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Middle Infield Depth


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A common complaint you would hear about the Sox is the lack of infield depth in the system. No longer is this true. This team has done a hell of a job developing their middle Infield depth recently. Jose Rodriguez, Lenyn Sosa and Romy Gonzalez all play SS and have all shown they can hold their own at their respective levels.

Lenyn and Jose are both above average hitters while being young for their levels. Jose's numbers are more impressive. He's got a respectable 17% SO rate and has swiped 20 bags. 

Romy is age appropriate in AA, but he is absolutely crushing the ball. 15 HRs, 16 for 20 on SBs, .860 OPS. Monster. Really hope to see him in AAA soon. Seems like a perfect candidate to take over the Leury role.

See their stats below. All of them had big nights, so their stats will look even better tomorrow.




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I am really optimistic too, but it just feels like we are so in the dark here. We have no real commentary or validation from known evaluators beside Badler's comments liking Ramos (but also not a MI).

And it would be nice to know how the sox thought of these guys but it's hard to know their belief in them other than through following who moves where, so +1 for Yolbert. It was crazy seeing Romy in AA, but Getz had made comments that assignments were more about playing time than anything, and WS had Sosa and Sanchez. But he thrived, and Sosa is doing great, and Sanchez is doing well.

Basically, I'm really glad Romy and Sanchez look like reasonable depth. But I'd really like to know if any of Sosa, Rodriguez, Ramos (not an MI I know), and now Polanco are seen as "real".

For now I think Soxtalk is in a rare position of being probably ahead of the evaluators but until its validated I still just wonder if I'm over emphasizing production and these tools just aren't that special.

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Polanco has really started to hit with power recently, has zero "pedigree", and appears to have a poor approach, but is only 21 and doing really well the last 6 weeks. Would be interesting to see what they do with Sosa and if they move both up.

I will amend what I said, looks like Longenhagen had JR as #8, so there is some validation. BA's instructionals report was pretty rough.

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