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The Letter C and the Number 2


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Hello again on this wonderful day! I, like other Sox fans, am probably

going to make October 15th a family holiday. Perhaps we shall call it Cubs

Choke Day - CC Day! We'll start an annual tradition of eating a Fish or

Marlin meal each and every CC Day. We might even make an annual pilgrimage

to Miami on October 15 to celebrate.


Yes the Cubs will retain their appropriate title of being the Lovable Losers

or All-Time Losers. So, it is safe - no it is mandatory - to equate the

Cubs with Losers. So if Cubs equals Losers, then it can be deduced that

Cubs Fans are Loser Fans.


Kinda like Liberals equal Losers. Liberals, like the Cubs Fans, support a

cause that is just beyond comprehension for the normal mind. In other

words, liberals and Cubs Fans are just plain dumb.


Or, it is kinda like the Number 2. I mean if you could be a number, would

you really want to be Number 2. Number 2 is, afterall, CRAP. You know, the

stuff we traditionally find in baby diapers or in the toilet after being

engrossed in a good Sports Illustrated story. Oh, hey, that's right, the

Cubs did attain the coveted title of being Number 2 in the National League.

C for Cubs. C for Crap. Now it all makes sense. I finally understand why

all those people were jumping up and down and screaming inside and outside

of Wrigley. They love being Number 2! They love to sport the Big "C" which

clearly signifies CRAP! They love being equated with excrement.


So, way to go Cubs and Cubs Fans, you truly are Number 2!


I now could care less how the Sox fell from 1st place this past season.

Witnessing the Cubs lose in the way they did - you know up 3 games to 1 and

losing 3 straight, 2 of which with your 2 best pitchers was CLASSIC,

AWESOME, SO MEMORABLE!!! And Game 6 has gone to ESPN as the Ultimate ESPN

Instant Classic of the Worst Sports Choke Story in the history of mankind!!!

How sweet it is.


GOOOOOOOOOO SOX 2004. And go Bush 2004. Hmmm, Bush/Sox 2004 - I like it!



shoelessinva :fthecubs

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I am sorry if you took offense to the Bush 2004. Well, actually, I am not sorry, but rather I hope and pray to help you. You are almost there. Being a Sox fan is just one part of being deemed a responsible American. The other part requires that you understand the basic foundation of principles upon which this country was established. Principles that include elevating the individual American citizen as the sparkplug of America rather that relying on the Government. It means you truly value freedom and appreciate the words inscribed at the Korean War Memorial in DC, which states "Freedom is not free." It means that you are the best one to decide how to spend your own hard-earned money - not the government. It means you respect all life, even and especially the unborn - who had no choice in irresponsible adult sexual behavior. The list could go on, and probably will in future installments.


In short, I hope you will re-evaluate how you might feel about our President. He's a good man who has true character. And he serves the Big JC.

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I go to a super liberal school. What ya saying 'bout me?


Welcome to the board.

Your school ain't that liberal. Your president just spent six months working for GW in Iraq.

They got some bulls*** they always tell us about how liberal it is. I could careless if it is or isn't, I pay very little attention to politics.

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I am sorry if you took offense to the Bush 2004.  Well, actually, I am not sorry, but rather I hope and pray to help you.  You are almost there.  Being a Sox fan is just one part of being deemed a responsible American.  The other part requires that you understand the basic foundation of principles upon which this country was established.  Principles that include elevating the individual American citizen as the sparkplug of America rather that relying on the Government.  It means you truly value freedom and appreciate the words inscribed at the Korean War Memorial in DC, which states "Freedom is not free."  It means that you are the best one to decide how to spend your own hard-earned money - not the government.  It means you respect all life, even and especially the unborn - who had no choice in irresponsible adult sexual behavior.  The list could go on, and probably will in future installments.


In short, I hope you will re-evaluate how you might feel about our President.  He's a good man who has true character.  And he serves the Big JC.

This is why I don't have to follow politics. Just have to ask my big bro...

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