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The Environment


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I may be wrong but I have seen absolutely nothing done by the Bush administration on topics of the environment. I really don't understand how this could basically be completely ignored by someone and still have the support of so many. Do people just not care about the environment?


I.E. Does Saddam Hussein pose as much threat to the world as environmental problems. :bang :bang


Get with it Republicans!!!

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What have the Democrats said about it? I am not much into politics, so I am just curious. The environment is a huge problem. Not just the environment though, nature and resources as a whole. What has been said about all that by any political party?

I don't know about any other parties but the Bush administration has done nothing concerning the environment. Kucinich seems like he would agressively pursue the environment issue though.

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Nothing wrong with Clearcutting forests, now there is something wrong with constantly destorying trees. My biggest disagreement with Bush is I never see him doing stuff and trying to do things that get more R&D going to make the US less dependent on oil.


I agree the enviornment is good.

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I just have trouble seeing how people aren't discouraged to vote for someone who doesn't seem to care about the environment.  But I guess that's just me.

I think another thing is the media doesn't really talk much about the policies in regards to the enviornment. I mean there are somethings, but you really don't get much so I don't think many presidents make it much of an issue other then at election time.

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I think another thing is the media doesn't really talk much about the policies in regards to the enviornment.  I mean there are somethings, but you really don't get much so I don't think many presidents make it much of an issue other then at election time.

I'm pretty sure that if Bush did anything positive for the environment he would make damn sure the media said something about it.

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Bush did do things about the environment.


Tried drilling in ANWR to "fight terrorism"

Gutted the Clean Air Act [allowing older plants to be exempt from clean air standards]

Added arsenic to the water

Wants to clearcut forests to fight forest fires


He's such a green environmentalist.  :rolleyes:

Added arsenic? Come on! He lowered the standards back to pre-Clinton levels, which were perfectly safe.


I like how you put that. I guess it goes along with how we want to kill off old people and the homeless and blacks and children, huh? Scare tactics, gotta love 'em.


President Bush also announced the release of EPA's new annual air quality trends report showing that air quality in America continues to steadily improve with total emissions cut by 48 percent since 1970
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Bush did do things about the environment.


Tried drilling in ANWR to "fight terrorism"

Gutted the Clean Air Act [allowing older plants to be exempt from clean air standards]

Added arsenic to the water

Wants to clearcut forests to fight forest fires


He's such a green environmentalist.  :rolleyes:

Added arsenic? Come on! He lowered the standards back to pre-Clinton levels, which were perfectly safe.


I like how you put that. I guess it goes along with how we want to kill off old people and the homeless and blacks and children, huh? Scare tactics, gotta love 'em.

Wait you mean that's all not true? Damn

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Hmm Global Warming, CO2 Emissions, Rising Sea Levels, Overfishing, all Environmental Issues examinbale on my Geography Exam in a few weeks. America easily emits the highest CO2 emissions around da world though.

It is more than just that. The non-renewable resourses are going fast. The renewable resourses (fish, trees, soil, fresh water) are being taken more than their maximum stustainability yield. It isn't just fishing.

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So I'm asking Congress to spend $1.2 billion on a new national commitment to take hydrogen fuel cell cars from the laboratory to the showroom. And as I said in my State of the Union, the idea is to see that a car born today -- I mean, a child born today will be driving a car, as his or her first car, which will be powered by hydrogen and pollution-free.
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Hmm Global Warming, CO2 Emissions, Rising Sea Levels, Overfishing, all Environmental Issues examinbale on my Geography Exam in a few weeks. America easily emits the highest CO2 emissions around da world though.

But we also produce the most. We feed, clothe and fund the world! It stands to reason that we'd have more emissions, etc.

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But we also produce the most. We feed, clothe and fund the world! It stands to reason that we'd have more emissions, etc.

You don't do the most funding in the world, take a look at percentage of GDP given to other countries. Also look at the child poverty rates in the U.S. they are some of the worst of first world countries. Obviously you're not feeding or clothing enough children.

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So I'm asking Congress to spend $1.2 billion on a new national commitment to take hydrogen fuel cell cars from the laboratory to the showroom. And as I said in my State of the Union, the idea is to see that a car born today -- I mean, a child born today will be driving a car, as his or her first car, which will be powered by hydrogen and pollution-free.

Nice long term solution... that he will never have to worry about making sure gets done.... so it won't.


Here's what he has done about reducing dependence on foreign oil. Repealed the tax break for purchasing hybrid vehicles which have an average fuel economy that is extremely higher than the average regular vehicle in its class. Instead, a tax break for small businesses to buy large vehicles, like SUVs, which have low fuel economy.


If Bush was serious about reducing dependence on foreign oil, his administration would push to increase CAFE standards to increase fuel economy by 5 - 7 MPG. Automakers say its expensive but with 2 dollar a gallon gas seeming to be a more regular phenomenon, its a matter of paying up front or down the road.


However, Bush isn't all bad when it comes to the environment. He has made efforts to reign in the Army Corps of Engineers. That's our branch of the military who sees mother nature as something to be conquered. Bush has ordered that no new initiatives be considered by the Corps currently and has frozen many yet to be started initiatives. Believe it or not, this could be a godsend as townships won't be able to drain wetlands more easily or change the flow of rivers, etc...


I'd actually give the Bush administration a C on the environment. Higher marks than his foreign policy deserves.

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My spanish teacher is pissed because Bush has proposed a new law that would give hunters the right to kill endangered species, and supposedly the money raised from their death would go towards the protecting endangered animals :lol:

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