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2020 Election Thoughts


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2 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

I think if Federal funds available was the same in San Francisco or NY or Chicago per capita as they are in ND or SD or KY, you would see a very different result.

But with this particular election, it appears there are tons of conservatives that have converted to the cause. Trump might be happy to know he has probably set records on public deserters of the republican party.

That remains to be seen, doesn't it?

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1 minute ago, mqr said:

I haven't heard of, like, government action outside of the barricades around the WH. But there are definitely private business taking precautions. 

That's what prompted the question. A coworker reported a business closing early tonight and claimed it was based on advice from law enforcement. 

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1 minute ago, poppysox said:

Yeah...and you wonder why there is a silent majority.  

Not a silent majority. It’s a silent minority (and not very silent) that has gotten two presidents elected because of an archaic rule in our system despite losing the popular vote.

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23 minutes ago, poppysox said:

This is always pointless to argue politics.  You want the highly populated states to more or less pick the President.  I on the other hand look at how Democrats have mismanaged virtually every large city they run into near Bankruptcy.  Nancy's district in SanFrancisco has crap in the streets and you what small-town America to follow suit.  No thanks!  For the record...I voted for Carter (big mistake)  and have no bone to pick with JFK or LBJ.  I wasn't wild about Bill Clinton or Barack Obama but I managed to not riot in the street.  Mayor Richard J. Daley was an excellent mayor IMO.  When your party is represented by Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Bernie Sander, Elizabeth Warren, Al Sharpton, and Chuck Schumer... you will not convert many conservatives to your cause.

We JUST saw a right wing militia who was ready to kidnap a sitting governor.  We have seen plenty of riots with Republican Presidents, governors and mayors.  Hell these things are happening right now with Republican President who routinely talks about violence against those who oppose him.  if you don't see it, you don't want to see it.

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5 minutes ago, poppysox said:

Yeah...and you wonder why there is a silent majority.  

If there's one thing I've never met in my life, it's a silent Trump supporter.  Fuckers will bring up politics and Trump no matter what the subject.

"Pretty good salad, eh Bill?"

"Yeah, enjoy it before AOC and the Green New Deal takes away our farms!"

"I mean, I was just saying it was a good salad, Bill."

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Just now, whitesoxfan99 said:

Not a silent majority. It’s a silent minority (and not very silent) that has gotten two presidents elected because of an archaic rule in our system despite losing the popular vote.

Everything in our government flows through states. The Congress, Senate, are based on states. Federal spending flows through states. We're the united states for a reason. The states elect a president. 

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2 minutes ago, poppysox said:

That remains to be seen, doesn't it?

No. They are out there. Republicans against Trump. Lincoln Project. Generals. Miles Taylor....where have you ever seen this before?  Trump will lose as long as the vote is not suppressed. But that seems to be OK with the republican party. Why? For all these rights, like not having to wear a mask to protect your neighbor and family and friends, why is it OK to try to take someone's vote away just because they may not be voting for your candidate?  Why was Marco Rubio praising the Trumpers who were trying to run a Biden bus off the road, and calling them patriots? Would dems be patriots if they did the same to a Rubio bus with his wife and kids inside?

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1 minute ago, Dick Allen said:

No. They are out there. Republicans against Trump. Lincoln Project. Generals. Miles Taylor....where have you ever seen this before?  Trump will lose as long as the vote is not suppressed. But that seems to be OK with the republican party. Why? For all these rights, like not having to wear a mask to protect your neighbor and family and friends, why is it OK to try to take someone's vote away just because they may not be voting for your candidate?  Why was Marco Rubio praising the Trumpers who were trying to run a Biden bus off the road, and calling them patriots? Would dems be patriots if they did the same to a Rubio bus with his wife and kids inside?

"Buh buh buh elections have consequences" or some sort of tack on response 

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1 hour ago, poppysox said:

I'm referring to undercounted polling.

That didn't happen last time. The clinton vote was severely over sampled. 

Also ever notice the "VOTE" thing is almost always a liberal push? It's because when people turn out, dems win. 

Edited by mqr
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20 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

People in the US are denied treatment for their children, or bankrupted by it, but that doesn't scare you. In my twenties, I went 8 years without a doctors visit because I hadn't broken into my industry yet and my health care was complete trash. Our health care system deters people from using it. That is incredibly broken.

Additionally, what scares you about Chomsky? Chomsky is more intelligent than the people you listen to on these topics. You can disagree with his politics, but it's nearly impossible to argue his intelligence and intellectual integrity.

Chomsky literally discusses how big corporation and insurance companies have released propaganda to stow uncertainty within the population pertaining to universal health care. For fifty years this propoganda has degraded away at workers right and health care; in addition to climate change.

Oh. Did I tell you who I listen to on these topics? I don’t recall that.

Whatever you think you know about me, you should reconsider. You don’t know anything about me or who I listen to.

Chomsky is a dilettante. He is a professor of linguistics so he should talk about linguistics. When he wades into other topics, he does idiotic things like downplaying the Cambodian genocide. I don’t fear him. I think he’s a massive clown.

Edited by Danny Dravot
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16 minutes ago, Jose Abreu said:

I knew Pelosi was hated by Republicans but I didn't know she was believed to be as far left as AOC until Greg and Poppy started asserting so. Where do people even get that idea? Do they see a female Democrat and just assume she's a progressive? 

They get if from their daily Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

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1 minute ago, mqr said:

That didn't happen last time. The clinton vote was severely over sampled. 

May things play a role.  If I sample 10 democrats & 8 republicans results are worthless.  If I am a Trump support but tell you I am undecided.  If the group doing the polling has a bias in the first place.  

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1 minute ago, Danny Dravot said:

Oh. Did I tell you who I listen to on these topics? I don’t recall that.

Whatever you think you know about me, you should reconsider. You don’t know anything about me or who I listen to.

Chomsky is a dilettante. He is a professor of linguistics so he should talk about linguistics. When he waded into other topics, he does idiotic things like downplaying the Cambodian genocide. I don’t fear him. I think he’s a massive clown.

Man, this is about as misinformed of a take as it gets. As to your genocide point, that has been debunked as complete nonsense.


This is getting off topic again, but insinuating that Chomsky is a linguist just shows a complete lack of understanding of his reach, background, and knowledge. I would guess you have never read a single book written by the guy, but you conclude about his knowledge and cite a talking point that was used to try and demean a man who called out the hypocrisy of US politics and leaders for decade upon decade. He has more intellectual integrity than most anyone I have read/researched and that doesn't mean I agree with everything.

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5 minutes ago, Danny Dravot said:

Oh. Did I tell you who I listen to on these topics? I don’t recall that.

Whatever you think you know about me, you should reconsider. You don’t know anything about me or who I listen to.

Chomsky is a dilettante. He is a professor of linguistics so he should talk about linguistics. When he wades into other topics, he does idiotic things like downplaying the Cambodian genocide. I don’t fear him. I think he’s a massive clown.

So what is your considerable political training that allows you to talk about topics like this?

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1 minute ago, Quin said:

Yes, because under the blanket of anonymity, Trump supporters will hide their opinion. 

Look at the attack I am under because I don't hide my opinion.  Is it any wonder many just choose to vote but say nothing.  

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14 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

I know you aren't talking about Trump voters, because they are anything but silent.

Yeah, true Trumpers are the loud minority.  Not sure why they call themselves the silent majority.

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