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2020 Election Thoughts


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16 minutes ago, greg775 said:

You know what, I take exception to your line about how he should be acting as a patriot. Yes, some of us are VERY skeptical of both sides of the government. Yes some of us think it certainly could be fraudulent and yes some of us are worried about the Senate races in Georgia and how "fair" they will be. What I'm saying (and even though you may want me silenced or banned or whatever) a lot of US citizens do agree with me. Would I love to be wrong?? Of course. I am a proud American ready to honor my relatives and others on Veterans Day. But do I welcome an inspection of the voting in a close election? Yes I do. Sorry but that's how I feel. Am I skeptical? Yes. Does that make me a lousy American not just congratulating Joe? I don't think so but I suspect many of you do.

My take is: if it's frivilous lawsuits wasting time, then definitely SLAP Rudy's wrists and give Trump everything he deserves, maybe even jail time if he's purposely wasting the court's time. BUT ... if there's fraud and it can be proven, prove it and rectify a possible wrong.

If the attorneys on this site say this is frivilous, which they are doing, then I probably need to change my opinion as I do respect their honor.

Actual judges have determined that his lawsuits have no merit.  He's 0 for 10 so far...

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24 minutes ago, greg775 said:

You know what, I take exception to your line about how he should be acting as a patriot. Yes, some of us are VERY skeptical of both sides of the government. Yes some of us think it certainly could be fraudulent and yes some of us are worried about the Senate races in Georgia and how "fair" they will be. What I'm saying (and even though you may want me silenced or banned or whatever) a lot of US citizens do agree with me. Would I love to be wrong?? Of course. I am a proud American ready to honor my relatives and others on Veterans Day. But do I welcome an inspection of the voting in a close election? Yes I do. Sorry but that's how I feel. Am I skeptical? Yes. Does that make me a lousy American not just congratulating Joe? I don't think so but I suspect many of you do.

My take is: if it's frivilous lawsuits wasting time, then definitely SLAP Rudy's wrists and give Trump everything he deserves, maybe even jail time if he's purposely wasting the court's time. BUT ... if there's fraud and it can be proven, prove it and rectify a possible wrong.

If the attorneys on this site say this is frivilous, which they are doing, then I probably need to change my opinion as I do respect their honor.

Since 2000, there have been well over 1,000,000,000 ballots cast in US electionsi and 32 documented cases of voter fraud. Shockingly, of those 32, they didn’t all slant for the democrat. Trump lost the Iowa caucus back in 2016, said Ted Cruz was guilty of fraud, and it needed to be re done. Quit placating  this baby. He lost. It is over. It is time everyone admitted it.

Every single suit Trump has filed has been frivolous. But since you think this is a good thing, why don’t you send his campaign some money so they can continue to do the right thing?

Edited by Dick Allen
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2 hours ago, greg775 said:

I'm not making any of this stuff up, I'm commenting on what's going on out there. I'm not just dismissing what Trump's team is saying. They are saying there's fraud and his personal attorney is filing suits. This is all real and worth commenting on. Just because I'm one of the only guys willing to let it play out in court instead of just dismissing it doesn't mean I'm insincere. I have a lot of concerns about the radical left. If Joe truly is a moderate I'm all for Joe even though I"m sick about my taxes likely going up.

If you all want me to shut up and please not comment on this stuff I will abide by your decision and shut up.

Free country, I would never tell someone to shut up for exercising their rights.  That being said, you it's my right to respond to, in my opinion, your absolute rubbish.

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If a member of the Trump administration committed a crime, bring forth evidence and try to have them charged with that crime. Don’t put them on lists with no due process that serve solely to punish them in the court of public opinion.

I pondered whether to even share the link to this garbage, but if you want to be a fascistic idiot and contribute, that’s on you. Just don’t delude yourself to thinking you’re any different from Trump if you do.

