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  On 5/30/2021 at 4:46 AM, ron883 said:

All I'll get is a simple "thank you"? No deal. You just lost yourself a like/emoji, pal


Did you want a parade ? 1 emoji for another , don't they all count the same ? LOL you asked me for a thank you  , now it's not good enough ? Honey I don't know what you want anymore, don't be upset ;)


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  On 5/30/2021 at 4:22 AM, Chicago White Sox said:

I fully agree with your sediment, but there is very clearly a group of posters here who place La Russa above all else for reasons unknown.  I’m one of La Russa’s biggest critics, but I defended his decision to bat Lamb 6th today.  I’d rather us win with him as manager than lose because of him, but it gets annoying when the same handful of posters post “years of experience” as an excuse for every dumb decision he makes.


You’re not wrong. 

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  On 5/30/2021 at 4:51 AM, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

Did you want a parade ? 1 emoji for another , don't they all count the same ? LOL you asked me for a thank you  , now it's not good enough ? Honey I don't know what you want anymore, don't be upset ;)



I thought you were going to trick me and just say "thank you" in a post instead of giving me an emoji/like. My apologies. Take my like, sir.

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  On 5/30/2021 at 4:12 AM, ShoeLessRob said:

I mean if you looked at the winning game thread (which you did) it was already posted and people acknowledged after the fact. 


Yes I made a post in the winners thread 4 hrs ago then came directly here read the game thread and made my post here 3 hrs ago. I already said it took me 45 minutes to an hr. to make that post with the research I had to do 1st so that does correlate with everything I said. But you should also notice that no one said anything about the post game comments until after I made my post in the winners thread congratulating the team on the victory. So game thread comment, then research and 1st post here about the Lynn going 5 innings posts and all my follow up comments on it . Then went back to the winners thread and read the rest of the comments there .

Edited by CaliSoxFanViaSWside
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  On 5/30/2021 at 2:50 AM, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

I do more know about baseball and saw no need to insult TLR for things that are so obviously not his fault. There's already a lot to criticize him for.  But just for your sake right after the game was over I read the whole game thread . That takes time. Then I quoted as many posts as I could about taking Lynn out. Then I checked who pitched on what days and the upcoming schedule. Wrote it all down on a piece of paper so I could make a very long post to make it as clear as possible that Lynn was taken out for reasons that were not apparent to many. All that took at least an hour.

So no not Bingo ! I am also in California so I don't get to see or hear post game comments on Chicago radio or TV. All I get to see is the game .  Post game comments do show up sometimes on my MLB app an hour or 2 after the game. If people don't like being called out for making thoughtless comments maybe they should try thinking.


All this discussion would have been avoided if TLR would have brought in a more effective reliever than Bummer,who walked 2 with a 3 run lead. That was the reason for my outburst of taking Lynn out.

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