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I'm not from the us but I don't quite understand why religious people support trump. I think trump goes way less to church then biden, he was married several times, had an affair with a porn star and allegedly paid several women for abortion.

Why would religious people support him?

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22 minutes ago, Dominikk85 said:

I'm not from the us but I don't quite understand why religious people support trump. I think trump goes way less to church then biden, he was married several times, had an affair with a porn star and allegedly paid several women for abortion.

Why would religious people support him?

The real question is why would anyone support him?

Edited by Saufley
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1 hour ago, jamesdiego said:

I’ve seen this argued before that the Dems and Republicans both voted for it and are equally responsible.  That to me is a complete whitewash of history and a load of bullshit.  

Cheney was making trips everyday to pressure the CIA to link Iraq/ Saddam to Al Qaeda.  And to make up more and note outrageous claims about WMD’s.  Uranium from Africa nonsense.  The entirety of Colon Powell’s speech at the UN was bullshit and lies.  The Bush administration lied to Congress as well as to the American people about WMD’s.  

Many Democrats certainly could have had a stronger backbone and stood up to the administration more and questioned the claims.  But they were also getting fed lies as well about the hyped up threat level.  Bush mentioned a mushroom cloud at his state of the union speech.  There was all kinds of propaganda pushed by the neocons.   

The authorization passed by Congress was according to the Bush administration only necessary to pressure Saddam to let inspectors in/ give up the supposed weapons.   We could have used some more Bernie’s in there standing up against it for sure.  But to try and claim both sides are responsible for that war is nonsense.   

I was overseas in the military during the run up.  My buddy in the Air Force told me a full year before the war started that it was a certain we were invading and there will be war, before much of the UN discussions with trying to get inspectors in Iraq to prevent war according to the Bush administration.  And far before the authorization from Congress.  We were moving so much supplies, tanks, humvees, weapons through Europe toward the Middle East that they made up their minds long before to invade   

They didn’t just stumble or listen to the evidence from the CIA.  They themselves forged and shaped that evidence to suit their agenda.  They knew there was no threat from Saddam against us, he was contained.  There was no real evidence of WMD’s, no Al Qaeda link with Saddam.  We still don’t even know Why the fuck they even invaded, never had an official investigation into it.  Which I blame the Dems for not holding them accountable when they came into power.  

What is it an estimated 300k Iraqis were killed, 4 thousand of our boys.  Many more of ours forever wounded mentally and physically.  Some 22 veterans killing themselves every single day, which of course many are Iraq Vets.  

Not to get pissed at you, more frustrated with this line of thinking and giving the Bush administration a free pass.  You did say they use the time in office to obtain wealth but then look at the no bid contracts to Cheney’s old company Halliburton.  

In my opinion the Bush people are war criminals and belong in prison.  Trump and his cronies are disgusting for many other reasons.  But both administrations are vile to the core.  


A genuine bit of gratitude for your service, but I respectfully disagree with almost all of this. Like it or not, we are the world’s police, and in that role, Saddam Hussein is exactly the type of regime that we need to end.

Moreover, and I don’t know if you meant it this way, but I don’t like talking about US soldiers as if they are victims. Those 4,000 heroes knew what they were offering to their country. You knew what you were offering to your country. So did I. There are things that will haunt me for the rest of my life from my service, but that’s a risk I took on when I swore my oath. We got what we chose.

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Btw I'm no huge biden fan and would have preferred a younger candidate but do trump people really Believe biden will install socialism, get rid of churches, get rid of police and open the borders?

Biden-obama actually deported more people than trump did. Biden and harris also both have a strong pro police, law and order record. Also biden is pretty centrist when it comes to economy stuff.he is talking left to appease the bernie/aoc fans but he certainly is not a Socialist by any means when judging his policy in the last 30 years.

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6 minutes ago, Tony said:

Brother, most of us that live in the USA don’t get it either. It’s a great question with no logical answer. 

The trump part of the religion part? haha. sorry it was on a platter. 

people convince themselves on almost any topic to make themselves feel better/more comfortable, etc. etc. 

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3 minutes ago, Dominikk85 said:

Btw I'm no huge biden fan and would have preferred a younger candidate but do trump people really Believe biden will install socialism, get rid of churches, get rid of police and open the borders?

Biden-obama actually deported more people than trump did. Biden and harris also both have a strong pro police, law and order record. Also biden is pretty centrist when it comes to economy stuff.he is talking left to appease the bernie/aoc fans but he certainly is not a Socialist by any means when judging his policy in the last 30 years.

Biden being a centrist is why he won the primary. Yet here we are, with Trump saying Biden will install socialism. It's like he's running against Bernie Sanders.

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8 minutes ago, Dominikk85 said:

Btw I'm no huge biden fan and would have preferred a younger candidate but do trump people really Believe biden will install socialism, get rid of churches, get rid of police and open the borders?

Biden-obama actually deported more people than trump did. Biden and harris also both have a strong pro police, law and order record. Also biden is pretty centrist when it comes to economy stuff.he is talking left to appease the bernie/aoc fans but he certainly is not a Socialist by any means when judging his policy in the last 30 years.

