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2020 Election Thoughts


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4 minutes ago, michelangelosmonkey said:

The problem with arguing about the electoral college is it was like arguing about the White Sox signing Gerrit Cole last year.  It may be fun or get passions burning...but it's not going to happen.  To amend the constitution requires 3/4 of the states to agree.  You want to change the system where the bottom 1/3 of the states lose power...but they have to vote to agree to give up power??  Why would they do that?  Sure some might but you'd need 38 out of 50 states.  I'm pretty sure I can find 13 states that won't vote yes to this in 100 years.  

Some states have already passed laws that if the majority of states were to go to a popular vote, they would pledge their EC based on that.


Illinois is part of this agreement. 



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5 minutes ago, poppysox said:

I'll accept your data because I have no interest in trying to find counter figures.  I think both candidates fix on those states they think are in-play.  After all...that is the current rules of the game.  It has helped your candidate more than mine since Trump obviously has the energy to visit each and every state 3 times if called on to do it.  Pretty sure the six states you mention would be Joe's limit.  Just kidding.?

Like this is what I don’t get about you Trump supporters.  Why do you feel compelled to hype up the dude or deflect attacks against him and not just acknowledge this is about “taxes”, “the Bible”, “guns”, etc.  Donald Trump is an absolute piece of shit and there is no denying.  Just own up to it and defend your political stances and not the clown you’re voting for.

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9 minutes ago, michelangelosmonkey said:

The problem with arguing about the electoral college is it was like arguing about the White Sox signing Gerrit Cole last year.  It may be fun or get passions burning...but it's not going to happen.  To amend the constitution requires 3/4 of the states to agree.  You want to change the system where the bottom 1/3 of the states lose power...but they have to vote to agree to give up power??  Why would they do that?  Sure some might but you'd need 38 out of 50 states.  I'm pretty sure I can find 13 states that won't vote yes to this in 100 years.  

Kill Joy! ?

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7 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

Once Texas turns blue, which will happen within the next 10ish years, you will start to hear the narrative on "you can't change the way we elect!!!" change from the Republicans.

One thing I will never ever understand about this country is it's sworn allegiance to a document written 250 years ago and it's insistence that it absolutely should not change despite the fact that it was written under the exact premise that things would need to be changed over time... via these things called amendments.

Someone needs to tell the "originalists" that the founding fathers they swear by would be so confused by their views.

I think we'll turn sooner. We came close to electing Beto which made folks realize it was possible. But Cruz is an easier target statewide than Cornyn. What is helping are the tech companies coming to Texas like Tesla and bringing in or keeping here, younger, better educated, workers.

The divide is really more rural voters who don't need, want, or accept government interference and urban centers which do. Government health care? Stitch yourself up and get back to work. Taxes for stuff we'll never need or use? No. Tell me from 3,000 miles away what I can and can't do on my own land? Hell no. That self reliance runs deep. Classic small taxes, small government works the best for those people. 

Working the Beto campaign was a real eye opener. I respect those voters more. 



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40 minutes ago, michelangelosmonkey said:

The problem with arguing about the electoral college is it was like arguing about the White Sox signing Gerrit Cole last year.  It may be fun or get passions burning...but it's not going to happen.  To amend the constitution requires 3/4 of the states to agree.  You want to change the system where the bottom 1/3 of the states lose power...but they have to vote to agree to give up power??  Why would they do that?  Sure some might but you'd need 38 out of 50 states.  I'm pretty sure I can find 13 states that won't vote yes to this in 100 years.  

Until election night in 2016, Trump thought the Electoral College was unfair to Republicans. That’s the thing that still gets me. How is Trump a Republican? 

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1 minute ago, Dick Allen said:

Until election night in 2016, Trump thought the Electoral College was unfair to Republicans. That’s the thing that still gets me. How is Trump a Republican? 

Because he can't buy and rename the party?

I believe history will view Trump and more specifically his team, as some of the greatest political strategists of our generation. A true Washington outsider who figured out a way to win the biggest political prize. 

