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Wow, what an interesting, and very sad day in Soxtalk history.


Jason has now quit, and Alex and myself are in charge. I am prepared to make the first announcement under our new sort of "regime."


AS of right now, Clujer, BMR, and CWSOX(Vince) have been banned from this board.


I feel that I had to do this, for the health and prosperity of this board. There has been so much bickering that I believe if these moves weren’t made that this entire board would eventually die.


I banned the following members for the following reasons.


Clujer: well, unfortunately this member hasn’t learned from the 2 suspensions he has already earned. I think that he offers nothing to this board, other than his constant negative attitude, and his needless attacks on people who are non-deserving. I feel that if I were to allow him to bash people any longer, that I would be not fulfilling my duties that Jason has bestowed upon me. He has officially been banned for life.


BMR: This member has "promised" us that he would try and be a better poster, but he has turned out to be a liar. He continues this senseless debate on another member’s sexuality, and will not allow it subside. The Moderating staff has simply had enough of it and will no longer tolerate such cruelty. I think there are sometimes, where saying “sorry” isn’t good enough, especially when you don’t mean it. This member has been officially banned for life.


Cwsox: I regret having to do this, as I consider Vince a personal friend – one I might lose now – but under the circumstances I believe that he is deserving of a ban lasting no more and no less than 8 months. Vince is a responsible adult, and I don’t believe he should have put himself in the position to be accused of such serious things as pedophilia. That being said, I in no way believe any of those allegations were true. He has also been banned because of continuing arguments with other posters. This member has been officially banned for 8 months.


There will be no list of rules, because this isn’t WSI, I consider it a better message board then WSI and I believe no one needs their hands being held while posting here. Our members are what make this board special, so I’m sorry for any inconveniences that we’ve put you through, It’s something that’s needed to be done for quite a time. I will receive any complaints or comments through PM or my e-mail address [email protected]. One last thing, after talking to Jason, he has assured me that he will one day return to his duties as administrator, and hopes when that day comes, this board is still the place to be for White Sox news on the web.


Mark J. Jacobsen

Co-CEO of Soxtalk.com

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Wow, what an interesting, and very sad day in Soxtalk history.


Jason has now quit, and Alex and myself are in charge. I am prepared to make the first announcement under our new sort of "regime."


AS of right now, Clujer, BMR, and CWSOX(Vince) have been banned from this board.


I feel that I had to do this, for the health and prosperity of this board. There has been so much bickering that I believe if these moves weren’t made that this entire board would eventually die.


I banned the following members for the following reasons.


Clujer: well, unfortunately this member hasn’t learned from the 2 suspensions he has already earned. I think that he offers nothing to this board, other than his constant negative attitude, and his needless attacks on people who are non-deserving. I feel that if I were to allow him to bash people any longer, that I would be not fulfilling my duties that Jason has bestowed upon me. He has officially been banned for life.


BMR: This member has "promised" us that he would try and be a better poster, but he has turned out to be a liar. He continues this senseless debate on another member’s sexuality, and will not allow it subside. The Moderating staff has simply had enough of it and will no longer tolerate such cruelty. I think there are sometimes, where saying “sorry” isn’t good enough, especially when you don’t mean it. This member has been officially banned for life.


Cwsox: I regret having to do this, as I consider Vince a personal friend – one I might lose now – but under the circumstances I believe that he is deserving of a ban lasting no more and no less than 8 months. Vince is a responsible adult, and I don’t believe he should have put himself in the position to be accused of such serious things as pedophilia. That being said, I in no way believe any of those allegations were true. He has also been banned because of continuing arguments with other posters.  This member has been officially banned for 8 months.


There will be no list of rules, because this isn’t WSI, I consider it a better message board then WSI and I believe no one needs their hands being held while posting here. Our members are what make this board special, so I’m sorry for any inconveniences that we’ve put you through, It’s something that’s needed to be done for quite a time. I will receive any complaints or comments through PM or my e-mail address [email protected]. One last thing, after talking to Jason, he has assured me that he will one day return to his duties as administrator, and hopes when that day comes, this board is still the place to be for White Sox news on the web.


