally I don't think I could ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat to run this country.  They are the party of welfare queens, criminals, socialism, and big government.  f*** em all.







NUKE, welfare queens compared to guys like Kenny Lay who took MILLIONS from America and get away free thanks to Chimpy in Chief? And Nuke, how can you support a draft dodger that used his daddy's CIA connections to get in the Champagne division of the military so he wouldn't have to serve in the front lines and then went AWOL compared to an actual general who served his country. And with Bush slashing veterans benefits and his administration wanting to cut wages of troops in Iraq, I'm f***ing amazed that you still support them.


And thanks for showing your complete lack of research and/or insight into the Department of Peace, Nuke. Here's what Dennis has to say [do yourself a favor and read what it's about before you criticize it Nuke]


As we stand on the threshold of a new millennium, it is time to free ourselves, to jettison our illusions and fears and transform age-old challenges with new thinking. We can conceive of peace as not simply the absence of violence but the active presence of the capacity for a higher evolution of human awareness, of respect, trust, and integrity. Of peace, wherein we all may tap the infinite capabilities of humanity to transform consciousness and conditions that impel or compel violence at a personal, group, or national level toward creating understanding, compassion, and love. We can bring forth new understandings where peace, not war, becomes inevitable. Can we move from wars to end all wars to peace to end all war?


Citizens across the United States are now uniting in a great cause to establish a Department of Peace, seeking nothing less than the transformation of our society, to make non-violence an organizing principle, to make war archaic through creating a paradigm shift in our culture for human development for economic and political justice and for violence control. Its work in violence control will be to support disarmament, treaties, peaceful coexistence and peaceful consensus building. Its focus on economic and political justice will examine and enhance resource distribution, human and economic rights and strengthen democratic values.


Domestically, the Department of Peace would address violence in the home, spousal abuse, child abuse, gangs, police-community relations conflicts and work with individuals and groups to achieve changes in attitudes that examine the mythologies of cherished world views, such as 'violence is inevitable' or 'war is inevitable'. Thus it will help with the discovery of new selves and new paths toward peaceful consensus.


The Department of Peace will also address human development and the unique concerns of women and children. It will envision and seek to implement plans for peace education, not simply as a course of study, but as a template for all pursuits of knowledge within formal educational settings.


Violence is not inevitable. War is not inevitable. Nonviolence and peace are inevitable. We can make of this world a gift of peace which will confirm the presence of universal spirit in our lives. We can send into the future the gift which will protect our children from fear, from harm, from destruction.


And the Republicans are small government? Total Information Awareness...the PATRIOT Act...Marriage Protection Week...yeah those are the actions of a party that wants smaller government. :rolleyes: Or how about Orrin Hatch wanting to make a law where peoples' computers will get fried if they download mp3s? Yeah, that's the government using the invisible hand of capitalism to drive the market, alright. If anything, the government protection of the big meal ticket for the RIAA etc. is anti-capitalist. And about welfare, how about the fact that the vast majority of the people on welfare are not on it for extended periods of time but more of an on/off period of about 2 years and then they usually don't come back to the rolls. But who needs little things like facts, right? :)

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Yeah, NUKE, welfare queens compared to guys like Kenny Lay who took MILLIONS from America and get away free thanks to Chimpy in Chief?  And Nuke, how can you support a draft dodger that used his daddy's CIA connections to get in the Champagne division of the military so he wouldn't have to serve in the front lines and then went AWOL compared to an actual general who served his country.  And with Bush slashing veterans benefits and his administration wanting to cut wages of troops in Iraq, I'm f***ing amazed that you still support them.


And thanks for showing your complete lack of research and/or insight into the Department of Peace, Nuke.  Here's what Dennis has to say [do yourself a favor and read what it's about before you criticize it Nuke]


As we stand on the threshold of a new millennium, it is time to free ourselves, to jettison our illusions and fears and transform age-old challenges with new thinking. We can conceive of peace as not simply the absence of violence but the active presence of the capacity for a higher evolution of human awareness, of respect, trust, and integrity. Of peace, wherein we all may tap the infinite capabilities of humanity to transform consciousness and conditions that impel or compel violence at a personal, group, or national level toward creating understanding, compassion, and love. We can bring forth new understandings where peace, not war, becomes inevitable. Can we move from wars to end all wars to peace to end all war?


