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2020 Election Thoughts


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1 minute ago, Tony said:

I don’t know if there are enough votes left to close the gap. 

I’m also getting really nervous about Arizona. It sounds like this late voter dump could be like +20 Trump..

Ive always felt 150k was the number for Biden to be at or under with 90% left. 760k still not counted in PA

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Pro-Trump protesters gathered at the Arizona Capitol and Maricopa County elections center to demand election workers keep counting votes.

Former Vice President Joe Biden maintained a lead in Arizona over President Donald Trump, but his margin shrunk in a new batch of results posted Wednesday evening. 

Arizona voters who are worried their vote wasn't counted because the state's election site showed their mail ballot as "canceled," in most cases, should not be alarmed.

The Arizona Attorney General's Office is investigating voter concerns about voting with Sharpie markers. Election officials say ballots will be counted regardless of what kind of pen voters used. 


Summary of tonight from the Arizona Republic


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Pennsylvania will take the longest of the three to complete its count. As of Wednesday night, Trump still clung to a shrinking lead of some 190,000 ballots. But with nearly a million ballots still outstanding—the lion’s share of them coming from dark blue precincts in Philadelphia and elsewhere—Trump’s lead is expected to shrivel over the coming 24 hours and then disappear completely. How much Biden ultimately might win by is unclear. But it may not be by much more than Trump’s victorious margin four years ago of 44,292 votes.



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9 hours ago, Danny Dravot said:

This is a good point. As a military member, his employment of Mattis, Kelly, McMaster, etc, was enormously popular throughout the force. Of course, he ended up dumping all of them in less than friendly circumstances. I don’t know the stats on it, or even where to find them, but I think he’d be the worst performing Republican amongst service members in a long time.

And don't forget POWs aren't heroes. :jpshakehead:

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I'm slowly gaining some small amounts of respect for Fox's News division. They were the first to call Arizona for Biden and their coverage isn't as one sided as I thought. 

Forget about their "analysis" folks and morning show group, I can't handle them. But I can see why their news coverage gets such high ratings. 


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57 minutes ago, Dominikk85 said:

What Chance do the democrats have to win the senate? If biden wins but loses the senate it would make it a lot tougher for him, wouldn't it?

Less than 1%. Historically if Trump does somehow win then Dems will complete the flip in two years. If we're Riden' Biden it will likely stay the same or the Dems will lose a seat or two. Such is the nature of mid terms.

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5 minutes ago, Texsox said:

I'm slowly gaining some small amounts of respect for Fox's News division. They were the first to call Arizona for Biden and their coverage isn't as one sided as I thought. 

Forget about their "analysis" folks and morning show group, I can't handle them. But I can see why their news coverage gets such high ratings. 


Sure, but look at the garbage their “analysis” folks are putting out.  People actually believe this shit and it’s super dangerous.


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1 hour ago, Dominikk85 said:

What Chance do the democrats have to win the senate? If biden wins but loses the senate it would make it a lot tougher for him, wouldn't it?

Slim but not zero.  I think their best hope is for both GA races to go to a runoff and then win both of those.  In that scenario, the Senate would be split 50/50, and Harris would be the tiebreaker...if Biden wins.

As it stands now, it looks like it might be 51/49 GOP after the runoff in January.

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4 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

Sure, but look at the garbage their “analysis” folks are putting out.  People actually believe this shit and it’s super dangerous.


Sure, but look at my post. I said news division and specifically said not their analysis folks. 

I've seen similar reports about every channel. Look hard enough you'll find someone that will repeat what you believe and want to hear.

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8 minutes ago, Texsox said:

Sure, but look at my post. I said news division and specifically said not their analysis folks. 

I've seen similar reports about every channel. Look hard enough you'll find someone that will repeat what you believe and want to hear.

The biggest problem is Fox does not allow the viewer to know which is which, and present it all as news.   I bet most of the average fox viewers believe that Hannity/ingraham/Carlson are actually journalists 

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About 78,000 absentee ballots remained to be counted in Georgia Wednesday night as Joe Biden pulled within about 32,000 votes of President Donald Trump.

Most of these uncounted absentee ballots are concentrated in highly populated areas, led by Fulton County in Atlanta and Chatham County in Savannah.

There are likely additional absentee ballots left to be tallied that were returned to county election offices before Tuesday’s 7 p.m. deadline but hadn’t yet been processed.

The large number of remaining absentee ballots could delay final election results into Thursday or later.

But many county election offices said they’re planning to complete their vote-counting Wednesday.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said he wants counties to finish counting absentee ballots quickly so that close races can be decided. State law gives county election officials until Nov. 13 to certify final election results.

“Officials in numerous counties are continuing to count ballots, with strong security protocols in place to protect the integrity of our election,” Raffensperger said. “It’s important to act quickly, but it’s more important to get it right.”



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  • Arizona: Joe Biden holds about a 69,000 vote lead in CNN’s count. Maricopa, the biggest county in Arizona, has released the second of two sets of new votes promised Wednesday night – shrinking the Biden lead there by just over 10,000 votes. Early this morning, the county tweeted that 275,000 remain and that its next update will come at 9 p.m. ET. Meanwhile, the next biggest share of votes come from blue-leaning Pima County. The state’s website said 46,000 votes remained to be counted in Pima as of last night.
  • Georgia: Fulton County, in the Atlanta area, just added 8,300 ballots to its tally, further cutting into Trump’s lead in the state. Georgia’s largest county still has about 7,564 ballots left to count, Fulton County's Regina Walker said just after 5 a.m. ET. But remember: Georgia could be the next target for President Trump to request a recount. CNN reported a source familiar with the matter says that if Georgia is close, “of course” the Trump camp will ask for a recount if he loses. 
  • 10:30 a.m. ET: Georgia's Secretary of State will hold a news conference. There's currently a 33,000-vote margin between Trump and Biden, and there’s around 90,000 votes remaining to be counted.
  • Nevada: Biden holds a slim 8,000 vote lead. Clark County — home to Las Vegas — has, by far, the largest share of votes in Nevada. After a full day of silence from Clark county and the state overall, all eyes will be on Clark when it updates at 12 noon ET. 
  • Pennsylvania: The state as a whole has about 750,000 mail-in ballots to be counted, according to the Secretary of State’s website, though this figure has not been updated recently. Allegheny County, which includes Pittsburgh, has finished tabulating mail-in and absentee ballots. Officials say the county will resume tabulating several precincts’ worth of in-person votes later this morning.


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