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2020 Election Thoughts


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1 hour ago, Soxbadger said:

She omitted things when she submitted her information to the Senate. The #1 criteria for a lifetime appointment should be honesty. When you apply to be a lawyer you have to submit to character and fitness. They warn you that omissions are bad and could jeopardize your license. You are taught honesty is important.

In a nonpartisan world that should have disqualified her. You cant give a lifetime appointment to someone who purposefully leaves out controversial parts of their past.

As for states, why are you against people having s say? If DC and Puerto Rico were GOP you'd support them? That's bogus. Our system is built on representation. If PR and DC want to be states we should support them irrespective of how they would vote.

As with court packing if ACB resigns, I would say that they should stay at 9. It would be a sacrifice to prove to the US people that we believe in justice and honor.

If not, im fine with 13 judges.

Actions have consequences, should have called your senator and told him you were afraid of what the consequences are for lying to the American people.

The saddest part is they still would have had a 5-4 majority. But that wasn't enough.

I can't beat you in an argument so I won't even try. Reading this post ... I don't stand a chance so I won't even try. This actually is a perfect "how to beat somebody in an argument" post. I could make some counterpoints but like I said, you win. No reason to try.

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47 minutes ago, Tony said:

Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but where does the support come in for the electoral college? Not only is it outdated, but even if you are an "originalist," the current electoral college "winner take all" format isn't how it was originally intended to work. 

I'm so sick of 4-5 states controlling the entire election. It's also incredibly sad when 35-40 states can use the same line every four years. "I mean, I didn't vote but my vote doesn't even really matter, I live in a totally _______(insert Red State or Blue State) so it really doesn't matter if I cast my vote." 

We live in a digital age where anyone can get as much information as they want on a candidate. The creatures in Florida shouldn't be deciding a national election. 

I would like to know why people vote for mostly fringe third party candidates that aren’t viable. The closest was Perot (and then Nader?). People I know who complain about a two party system offer no reforms or alternatives to make a third party vote viable. 

Edited by The Beast
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1 minute ago, The Beast said:

I would like to know why people vote for mostly fringe third party candidates that aren’t viable. The closest was Perot (and then Nader?). People I know who complain about a two party system offer no reforms or alternatives to make a third party vote viable. 

You have to start sometime.  Every election we are coerced into voting for the two party system that doesn't do dick for us.  At some point people need to vote for candidates with policy and most 3rd party candidates offer policy to some extent.  Implementation would be impossible but at least it's a step in a right direction.  The US for being such resilient country loves to get fucked in the ass by their politicians.

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4 hours ago, Dominikk85 said:

Btw I'm no huge biden fan and would have preferred a younger candidate but do trump people really Believe biden will install socialism, get rid of churches, get rid of police and open the borders?

Biden-obama actually deported more people than trump did. Biden and harris also both have a strong pro police, law and order record. Also biden is pretty centrist when it comes to economy stuff.he is talking left to appease the bernie/aoc fans but he certainly is not a Socialist by any means when judging his policy in the last 30 years.

If Biden was half as cool as the moms of Mt Greenwood make him sound id be much more stoked on voting

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1 hour ago, greg775 said:

Yes some people think Harris/AOC/Nancy, the four folks in that group with the nickname I'm forgetting, do believe socialism is the goal. And some cities have already devastated their police forces and certainly want the abolishment of police. Times have changed. Joe and Harris' policies of the past don't matter. At least that's the position of some of us who are very afraid of the things I mentioned in my long post. How bout somebody address each of my points and give me your point of view rather than deem me an idiot or a troll? I'd love to not be worried about the things I mentioned. 

I see this has already been addressed, but I'll add that you shouldn't listen to whoever is telling you that Harris or Pelosi support socialism. AOC, sure. But the other two are as establishment capitalist as they come

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2 hours ago, Chicago White Sox said:

This country would be such a better place if we could get people to separate church and state.

It’s impossible. The country was founded by Christian ideology.

Too bad it hasn’t been run on those founding principles for God knows how long.

