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2020 Election Thoughts


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37 minutes ago, Dallas Kong said:

I really appreciate this post.

Try to imagine what progressives would do if the Democrats nominated a reliably left-wing but personally repulsive candidate. Say, Alan Grayson. Would they realize that he’s not fit for the job and give up progressive policy goals to vote for a Mitt Romney?

Some would. Some wouldn’t. I voted for Biden but that’s also because Trump’s ideology doesn’t match mine in many ways. Put up an obnoxious, thrice-divorced neocon (with no conspiracy or racist tendencies) and yeah, I’d vote for them.

I cant speak for anyone else, but if the Democrats nominated someone like Trump, I would  go scorched earth on every single politician and person who supported the Democratic candidate.

4 years ago, I was extremely vocal on why Trump was far worse than what people imagined. I said that his election would be the greatest thing to ever happen to GWB's legacy. I may not agree with GWB on a lot of things, but I think that he for the most part tried to make decisions that were best for the US. That doesnt mean all of his decisions were good, that doesnt mean he didnt make mistakes, but it means that at the end of the day he tried.

Trump doesnt try. He would burn this country down if he thought it would make him an extra dollar. I can understand the people who 4 years ago voted for him because everyone gets conned or makes a bad decision at some point in their life. But after the last 4 years, if you still want to vote for Trump, I have no sympathy. 

I am also hard pressed to give "moderate GOP" a pass, because by hitching their wagon to Trump they really cant be considered "moderate." Trump in many ways has decimated everything that the "moderate GOP" supposedly stood for. Just because he has a little "R" next to his name, doesnt make him a conservative, it doesnt make him a Republican. If anything the "moderate GOP" are the ones who should bear the most responsibility. I was always taught when one of your own does something wrong, its your own responsibility to take care of that problem.

Where were the "moderate GOP" when this could have been reigned in? Where are all the "moderate GOP" arguing "every vote counts?" What type of society have we become where we dont want every person to have an equal chance at voting?

Its gone beyond anything that can be reasonably accepted by Americans. 

Edited by Soxbadger
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13 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

Things I learned Biden will be getting rid of if elected. You might want to keep this in mind when you go to vote.



air conditioning


and the ability to watch TV if there is no wind.

Strong toilets, dishwashers, and showers.

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31 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

I cant speak for anyone else, but if the Democrats nominated someone like Trump, I would  go scorched earth on every single politician and person who supported the Democratic candidate.

4 years ago, I was extremely vocal on why Trump was far worse than what people imagined. I said that his election would be the greatest thing to ever happen to GWB's legacy. I may not agree with GWB on a lot of things, but I think that he for the most part tried to make decisions that were best for the US. That doesnt mean all of his decisions were good, that doesnt mean he didnt make mistakes, but it means that at the end of the day he tried.

Trump doesnt try. He would burn this country down if he thought it would make him an extra dollar. I can understand the people who 4 years ago voted for him because everyone gets conned or makes a bad decision at some point in their life. But after the last 4 years, if you still want to vote for Trump, I have no sympathy. 

I am also hard pressed to give "moderate GOP" a pass, because by hitching their wagon to Trump they really cant be considered "moderate." Trump in many ways has decimated everything that the "moderate GOP" supposedly stood for. Just because he has a little "R" next to his name, doesnt make him a conservative, it doesnt make him a Republican. If anything the "moderate GOP" are the ones who should bear the most responsibility. I was always taught when one of your own does something wrong, its your own responsibility to take care of that problem.

Where were the "moderate GOP" when this could have been reigned in? Where are all the "moderate GOP" arguing "every vote counts?" What type of society have we become where we dont want every person to have an equal chance at voting?

Its gone beyond anything that can be reasonably accepted by Americans. 

Y'all can disagree with me on this one all you want, but I ask y'all - how many things that paved the path to the Trump administration started under the Bush Administration (or closely thereafter)?

The "Torture is all manly" talk. They literally committed war crimes, they are in writing organizing them, including legal memos justifying them. None were ever prosecuted. 

