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Hibernation Plans?


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Hello, Old Friends -

Maybe this could be lumped into the mega-covid thread; however, I'm going side piece here -

With the weather turning or will be soon enough to minimize/eliminate what I consider to be the outdoor freedom from this new way of living, what plans/routines/goals do you have for the winter months?

I'm already feeling like my train is slipping off the tracks a bit with such. I'm an early morning workout person, and I'll run/walk as much as I can outside. However, the joy/pleasure of such is not the same when it's dark/cold. We got a rower for the basement, and I have a couple of kettlebells and resistance bands (#lean/mean gym) to utilize as well.

Anyway, looking for some inspiration/motivation/ideas from the fine ST crowd. LMK what you've got planned or are doing.




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What's up, Fellas!

Been too long. I'd check in on rare occasion over the years, but the excitement of this Sox season pulled me into being a daily lurker again just to see what the masses were thinking/saying about the happenings with our beloved. It's funny, I probably had not logged in like over 6 years! 

It's great to see this place still humming along and many of the familiar names from back in the day.


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On 10/28/2020 at 7:55 PM, greasywheels121 said:

Hello, Old Friends -

Maybe this could be lumped into the mega-covid thread; however, I'm going side piece here -

With the weather turning or will be soon enough to minimize/eliminate what I consider to be the outdoor freedom from this new way of living, what plans/routines/goals do you have for the winter months?

I'm already feeling like my train is slipping off the tracks a bit with such. I'm an early morning workout person, and I'll run/walk as much as I can outside. However, the joy/pleasure of such is not the same when it's dark/cold. We got a rower for the basement, and I have a couple of kettlebells and resistance bands (#lean/mean gym) to utilize as well.

Anyway, looking for some inspiration/motivation/ideas from the fine ST crowd. LMK what you've got planned or are doing.




it's going to have to be a conceited effort for me. My gym (FFC) just raised their membership to $100/mo and with no longer living or working DT I had to cancel. By the way, for all of you in the city - DO support FFC - best gym in my opinion ... just was too cumbersome for me to drive to Elmhurst to workout 3-4 times a week. 

Like you said, walking is going to be a big one for me. I'm getting etiher a Whoop or the new Amazon strap to keep me motivated steps/health wise. I'm also big on Alo Yoga classes on YouTube lately. My goal is starting November 1 to do 60 of 90 days of yoga through February 1. I've been upping my yoga from once a week or so to 2 or 3 times a week and have noticed a complete difference in my mindset, relaxation, aches, pains, etc. Also the Alo yoga girls are amazing to look at -- keeps the motivation high. So that's my main goal - plus not really being a yoga guy in the past, it's fun like when you start lifting or running for the first time - i can see the benefits and progress a bunch in the beginning. Touching my toes was impossible just a month ago, now I can. So think yoga should keep me motivated as I can progress with my moves, flexibility, etc and hopefully be able to do different binds, handstands, poses that i couldnt do by February. 

Other than that - just trying to make due on my bike + free weights in the basement. Planning to upgrade the home gym to make it more aesthetically pleasing which hopefully also motivates me to get after it 5-6 times a week. 

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Three thoughts:

1 - There was an article recently about how Scandinavians survive their long, dark winters.  One of the things they do is get outside every day, all winter.  Something about the power of fresh air.  Remember, there's no bad weather, only bad clothes!

2 - Take this time to learn new things.  Ask yourself every night "what have I learned today".  Write down a plan for what you intend to learn each week.  Charlie Munger talks about going to bed every day smarter than when he woke up.

3 - This is the most important BY FAR : figure out things to do for others.  Helping, giving, etc. etc.  The worst thing you can do is focus on yourself and how bad Covid winter is.  Focusing on others is the best way to get past that.

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Very good suggestions - thank you for the ideas and responses.

Yoga's a great idea to put into action with my routine/cadence to remain active.  I have always been intrigued in utilizing it as a form of cross-training.  I took an intro class at the beginning of the year and was signed up to continue it into the spring through my parks department  that was cut short due to the pandemic.  I was very much digging it, and I would benefit to up my frequency during the course of the week to 2-3 times.  I've been a big fan of using YT for workouts and ideas since moving from the gym to my basement this year.