Citizens across the United States are now uniting in a great cause to establish a Department of Peace, seeking nothing less than the transformation of our society, to make non-violence an organizing principle, to make war archaic through creating a paradigm shift in our culture for human development for economic and political justice and for violence control. Its work in violence control will be to support disarmament, treaties, peaceful coexistence and peaceful consensus building. Its focus on economic and political justice will examine and enhance resource distribution, human and economic rights and strengthen democratic values.


Domestically, the Department of Peace would address violence in the home, spousal abuse, child abuse, gangs, police-community relations conflicts and work with individuals and groups to achieve changes in attitudes that examine the mythologies of cherished world views, such as 'violence is inevitable' or 'war is inevitable'. Thus it will help with the discovery of new selves and new paths toward peaceful consensus.


The Department of Peace will also address human development and the unique concerns of women and children. It will envision and seek to implement plans for peace education, not simply as a course of study, but as a template for all pursuits of knowledge within formal educational settings.


Violence is not inevitable. War is not inevitable. Nonviolence and peace are inevitable. We can make of this world a gift of peace which will confirm the presence of universal spirit in our lives. We can send into the future the gift which will protect our children from fear, from harm, from destruction.


And the Republicans are small government? Total Information Awareness...the PATRIOT Act...Marriage Protection Week...yeah those are the actions of a party that wants smaller government. :rolleyes: Or how about Orrin Hatch wanting to make a law where peoples' computers will get fried if they download mp3s? Yeah, that's the government using the invisible hand of capitalism to drive the market, alright. If anything, the government protection of the big meal ticket for the RIAA etc. is anti-capitalist. And about welfare, how about the fact that the vast majority of the people on welfare are not on it for extended periods of time but more of an on/off period of about 2 years and then they usually don't come back to the rolls. But who needs little things like facts, right? :)

You make it sound like Bush turned the key to let him out of his cell. Kenny boy got burned right along with his jet set pals & I have no sympathy for them.


Draft Dodger. I don't think so. You want a real draft dodger you need to look a bit into the past at Slick Willy who spent the Vietnam years in Red Square talking over tea with commies about how horrible America was.


Bush slashing vets benifits & deployment pay? WRONG AGAIN! I think it's you that needs a little research. The problem with deployment pay is that Congress had problems passing the damn bill cause of a bunch of unrelated amendments and they let it expire. Thanks assholes.


Hmmn.. Oh yeah Dept of Peace. Great Idea!!


Hey Al Quaeda, Hey Hamas, Hey Islamic Jihad. You can stop killing people now. The USA has created a whole new buearacracy devoted to making us your friend! That's right. We will throw down our guns and instead come on over there and give you a big hug because we LOVE you! ( I am having serious trouble controlling my laughter at this point )


Oh wait, how could I forget. This new agency will stop evil at home too! Yup, we will, in one fell swoop, get rid of drunken wife beaters, drug dealers, pimps, pedophiles, thieves, gang bangers & mafia dons by, well, we can't put people in jail anymore cause that is inhumane, so we will tell them that "violence is not inevitable" and help them to discover their "new selves and new paths to peaceful consensus". ( My sides are splitting about now )


But wait, I haven't gotten to my favorite part yet.


"It's focus on economic and political justice will examine and enhance resource distribution & human and economic rights....."


I can't believe this guy holds a major political office in this country. That is nothing less than turning the USA into a marxist, socialist country. Resource distribution? Tell me, is this guys middle name Lenin or marx or something like that?


Before you go crying about how laws unchain law enforcement and allow them to do their job is big government or whining because the music industry is fed up with people stealing copyrighted materials and doing something about it is somehow the Bush Administration giving them a handout at our expense ( now that is twisted! ) you should take a look in the mirror.

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