Mark J. Jacobsen

CEO of Soxtalk.com

I think it had to be done..I like BMR 90% of the time, but sometimes he can be a little pig headed..


Clu should definitely be banned for life, he brings nothing but negativity and attacks..we don't need that here..good riddance


and that's good news about JAS :headbang :headbang :headbang

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Thanks guys for the support I have a feeling myself and alex might need it.

You did what you had to do, but if the accusations against CW are proven true, I think he should be banned for life also for the sake of ever going through this nonsense again.

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this is goodbye to people who have meant a great deal to me for a long time


I was here at this site because I loved the people who put thi site together and thosewho posted here. I bought into the vision of this site.


I did all I could to build it up. When I was asked to be a mod, and and then an admin, I was very, very hpnored. I followed Soxtalk policy even when in my own mind I would ahve done differently. I was faithful to Soxtalk in every way.


You know my one weakness: I cannot abide words of hate directed against others. Words like "n*****" and "k***" are clear case. I followed that with repeatedlky trying to edicate that use of words like "f*****" were also hate speech. That eventually made me some enemies. And they attacked me, in part as well as I was one of the more liberal members here.


And when a group of adults pounded mightily on a 14-15 year old boy, I closed one thread to stop that attack. The response, possibly fueld in some posters by a lot of alcohol, turned into the most bitter personal attacks with the most outrageious lies tossed against me. I defended my self. I did not ever initate an atack but defended myself as anyone would. In fact, I held back a lot of times conscious of my obligations as a moderator.


Tonight, a full scale war was launched by BMR and clujer based on lies of oldRoman. Because I again stood up for myself, I am now accused of fighting with brm and clujer - ironic isn't it that it is the same night that it was posted that the "evidence" behind the accusations doesn't exist. Now that that mater is cleared up, and the attacks are gone (and I had thoughts on how to deal with things without banning anyone) I am banned from soxtalk. There is a lesson there - it is that there is nothing fair in life.


There are people here who I will miss, and I will miss this place. I will not be back at the end of 8 months. After being so totally falsely accused for so long wikth such absolute lies and all the s*** thrown at me, to be stabbed in the back by the very people to whom I was loyal at all times, this is an act of treachery that says it all for me. And how foolish I was to have spent the time that I did in outside legal work from my office for soxtalk. I stook loyal with people who did not stand loyal to me.


The overwhelming feeling I have now is bitterness - bitterness because I am banned for trying to protect my name from the most evil of lies, bitterness because I gamve time and love and friendship to soxtalk and those who operate it and those who were here. In a few hours I will probably think of a better ending than one I have for now, but I don't have time for editing.


Molto, I guess my this action, the answer to the question, that dies with me. Sorry. That was Mark's choice. Those who owe me money, pay me. Critic, thanks for your PM. I will miss this place while I now bitterly resent all the time I spent here trying to do good for soxtalk. Mark, the other night you tried to get me to talk about something and I said no, I can't. You responded as if you were a friend and I said no, I can't trust anyone now. See, I was right! And you are right - you lost a friend. There were other options but you did this. And Jas, it is regrettable that the last word that I head from you was through Mark and it was what it was. See why I am bitter now?


It was never a game for me or anything other than something I took seriously to do the best job I could. I resent that I trusted a one of you. You won't miss me at all, that I know now more than ever. I will miss you. But I will never be back, ever. There are people here who are liars and not trusthworthy and not honest and into the playing of adolescent games that I got past a long time ago.


Conitue to attack each other and feel free to use all the personal attacks you want. Find someone to all assail and you can get that person banned for sticking up for their self. The loyalty and work one gives and the friendship one offers are just to be mocked. And I have wasted a hell of a lot of time that I offered in love - but didn't mean a damn thing when the personal attacks on me came. This is so sad - because the place could have been so much more.

