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Fire at the County Building

Queen Prawn

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It's unbelieveable that this building had no sprinkler systems above ground level. I don't care if the building was built before 1975; if it is a commercial building, especially a high rise, sprinklers are a must. Also, if the cleaning company that was hired hires mostly immigrants, either they need to make sure the company gives them instructions in the crew's language or make sure there is some method of communication available in case of emergencies.


My dad works about 2 blocks from there as a janitor who is in charge of a cleaning crew. He is from Ireland and majority of his cleaning crew are women from Poland, but have some understanding of the English language.


My prayers go out to the famiilies of all the victims of this fire.


As a side note, does the fact that the fire started in the DMV records floor seem suspicious to anyone else besides me? :huh: I know we have to wait for answers to come from the investigation, but I was just curious if anyone else thought this was a little odd to say the least.

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Also, if the cleaning company that was hired hires mostly immigrants, either they need to make sure the company gives them instructions in the crew's language or make sure there is some method of communication available in case of emergencies.

How about if you come to the United States for life or work, LEARN HOW TO SPEAK f***ING ENGLISH!


If the current trends continue, you'll have to speak 3 different languages to get by in this country in another 20 years because illegals don't bother learning the language anymore because their communities cater to these lazy, annoying f***ers.

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