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It is inevitable that there will be conflict eventually. I don't mind people arguing, it is just when it gets personal. I think people know where to draw the line and use better judgement, today has seemed nice too. It is like the calm after the storm.

What happened??

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What happened??

To make a long story short, all hell broke lose yesterday. There was a huge argument that got way out of hand by several better known posters. It happened after another poster was banned not long ago. Some pretty harsh stuff was said, but it is sorted out now. We did lose some good posters though.

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Another thing I edited as I am wearing slippers...


I made it so that you have to validate your email address when you register, or that account will be deleted after three days...it shouldn't be any big deal, because you need an email to register anyways, but I'd just make sure to check your email, so there is no chance of the board going nuts on you.



This will delete a lot of duplicate names (Hopefully) giving us more bandwidth and greater avaliability of names to choose from, while hopefully delteing all those re-registration attempts.

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Another thing I edited as I am wearing slippers...


I made it so that you have to validate your email address when you register, or that account will be deleted after three days...it shouldn't be any big deal, because you need an email to register anyways, but I'd just make sure to check your email, so there is no chance of the board going nuts on you.



This will delete a lot of duplicate names (Hopefully) giving us more bandwidth and greater avaliability of names to choose from, while hopefully delteing all those re-registration attempts.

Heads, are you going to be clearing out all of the names that are never used for other people to use?

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Another thing I edited as I am wearing slippers...


I made it so that you have to validate your email address when you register, or that account will be deleted after three days...it shouldn't be any big deal, because you need an email to register anyways, but I'd just make sure to check your email, so there is no chance of the board going nuts on you.



This will delete a lot of duplicate names (Hopefully) giving us more bandwidth and greater avaliability of names to choose from, while hopefully delteing all those re-registration attempts.

Heads, are you going to be clearing out all of the names that are never used for other people to use?

I'm hoping this would do it for me....cause i don't know which ones have been validated....ones that people have done evrything correctly and log in and read the board but never post....

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Another thing I edited as I am wearing slippers...


I made it so that you have to validate your email address when you register, or that account will be deleted after three days...it shouldn't be any big deal, because you need an email to register anyways, but I'd just make sure to check your email, so there is no chance of the board going nuts on you.



This will delete a lot of duplicate names (Hopefully) giving us more bandwidth and greater avaliability of names to choose from, while hopefully delteing all those re-registration attempts.

Heads, are you going to be clearing out all of the names that are never used for other people to use?

I'm hoping this would do it for me....cause i don't know which ones have been validated....ones that people have done evrything correctly and log in and read the board but never post....

i was lookin at the members list and there is a whole page filled with the name "Bring in Billy Koch" with a different number of exclamation points after it, i think all of those names can be deleted except for the one that posted and it was one message

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Another thing I edited as I am wearing slippers...


I made it so that you have to validate your email address when you register, or that account will be deleted after three days...it shouldn't be any big deal, because you need an email to register anyways, but I'd just make sure to check your email, so there is no chance of the board going nuts on you.



This will delete a lot of duplicate names (Hopefully) giving us more bandwidth and greater avaliability of names to choose from, while hopefully delteing all those re-registration attempts.

Heads, are you going to be clearing out all of the names that are never used for other people to use?

I'm hoping this would do it for me....cause i don't know which ones have been validated....ones that people have done evrything correctly and log in and read the board but never post....

i was lookin at the members list and there is a whole page filled with the name "Bring in Billy Koch" with a different number of exclamation points after it, i think all of those names can be deleted except for the one that posted and it was one message

There's a lot of names like that.


That's why I was wondering if he deleted those or not.

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It seems like a long time but it was just a year or so ago this site was small but very comfortable. They weren't that many posters but it was kind of an intimate place. Posters who rooted for other teams like the Phillies and Cubs would stop by for a chat when the Sox played them and guess what? No vulgarity and flaming, just some good natured bantering back and forth. Because the internet continues to grow, because of the fights and trolls at MLB.com and the stuffiness and snobiness at WSI this place started to grow by leaps and bounds. Unfortunately in the process Soxtalk has become in its own way just as treacherous as the two other boards mentioned. It's a damn shame because it is my impression that the young people who run this place, and Jason in particular are really great folks whos minds and hearts are in the right place.


Regarding the incident that precipitated this mess. It is impossible to know the truth and probably always will be. My gut instincts and life experience tell me that there is more to this than appears on the surface, even if the most serious accusation is not true. I'm sorry, the "modeling" PM to abo was at the very least in poor taste. I am hardly a prude or religious but have always been conscious that the majority of the posters here are in their teens and early twenties and have done my best to be patient and responsible while still getting my political or baseball point across. It is possible you know. Giving cw the benefit of the doubt that he was innocent of the worst charge he is still in my estimation a very bad role model for the young posters here.


