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I think Bowman, MacIsaac and others get fired and Rocky and son hope that it fades away over time. 

I think Rocky should be forced to sell if he knew about it, but it's very possible he has plausible deniability. 

All of this is pending further investigation. 

Edited by Jack Parkman
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Growing up, there was a local Chicago coach, Chico Adrahtas, who everyone knew was a creep. He had been kicked out of his assistant's job after 1 year at Minnesota long ago. He was rumored to invite kids over for sleepovers and everyone was warned to stay away from him. Yet organizations like the Chicago Mission would shield him, give him jobs, and promote him on their website. You would see him, the Mission owner, and the Mission president together all the time. The organization has had loose ties with the Blackhawks for awhile. 

The Chico Adrahtas story got blown up by the Athletic last year, but it was an open secret to many families around the Chicago youth hockey scene in the 2000s. 

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If true, gonna be sad. Always thought Keith would be a Hawk lifer. Hawks are kinda tied with his NMC, but I would think a few teams would love to get him to take the next step (he still has some has in that tank). 

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 minute ago, SoxAce said:

Ugh... sad.. sad day. Cheers to a fucking legend. Sucks that he couldn't retire a Hawk.

Yeah, it's going to really tough watching him play for another team. Very weird. I wish he would have retired a Hawk. I also am disgusted with the franchise overall, obviously with everything going on. 


With all that said, the Hawks FLEECED the Oilers here. I can't fathom how they were able to not retain any salary for a 38 year old Duncan Keith. 

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3 minutes ago, Tony said:

With all that said, the Hawks FLEECED the Oilers here. I can't fathom how they were able to not retain any salary for a 38 year old Duncan Keith. 

100% agreed. Stan did very well here.

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1 hour ago, South Side Hit Men said:

Chicago Hockey Team's "Independent" Law Firm not getting cooperation from several Blackhawks unless they get written guarantees findings will be public.

As of today, the Chicago Hockey Team and their paid Legal Firm have not agreed to these terms.



Rick Westhead is doing fantastic work. Keep going. 

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NOTE TO MODERATORS: Not sure if we should create a new thread specific to the Chicago Hockey Team rape and rape coverup. Please move this and other applicable posts to the separate thread, if warranted. 

Chicago Hockey Team and their "Independent Investigation" into their rape coverup won't agree to a reciprocal agreement from the team, or the ability to question team officials.


Graphical details of one of the rape incidents, including verbal and physical threats including a baseball bat.


Incidents also included years of hazing of the victim by players, while the coaches stood by and did nothing. Then again, Chicago Hockey Team ownership and FO also covered up racist abuse by their minor league head coach during the same time period.


“In the years following the abuse of plaintiff, John Doe, by Aldrich, Plaintiff was subjected to humiliating trash talking by his teammates during scrimmages where coaches were present,” the court documents say. “The Blackhawks… permitted its players to repeatedly harass plaintiff by calling him a ‘f****t,’ and asking him if he couldn’t focus because he ‘wanted to suck someone off,’ among other similar harassing statements.”

I will never give a penny to this organization until the Wirtz family and their entire front office is long gone. The team needs to be confiscated by the league, in the same manner as the Clippers and the Carolina football team within the past few years.

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2 hours ago, soxfan49 said:

Gonna walk this one back too?

Tell me you never used homophobic language against another man as a teen/college age guy and I'll call you a liar. I did it, everyone I know did it, I've been harrassed for "sounding gay" since I was in middle school and even though it's hurtful it is normal young male behavior in our culture. Should it stop, yes. Am I embarrassed and ashamed that I did some of those things, of course. Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. 

Ever been dry humped by another dude without consent? It's happened to me multiple times. 

If this type of stuff never happened to you or you did it to someone else as a teen/young adult you're either lying or in denial. 

If you're indicting the Hawks players for this then you're indicting the overwhelming majority of males over 25. It's a widespread cultural issue. 

This is something that education should fix. I learned about how hurtful that speech was and I stopped. 

Understand that I in no way condone that behavior but I also have the common sense to realize that said behavior is relatively common among males age 16-24. 

Edited by Jack Parkman
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2 hours ago, Jack Parkman said:

Tell me you never used homophobic language against another man as a teen/college age guy and I'll call you a liar. I did it, everyone I know did it, I've been harrassed for "sounding gay" since I was in middle school and even though it's hurtful it is normal young male behavior in our culture. Should it stop, yes. Am I embarrassed and ashamed that I did some of those things, of course. Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. 

Ever been dry humped by another dude without consent? It's happened to me multiple times. 

If this type of stuff never happened to you or you did it to someone else as a teen/young adult you're either lying or in denial. 

If you're indicting the Hawks players for this then you're indicting the overwhelming majority of males over 25. It's a widespread cultural issue. 

This is something that education should fix. I learned about how hurtful that speech was and I stopped. 

Understand that I in no way condone that behavior but I also have the common sense to realize that said behavior is relatively common among males age 16-24. 

