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Who Would You Most Likely Buy A Drink for Their Co


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No question in my mind i would buy a drink for Steve Bartman. You gotta feel sorry for the kid. A good part of Chicago wants his head and he will forever be associated with the Cubs curse. So I would buy him a drink for doing us Sox fans a favor and keeping the Cubs from going to the world series before we do, at least for now.

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This guy is getting way too much grief. In today's world everybody likes to play the blame game. The most he cost his team is one out. He didn't cause Prior to melt down, Gonzalez to muff the ball, the bullpen to throw batting practice pitches. What if the ball had stayed in the playing field and Alou had simply dropped it? Stuff like that happens some times. You've got to put it aside and pitch out of it. Prior didn't. That's not Steve Bartman's fault. Maybe I'll get slammed but I really feel for the guy. He's looking at ruination over this. Let me add one thing. I didn't feel so bad that I hoped the Cubs would win. :bang There are limits to my being softheaded and softhearted.

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