The folks who run this site did not want to censure posters because they wanted members to feel free here. This is going to be very unpopular but that is the mistake that may eventually cause this site to shut down. I loved being young and I love young people. I love my kids so why would I be against you? That being said you are a very badly educated group that has had toleration, diversity, open mindedness, etc. rammed down your throats at the expense of excellence and standards. Without some rules and standards all of civilization collapses. If some want to villify me for stating that so be it, but the ugliness that transpired is the result of a "no rules" atmosphere here.


I'm not going to go into detail but I changed my board handle here because of an embarassing and uncomfortable situation I encountered. Now I'm pretty much gone for good, although I admit I may read from time to time. I really admit I miss the older, smaller Soxnet site. I'm going to try to find a sane White Sox board but I doubt one exists at this time. You know its a damn shame but some Cub fans established a very nice civilized board for their better posters who where tired of the nuttiness at MLB.com. Members have a lot of freedom there but the ugly incident that occurred here would be impossible there. I'm not going to name the site and I hope they keep it up. I feel very angry and frustrated that I've felt compelled to leave three White Sox boards. This has sickened me more than any of the lousy teams and dumb owners I've endured rooting for the Sox longer than most of you here have been alive.


Anyway, I hope this place straightens itself out. I'm also vain enough to hope that someone in power reads this and considers what I've posted. Good luck Soxtalk.

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After spending way too much time catching up after a weekend away, I have suggestions for the OWNERS here.


Drop the AIM and other private IM links. Don't be the responsible for that type of private conversation.


This is a private party you've invited people to. Please don't wait for someone to

piss in your pool AND

trash your living room AND

plug your toilet

before taking action. This isn't subsidized by public fees, you haven't collected any dues. The posters here are YOUR invited guests. I don't know why you've invited some of them ;) and I really didn't know why you let some of them stay this long. I always figured it was your party and they were your friends so I just found my corner and ignored your other guests.


I know I'm older by 2 and 3 times most of the other posters. I also realize with age comes some maturity. I sometimes find the naïveté of our underage guests amusing but I also notice they (not all of course) seem to be the most hate filled and enjoying the freedom to swear and say insane things. Mommy and daddy aren't looking over their shoulders and perhaps they feel grown up. I've been to other sites where underage posters need to provide their parent's emails and their parents must ok their participation. Seems like good protection for the list OWNERS who are ultimately responsible for what happens here.


I've been shocked by some of the accusations that people can so carelessly fling. The right to free speech comes with some responsibility. One can not, for example, yell fire in a crowded theatre. If everyone understood the power of words and the harm and pain they inflict, perhaps this weekend wouldn't have happened. But I sense, for some on this board, pain and harm is exactly what they want to inflict, it makes them feel powerful. They suceeded. I hope they feel good about themselves.


Now before I become the next swimmer in the water for the sharks, I'll be going. I enjoyed y'all. It was great connecting with Sox fans. I'm sorry I suggested the name Sex, Lies, and Politics. We seemed to have gotten the Sex and Lies part all too well.


Welcome to the real world, it landed on your door with a thud.

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You know, I don't quite understand this. The two biggest cancers (bmr and clujer) have been removed, and yet people are still jumping ship. Although I can't say something like this will never happen again, I can already see in the last couple days how much better the mood seems. I can't force people to stay but I wish some of the best posters who are now leaving would reconsider. If nothing had been done about the problems, then I could see swearing this site off. But now that something has been done, it's like people aren't even acknowledging it. :huh:

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You know, I don't quite understand this. The two biggest cancers (bmr and clujer) have been removed, and yet people are still jumping ship. Although I can't say something like this will never happen again, I can already see in the last couple days how much better the mood seems. I can't force people to stay but I wish some of the best posters who are now leaving would reconsider. If nothing had been done about the problems, then I could see swearing this site off. But now that something has been done, it's like people aren't even acknowledging it. :huh:

I was just thinking the same thing myself... :o

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You know, I don't quite understand this. The two biggest cancers (bmr and clujer) have been removed, and yet people are still jumping ship. Although I can't say something like this will never happen again, I can already see in the last couple days how much better the mood seems. I can't force people to stay but I wish some of the best posters who are now leaving would reconsider. If nothing had been done about the problems, then I could see swearing this site off. But now that something has been done, it's like people aren't even acknowledging it. :huh:

Maybe people feel the "real" person who started all the trouble is not yet gone..? Maybe people are mad about Vince being banned? Maybe they are pissed about Jason semi-retiring?