Trump people believe whatever Trump says that second. 

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9 minutes ago, Dominikk85 said:

 Biden-obama actually deported more people than trump did. Biden and harris also both have a strong pro police, law and order record. Also biden is pretty centrist when it comes to economy stuff.he is talking left to appease the bernie/aoc fans but he certainly is not a Socialist by any means when judging his policy in the last 30 years.

I wouldn't even say he has done the bolded. Nothing about Joe Biden suggests he's a leftist/socialist, as you said. It almost feels like the Trump campaign expected to run against Bernie Sanders, was surprised when they didn't, and was too lazy to change the gameplan

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If you look at the rates of use of both prescription pharmaceuticals whose side effects include delusional thinking,  paranoia, mood alteration, confused thinking and psychosis, and street drugs particularly drugs like meth, along with alcohol abuse rates, I think you'll find the underlying answer

Edited by Vulture
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I didn't vote, never have and never will. I hope Trumps wins.

Seems to me everyone's problem with Trump is hes a douche, not so much that hes not doing a good job.

I also hate politics and don't follow it so what do I know.

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11 minutes ago, chw42 said:

Biden being a centrist is why he won the primary. Yet here we are, with Trump saying Biden will install socialism. It's like he's running against Bernie Sanders.

Free college, $15.00 minimum wage, open borders, free health care for illegal aliens, and late-term abortion.  Sure sounds like Bernie.

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40 minutes ago, Dominikk85 said:

I'm not from the us but I don't quite understand why religious people support trump. I think trump goes way less to church then biden, he was married several times, had an affair with a porn star and allegedly paid several women for abortion.

Why would religious people support him?

15 (B)“Beware of false prophets, (C)who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 (D)You will know them by their fruits. (E)Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, (F)every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 (G)Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.


Beats me.

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Wasn't there an interview were trump was asked for his favorite bible verse and he couldn't come up with one?:)

Btw the one positive with trump imo was that he is not interested in Military and war. Not every war is wrong but with his judgement ability him being more military loving could have caused some serious harm. Fortunately he didn't care about that and create another endless war that costs trillions and achieves very little.

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32 minutes ago, T R U said:

I didn't vote, never have and never will. I hope Trumps wins.

Seems to me everyone's problem with Trump is hes a douche, not so much that hes not doing a good job.

I also hate politics and don't follow it so what do I know.

He's a douche and he's incompetent. The pandemic isn't his fault, but he's completely mishandled the response. He's consistently misled the public on how serious it is and contradicted his own medical experts and CDC. The funny thing is that if he told the truth and let the medical experts do their jobs, he wouldn't have to lie about what a great job he did on the pandemic. And he might have a much better chance at reelection.

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5 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

Things I learned Biden will be getting rid of if elected. You might want to keep this in mind when you go to vote.



air conditioning


and the ability to watch TV if there is no wind.

Don’t forget the birds, the maniac plans to kill them all with green energy!!

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3 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

Principles? Trump? The funny thing is, with all his projections, his biggest is when he calls people RINOs. He might be the biggest RINO who has ever lived. At least the republican you are describing. 

It’s weird, I don’t recall which passage of the Bible references grabbing women by the pussy, but I’m sure it’s in there somewhere.

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1 hour ago, Dominikk85 said:

I'm not from the us but I don't quite understand why religious people support trump. I think trump goes way less to church then biden, he was married several times, had an affair with a porn star and allegedly paid several women for abortion.

Why would religious people support him?

First off understand by religious we really mean Christian. A few issues that cause folks to vote for a Republican candidate.


Continued tax deductions for donations.

Merry Christmas not Happy Holidays. 

Private school choice.



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1 hour ago, Soxbadger said:

If the GOP didnt want the Supreme Court to be packed they should have voted on Merrick Garland, they should have not abolished the 60 vote requirement for SC judges and they should not voted for ACB.

3 strikes you are out. 

Elections have consequences!

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1 hour ago, Dominikk85 said:

I'm not from the us but I don't quite understand why religious people support trump. I think trump goes way less to church then biden, he was married several times, had an affair with a porn star and allegedly paid several women for abortion.

Why would religious people support him?

Because there are a lot of stupid people in this country.

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24 minutes ago, Texsox said:

First off understand by religious we really mean Christian. A few issues that cause folks to vote for a Republican candidate.


Continued tax deductions for donations.

Merry Christmas not Happy Holidays. 

Private school choice.

I’m Catholic. God will judge my devoutness, and He’d probably say, “not enough”. Either way, I try.

I find my religion is better defended, however, by not placing it in the public square in the first place. The key message is humans are flawed, after all. So it’s understandable that Trump divorces twice and cavorts with porn stars, but he probably shouldn’t be the spokesman for the belief system.

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1 hour ago, poppysox said:

Free college, $15.00 minimum wage, open borders, free health care for illegal aliens, and late-term abortion.  Sure sounds like Bernie.

I wish Biden was as far left as you think,  I would've actually voted for him if so

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