The anti-Muslim, anti-immigration things. Remember in 2010 how "Muslims are building a mosque at ground zero this is a betrayal of freedom!!!" was their closing argument for the election? And they couldn't pass an immigration bill despite bipartisan support and the President's support because the Republicans in Congress wouldnt' let a bill come forward that they labeled "amnesty"?

Undermining the government itself - remember when the Bush administration fired a set of US attorneys because they wouldn't prosecute fraudulent voter fraud claims against Democrats?

The part where Trump keeps leaking information to Russians to try to damage the US or his opponents - remember when the Bush Administration outed a CIA agent? And that was because that agent said a piece of the info they used to justify the Iraq war was a forgery, and they needed to retaliate? 

The wrapping up of nationalism in the flag, starting with 9/11. Ongoing.

The Bush administration was the birth of "Free speech zones", where police would herd demonstrators into cages away from view of important people.

Trump's corruption - remember how many no-bid contracts went to Dick Cheney's former company?

Trump's interactions with the media - remember when the Bush Administration found a spot in the White House press corps for a homosexual male escort who would lob their press secretaries softball questions (Yes that was a real thing and it's still hard to believe).

Oh,  almost forgot Climate Denial. Do people remember that John McCain had a climate change plan? 

I could go on but I have work to do. Many of these were taken to extremes by the Trump administration, but the Republican party made itself ok with them a decade ago, then were surprised when they ran into a candidate saying all the things out loud that they were saying quietly or in code. "No amnesty" became "No immigrants" and so on.

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7 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

I cant speak for anyone else, but if the Democrats nominated someone like Trump, I would  go scorched earth on every single politician and person who supported the Democratic candidate.

4 years ago, I was extremely vocal on why Trump was far worse than what people imagined. I said that his election would be the greatest thing to ever happen to GWB's legacy. I may not agree with GWB on a lot of things, but I think that he for the most part tried to make decisions that were best for the US. That doesnt mean all of his decisions were good, that doesnt mean he didnt make mistakes, but it means that at the end of the day he tried.

Trump doesnt try. He would burn this country down if he thought it would make him an extra dollar. I can understand the people who 4 years ago voted for him because everyone gets conned or makes a bad decision at some point in their life. But after the last 4 years, if you still want to vote for Trump, I have no sympathy. 

I am also hard pressed to give "moderate GOP" a pass, because by hitching their wagon to Trump they really cant be considered "moderate." Trump in many ways has decimated everything that the "moderate GOP" supposedly stood for. Just because he has a little "R" next to his name, doesnt make him a conservative, it doesnt make him a Republican. If anything the "moderate GOP" are the ones who should bear the most responsibility. I was always taught when one of your own does something wrong, its your own responsibility to take care of that problem.

Where were the "moderate GOP" when this could have been reigned in? Where are all the "moderate GOP" arguing "every vote counts?" What type of society have we become where we dont want every person to have an equal chance at voting?

Its gone beyond anything that can be reasonably accepted by a Americans. 

If you mean that, I've got a lot of respect for that. Hopefully we don't ever have to find out whether you'd follow through.

I've always voted for the "KAG" candidate. To me, that always meant Republicans, and I continued it in 2016 because I figured Trump was more or less a continuation of the same but in a rougher package. I was wrong. I agree with you now, I don't think he genuinely cares about the USA. Sure, he'll come out on stage and kiss the flag, and maybe that's what people sneer at here when they talk about "faketriotism". I fought in a war for that same flag but Trump skipped his war and said avoiding STDs was his personal version of it. So all of his MAGA and KAG stuff is fake.

I probably won't agree with many of Biden's policies, but he does talk about everything America is capable of. He's optimistic about the future of this country. Trump promises the country will die without him. So I'm still voting for American patriotism, but the obvious party for that goal has flipped.

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11 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Y'all can disagree with me on this one all you want, but I ask y'all - how many things that paved the path to the Trump administration started under the Bush Administration (or closely thereafter)?

The "Torture is all manly" talk. They literally committed war crimes, they are in writing organizing them, including legal memos justifying them. None were ever prosecuted. 