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Maybe people feel the "real" person who started all the trouble is not yet gone..? Maybe people are mad about Vince being banned? Maybe they are pissed about Jason semi-retiring?



It has been real nice around here after all of that happen. I think the site will be fine, people just have to have a little more respect for each other.

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Maybe people feel the "real" person who started all the trouble is not yet gone..? Maybe people are mad about Vince being banned? Maybe they are pissed about Jason semi-retiring?



Maybe they took a clue from KW and JR and waited too long to fire the problem. Then fired the hitting coach, as if he was to blame. All the while chasing a star player into early retirement.


Watching people's lives and reputations twist in the wind as if no one had any responsibility isn't responsible. The internet is full of unmoderated forums and listerves for that type of behavior. If you are going to advertise moderators, then they have to moderate. I've been sickened a few too many times with some of the childish anticts that should have been dropped quickly.


I don't know what standards others think a moderated forum should have, but I think questionable material shouldn't stay up for hours. I believe a moderated forum should be different than an unmoderated. I think posters should be judged on what they post here not anywhere else, including private messages. For that reason I believe the private messaging feature should be disabled. Add a chat room or rooms if you like. Much of the arguments were of the private message type that couldn;t be proven. How convienent.


But as I posted elsewhere, it's their (owners) party and I respect that more than words can describe. Why anyone would want to sink their money, sweat, and tears into this to be repaid with headaches and heartaches is beyond me. I wouldn't have had half the patience as these guys do. Perhaps I'm too old.


Perhaps they'll start a moderated forum for old people who appreciate communication with out name calling, libel, and threats. :D

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Maybe people feel the "real" person who started all the trouble is not yet gone..? Maybe people are mad about Vince being banned? Maybe they are pissed about Jason semi-retiring?



What, I can't play some bocci ball and a little golf ;)


As far as me stepping down, it was mainly to give myself more time for school and friends. I don't want anyone to think that I'm not going to be around the site or am not going to be helping anymore. I will still be here and I talk to Alex and Mark all the time and will be helping them out. I consider myself more of a consulant now.


I also plan on upgrading the board in the next month or so with Alex. Mainly just giving it better programming and maybe a few added features.


I think what happened this weekend was ugly and I don't ever anticipate something like this happening again. This is a great message board that conists of a lot of great people.


I wish the best for those people that left the boards because of that issue. Things will definately be taking some changes at Soxtalk over the next few weeks to ensure that things like this won't happen again. These changes are being made to make the site better, not worse.


I want to commend all those people that handled this problem/issue in a very respectable fashion. Once again, this was the vast majority and only a small minority (I am not going to name names) were making things worse.


This is a great communtity, with great people and I hope in the coming weeks this incident will be looked at as nothing more then a speedbump on a long smooth road. :headbang

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What, I can't play some bocci ball and a little golf  ;)

Nobody can beat me at Bocci. We have a family tournament every summer at my uncles house. I usually finish in the top 3, if we don't win it, it's my partner's fault.

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I just think that a 'loosely moderated' SoxTalk forum is a case of site owners with the best of intentions getting screwed because some participants on the board were incapable of acting an a civil manner toward other human beings. You would hope people know how to behave with each other without being policed and without being hand-held, and I think that is all the site owners expected of the posters, and I certainly don't think it is too much to ask. I make the same error regularly, giving poeple in general the benfit of the doubt and assuming a minimum level of human decency. I get burned somethims taking that route, of course. But, I know I wll have lost an important personal battle if I let pessimism about human baseness get the best of me in terms of my expectations of people.


I don't fault the owners and moderators for having a more ideal expectation of poster conduct. When it was determined that it wasn't working, maybe things should have been tightened up a bit. Still, you hope people are going to work things out themselves without the board owners having to step in and repeal liberties that are a hallmark of this site versus the present state of the other Sox boards.


End rant.

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You know, I don't quite understand this. The two biggest cancers (bmr and clujer) have been removed, and yet people are still jumping ship. Although I can't say something like this will never happen again, I can already see in the last couple days how much better the mood seems. I can't force people to stay but I wish some of the best posters who are now leaving would reconsider. If nothing had been done about the problems, then I could see swearing this site off. But now that something has been done, it's like people aren't even acknowledging it. :huh:

Yeah...people aren't at each others throats anymore...or so it seems.

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