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I see on BMR and Clu member group  it says banned and  for CW it does not, why does not his say banned? :huh:

He's wanted to have a farewell post of sorts, and because he's always been a good friend and a good help to the site, we decided to let him have one.

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this is goodbye to people who have meant a great deal to me for a long time


I was here at this site because I loved the people who put thi site together and thosewho posted here.  I bought into the vision of this site. 


I did all I could to build it up.  When I was asked to be a mod, and and then an admin, I was very, very hpnored.  I followed Soxtalk policy even when in my own mind I would ahve done differently.  I was faithful to Soxtalk in every way.


You know my one weakness: I cannot abide words of hate directed against others.  Words like "n*****" and "k***" are clear case.  I followed that with repeatedlky trying to edicate that use of words like "f*****" were also hate speech.  That eventually made me some enemies.  And they attacked me, in part as well as I was one of the more liberal members here.


And when a group of adults pounded mightily on a 14-15 year old boy, I closed one thread to stop that attack.  The response, possibly fueld in some posters by a lot of alcohol, turned into the most bitter personal attacks with the most outrageious lies tossed against me.  I defended my self.  I did not ever initate an atack but defended myself as anyone would.  In fact, I held back a lot of times conscious of my obligations as a moderator.


Tonight, a full scale war was launched by BMR and clujer based on lies of oldRoman.  Because I again stood up for myself, I am now accused of fighting with brm and clujer - ironic isn't it that it is the same night that it was posted that the "evidence" behind the accusations doesn't exist.  Now that that mater is cleared up, and the attacks are gone (and I had thoughts on how to deal with things without banning anyone) I am banned from soxtalk.  There is a lesson there - it is that there is nothing fair in life.


There are people here who I will miss, and I will miss this place.  I will not be back at the end of 8 months.  After being so totally falsely accused for so long wikth such absolute lies and all the s*** thrown at me, to be stabbed in the back by the very people to whom I was loyal at all times, this is an act of treachery that says it all for me.  And how foolish I was to have spent the time that I did in outside legal work from my office for soxtalk.  I stook loyal with people who did not stand loyal to me.


The overwhelming feeling I have now is bitterness - bitterness because I am banned for trying to protect my name from the most evil of lies, bitterness because I gamve time and love and friendship to soxtalk and those who operate it and those who were here.    In a few hours I will probably think of a better ending than one I have for now, but I don't have time for editing.


Molto, I guess my this action, the answer to the question, that dies with me.  Sorry.  That was Mark's choice.  Those who owe me money, pay me.  Critic, thanks for your PM. I will miss this place while I now bitterly resent all the time I spent here trying to do good for soxtalk.  Mark, the other night you tried to get me to talk about something and I said no, I can't.  You responded as if you were a friend and I said no, I can't trust anyone now.  See, I was right!  And you are right - you lost a friend.  There were other options but you  did this.  And Jas, it is regrettable that the last word that I head from you was through Mark and it was what it was. See why I am bitter now?


It was never a game for me or anything other than something I took seriously to do the best job I could.  I resent that I trusted a one of you.  You won't miss me at all, that I know now more than ever.  I will miss you.  But I will never be back, ever.  There are people here who are liars and not trusthworthy and  not honest and into the playing of adolescent games that I got past a long time ago.


Conitue to attack each other and feel free to use all the personal attacks you want.  Find someone to all assail and you can get that person banned for sticking up for their self.  The loyalty and work one gives and the friendship one offers are just to be mocked.  And I have wasted a hell of a lot of time that I offered in love - but didn't mean a damn thing when the personal attacks on me came.  This is so sad - because the place could have been so much more.

Man, now I feel bad.... :ph34r:

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EVEN though it may seem today is a bad day for Soxtalk, it is in fact a good one. JASON I admire your decision even though ill miss you and so will the site, I admire the fact that even though your insight and posts to this site will be very limited you are still paying for a site that you will no longer post in, I admire that and ill miss you.