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3 hours ago, greg775 said:

You know what, I take exception to your line about how he should be acting as a patriot. Yes, some of us are VERY skeptical of both sides of the government. Yes some of us think it certainly could be fraudulent and yes some of us are worried about the Senate races in Georgia and how "fair" they will be. What I'm saying (and even though you may want me silenced or banned or whatever) a lot of US citizens do agree with me. Would I love to be wrong?? Of course. I am a proud American ready to honor my relatives and others on Veterans Day. But do I welcome an inspection of the voting in a close election? Yes I do. Sorry but that's how I feel. Am I skeptical? Yes. Does that make me a lousy American not just congratulating Joe? I don't think so but I suspect many of you do.

My take is: if it's frivilous lawsuits wasting time, then definitely SLAP Rudy's wrists and give Trump everything he deserves, maybe even jail time if he's purposely wasting the court's time. BUT ... if there's fraud and it can be proven, prove it and rectify a possible wrong.

If the attorneys on this site say this is frivilous, which they are doing, then I probably need to change my opinion as I do respect their honor.



#USPS IG investigators informed Committee staff today that they interviewed Hopkins on Friday, but that Hopkins RECANTED HIS ALLEGATIONS yesterday and did not explain why he signed a false affidavit.


Also I believe Trump is 0-12 in court cases that have been filed so far.


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Grain of salt time here:  You're all aware that Trump has a long history of using lawsuits as a negotiating tool, right?  So even if he pushes the system beyond where it should be pushed and winds up getting some concessions on the other end, he comes out ahead, right?  Concessions?  Agreements to not prosecute, agreements to not contest races that go the other way, like for Senate seats, what do I know?

How many millions of loans did Deutsche Bank forgive his corporations just because of tactics such as this?  I'm talking half-a-billion of bad loans from his failed business ventures.  So apparently he did read Art of the Deal.  He sure as hell didn't write it.

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12 minutes ago, Stinky Stanky said:

Grain of salt time here:  You're all aware that Trump has a long history of using lawsuits as a negotiating tool, right?  So even if he pushes the system beyond where it should be pushed and winds up getting some concessions on the other end, he comes out ahead, right?  Concessions?  Agreements to not prosecute, agreements to not contest races that go the other way, like for Senate seats, what do I know?

How many millions of loans did Deutsche Bank forgive his corporations just because of tactics such as this?  I'm talking half-a-billion of bad loans from his failed business ventures.  So apparently he did read Art of the Deal.  He sure as hell didn't write it.

no party he is suing has the standing to negotiate those things.

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32 minutes ago, Stinky Stanky said:

Grain of salt time here:  You're all aware that Trump has a long history of using lawsuits as a negotiating tool, right?  So even if he pushes the system beyond where it should be pushed and winds up getting some concessions on the other end, he comes out ahead, right?  Concessions?  Agreements to not prosecute, agreements to not contest races that go the other way, like for Senate seats, what do I know?

How many millions of loans did Deutsche Bank forgive his corporations just because of tactics such as this?  I'm talking half-a-billion of bad loans from his failed business ventures.  So apparently he did read Art of the Deal.  He sure as hell didn't write it.

He is using this to fund his super PAC, slush fund, and just keep spinning to his cult followers that he is not a loser but a victim. 

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22 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

He is using this to fund his super PAC, slush fund, and just keep spinning to his cult followers that he is not a loser but a victim. 

When he’s also cleaning out the defense department and his administration is denying the Biden Administration their legal right to begin spending transition dollars, this is also hurting the country and possibly setting the stage for something far worse.

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16 hours ago, greg775 said:

You know what, I take exception to your line about how he should be acting as a patriot. Yes, some of us are VERY skeptical of both sides of the government. Yes some of us think it certainly could be fraudulent and yes some of us are worried about the Senate races in Georgia and how "fair" they will be. What I'm saying (and even though you may want me silenced or banned or whatever) a lot of US citizens do agree with me. Would I love to be wrong?? Of course. I am a proud American ready to honor my relatives and others on Veterans Day. But do I welcome an inspection of the voting in a close election? Yes I do. Sorry but that's how I feel. Am I skeptical? Yes. Does that make me a lousy American not just congratulating Joe? I don't think so but I suspect many of you do.