You're right about finding a way to get outside.  As much as I dread/dislike the idea about going out in the dark/cold, I always feel better for it.  I need to hold myself to keep that up when the weather turns.  

I do need to challenge myself to connect with folks more - I'm very comfortable operating in a bubble (no pun intended).  And I've got to come up with a couple goals/challenges of some things I'd like to accomplish by the time we move the clocks forward again.  


Great stuff, folks - keep 'em coming!  I'm sure we all could use some thought medicine!

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16 hours ago, greasywheels121 said:

Very good suggestions - thank you for the ideas and responses.

Yoga's a great idea to put into action with my routine/cadence to remain active.  I have always been intrigued in utilizing it as a form of cross-training.  I took an intro class at the beginning of the year and was signed up to continue it into the spring through my parks department  that was cut short due to the pandemic.  I was very much digging it, and I would benefit to up my frequency during the course of the week to 2-3 times.  I've been a big fan of using YT for workouts and ideas since moving from the gym to my basement this year.

You're right about finding a way to get outside.  As much as I dread/dislike the idea about going out in the dark/cold, I always feel better for it.  I need to hold myself to keep that up when the weather turns.  

I do need to challenge myself to connect with folks more - I'm very comfortable operating in a bubble (no pun intended).  And I've got to come up with a couple goals/challenges of some things I'd like to accomplish by the time we move the clocks forward again.  


Great stuff, folks - keep 'em coming!  I'm sure we all could use some thought medicine!

Dude. Welcome ( back ) to Soxtalk!!

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Another thing I am looking into -- not so much a workout, though there a ton of medical and mental benefits from it ... I am thinking about getting a sauna. I used my gym sauna religiously - sometimes I'd just go to the gym to stretch and sit in the sauna. It's obviously been shut down since March and i miss it sorely. without a gym membership I am thinking about takin the money saved and just putting it towards one in my backyard. I've been hesitant to pull the trigger thus far, but may just call it a "christmas present" and do it before winter sets in too much. 


Honestly i need this pandemic to be over ... haha. my house is going to slowly turn into a whole health club at this point. I'm terrible at sitting still & work used to take me out on flights mostly every week where i could barely keep my head above water ... late nights, etc. now I have too much time and coming up with projects to keep my mind sane

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Home fitness no doubt is huge these days, as a gym owner cant say I'm crazy about it but OTOH this pandemic and the home gym will probably correct the commercial health club market as many gyms will close.

My gym has been hit hard not by the virus but by cancellations, freezes and very little new members or renewals. My EFT program has been decimated as well but after 32 yrs I'll weather the storm

But glad to see many of you doing something to stay active, major Kudos!


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On 11/3/2020 at 10:40 AM, The Grinder said:

Home fitness no doubt is huge these days, as a gym owner cant say I'm crazy about it but OTOH this pandemic and the home gym will probably correct the commercial health club market as many gyms will close.

My gym has been hit hard not by the virus but by cancellations, freezes and very little new members or renewals. My EFT program has been decimated as well but after 32 yrs I'll weather the storm

But glad to see many of you doing something to stay active, major Kudos!


Super unfortunate. Sorry to hear. One of my good friends owns a gym too and know it's tough times. 

For me I was trying my best to keep my membership, just became too cumbersome to drive 30 minutes each way to the gym. Nail in the coffin was the membership price being raised ... sucks cause i truly get such a better experience in a gym. 

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4 hours ago, BrianAnderson said:

Super unfortunate. Sorry to hear. One of my good friends owns a gym too and know it's tough times. 

For me I was trying my best to keep my membership, just became too cumbersome to drive 30 minutes each way to the gym. Nail in the coffin was the membership price being raised ... sucks cause i truly get such a better experience in a gym. 

Agreed. I do miss having access to additional options and free weights galore. 

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  • 1 month later...

Kinda pumped - just completed 8,577 meters (random number - standby...) on my rower to have completed 200,000 meters since Thanksgiving in the Concept Holiday Challenge.  A little bit of a physical carrot to keep me motivated/honest during this time of hibernation.  The 2 programmed goals are 100,000m and 200,000m - my goal was always to hit 250K.  The challenge ends on Xmas Eve - if I get ambitious enough, I'd love to move the first number again as well.  ?



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