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2020 Election Thoughts


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16 hours ago, Soxbadger said:

You dont make statements that you cant back up with facts. 

Do you want a link to Giuliani? Says he has many many willing to testify to blatant fraud. Why can't we just decide it in the courts? At the very least it might allow us to lock up anybody who may have committed voter fraud. If the lawsuits convict one person guilty of messing with my ballot or my neighbor's ballot, it's worth it. Rudy says there's fraud and he can prove it.

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1 minute ago, greg775 said:

I just listened to a Rudy G youtube in which he clearly lays out his case for fraud. Let it play out in the courts.

Rudy is a hack that has no credibility whatsoever. He used to be called "America's Mayor." Now he should be called "America's Asshole."

If there is any fraud , it is by the Republicans. Voter suppression and intimidation is high on their list. 

There is no reason for the courts to intercede, especially courts dominated by the Republicans. 

Joe Biden will be the 46th president. If the courts intercede, let them send Trump to prison. It should have happened a long time ago.

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8 minutes ago, greg775 said:

I just listened to a Rudy G youtube in which he clearly lays out his case for fraud. Let it play out in the courts. He was on a local NY stadtion. He said no media nationally are interested in the story. In Rudy's words, "you may not believe the evidence but there is evidence of fraud." There's no harm in letting it play out in the courts. It won't affect Joe in any way and his supporters are just mocking the efforts of Trump and Rudy G anyway. So what's the problem?

The problem is that Trump and his clown show are wasting the time of the courts and of the American people that voted his ass out of office.  Biden is going to end up with 306 electoral votes and close to 5 million more votes than Trump.  It was not a close race, and these lawsuits are beyond frivolous.

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33 minutes ago, greg775 said:

I just listened to a Rudy G youtube in which he clearly lays out his case for fraud. Let it play out in the courts. He was on a local NY stadtion. He said no media nationally are interested in the story. In Rudy's words, "you may not believe the evidence but there is evidence of fraud." There's no harm in letting it play out in the courts. It won't affect Joe in any way and his supporters are just mocking the efforts of Trump and Rudy G anyway. So what's the problem?

Yet none of the lawsuits filed have contained any fraud evidence.  Why is that?

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23 minutes ago, greg775 said:

I just listened to a Rudy G youtube in which he clearly lays out his case for fraud. Let it play out in the courts. He was on a local NY stadtion. He said no media nationally are interested in the story. In Rudy's words, "you may not believe the evidence but there is evidence of fraud." There's no harm in letting it play out in the courts. It won't affect Joe in any way and his supporters are just mocking the efforts of Trump and Rudy G anyway. So what's the problem?

Here's a thread from Erick Erickson, Greg. Hardly a progressive.

Basically, voter fraud happens in every election. It happens by the dozens in races that are decided by tens of thousands. You find an election where it hinges on one state and that state is decided by twelve votes? OK, scour that shit. But by 200,000 across six or so states? Fuhgeddaboutit.

I'm a process guy, like I've been arguing across this thread. Don't like a law? Challenge it in court. Vote against its supporters. I like the way our systems work. But in this case, I'm not even lending this the fairness of, "oh, try it in the courts and let them decide!" No. That's just a cynical attempt to smear the American system and convince millions of people that Biden is illegitimate (this part will probably work, unfortunately). Trump needs to have his bags packed on January 20th, because it is OVER.

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49 minutes ago, greg775 said:

Do you want a link to Giuliani? Says he has many many willing to testify to blatant fraud. Why can't we just decide it in the courts? At the very least it might allow us to lock up anybody who may have committed voter fraud. If the lawsuits convict one person guilty of messing with my ballot or my neighbor's ballot, it's worth it. Rudy says there's fraud and he can prove it.


Anyone can say anything on the internet. If you dont see why what is going on is terrible, there is just no convincing you. 

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Reminder: The Electoral College was a last-minute compromise solution with slaver states by a bunch of exhausted delegates in 1780's Philadelphia that Madison thought was garbage and functions nothing at all like it was originally structured, and hasn't really since the first few elections. 