I believe he would have adopted liberal views if he thought he could have been elected as a Dem. 

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1 hour ago, poppysox said:

Trump has never committed a crime while in office that I am aware of.  Biden and Clinton were in office when their "indiscretions" happened.

Trump Foundation committed fraud for political gain. $2 million in penalties, charity dissolved. His taxes are a huge question. He was impeached, and the SDNY is waiting. 

Not only that, there is something very fishy going on with his Chicago building. So fishy, Trump wants Forbes to value it at zero. It appears he is going to great lengths to keep who he owes on that on private. 

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Trump's behavior is neither normal nor acceptable. Nor is it acceptable to mention Hunter Biden while Trump's family works in the White House. 

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7 minutes ago, poppysox said:

Well...at least you're tolerant.

Poppysox I appreciate your willingness to enter the Octagon in a Soxtalk political forum that seems like the loudest voices are the other side.   To me the most surprising thing is the 4 year temper tantrum that started the minute Trump was elected.  Obama was elected and was handed the Nobel Peace prize and Trump was elected and the impeachment hearings started ten minutes later.  90% of all media articles about him have been negative.  I mean the guy brings a lot of it on himself...but to expect a NY ego maniac to turn the other cheek like Bush did?   They punch he punches back they punch back he punches back...for four years.  It's exhausting but really he did some remarkable things in his presidency...Prison reform bill, Peace in the Middle East, the Great American outdoors act, elimination of the Obamacare individual mandate, right to try act, the Tax bill...which was really a fascinating restructuring of tax code (making most deductions irrelevant), getting Nato to pay more, starting the troop withdrawal from Germany, first president in 50 years that didn't get us in a war, standing up to China...which...I've been in International business for 30 years and China are ashholes.  Anwar, Keystone, Moving embassy to Jerusalem, a booming economy...right up to Covid, 3 supreme court justices, record number of Federal judges appointed, massive cuts in regulation.  You can disagree with what he did.  But in the background when the chaos was going on...a lot was done.     

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1 hour ago, Soxbadger said:

Some states have already passed laws that if the majority of states were to go to a popular vote, they would pledge their EC based on that.


Illinois is part of this agreement. 



Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, N and S Dakota, Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Utah, West Virginia, Nebraska and Arkansas.  Amendment blocked.  But it was fun to think about Cole pitching next to Giolito. 


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31 minutes ago, poppysox said:

Well...at least you're tolerant.

Poppy - I got no beef with you personally and obviously all cable news channels have their biases, but nothing takes the cake like Fox News. They purposely lie to & antagonize their viewer base because they know it will lead to huge ratings and ultimately a ton money for them.

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1 minute ago, michelangelosmonkey said:

Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, N and S Dakota, Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Utah, West Virginia, Nebraska and Arkansas.  Amendment blocked.  But it was fun to think about Cole pitching next to Giolito. 


This isnt a Federal Amendment.  These are states passing their own laws where they agree. The agreement states that they need to hit 270 electoral votes between the states who are part of the compact.

You dont need any of those states to hit 270 votes...

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11 minutes ago, michelangelosmonkey said:

Poppysox I appreciate your willingness to enter the Octagon in a Soxtalk political forum that seems like the loudest voices are the other side.   To me the most surprising thing is the 4 year temper tantrum that started the minute Trump was elected.  Obama was elected and was handed the Nobel Peace prize and Trump was elected and the impeachment hearings started ten minutes later.  90% of all media articles about him have been negative.  I mean the guy brings a lot of it on himself...but to expect a NY ego maniac to turn the other cheek like Bush did?   They punch he punches back they punch back he punches back...for four years.  It's exhausting but really he did some remarkable things in his presidency...Prison reform bill, Peace in the Middle East, the Great American outdoors act, elimination of the Obamacare individual mandate, right to try act, the Tax bill...which was really a fascinating restructuring of tax code (making most deductions irrelevant), getting Nato to pay more, starting the troop withdrawal from Germany, first president in 50 years that didn't get us in a war, standing up to China...which...I've been in International business for 30 years and China are ashholes.  Anwar, Keystone, Moving embassy to Jerusalem, a booming economy...right up to Covid, 3 supreme court justices, record number of Federal judges appointed, massive cuts in regulation.  You can disagree with what he did.  But in the background when the chaos was going on...a lot was done.     