MAURICE and soxheads I respect and think that your recent decison are great move for the site, I really do, I think Cleugher as mentioned by Gashwound and other posters brought negativity and sparked many conflicts. ILL no doubt miss bmr, but once again I respect your decisions. I will promise that I will not post useless crap or "spam". AND as for the whole cwsox situation I cant comment on it because I was never and im glad about it involved in the situation. ALL ban's might of been a neccessity to the site. I have a question what happeneed for cluegher say no one could trust HSC, I could trust her, at least I think I could, and what proof was bmr talking about :huh: , as for people considering leaving the board, I think that will be a terrible decison and one you will regret, anyway that's all on my mind as of now. ONE more thing as for me sayin BE GOOD that shall be limited because it seemed to spark some conflicts recentley, anyway im goin ill post some more later. ONCE again I agreee with Maurice's and heads decison's....THIS might have been my longest post ever :D ....


P.S. ill miss you bmr

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There's more drama on this board than the entire whitesox season. I don't post often because I rather read posts, and lately I have noticed this personal attack on certain people. Well, here's hope that tomarrow will bring a new day (no attacks).




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There's more drama on this board than the entire whitesox season.  I don't post often because I rather read posts, and lately I have noticed this personal attack on certain people.  Well, here's hope that tomarrow will bring a new day (no attacks).




good to hear some optimism!

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There's more drama on this board than the entire whitesox season.  I don't post often because I rather read posts, and lately I have noticed this personal attack on certain people.  Well, here's hope that tomarrow will bring a new day (no attacks).




I would be very surpriesed if we have conflicts ever again

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Great move...specially banning Bmr and Clujer. After that atack on PA and his love affair, i thought Clujer was done, what a dumbass comment. Bmr was always trying to put others agst Cw. Cw was a little bit a hypocrite person.

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Please please PLEEEEEEEEEASE let this entire situation be a lesson to EVERYONE on this board that it matters NOT ONE BIT what people do in their personal lives, and to NEVER attack another poster personally.


This board gives me a lot of enjoyment, but it's no secret that people have been leaving here voluntarily due to the increased anger and hatred among SOME posters. My main hope is that the people who've left on their own will reconsider and return when they see that the bile and venom spewed by some of the banned is gone.


I will miss cwsox, I feel that he tried his best to keep things on a positive note. While I can understand somewhat the feelings some of you have that he was a hypocrite, I think that life makes you reconsider and re-adjust your thinking sometimes, and we all go through that to some degree. What you thought and felt 10 years ago or 1 year ago or even last month may not necessarily be what you think or feel today. Doesn't necessarily make you a hypocrite, might just mean you've learned something or experienced something that made you rethink your position.


I will NOT miss bmr, clujer or roman. I feel that they brought an angry, demeaning and self-superior tone to their posts and were eager to engage in arguments and attacks. I have a hard time thinking of ONE interesting thing I ever read from any of them.


Again, I appreciate this board and the work and expense it takes to run it. The board deserves better than it's been given lately, and we can all try our best to keep the discourse at a respectful level while still having fun with things.


Thanks for reading this - I feel better for posting it.

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Just like communism, a perfect message board where everyone gets along will never work. Its a shame that some posters just go on message boards and make trouble with strangers. Its beyond me how some people dont have anything better to do with their time than attack others on BS nonsense. Personally, I dont even bother to skim threads like "are you gay" and "michelle is a liar". I have better things to do with my life than go around reading soap opera attacks. The offtopic board is supposed to be a fun place when you need time away from the sox, and lets try our best to keep it that way.


I will definately be missing cwsox and the other posters that we will inevitably lose after all this.

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It is inevitable that there will be conflict eventually. I don't mind people arguing, it is just when it gets personal. I think people know where to draw the line and use better judgement, today has seemed nice too. It is like the calm after the storm.

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