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It’s morning and Tony LaRussa is trending again.


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15 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

With a big ole grin on his face when he said it!  TLR has a very simple leadership principle that I’m sure Tim appreciates.  Be you off the field and be you on the field but show up ready to play and don’t disrespect the Game or your teammates.  The diversity of opinions and backgrounds in this clubhouse has been responsive to that approach. TLR also leans on his player council leaders and has said TA and Jose are the best he’s ever had.  The respect is mutual and enough so that both sides can fuck around with each other once and while and get over it in the morning.

So the only time they don't tell the truth is in Tony's favor.  I feel like I am in Baghdad.

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59 minutes ago, black jack said:

What's your point here?  Are you just being counter argumentative?

Some (not necessarily you) people are so anti TLR that they find fault in everything he does.


Tony gave a reasonable explanation for why he yelled at the catcher.  

It is nt reasonable. Sorry the guy got hit in the head. It sucks. The pitcher was really disturbed. But if there is no intent, there is no fault. Sox pitchers still try to throw inside when they have no command. If that is Tony’s attitude, he should call out his pitchers and catchers like he did Yermin for hitting 3-0.

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12 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

It is nt reasonable. Sorry the guy got hit in the head. It sucks. The pitcher was really disturbed. But if there is no intent, there is no fault. Sox pitchers still try to throw inside when they have no command. If that is Tony’s attitude, he should call out his pitchers and catchers like he did Yermin for hitting 3-0.

Respectfully, this just isn't true. Not in any other setting, and not in this one.

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12 minutes ago, chitown87 said:

Respectfully, this just isn't true. Not in any other setting, and not in this one.

Especially in this one. It is throwing a baseball. Even the greatest don’t get it right where they want it plenty. To say he has no command so the catcher can’t call for an inside pitch is a joke. Besides if he has no command and the catcher wants it inside, wouldn’t that mean there is a decent chance it won’t be inside? Have you ever called out a catcher for calling for an inside pitch from a pitcher with no command? If there is one post before this incident, I will say I am sorry I am wrong. But it has never happened. What Tony did was for show, and that is fine. Hopefully he didn’t pull a hammy. You can see how he was holding on to Cairo when he was getting into it. I was at the game and had no idea it was he who started it. Tony has an issue with guys getting beaned and there is nothing wrong with that. But accidents do happen. Abreu gets hit a ton. I was at a Sox game in the 90s when Tony was managing Oakland, and I think it was Bobby Thigpen beaned one of their players. Tony ran out , took the bat, threw it against the netting behind home plate and started getting into it with Carlton Fisk. Batters get hit. It is unfortunate, especially if it’s the head or another area which causes injury. But it is part of the game.

Edited by Dick Allen
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21 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

It is nt reasonable. Sorry the guy got hit in the head. It sucks. The pitcher was really disturbed. But if there is no intent, there is no fault. Sox pitchers still try to throw inside when they have no command. If that is Tony’s attitude, he should call out his pitchers and catchers like he did Yermin for hitting 3-0.

Totally reasonable. Don't intend to throw *high* and inside when you have a total lack of command. 

They *intended* to throw high and inside. They could have brushed him back low and inside. 


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Well, at least fans got to see Miguel Cairo perform one of his job duties.

Job Duties:

  • Place Tony La Russa in a bear hug and do not let go under any circumstances if Tony is, or is heading towards, any dangerous situation. This includes, but is not limited to, bench clearing brawls, entering the field of playing during live action, walking towards the drivers side of any vehicle, or walking towards any body of water deeper than two feet.
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Much like many of us have wanted Tony to take on for the team with balls and strikes calls this year, he basically did the equivalent last night. Obviously there is concern with Abreu looking like he just got knocked out, but he also wants to make the Guardians staff feel some pressure not to throw inside giving his team an advantage in a tight game.

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There has been plenty to be upset about with some of the decisions LaRussa has made in-game, as well as some of his decisions on what to say to the media. 

I had zero issue with what he did last night. 

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7 hours ago, ThatBallHitDeep_WAYBack said:

People who have an issue with Tony La Russa running out and defending the players have never played a competitive sport in their life.


What would these nerds (like Ben Verlander) be saying if La Russa was sitting in the dugout after Abreu got hit for a 2nd time?

Ben Verlander literally played professional baseball lol

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48 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

Ben Verlander literally played professional baseball lol

Don't want any of those nerds on my team, no sir ee.


Have you guys seen Mark?



“Mark McGwire, who has been in my opinion very seriously tainted — and unfairly — Mark agreed that he used a little bit for a short period of time,” La Russa says. “Most of the stuff that he used, yeast extract, he used HGH (human growth hormone) for his heels. It wasn’t a prescription.”


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14 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

One other question is why does Tony know what the catcher called? That wouldn’t be sportsmanship.

Watch the set up. 

my question is this old school or new school? Old school didn’t seem to mind getting plunked. This feels like new school protect the player physically as well as emotionally.

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23 hours ago, ShoeLessRob said:

He looks like my grandpa chasing after the margarita vendor back in the day. Good times. RIP.

At my age, I can barely walk much less run. The only time I run is when I have to take a leak. Then, I hightail it. Otherwise, I don't have the motivation, even when a good-looking blond walks by. With all the complications, I'm not chasing her. So, I grab my walking stick, find a nice park bench and feed the pigeons. I can always fantasize about the blond if I want.