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2 hours ago, greg775 said:

You can ask me anything you want direct messaging. I'll give you my true feelings about politics, etc. I guarantee you my positions in that long post about concern about Biden's health and the intentions of Harris/Pelosi/AOC are not mine alone.  Some of you folks don't listen to Travis/Whitlock/Rogan/Carlson/Huckabee/Rush. I do. Along with some of the CNN folks like Cuomo.

Trump is only 3 years younger and got COVID a few weeks ago. I get that Biden would be the oldest president, but it's not like the alternative (Trump) is a 45 year old in great shape without any existing medical conditions. 

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3 hours ago, greg775 said:

What's wrong with ACB; she seemed professional, polite, kind of saintly in fact in terms of utter niceness. Why would anybody have a problem with her?

She couldn't even name the protected rights of the first amendment ffs

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

I would like to know why people vote for mostly fringe third party candidates that aren’t viable. The closest was Perot (and then Nader?). People I know who complain about a two party system offer no reforms or alternatives to make a third party vote viable. 


1 hour ago, The Beast said:

I would like to know why people vote for mostly fringe third party candidates that aren’t viable. The closest was Perot (and then Nader?). People I know who complain about a two party system offer no reforms or alternatives to make a third party vote viable. 

Add the Green Party's Jill Stein to that list.  Did she cost H Clinton the 2016 election?  Was she a Russian ploy to do just that?  I think so.

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6 minutes ago, Stinky Stanky said:


Add the Green Party's Jill Stein to that list.  Did she cost H Clinton the 2016 election?  Was she a Russian ploy to do just that?  I think so.

In two key states that President-elect Donald Trump won, his margin of victory was smaller than the total number of votes for Green Party nominee Jill Stein.
In Michigan, Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton by 10,704 votes, while Stein got 51,463 votes, according to current totals on the state’s official website.
And in Wisconsin, Trump’s margin over Clinton was 22,177, while Stein garnered 31,006 votes.
In Pennsylvania, meanwhile, Stein’s total of 49,485 votes was just slightly smaller than Trump’s victory margin of 67,416 votes, according to the state’s latest numbers.
That's without even taking Gary Johnson into consideration...
That said, a number of political scientists are convinced that George HW Bush had at least a 50/50 chance of knocking off a Bill Clinton campaign wracked with scandals if you took Perot out of that race.
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48 minutes ago, Vulture said:

She couldn't even name the protected rights of the first amendment ffs

Her performance was so outstanding the Democrats pretty much shut up and accepted it and moved on to packing the court where the tide will be turned. ACB seemed so professional/nice/outstanding that the Democrats were silenced and decided to move on to the packing the court issue where they can get even.

Democrats should lighten up. After tomorrow they have the president, VP and majority of both houses. That's political nirvana, folks.

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8 minutes ago, greg775 said:

Her performance was so outstanding the Democrats pretty much shut up and accepted it and moved on to packing the court where the tide will be turned. ACB seemed so professional/nice/outstanding that the Democrats were silenced and decided to move on to the packing the court issue where they can get even.

Democrats should lighten up. After tomorrow they have the president, VP and majority of both houses. That's political nirvana, folks.

And that lasted all of two years under Obama.

Cue Tea Party.

Cue "balanced budget/austerity policies" (continue to starve the government to death by nicks and cuts, only spending increases are for the military)

Cue obstructionism (Mitch McConnell) at every turn.  Forget working together with the other party, that only gets you primaried out of power altogether by the radical wings of both the Democratic Party and the GOP.  There's actually an incentive built into the system NOT to compromise or meet the middle to come to an agreement.

Let's not forget that even with all three entities of the same party, it still came down to one or two votes for Obamacare, because the entire GOP turned against a healthcare policy that was more conservative than Mitt Romney's own program in Massachusetts that was relatively well received on both sides of the political aisle.


Edited by caulfield12
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4 hours ago, greg775 said:

Her performance was so outstanding the Democrats pretty much shut up and accepted it and moved on to packing the court where the tide will be turned. ACB seemed so professional/nice/outstanding that the Democrats were silenced and decided to move on to the packing the court issue where they can get even.

