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2020 Election Thoughts


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Just now, chw42 said:

It doesn't matter who concedes. It makes it easier if one side does when it's clear they can't win, but the states will verify the elections later this month and then the electoral college will vote on who's president in December. That's the actual election.

Appreciate the response, but I guess that means we’ll just drag this out until December? Oh joy.

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Just now, Jose Abreu said:

Trump is claiming he won Michigan, even though everyone has it called for Biden, so I don't think this is going to go smoothly. I think Biden has it in the bag, but it will take weeks for that to be officially recognized

Whose brave enough to tell him? 

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2 minutes ago, chw42 said:

It doesn't matter who concedes. It makes it easier if one side does when it's clear they can't win, but the states will verify the elections later this month and then the electoral college will vote on who's president in December. That's the actual election.

There is nothing that says the electoral college has to vote with it's constituents choice.

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2 minutes ago, Rowand44 said:

I mean it's always batshit insane but woooooo buddy is Trump's twitter timeline something right now.

Yep, he is seeing the writing on the wall and losing his shit.  Waiting for him to start claiming California and New York while he is at it.

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2 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

There is nothing that says the electoral college has to vote with it's constituents choice.

I remember asking my 6th grade teacher why this was the case and how it hasn't ever caused any issues. Don't think I got a good answer haha

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2 minutes ago, Jose Abreu said:

I remember asking my 6th grade teacher why this was the case and how it hasn't ever caused any issues. Don't think I got a good answer haha

"We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won’t allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina"

While this sounds funny, I don't put anything past these people anymore. Republicans pretending like they'd check him is absolutely comical.

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1 minute ago, Jose Abreu said:

I remember asking my 6th grade teacher why this was the case and how it hasn't ever caused any issues. Don't think I got a good answer haha

I mean, who would want to be that guy? You can criticize the EC if you want, but if they said, “Hey Danny, you’re an elector now”, well I’m just a symbol, aren’t I? I’m not supposed to think about it or insert my own desires, I’m just supposed to mechanically follow the orders of my state’s voters. Honestly, it’s a little weird they even have specific people in those slots at all.

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3 minutes ago, Jose Abreu said:

I remember asking my 6th grade teacher why this was the case and how it hasn't ever caused any issues. Don't think I got a good answer haha

Essentially the winning party gets to pick the people that go cast the electoral vote.  It is a political favor to be picked, and only clear party loyalists are picked to do so.  I mean yeah, someone COULD go cast a rogue vote, but realistically by the controls around the process is really never happens.  It isn't like you are picking Donald Trump to go cast an electoral vote for Joe Biden or something.  The people picked are lifers.

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11 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

There is nothing that says the electoral college has to vote with it's constituents choice.

I believe the Supreme Court actually just changed this a few weeks ago. Gimme a second for the link.

Edit: link, https://www.npr.org/2020/07/06/885168480/supreme-court-rules-state-faithless-elector-laws-constitutional

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36 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

Assuming Biden wins, you have to wonder what is next for the Trumps. I don’t think Donald will go to jail, but I think he will have tons of legal trouble and wouldn’t be surprised if he threw some Trump Org exec or even Eric under the bus to save him a trip to Rikers. I think he may try a TV or radio talk show, but he seems way too lazy and probably will quickly lose interest. I think Don JR. Is on the Sarah Palin career path. Will probably be a darling at Fox News or OAN for a couple of years before the seemingly drug fueled rants get old and it’s time to move on. Jared and Ivanka will move somewhere. They will get divorced in a couple years and will request privacy at that very difficult time. Melania will do what she always does. Tending to Barron and Melania.

I fully expect Trump to pull a Grover Cleveland in 2024 with a strong third party play. Assuming of course. 

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1 minute ago, Kyyle23 said:

Are we talking about The Who interpretation of this, or the George W Bush interpretation of this?


BTW they have a humungous new greatest hits collection out. Awesome.

It, and alcohol, are taking me to my happy place until this is over. 

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3 minutes ago, pcq said:

Except The Supremes last year John Roberts

It does not prevent it the way you think:


" Given the amount of publicity received by the grandstanding faithless electors in 2016, each political party can be expected to be extremely careful in 2020 about vetting the people they nominate for the position of presidential elector. If the political parties do their job carefully and well, faithless electors cannot have any effect on the outcome of a presidential election—under either the current system or the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. "

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7 minutes ago, Texsox said:


BTW they have a humungous new greatest hits collection out. Awesome.

It, and alcohol, are taking me to my happy place until this is over. 

Having the Replacements - Pleased to Meet Me remaster with Election Night on it I ordered weeks ago show up on my doorstep yesterday was a pretty wild coincidence and has already gotten quite a few plays

Edited by mqr
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58 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Well first of all an old white centrist seems to have a good shot at knocking off the worst disaster in our country’s leadership history. While they had advantages of incumbency. And violated the law tons by using government resources to campaign. So let’s not undersell that.

But you want a way to change that, whether he said it for real or or, go to the purported FDR quote - “I agree with everything you said. Now make me do it.” https://www.representconsumers.org/2009/09/15/the-real-story-behind-make-him-do-it/

That kind of change takes time in this country especially and doesn’t start at the top.

Wonder if GAO has a ballpark on all the money the Trumps have looted. Just dont do it on Michigan Ave. 

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