My take is: if it's frivilous lawsuits wasting time, then definitely SLAP Rudy's wrists and give Trump everything he deserves, maybe even jail time if he's purposely wasting the court's time. BUT ... if there's fraud and it can be proven, prove it and rectify a possible wrong.

If the attorneys on this site say this is frivilous, which they are doing, then I probably need to change my opinion as I do respect their honor.

You can take exception all you want, but if Trump really was a patriot, he would have conceded and started the transition process like past presidents. The simple fact is the fraud stuff has no foundation whatsoever. How do you steal over 75 million votes? And how do you think many of us felt when this mope was elected four years ago when he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million? We accepted it because that was the system we lived under even though it make us sick to realize an idiot like Trump was going to sit in the Oval Office.

You are not a lousy American, and you don't have to like Joe or congratulate him. I just get tired of people buying into everything Trump says when he lies 95% of the time. He has damaged the country and he can't leave fast enough. As far as Georgia goes, think back to 2018 and all the voter suppression not to mention the Secretary of State of Georgia was overseeing an election in which he was a candidate for governor. Slight conflict of interest there? I'll tell you what happened in Georgia: People registered to vote and then voted. It's called a democracy, something that Trump knows nothing about.  Maybe he ought to try it sometime.

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1 hour ago, Stinky Stanky said:

Grain of salt time here:  You're all aware that Trump has a long history of using lawsuits as a negotiating tool, right?  So even if he pushes the system beyond where it should be pushed and winds up getting some concessions on the other end, he comes out ahead, right?  Concessions?  Agreements to not prosecute, agreements to not contest races that go the other way, like for Senate seats, what do I know?

How many millions of loans did Deutsche Bank forgive his corporations just because of tactics such as this?  I'm talking half-a-billion of bad loans from his failed business ventures.  So apparently he did read Art of the Deal.  He sure as hell didn't write it.

This is a pretty reasonable guess at what he trying to do here.  We all know he is willing to destablize and trade everyone/thing around him to benefit himself.

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1 hour ago, Stinky Stanky said:

Grain of salt time here:  You're all aware that Trump has a long history of using lawsuits as a negotiating tool, right?  So even if he pushes the system beyond where it should be pushed and winds up getting some concessions on the other end, he comes out ahead, right?  Concessions?  Agreements to not prosecute, agreements to not contest races that go the other way, like for Senate seats, what do I know?

How many millions of loans did Deutsche Bank forgive his corporations just because of tactics such as this?  I'm talking half-a-billion of bad loans from his failed business ventures.  So apparently he did read Art of the Deal.  He sure as hell didn't write it.

I definitely think he would like the SDNY off his back and would probably concede in a second if that were on the table. But there is no way that is on the table. He has a losing hand, and has nothing to bluff with. He's screwed. If he funds this Super pac saying they are for the frivolous lawsuits, he wins in a way. I really think that is what this is all about. I think even Trump knows he's screwed, and if he doesn't everyone around him, except for maybe Rudy does.

I saw Michael Cohen yesterday, and keeping with the grain of salt theme..............but he said Trump has no income. His properties are doing poorly and he has debts coming due. This slush fund is needed pretty badly.  

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10 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

I definitely think he would like the SDNY off his back and would probably concede in a second if that were on the table. But there is no way that is on the table. He has a losing hand, and has nothing to bluff with. He's screwed. If he funds this Super pac saying they are for the frivolous lawsuits, he wins in a way. I really think that is what this is all about. I think even Trump knows he's screwed, and if he doesn't everyone around him, except for maybe Rudy does.