Excellent summary. 

I would like to add Presidents receive too much blame and too much credit for events that happen while they are president. 

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1 minute ago, southsider2k5 said:

So with really early returns happening in Indiana, 2 redneck counites in so far, Trumps vote % is down 3-6 % points total, and that is without a 3rd party candidate taking up votes.  This is off to a good start.

I was just looking at the same thing with the early KY and IN vote. 

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2 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

This isnt a Federal Amendment.  These are states passing their own laws where they agree. The agreement states that they need to hit 270 electoral votes between the states who are part of the compact.

You dont need any of those states to hit 270 votes...

Yes states can do whatever they want...but it doesn't eliminate the EC.  They just partition their electoral votes to the EC in their own way.  

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13 minutes ago, michelangelosmonkey said:

Poppysox I appreciate your willingness to enter the Octagon in a Soxtalk political forum that seems like the loudest voices are the other side.   To me the most surprising thing is the 4 year temper tantrum that started the minute Trump was elected.  Obama was elected and was handed the Nobel Peace prize and Trump was elected and the impeachment hearings started ten minutes later.  90% of all media articles about him have been negative.  I mean the guy brings a lot of it on himself...but to expect a NY ego maniac to turn the other cheek like Bush did?   They punch he punches back they punch back he punches back...for four years.  It's exhausting but really he did some remarkable things in his presidency...Prison reform bill, Peace in the Middle East, the Great American outdoors act, elimination of the Obamacare individual mandate, right to try act, the Tax bill...which was really a fascinating restructuring of tax code (making most deductions irrelevant), getting Nato to pay more, starting the troop withdrawal from Germany, first president in 50 years that didn't get us in a war, standing up to China...which...I've been in International business for 30 years and China are ashholes.  Anwar, Keystone, Moving embassy to Jerusalem, a booming economy...right up to Covid, 3 supreme court justices, record number of Federal judges appointed, massive cuts in regulation.  You can disagree with what he did.  But in the background when the chaos was going on...a lot was done.     

Bless you, for your well-written overview.  Glad to have some company in my defense of one of the best Presidents we've had IMO.  

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6 minutes ago, Texsox said:

Excellent summary. 

I would like to add Presidents receive too much blame and too much credit for events that happen while they are president. 

I always thought it was funny, as a kid, that all my history textbooks said Andrew Johnson was the WORST US president.  And yet during his presidency he added Alaska which I think was probably one of the ten greatest things to happen to America.  Maybe it was all Seward but still...happened on his watch so he should have gotten some credit for it. 

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9 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

Poppy - I got no beef with you personally and obviously all cable news channels have their biases, but nothing takes the cake like Fox News. They purposely lie to & antagonize their viewer base because they know it will lead to huge ratings and ultimately a ton money for them.

Can you imagine how annoying MSNBC or CNN is to a Republican supporter?  That's the nature of completion.  As sports fans most of us like a good contest.  This is like my team playing in the Super Bowl or World Series.  If my guy wins I'm elated but I try to be a good loser when it goes the other way.  

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3 minutes ago, michelangelosmonkey said:

I always thought it was funny, as a kid, that all my history textbooks said Andrew Johnson was the WORST US president.  And yet during his presidency he added Alaska which I think was probably one of the ten greatest things to happen to America.  Maybe it was all Seward but still...happened on his watch so he should have gotten some credit for it. 

He was a Democrat who ran with Lincoln on the National Union ticket.  Wouldn't happen today I think.  Franklin Pierce always had that WORST US PRESIDENT tag when I was in school.

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