I never had any sexual advances from another dude, sorry it happened to you.

In terms of the slurs, they were common place when I was young (70s/80s), as were racist slurs, girl/female slurs and other pathetic language. Our alderman, Thomas Cullerton (his son led the senate for decades) said he would not allow any N word (plural) in our neighborhood at a community meeting when subsidized housing was discussed and was in office until he died ten years later.

Back then, we knew a few kids from a different parish who were raped by a Scout leader. All of us had the sense to not taunt or tease them because they were raped. We were 8th grade/freshman year high school when this came out. If someone taunted a rape victim, they would have gotten their ass kicked by us all, and deservedly so. This was a few years after Gacy was busted a few miles away,

These players, coaches and ownership/management were all adults, and this is 30 years later in a much different period. All should be shunned and held in contempt, I don't give a rats ass if they hoisted a "piece of metal" on the ice. Management/ownership aided and abetted a rapist, and as we all know now, a decades long serial child rapist, just as they aided and abetted their racist minor league coach. While the players who taunted the rape victims weren't responsible for reporting this to the police and holding this member of Chicago Hockey Team management accountable, they were and are responsible for their horrible conduct against who they knew to be rape victims. There is no defense for this behavior. The players involved were in their 20s, some perhaps in their 30s. This isn't some youthful high school / grammar school indiscretion, or something that happened decades ago when it was more "acceptable".

What is worse is the pathetic NHL and this repulsive scumbag Wirtz organization continues to actively working to cover this up. They are not allowing testimony or cross examination with ownership and management, not committing to a full public reporting of all testimony. This is a sham investigation to cover up crimes and absolve their ownership of any accountability. MLB did the same thing with the Astros, and it seems as though there are some fans who are more upset about sign stealing (or at least more vocal about it) than about what has taken place with this truly vile vermin.

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6 hours ago, South Side Hit Men said:

I never had any sexual advances from another dude, sorry it happened to you.

In terms of the slurs, they were common place when I was young (70s/80s), as were racist slurs, girl/female slurs and other pathetic language. Our alderman, Thomas Cullerton (his son led the senate for decades) said he would not allow any N word (plural) in our neighborhood at a community meeting when subsidized housing was discussed and was in office until he died ten years later.

Back then, we knew a few kids from a different parish who were raped by a Scout leader. All of us had the sense to not taunt or tease them because they were raped. We were 8th grade/freshman year high school when this came out. If someone taunted a rape victim, they would have gotten their ass kicked by us all, and deservedly so. This was a few years after Gacy was busted a few miles away,

These players, coaches and ownership/management were all adults, and this is 30 years later in a much different period. All should be shunned and held in contempt, I don't give a rats ass if they hoisted a "piece of metal" on the ice. Management/ownership aided and abetted a rapist, and as we all know now, a decades long serial child rapist, just as they aided and abetted their racist minor league coach. While the players who taunted the rape victims weren't responsible for reporting this to the police and holding this member of Chicago Hockey Team management accountable, they were and are responsible for their horrible conduct against who they knew to be rape victims. There is no defense for this behavior. The players involved were in their 20s, some perhaps in their 30s. This isn't some youthful high school / grammar school indiscretion, or something that happened decades ago when it was more "acceptable".

What is worse is the pathetic NHL and this repulsive scumbag Wirtz organization continues to actively working to cover this up. They are not allowing testimony or cross examination with ownership and management, not committing to a full public reporting of all testimony. This is a sham investigation to cover up crimes and absolve their ownership of any accountability. MLB did the same thing with the Astros, and it seems as though there are some fans who are more upset about sign stealing (or at least more vocal about it) than about what has taken place with this truly vile vermin.

I'm here to tell you that I'm in my mid 30s and most of the cultural shift happened over the last decade. As recently as the early 2000s the major networks were perfectly fine with using "gay" for something stupid/dumb on the Simpsons. It's Fox, so maybe I should put that note in there but it happened. 

"That's gay" for something stupid or dumb was pretty common ~15 years ago. People used to throw that around like people still threw the N word around in the 60s and 70s. 

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14 hours ago, Jack Parkman said:

Tell me you never used homophobic language against another man as a teen/college age guy and I'll call you a liar. I did it, everyone I know did it, I've been harrassed for "sounding gay" since I was in middle school and even though it's hurtful it is normal young male behavior in our culture. Should it stop, yes. Am I embarrassed and ashamed that I did some of those things, of course. Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. 

Ever been dry humped by another dude without consent? It's happened to me multiple times. 

If this type of stuff never happened to you or you did it to someone else as a teen/young adult you're either lying or in denial. 

If you're indicting the Hawks players for this then you're indicting the overwhelming majority of males over 25. It's a widespread cultural issue. 

This is something that education should fix. I learned about how hurtful that speech was and I stopped. 

Understand that I in no way condone that behavior but I also have the common sense to realize that said behavior is relatively common among males age 16-24. 


The players KNEW this was happening to John Doe and said those things. Forget the slurs. Forget the F word. How about the other stuff?

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