The anti-Muslim, anti-immigration things. Remember in 2010 how "Muslims are building a mosque at ground zero this is a betrayal of freedom!!!" was their closing argument for the election? And they couldn't pass an immigration bill despite bipartisan support and the President's support because the Republicans in Congress wouldnt' let a bill come forward that they labeled "amnesty"?

Undermining the government itself - remember when the Bush administration fired a set of US attorneys because they wouldn't prosecute fraudulent voter fraud claims against Democrats?

The part where Trump keeps leaking information to Russians to try to damage the US or his opponents - remember when the Bush Administration outed a CIA agent? And that was because that agent said a piece of the info they used to justify the Iraq war was a forgery, and they needed to retaliate? 

The wrapping up of nationalism in the flag, starting with 9/11. Ongoing.

The Bush administration was the birth of "Free speech zones", where police would herd demonstrators into cages away from view of important people.

Trump's corruption - remember how many no-bid contracts went to Dick Cheney's former company?

Trump's interactions with the media - remember when the Bush Administration found a spot in the White House press corps for a homosexual male escort who would lob their press secretaries softball questions (Yes that was a real thing and it's still hard to believe).

I could go on but I have work to do. Many of these were taken to extremes by the Trump administration, but the Republican party made itself ok with them a decade ago, then were surprised when they ran into a candidate saying all the things out loud that they were saying quietly or in code. "No amnesty" became "No immigrants" and so on.

I think this is pretty well established


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1 minute ago, Kyyle23 said:

I think this is pretty well established

I think it's very important for so-called moderate Republicans to keep having those connections written down. How much of this mess is because the Republicans wanted to keep the angry part of this country angry and engaged, but still saying the quiet part quietly? Trump comes out and says the quiet part out loud "Mexicans are rapists" and all of a sudden he's got the entire party wrapped around his finger, because he gave their base openly what they've been trying to say quietly for decades.

It's the reverse of the 1981 Lee Atwater memo - the base wanted to be able to say (n-blank blank blank), they got tired of being told that wasn't ok, and when someone came around doing it, they were thrilled. (https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/)

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16 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Y'all can disagree with me on this one all you want, but I ask y'all - how many things that paved the path to the Trump administration started under the Bush Administration (or closely thereafter)?

The "Torture is all manly" talk. They literally committed war crimes, they are in writing organizing them, including legal memos justifying them. None were ever prosecuted. 

The anti-Muslim, anti-immigration things. Remember in 2010 how "Muslims are building a mosque at ground zero this is a betrayal of freedom!!!" was their closing argument for the election? And they couldn't pass an immigration bill despite bipartisan support and the President's support because the Republicans in Congress wouldnt' let a bill come forward that they labeled "amnesty"?

Undermining the government itself - remember when the Bush administration fired a set of US attorneys because they wouldn't prosecute fraudulent voter fraud claims against Democrats?

The part where Trump keeps leaking information to Russians to try to damage the US or his opponents - remember when the Bush Administration outed a CIA agent? And that was because that agent said a piece of the info they used to justify the Iraq war was a forgery, and they needed to retaliate? 

The wrapping up of nationalism in the flag, starting with 9/11. Ongoing.

The Bush administration was the birth of "Free speech zones", where police would herd demonstrators into cages away from view of important people.

Trump's corruption - remember how many no-bid contracts went to Dick Cheney's former company?

Trump's interactions with the media - remember when the Bush Administration found a spot in the White House press corps for a homosexual male escort who would lob their press secretaries softball questions (Yes that was a real thing and it's still hard to believe).

Oh,  almost forgot Climate Denial. Do people remember that John McCain had a climate change plan? 

I could go on but I have work to do. Many of these were taken to extremes by the Trump administration, but the Republican party made itself ok with them a decade ago, then were surprised when they ran into a candidate saying all the things out loud that they were saying quietly or in code. "No amnesty" became "No immigrants" and so on.


3 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

I think it's very important for so-called moderate Republicans to keep having those connections written down. How much of this mess is because the Republicans wanted to keep the angry part of this country angry and engaged, but still saying the quiet part quietly? Trump comes out and says the quiet part out loud "Mexicans are rapists" and all of a sudden he's got the entire party wrapped around his finger, because he gave their base openly what they've been trying to say quietly for decades.