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Ted Cruz sticking up for Trump just shows how ball less he is. Not only did he say Cruz was Lyin' Ted, and his father was in on the JFK assassination  and his wife was ugly, he also tweeted this 4 years ago. We can only hope this was investigated, and the results nullified. SO UNFAIR.


Donald J. Trump
Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified.
Edited by Dick Allen
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2 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

Yet none of the lawsuits filed have contained any fraud evidence.  Why is that?

Everyone responds to Greg and then everyone has to read it. I am thinking all of those split ballots made for pretty trickery forgery.

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2 hours ago, Kyyle23 said:

Guys Rudy G said it, must be true.

I’m still a fan of him sharing a photo of a supposedly incriminating Hunter Biden document, where the screenshot showed the phone happened to be on a Russian telephone network at the time the image was taken.

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Look guys there are a lot people who voted for Trump and they deserve an administration that actively undermines our constitution and society. This is completely normal and Im not sure why everyone is so outraged.

Donald Trump will continue to be President because the minority of this country dont care about the law, they dont care about the constitution and they dont respect people with different positions. Instead of speaking out against what will likely be viewed as one of the worst times in American history, they will just point us to unproven youtube allegations that would not be accepted as evidence in a kindergarten debate.

Im not sure why I ever gave his supporters the benefit of the doubt. 

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10 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

Look guys there are a lot people who voted for Trump and they deserve an administration that actively undermines our constitution and society. This is completely normal and Im not sure why everyone is so outraged.

Donald Trump will continue to be President because the minority of this country dont care about the law, they dont care about the constitution and they dont respect people with different positions. Instead of speaking out against what will likely be viewed as one of the worst times in American history, they will just point us to unproven youtube allegations that would not be accepted as evidence in a kindergarten debate.

Im not sure why I ever gave his supporters the benefit of the doubt. 

Completely tangential, but I’ve been trying to imagine how history textbooks will remember Trump in 100 years.

My guess is “hardly at all”. He’ll be there Warren Harding, Chester Arthur, and Millard Fillmore as ex-presidents who most people can’t even name. I did pick Harding deliberately because if you pay a bit of attention, you’d know he was super corrupt. Trump might get mentioned for that but if his blurb is longer than 100 words or so, I’d be very surprised.

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1 minute ago, Danny Dravot said:

Completely tangential, but I’ve been trying to imagine how history textbooks will remember Trump in 100 years.

My guess is “hardly at all”. He’ll be there Warren Harding, Chester Arthur, and Millard Fillmore as ex-presidents who most people can’t even name. I did pick Harding deliberately because if you pay a bit of attention, you’d know he was super corrupt. Trump might get mentioned for that but if his blurb is longer than 100 words or so, I’d be very surprised.

I hope I am wrong. But its going down a really bad path. 

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2 hours ago, Soxbadger said:


Anyone can say anything on the internet. If you dont see why what is going on is terrible, there is just no convincing you. 

Rudy G is the president's personal attorney, not some yokel on the street. He says he has witnesses to fraud who are ready to testify. I can only go by what a legitimate source says. The president's personal attorney is a legitimate source. It's not just Donnie Jr. saying it. So he needs to put up the witnesses or shut up. Not sure why this is so controversial. My personal take is Trump should give it up. It's not going to get overturned and like I said in another thread he's an old man who should do what ex-presidents do: enjoy the SS protection, write books, go on speaking tours, enjoy the final years of his life.

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2 hours ago, pettie4sox said:

greg is a bot

I'm not making any of this stuff up, I'm commenting on what's going on out there. I'm not just dismissing what Trump's team is saying. They are saying there's fraud and his personal attorney is filing suits. This is all real and worth commenting on. Just because I'm one of the only guys willing to let it play out in court instead of just dismissing it doesn't mean I'm insincere. I have a lot of concerns about the radical left. If Joe truly is a moderate I'm all for Joe even though I"m sick about my taxes likely going up.

If you all want me to shut up and please not comment on this stuff I will abide by your decision and shut up.

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