Democrats should lighten up. After tomorrow they have the president, VP and majority of both houses. That's political nirvana, folks.

Nobody was silenced.  Republicans have the majority, there was nothing democrats could do.  Her performance was poor, she refused to answer multiple questions regarding peaceful transfer of power, presidential power, she couldn't name the protected rights, she withheld information in her vetting about past groups she has been involved in, etc

i know rush told you this was all great and you ate it up but damn

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8 hours ago, Soxbadger said:

Where I come from when you create a rule, even if its amongst friends, you follow that rule. When Merrick Garland was nominated for SC, GOP Senators stated that when it is an election year you "let the people decide."


"Given that we are in the midst of the presidential election process, we believe that the American people should seize the opportunity to weigh in on whom they trust to nominate the next person for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court."

“The Senate will appropriately revisit the matter after the American people finish making in November the decision they’ve already started making today."

It is important for the Senate to "give the people a voice in the filling of this vacancy" by waiting until the next president takes office. "The American people may well elect a president who decides to nominate Judge Garland for Senate consideration," McConnell said. "The next president may also nominate someone very different. Either way, our view is this: Give the people a voice."


"I will tell you this: If an opening comes in the last year of President Trump's term in the primary process is started, we will wait to the next election."


The GOP decided to create a rule for their own gain and then when the circumstances were reversed, decided that they wanted to change the rules again for their own gain.

It isnt about ACB, its that Republicans set a precedent that you let voters decide and now refused to let the voters have a voice.


It's all about who controls the Senate.  You know that.

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6 hours ago, Vulture said:

Christian ideology is monarchist. Where in the bible do you find anything that supports democratic or republican form of government???

I’m not speaking toward the political systems described in the Old Testament but rather Biblical principles and doctrine as a whole. Anything from the Mosaic Law to the values described by Christ in the Gospels and by figures such as Paul in the New Testament.

The constitution was shaped by those ideals in part.

That being the case, it seems impossible to “separate church and state”.

Edited by hi8is
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7 hours ago, pettie4sox said:

You have to start sometime.  Every election we are coerced into voting for the two party system that doesn't do dick for us.  At some point people need to vote for candidates with policy and most 3rd party candidates offer policy to some extent.  Implementation would be impossible but at least it's a step in a right direction.  The US for being such resilient country loves to get fucked in the ass by their politicians.

What policies are the third party candidates proposing that the two major parties aren’t?

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5 hours ago, Stinky Stanky said:


Add the Green Party's Jill Stein to that list.  Did she cost H Clinton the 2016 election?  Was she a Russian ploy to do just that?  I think so.

Gary Johnson and Jill Stein both were a factor, along with low turnout and an unpopular candidate in Hillary Clinton.

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2 hours ago, The Beast said:

What policies are the third party candidates proposing that the two major parties aren’t?

I believe it isn't what the third party candidates propose. It is merely that they are not Republican or Democrat. Many feel that there is very little difference between the two parties and both are tied to big money. There is some substance to this. In the 2000 debates, it seemed like Al Gore was agreeing with George Bush a lot. The trouble is that voting for a third party candidate does little to influence politics in this country in the long run. In some instances they can influence close elections to a degree, but that is about it. They never develop and never put up real credible candidates. 

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2 hours ago, The Beast said:

What policies are the third party candidates proposing that the two major parties aren’t?

M4A, UBI, Legit GND, $15/min wage, Affordable housing, etc...

When will people realize they are getting played....................................................  Keep taking it up the ass with no lube lol

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4 hours ago, Kyyle23 said:

Nobody was silenced.  Republicans have the majority, there was nothing democrats could do.  Her performance was poor, she refused to answer multiple questions regarding peaceful transfer of power, presidential power, she couldn't name the protected rights, she withheld information in her vetting about past groups she has been involved in, etc

i know rush told you this was all great and you ate it up but damn

Kyyle don't be dem apologist... 

Edit: Don't let the title fool you. 6 minute clip.

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