It's the reverse of the 1981 Lee Atwater memo - the base wanted to be able to say (n-blank blank blank), they got tired of being told that wasn't ok, and when someone came around doing it, they were thrilled. (https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/)


Im going to disagree. I could write a laundry list of bad things Democrats have done too. But that is besides the point. The simplest argument I can make for why GWB is nothing like Trump, is that GWB and Michelle Obama are friends. That maybe there is an ocean of difference in their politics, but they still have a common decency.


"America rejects bigotry. We reject every act of hatred against people of Arab background or Muslim faith America values and welcomes peaceful people of all faiths -- Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and many others. Every faith is practiced and protected here, because we are one country. Every immigrant can be fully and equally American because we're one country. Race and color should not divide us, because America is one country."

Trump is on a different planet. When you compare him to the old GOP you normalize him. He is not a conservative, he is not a Republican. 


10 minutes ago, Dallas Kong said:

If you mean that, I've got a lot of respect for that. Hopefully we don't ever have to find out whether you'd follow through.

I've always voted for the "KAG" candidate. To me, that always meant Republicans, and I continued it in 2016 because I figured Trump was more or less a continuation of the same but in a rougher package. I was wrong. I agree with you now, I don't think he genuinely cares about the USA. Sure, he'll come out on stage and kiss the flag, and maybe that's what people sneer at here when they talk about "faketriotism". I fought in a war for that same flag but Trump skipped his war and said avoiding STDs was his personal version of it. So all of his MAGA and KAG stuff is fake.

I probably won't agree with many of Biden's policies, but he does talk about everything America is capable of. He's optimistic about the future of this country. Trump promises the country will die without him. So I'm still voting for American patriotism, but the obvious party for that goal has flipped.

I have been here for around 20 years. If ever the Democrats nominate someone like Trump feel free to take me up on my statement. 


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1 hour ago, Dallas Kong said:

I really appreciate this post.

Try to imagine what progressives would do if the Democrats nominated a reliably left-wing but personally repulsive candidate. Say, Alan Grayson. Would they realize that he’s not fit for the job and give up progressive policy goals to vote for a Mitt Romney?

Some would. Some wouldn’t. I voted for Biden but that’s also because Trump’s ideology doesn’t match mine in many ways. Put up an obnoxious, thrice-divorced neocon (with no conspiracy or racist tendencies) and yeah, I’d vote for them.

Most candidates that I have ever known have manners. Apparently the anger and insults angle works for many people. A lot of them will say he is not a politician but that is lame. Just be polite!

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55 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

Things I learned Biden will be getting rid of if elected. You might want to keep this in mind when you go to vote.



air conditioning


and the ability to watch TV if there is no wind.

The Trump war room account is saying that Biden is going to take down the Washington monument if elected.  Also Biden and Last Gaga are going to ban fracking.


none of this is sarcasm 

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2 minutes ago, Kyyle23 said:

The Trump war room account is saying that Biden is going to take down the Washington monument if elected.  Also Biden and Last Gaga are going to ban fracking.


none of this is sarcasm 

i love how they both defend fracking and act like it's great; one of the most depressing thing about the debates was these two morons arguing about who wants to destroy the environment more in the name of a few short term jobs.

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7 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

i love how they both defend fracking and act like it's great; one of the most depressing thing about the debates was these two morons arguing about who wants to destroy the environment more in the name of a few short term jobs.

Both trying to save that vote is pretty shitty, I agree.  Fracking so just so vile and destructive.  I wish we could pipe that sludge water directly into all of their water lines so they would have to deal with it themselves 

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2 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Thank Goodness, I thought this judge was going to throw those votes out.



He tried to find standing for the case but said he didn't want to rewrite from a blank slate.   I read they are going to appeal anyways but this is a good sign

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Just now, Kyyle23 said:

He tried to find standing for the case but said he didn't want to rewrite from a blank slate.   I read they are going to appeal anyways but this is a good sign

An appeals court panel is less likely to be 3 extremely pro-GOP judges, and even if he had put a stay on the order it would create a complete mess because voting is continuing today - do people who were going to vote that way just stop doing it tonight?

