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The TLR Manager Thread


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I would be interested how someone could defend this. Honest question. 
The only defense I heard is that it doesn’t matter.


When the hire was announced, everyone was worried how Tony would be able to manage the clubhouse. Turns out not very well.


The defense was that Tony would be a brillant X‘s and O‘s guy (even when that doesn’t matter very much in baseball). So far he has shown us that he didn’t even bother to learn the rules, the written ones at leasr.


He needs to go. 

But I am resigned to the fact that he will be the manager until he dies or something. Even then I am not so sure Jerry won‘t pull a Weekend at Bernie‘s.

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  On 5/19/2021 at 2:09 PM, Lillian said:

Ideally, J. R. could tell Tony that he doesn't want to see his good friend's HOF reputation stained by this kind of ending. "Why not walk away, having taken the team to the best record in baseball, and turn it over to a younger man, who is more in tune with the new style of the game". He could exit gracefully, using any excuse he chooses. Let Tony compose his own resignation letter. 


This assumes that JR isn't in total agreement with TLR and actually wants whats best for his club and his friend.  Which if he did TLR would have never been more than a passing mention as the coaching search began.

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Larussa turned a White Sox laugher against one of their arch-rivals into a negative experience which can possibly become a downward turning point for the season. 

He sends a message apologizing to the Twins for one of his players hitting a home run, while throwing his own player under the bus in the media.  Then the Twins respond to his apology by throwing at his player.  LaRussa responds by defending the Twins saying he has no problem with it.  These are beyond defensible and are certainly fireable offenses.  But because Sox chairman Jerry Reinsdorf doesn't respect the team or it's fans, the White Sox continue to be an embarassment of an organization.

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Yermin has every right to feel disrespected and to let TLR know he's not playing by the unwritten rules of managing by throwing a very hard object at a high velocity directly at him. Tony couldn't possibly have a problem with that sort of response and may even write Yermin an apology letter!

Edited by StrangeSox
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  On 5/19/2021 at 2:13 PM, Tnetennba said:

This assumes that JR isn't in total agreement with TLR and actually wants whats best for his club and his friend.  Which if he did TLR would have never been more than a passing mention as the coaching search began.


You have a good point. However, if J.R. doesn't at least want what's best for his team, this organization has bigger problems than its manager.

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  On 5/19/2021 at 2:11 PM, wegner said:

I had totally forgotten that this thread had initially been started to praise TLR for the moves he'd been making early in the season.  Good Shit indeed ?


Just think, within the next 2 weeks there will probably be something else that will add 10-20 pages to this thread and there’s literally no way to guess what it will be! In game decision? Clubhouse issue? Racism? Crime? The possibilities are endless!

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  On 5/19/2021 at 1:25 PM, ThatBallHitDeep_WAYBack said:

How can the Twins dance, laugh & celebrate in the dugout when their fat ass pitcher gets two outs then bitches & moans when he gives up a moonshot...  HYPOCRITES!!!!


This is the part I truly don't get. All the BS about "respecting the game". The Twins are getting their ass kicked and celebrating because a freak show pitcher got a couple of outs. Then someone lights him up, they get all upset, and now it is all about not respecting the game and the unwritten rules. IMO, it is a helluva lot disrespectful to be celebrating when down 15-4, than going up and competing in an at bat, which you are paid handsomely to do.

Just hope this does not become a negative turning point in the season, because if you want to talk about respect I am guessing not too many players have much for their Manager right now.

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As Mercedes broke into his home run trot, La Russa said he was looking angrily at him.

“I was upset because that's not a time to swing 3-0,” La Russa said. “I happened to look over there, and I know the Twins knew that I was upset. [Third-base coach] Joe [McEwing] had given the take sign. I just think that Yermín was locked in. He and Astudillo, they know each other from different competitions. He was locked in and [thinking], ‘I've got to get him, I've got to get him.’

“But he missed a 3-0 [take] sign with that kind of lead. That's just sportsmanship and respect for the game and respect for your opponent. He made a mistake. So there'll be a consequence that he has to endure here within our family. But it won't happen again because Joe will be on the lookout, and I will be, too, and we'll go running in front of the pitcher if we have to.”

Mercedes’ comments about having to be Yermín and not changing his ways were not agreed upon by La Russa.

“I heard he said something like, ‘I play my game.’ No, he doesn't,” La Russa said. “He plays the game of Major League Baseball, respects the game, respects the opponents. And he's got to respect the signs. When he gets the take sign, he takes. He's in there today, so the consequence is not sitting him down. It's a learning experience.”



Edited by caulfield12
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It's just one of those things where people are going to get their ideas of how they should do things,” Lynn said. “I’ve been in situations last year where [Fernando] Tatis did the 3-0 grand slam off of a pitcher that had 10 years in the big leagues [Juan Nicasio] and didn't throw another pitch in the big leagues after that, and everyone seemed to think that was fine.

“You're damned if you do, damned if you don't, it seems like. But I think everybody should just play the game as hard as they can and do all that, and don't worry about anything else."



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What this whole fiasco has taught me is that LaRussa is more concerned with his legacy than he is with managing this team.  

In his head, he's apparently convinced himself that by calling out Yermin and apologizing to the Twins, he's putting his respect for the game and his own personal consistency (see Tatis comments last season) above all else.  He's being noble.  A statesman of the game.  Creating a narrative of "he always put the game first, even when faced with difficult decisions".  

Of course, the popular abandonment of "unwritten rules" is just one more piece of 2021 baseball he doesn't comprehend, much less recognize. 

I really believe he's completely unaware of the damage he's currently doing to his legacy and, rather, thinks he's enhancing his legacy.  

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