I saw Michael Cohen yesterday, and keeping with the grain of salt theme..............but he said Trump has no income. His properties are doing poorly and he has debts coming due. This slush fund is needed pretty badly.  

That's just it.  The feds can't offer a package with the state stuff in it.  Even if he gets pardoned, it doesn't stop NY from tracking him down like a lion on some gazelle.  NY is also FAR from the only entity that wants a piece of this guy.  He is going to get smashed with lawsuits from every angle from all aspects of his personal and professional careers.

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17 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

I definitely think he would like the SDNY off his back and would probably concede in a second if that were on the table. But there is no way that is on the table. He has a losing hand, and has nothing to bluff with. He's screwed. If he funds this Super pac saying they are for the frivolous lawsuits, he wins in a way. I really think that is what this is all about. I think even Trump knows he's screwed, and if he doesn't everyone around him, except for maybe Rudy does.

I saw Michael Cohen yesterday, and keeping with the grain of salt theme..............but he said Trump has no income. His properties are doing poorly and he has debts coming due. This slush fund is needed pretty badly.  

So why is he replacing defense and security officials with party loyalists, in positions where their terms will expire in 70 days?

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2 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

So why is he replacing defense and security officials with party loyalists, in positions where their terms will expire in 70 days?

He will be getting rid of more. No one really knows, but something is up. Either he is going to withdraw troops from somewhere they shouldn't be withdrawn,  or put some on the streets of his "anarchist" cities. I do fear violence is coming. Most of all of this IMO is an attempt to be able to say he won but the election was stolen. There are going to be millions, probably even Greg, who will agree because it will be echoed on Fox News.

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Just now, Dick Allen said:

He will be getting rid of more. No one really knows, but something is up. Either he is going to withdraw troops from somewhere they shouldn't be withdrawn,  or put some on the streets of his "anarchist" cities. I do fear violence is coming. Most of all of this IMO is an attempt to be able to say he won but the election was stolen. There are going to be millions, probably even Greg, who will agree because it will be echoed on Fox News.

Now we agree, this isn't just about his debt.

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6 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Now we agree, this isn't just about his debt.

I think the lack of concession is about money. His remaining time in office is something entirely different and probably much more dangerous.

In the end, he will probably pardon himself. If he does, I think Biden should pardon himself and Obama considering they have been targets of phony crime accusations, and watch Fox News anchors have aneurisms. 

Edited by Dick Allen
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1 hour ago, NWINFan said:

You can take exception all you want, but if Trump really was a patriot, he would have conceded and started the transition process like past presidents. The simple fact is the fraud stuff has no foundation whatsoever. How do you steal over 75 million votes? And how do you think many of us felt when this mope was elected four years ago when he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million? We accepted it because that was the system we lived under even though it make us sick to realize an idiot like Trump was going to sit in the Oval Office.

You are not a lousy American, and you don't have to like Joe or congratulate him. I just get tired of people buying into everything Trump says when he lies 95% of the time. He has damaged the country and he can't leave fast enough. As far as Georgia goes, think back to 2018 and all the voter suppression not to mention the Secretary of State of Georgia was overseeing an election in which he was a candidate for governor. Slight conflict of interest there? I'll tell you what happened in Georgia: People registered to vote and then voted. It's called a democracy, something that Trump knows nothing about.  Maybe he ought to try it sometime.

In the short term, I am not too concerned about Trump getting any results overturned. Biden clearly won the electoral college and we are not a nation that elects presidents based on the popular vote. 

In the near term, I think the Georgia senate races will be competitive, even though I don’t see the Democrats getting both of the seats. They could net one if turnout goes their way, although they haven’t had a Democratic senator since 2003. The prize would be Ossoff winning since the special election is only for two years.

In the long term, I’m a bit disturbed by the fact that Trump can power super PACs, continue to spread misinformation about voter fraud and cast doubt on our elections and that his party has bought into this and Trump as their approach moving forward.

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