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1 hour ago, Soxbadger said:

I cant speak for anyone else, but if the Democrats nominated someone like Trump, I would  go scorched earth on every single politician and person who supported the Democratic candidate.

4 years ago, I was extremely vocal on why Trump was far worse than what people imagined. I said that his election would be the greatest thing to ever happen to GWB's legacy. I may not agree with GWB on a lot of things, but I think that he for the most part tried to make decisions that were best for the US. That doesnt mean all of his decisions were good, that doesnt mean he didnt make mistakes, but it means that at the end of the day he tried.

Trump doesnt try. He would burn this country down if he thought it would make him an extra dollar. I can understand the people who 4 years ago voted for him because everyone gets conned or makes a bad decision at some point in their life. But after the last 4 years, if you still want to vote for Trump, I have no sympathy. 

I am also hard pressed to give "moderate GOP" a pass, because by hitching their wagon to Trump they really cant be considered "moderate." Trump in many ways has decimated everything that the "moderate GOP" supposedly stood for. Just because he has a little "R" next to his name, doesnt make him a conservative, it doesnt make him a Republican. If anything the "moderate GOP" are the ones who should bear the most responsibility. I was always taught when one of your own does something wrong, its your own responsibility to take care of that problem.

Where were the "moderate GOP" when this could have been reigned in? Where are all the "moderate GOP" arguing "every vote counts?" What type of society have we become where we dont want every person to have an equal chance at voting?

Its gone beyond anything that can be reasonably accepted by Americans. 

George W Bush started a meaningless war against the wrong enemy that resulted in the loss of many lives, a shit ton of money and helped created ISIS and further instability in the Middle East. Sorry, but Trump is not GWB levels of bad yet. 

Edited by Yearnin' for Yermin
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1 hour ago, Balta1701 said:

Y'all can disagree with me on this one all you want, but I ask y'all - how many things that paved the path to the Trump administration started under the Bush Administration (or closely thereafter)?

The "Torture is all manly" talk. They literally committed war crimes, they are in writing organizing them, including legal memos justifying them. None were ever prosecuted. 

The anti-Muslim, anti-immigration things. Remember in 2010 how "Muslims are building a mosque at ground zero this is a betrayal of freedom!!!" was their closing argument for the election? And they couldn't pass an immigration bill despite bipartisan support and the President's support because the Republicans in Congress wouldnt' let a bill come forward that they labeled "amnesty"?

Undermining the government itself - remember when the Bush administration fired a set of US attorneys because they wouldn't prosecute fraudulent voter fraud claims against Democrats?

The part where Trump keeps leaking information to Russians to try to damage the US or his opponents - remember when the Bush Administration outed a CIA agent? And that was because that agent said a piece of the info they used to justify the Iraq war was a forgery, and they needed to retaliate? 

The wrapping up of nationalism in the flag, starting with 9/11. Ongoing.

The Bush administration was the birth of "Free speech zones", where police would herd demonstrators into cages away from view of important people.

Trump's corruption - remember how many no-bid contracts went to Dick Cheney's former company?

Trump's interactions with the media - remember when the Bush Administration found a spot in the White House press corps for a homosexual male escort who would lob their press secretaries softball questions (Yes that was a real thing and it's still hard to believe).

Oh,  almost forgot Climate Denial. Do people remember that John McCain had a climate change plan? 

I could go on but I have work to do. Many of these were taken to extremes by the Trump administration, but the Republican party made itself ok with them a decade ago, then were surprised when they ran into a candidate saying all the things out loud that they were saying quietly or in code. "No amnesty" became "No immigrants" and so on.

Renaming "French Fries" too "Freedom Fries". Never forget.