I'm not a LaRussa fan, but I'm not piling on. If he can make it to home plate from the dugout, more power to him. But I would like to see him venture out there with a cane. The hell with the ageism.

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On 7/31/2021 at 1:44 PM, kitekrazy said:

Pitchers hit wrong spots all of the time. He should've figured that out with his own pen.

It wasn't just the fact he called a pitch inside it was the fact he called it high and inside with a pitcher that had no control.

La Russa was completely right and in ole school baseball the next Indians player would have been plunked whether the pitch was intentional or not. Why the fuck should sox players care whether it was intentional to begin with?

Edited by wrathofhahn
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On 7/31/2021 at 4:58 PM, chitown87 said:

Respectfully, this just isn't true. Not in any other setting, and not in this one.

I agree .  The automatic position of some on this board is anti-TLR so it is difficult to even take anything they say regarding him seriously.  It is perfectly reasonable to be irritated when the opposing pitcher is missing his spots by so much that one of your players is taking a 97 mph fastball to the head.

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2 hours ago, RG23SoxFan said:

I agree .  The automatic position of some on this board is anti-TLR so it is difficult to even take anything they say regarding him seriously.  It is perfectly reasonable to be irritated when the opposing pitcher is missing his spots by so much that one of your players is taking a 97 mph fastball to the head.

It isn't even that TLR been around the game longer then most of these know it all posters have been alive and has seen it all. He knows what the Indians did was reckless by calling a pitch high and inside with a pitcher who had lost his command.

He also articulated the issue of what happened perfectly and why he was upset/disappointed with the Indians and to be quite honest in the olden days the next Indians hitter would have gotten one right in the ribs. They didn't. So what exactly are the wusses on the board angry about? The fact he defended Abreu? Called out the Indians? If he didn't would they have been happy? Nope.

The reason? Their hatred of TLR is completely not related to baseball it isn't honestly even to do with his DUI. They are political bigots and they will continue to attack one the greatest managers of all time as somehow unqualified no matter how ridiculous he continues to make them look in the process.


Edited by wrathofhahn
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Seems like most of the outsiders in particular fail to appreciate the context of Jose getting hit all the time. I'm no fan of the "old ways" where you protect your guys by beaning people — but I also understand that it's frustrating when your guy gets drilled all the time and none of the people doing the drilling perceive much of a cost. So at some point, maybe rather than resort to throwing baseballs at each other it might be useful to at least show the opposition that you might get somebody telling you to F off if you can't safely execute your gameplan.

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9 hours ago, wrathofhahn said:

It isn't even that TLR been around the game longer then most of these know it all posters have been alive and has seen it all. He knows what the Indians did was reckless by calling a pitch high and inside with a pitcher who had lost his command.

He also articulated the issue of what happened perfectly and why he was upset/disappointed with the Indians and to be quite honest in the olden days the next Indians hitter would have gotten one right in the ribs. They didn't. So what exactly are the wusses on the board angry about? The fact he defended Abreu? Called out the Indians? If he didn't would they have been happy? Nope.

The reason? Their hatred of TLR is completely not related to baseball it isn't honestly even to do with his DUI. They are political bigots and they will continue to attack one the greatest managers of all time as somehow unqualified no matter how ridiculous he continues to make them look in the process.


I am not sure how you came to the political bigot conclusion. Go  back and look at the hiring and numerous posters objected because of his DUI record, especially as a repeat offender.   I think TLR has done a very good job on the field and in the clubhouse this year as well as the past. But off the field he is a loser and is really lucky he has avoided serious charges.  

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5 minutes ago, SCCWS said:

I am not sure how you came to the political bigot conclusion. Go  back and look at the hiring and numerous posters objected because of his DUI record, especially as a repeat offender.   I think TLR has done a very good job on the field and in the clubhouse this year as well as the past. But off the field he is a loser and is really lucky he has avoided serious charges.  

I don't know what LaRussa's exact politics are and could care less. I'm not even saying he is doing a bad job this year. My concern was if he was the right choice in the long run. This was a big decision, and it seemed to be made with little thought.

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7 hours ago, PitchatRisktoZisk said:

Am I the only one that thinks many of Jose's HBP's will be used as exhibits during the CBA negotiations when they discuss an approved "sticky" substance going forward? Or does someone have to get killed before the empty suits at MLB realize the "cure" for spin rate is worse than the "disease"? 

Abreu has always been hit a lot. The funny thing is his HBP rate since coming to Chicago is far lower than it was in Cuba. I just wish he would armour up.

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On 8/3/2021 at 9:27 AM, SCCWS said:

I am not sure how you came to the political bigot conclusion. Go  back and look at the hiring and numerous posters objected because of his DUI record, especially as a repeat offender.   I think TLR has done a very good job on the field and in the clubhouse this year as well as the past. But off the field he is a loser and is really lucky he has avoided serious charges.  

First of all it's obvious by who are his loudest critics on the board. It's also obvious because the national media who go after TLR for his age and being "out of touch" don't go after Dusty Baker in a similar way.

I also look at the reaction to Guillen when he was rumored to be interested in coming back people mentioned him being a traitor and quitter but noone mentioned him being an admitted drunk as one of the reasons he shouldn't be hired. In any case I've probably said enough back to lurking.

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People getting legitimately pissed about this is the first time I've thought to myself that they're are people out there just dying for a pick with tony.

Was it over the top? Yeah, probably. But get lost if you're going to get high and mighty on a soap box on this one.

Edited by mqr
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