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Please no Ozzie !


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I really hope we are expecting better things from this club than to be a school of hard knocks for a manager wanna be Maybe he can go to detroit for a couple years.

I sorta agree, I would definitely have Ozzie as a bench coach or 3rd base coach like he was in Florida...But as a ML manager? MMm, nah


But bring him back to the orginazation..definately.

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I don't see how Ozzie could make this team any worse.  Someone with some energy and entertainment and maybe he could keep some of the dueches on this team in line and make sure they remember they are playing for a TEAM.

I'd be in support of guillen. If he can get this team fired up and moving around the bases, then it cant be that bad.

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I don't see how Ozzie could make this team any worse.  Someone with some energy and entertainment and maybe he could keep some of the dueches on this team in line and make sure they remember they are playing for a TEAM.

Heh, you actually see Frank listening to Ozzie???

I just don't see him being a "leader" or a guy that the players will listen to..maybe in 10 years or so of coaching, but they may see him more like a player..and maybe not take his s*** too serious....being a player on a team and being manager of a team are two different spectrum's of being a leader and for-take different aspects coming out.


He still seems to young and I think needs to pay more dues in the coaching field.

I don't know..

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Manuel studied with the most LAID-BACK guys in MLB...Leyland and Alou.


Ozzie has made the rounds with LaRussa, McKeon, and Robinson.

Men who have brought out the most in their players.


Ozzie would still have one the best bench coaches in MLB, with Nossek.


Time for me to break out my black 13 jersey...


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I don't know how we could do worse with Ozzie....he wouldn't be half as bad as JM. I mean, I look at Ed Wedge in Cleveland....he was like 34 last year, and he had very little last year in Cleveland, and he still won 70-75 games and he put together a very good bullpen.


Odds are, Guillen won't have that same kind of success when everything is considered(because even if we do make major changes, odds are, this team will still be more talented then the Indians), but I could see him winning us 85-90 games. I'd just hope that he would pull a Tony Pena and light a fire under this team's ass and that we'd go out and win 95 games or so. Odds are, that wouldn't happen.

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I don't know how we could do worse with Ozzie....he wouldn't be half as bad as JM.  I mean, I look at Ed Wedge in Cleveland....he was like 34 last year, and he had very little last year in Cleveland, and he still won 70-75 games and he put together a very good bullpen.


Odds are, Guillen won't have that same kind of success when everything is considered(because even if we do make major changes, odds are, this team will still be more talented then the Indians), but I could see him winning us 85-90 games.  I'd just hope that he would pull a Tony Pena and light a fire under this team's ass and that we'd go out and win 95 games or so.  Odds are, that wouldn't happen.

Ed? I think you mean Eric Wedge :bang

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I don't know how we could do worse with Ozzie....he wouldn't be half as bad as JM.  I mean, I look at Ed Wedge in Cleveland....he was like 34 last year, and he had very little last year in Cleveland, and he still won 70-75 games and he put together a very good bullpen.


Odds are, Guillen won't have that same kind of success when everything is considered(because even if we do make major changes, odds are, this team will still be more talented then the Indians), but I could see him winning us 85-90 games.  I'd just hope that he would pull a Tony Pena and light a fire under this team's ass and that we'd go out and win 95 games or so.  Odds are, that wouldn't happen.

Ed? I think you mean Eric Wedge :bang

Yep....my bad :bang

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Heh, you actually see Frank listening to Ozzie???


Hmm, you got a point there, considering they used to be teammates. Then again maybe he would be willing to listen, because they know eachother so well.


Ozzie might just be the kind of guy they're looking for though, he's definitely no Manuel. The problem is I don't think he has the mindset of a manager, but I guess its hard to tell because he's never been given that chance.

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I've noticed that most people that don't want Ozzie have two main concerns: 1.handling the pitching staff

2. getting respect from the players



I think with Nossek and Cooper the pitching staff won't be a problem. The thing I noticed of McKeon during the playoffs was that he stuck with his pitchers and let them decide their own fate. JM was a tinkerer. I think Ozzie would fall more into the McKeon mold and let the players play the game, not him.


Getting respect from the players won't be an issue IMHO. Ozzie knows the situation and knows that he'll have to come down hard on whomever crosses him first. Set an example. Some ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ACTIONS!!! There hasn't been any accountability on this team for 5 years. It's amazing the impact being held responsible for your actions can have on your "heart" and "desire" to win and perform.


Gaston seems too much like JM. I was so happy we dumped JM, the last thing I want to see is his older clone taking the helm.

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Manuel studied with the most LAID-BACK guys in MLB...Leyland and Alou.


Ozzie has made the rounds with LaRussa, McKeon, and Robinson.

Men who have brought out the most in their players.


Ozzie would still have one the best bench coaches in MLB, with Nossek.


Time for me to break out my black 13 jersey...


Leyland and Alou laid back? What are you looking at?

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The thing I noticed of McKeon during the playoffs was that he stuck with his pitchers and let them decide their own fate. JM was a tinkerer. I think Ozzie would fall more into the McKeon mold and let the players play the game, not him.


Doing that same exact thing is what is getting Grady Little run out of Boston.

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