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"I am not voting for a man.  I am voting for the principles for which this country has stood since its founding.  A am voting for a Constitutional government.  I am voting for a strong and viable military.  I am voting for a vibrant economy. I am voting for the right to keep and bear arms.  I am voting for the freedom to worship.  I am voting for national recognition of the founding of our nation on Biblical principles.  I am voting for the ability for anyone to rise above their circumstances and become successful.  I am voting for my children and grandchildren to be able to choose their own path in life,  including how and where their children are educated.  I am voting for our borders to be open to everyone who enters under our law and closed to everyone who would circumvent or ignore the law.  I am voting for the Electoral College to remain in place so that a few heavily populated liberal centers do not control the elections.  I am voting for a Supreme Court that interprets the Constitution rather than rewrites it.  I am voting to teach history, with all its warts. not erase it or revise it.  I am voting for the sanctity of life from conception to birth and after."   Author unknown but agreed with.

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5 minutes ago, Yearnin' for Yermin said:

George W Bush started a meaningless war against the wrong enemy that resulted in the loss of many lives, a shit ton of money and helped created ISIS and further instability in the Middle East. Sorry, but Trump is not GWB levels of bad yet. 

This is just wrong on so many levels. This is exactly why some GOP are resistant when you try and explain why Trump is far worse than Bush.

The war on Iraq was authorized by Congress. 


Party Ayes Nays Not
Republican 215 6 2
Democratic 81 126 1
Independent 0 1 0
TOTALS 296 133



Party Yeas Nays
Republican 48 1
Democratic 29 21
Independent 0 1
TOTALS 77 23


Amongst those who voted for the Iraq war were Clinton and Biden. You can go back to 2003. I was against the Iraq war. I said it made no sense and that the entire WMD premise seemed faulty. But there is nothing unordinary about congress authorizing military action and the President agreeing to it. The US had made mistakes on military intervention in the past, they may make them again in the future.

But what Bush never did, is attack American institutions. He did not (to the best of my knowledge) let certain parts of the country suffer because they didnt vote for him. He did not suggest that it extrajudicial killings were okay. He did not support his party assaulting people who were part of the other party. He did not use his office for profit. He did not use the attorney general as his personal attorney. He did not erode support in the judicial system. He did not attempt to undermine the election. He did not falsely accuse his predecessor of spying on him.

The list goes on and on. There is no equivalence between the two. Bush made mistakes, Trump did his on purpose. Intent matters. 

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7 minutes ago, poppysox said:

"I am not voting for a man.  I am voting for the principles for which this country has stood since its founding.  A am voting for a Constitutional government.  I am voting for a strong and viable military.  I am voting for a vibrant economy. I am voting for the right to keep and bear arms.  I am voting for the freedom to worship.  I am voting for national recognition of the founding of our nation on Biblical principles.  I am voting for the ability for anyone to rise above their circumstances and become successful.  I am voting for my children and grandchildren to be able to choose their own path in life,  including how and where their children are educated.  I am voting for our borders to be open to everyone who enters under our law and closed to everyone who would circumvent or ignore the law.  I am voting for the Electoral College to remain in place so that a few heavily populated liberal centers do not control the elections.  I am voting for a Supreme Court that interprets the Constitution rather than rewrites it.  I am voting to teach history, with all its warts. not erase it or revise it.  I am voting for the sanctity of life from conception to birth and after."   Author unknown but agreed with.

I guess you aren't voting this election then.

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24 minutes ago, poppysox said:

"I am not voting for a man.  I am voting for the principles for which this country has stood since its founding.  A am voting for a Constitutional government.  I am voting for a strong and viable military.  I am voting for a vibrant economy. I am voting for the right to keep and bear arms.  I am voting for the freedom to worship.  I am voting for national recognition of the founding of our nation on Biblical principles.  I am voting for the ability for anyone to rise above their circumstances and become successful.  I am voting for my children and grandchildren to be able to choose their own path in life,  including how and where their children are educated.  I am voting for our borders to be open to everyone who enters under our law and closed to everyone who would circumvent or ignore the law.  I am voting for the Electoral College to remain in place so that a few heavily populated liberal centers do not control the elections.  I am voting for a Supreme Court that interprets the Constitution rather than rewrites it.  I am voting to teach history, with all its warts. not erase it or revise it.  I am voting for the sanctity of life from conception to birth and after."   Author unknown but agreed with.

So, what nation is this?

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