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Colin Powell


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Anyone see 60 Minutes II last night? The guest was Greg Thielmann, a former expert on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Thielmann, a foreign-service officer for 25 years, said that key evidence in the speech Colin Powell gave to the United Nations to make the case for the invasion was misrepresented and the public was deceived.


Thielmann's last job at the State Department was director of the Office of Strategic Proliferation and Military Affairs, which was responsible for analyzing the Iraqi weapons threat for Secretary Powell. He and his staff had the highest security clearances, and everything – whether it came into the CIA or the Defense Department – came through his office.


In other words, he was tight with Colin and says Colin LIED!


How many dumbasses fell for it? Remember those stupid-ass maps they showed with the funny shapes that they said were trucks and laboratories and stuff? Lies. All lies.


“We were told we were going to the site to look for refrigerated trucks specifically linked to biological agents,” says Allinson. “We found 7 or 8 of them I think in total. And they had cobwebs in them. Some samples were taken and nothing was found.”


The really hysterical thing is that after all the evidence to the contrary in the past 9 months or so, some people still believe that Iraq had WMDs.


Hell! I got death threats for daring to suggest that Bush and his thugs were lying about this! But here it is all spelled out. Read the CBS 60 Minutes II story http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/10/14/...ain577975.shtml

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