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2020 Election Thoughts


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1 hour ago, hogan873 said:

Yeah, true Trumpers are the loud minority.  Not sure why they call themselves the silent majority.

This has always been a term to describe non-progressives, which the Shapiro's of the world conflated with pro-Trump

It's the same broad "THE LEFT" thing that fox news uses I brought up earlier to label anyone who is not Pro-Trump, which is utter nonsense

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4 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

They get if from their daily Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

We watch the behavior of Democrats in congress attacking supreme court nominees and Pelosi ripping up the state of the Union speech in total disrespect to the President.  Shameful behavior by elected officials.

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2 minutes ago, poppysox said:

Look at the attack I am under because I don't hide my opinion.  Is it any wonder many just choose to vote but say nothing.  

We're talking about a phone call with a pollster who is asking questions and nothing more.

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16 minutes ago, Texsox said:

Everything in our government flows through states. The Congress, Senate, are based on states. Federal spending flows through states. We're the united states for a reason. The states elect a president. 

Perhaps mid-18th century political ideology and formulations aren't actually the best, though? It was a system devised when the only people with a voice were propertied white men who were interested in keeping power to themselves.

You can still have a federal system with lots of power devolved to the states while not having archaic structures like the Electoral College. Germany manages pretty well.

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11 minutes ago, poppysox said:

Look at the attack I am under because I don't hide my opinion.  Is it any wonder many just choose to vote but say nothing.  

How many people did you just attack in your previous posts?  Why do you think you get to call everyone names, but everyone else can't answer? 

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7 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

Man, this is about as misinformed of a take as it gets. As to your genocide point, that has been debunked as complete nonsense.


This is getting off topic again, but insinuating that Chomsky is a linguist just shows a complete lack of understanding of his reach, background, and knowledge. I would guess you have never read a single book written by the guy, but you conclude about his knowledge and cite a talking point that was used to try and demean a man who called out the hypocrisy of US politics and leaders for decade upon decade. He has more intellectual integrity than most anyone I have read/researched and that doesn't mean I agree with everything.

Since you wanted me to read Chomsky, here’s something you can read about Chomsky: 


I’ve wasted far too much time here today so I’m going to bow out now. Enjoy your day.

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Just now, poppysox said:

We watch the behavior of Democrats in congress attacking supreme court nominees and Pelosi ripping up the state of the Union speech in total disrespect to the President.  Shameful behavior by elected officials.

Oh, here's a list of 963 shameful acts by Trump.


Let's just go with the fact that 700 people have died as a result of his campaign rallies during a pandemic.

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10 minutes ago, poppysox said:

May things play a role.  If I sample 10 democrats & 8 republicans results are worthless.  If I am a Trump support but tell you I am undecided.  If the group doing the polling has a bias in the first place.  

If you sample 10 democrats and 8 republicans but expect the actual electorate to be more like 8-8, you reweight the sample. Polling is far from an exact science, and there are a lot of assumptions that go into determining what that appropriate sample needs to look like, but the "they're oversampling democrats!" has been an unfounded criticism since at least 2012 and the Unskewed Polls guy.


In 2016, they didn't weight by education and missed the big shift in non-college whites to Trump. Maybe something similar happens this year, missing some other demographic shift. IT's not a foregone conclusion, though.

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4 minutes ago, Quin said:

We're talking about a phone call with a pollster who is asking questions and nothing more.

This is actually a good point! We aren't seen a difference in support when comparing live phone versus online or automated phone polling. So if people are hesitant to reveal their true preferences to an actual person on the phone, it's not showing up in other sampling methods.

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6 minutes ago, poppysox said:

We watch the behavior of Democrats in congress attacking supreme court nominees and Pelosi ripping up the state of the Union speech in total disrespect to the President.  Shameful behavior by elected officials.

Again, you must not watch the President at all.  He attacks anyone and everyone.  Remember those cute nicknames he has for everyone?  Why is that different?

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Just now, Dick Allen said:

I am still trying to figure out why people would be embarrassed to tell pollsters they are voting for Trump. 

And apparently it is JUST pollsters, because they have zero problems telling anyone else.

Everyone else:  Hey let's have a discussion about the election polls


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5 minutes ago, poppysox said:

We watch the behavior of Democrats in congress attacking supreme court nominees and Pelosi ripping up the state of the Union speech in total disrespect to the President.  Shameful behavior by elected officials.

Lol you are concerned about shameful behavior by elected officials?  Really??

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Just now, knightni said:

Well, I see that you forget the Merrick Garland /Obama nomination hypocrisy by the Republicans in the Senate in 2016.

He didn't forget, earlier he said that was perfectly fine 

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It is truly fascinating for me to read the defensive takes of staunch "free-market" orthodox capitalism.

Being someone who was once one of the bigger fan boys of free-market enterprise - having been indoctrinated through an education system that told me there was no other way - I genuinely understand and feel for those who continue to support this fictional system. The reality of it is though, it doesn't exists, it's not beneficial, and profits will always come before doing the right thing. We have seen this repeated time and time again (whether with Exxon knowing they were causing climate change and ignoring it for decades or others) and welfare is only welfare when it's given to the poor. It's a language and way of educating/speaking that intentionally convinces society that their are "winners and losers" and that the losers are losers by choice. THat's obviously nonsense.

The fact is, innovation was not driven by profits; computers, medicine, and other monumental technological break thrus actually were created by government's - via R&D funded by tax payers - and not companies. They were then handed down to companies to be for profit entities in which the government chose who could enrich themselves and who couldn't.

Elon Musk is a great example; he literally bought ownership into Tesla - he had no idea or tech innovation. The research was done by the US government and he received millions and millions in gov't contracts and support. In turn, based on that tax payer funded research, he is now one of the richest people in the world and trying to squash union uprisings everywhere.

Edited by Look at Ray Ray Run
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