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COVID Thread Part Deux


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3 minutes ago, BrianAnderson said:

can't really paint with broad strokes, and i clearly did. which is wrong. but i do think reading this board on this topic it does fall back to the same talking points of generally vax = good, unvax = bad and very black and white. which is very frustrating. 


Yes, that is correct.  This is a black and white issue.   Laughable to say otherwise.  Vaccinations are good, the arguments against them are entirely bullshit.  

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25 minutes ago, BrianAnderson said:

okay, did you try and click on that target website .... like i said, they SAY it's available, but if you try and schedule a j&J vaccine, its not an option. i just went on target's website, no option for J&J anywhere near downers grove... i scrolled until they wouldn't offer any more options of target locations... not one had J&J. Same thing if you go to the national website to coordinate these vax. they'll say j&J is available at every single osco ... then you go and click, and no option for J&J. same for walgreens, same for every single pharmacy. 

And also, yes, that's the article i referenced. one article. you don't think that's weird? in a pandemic that consumes the every waking minute of our lives? That ONE of the THREE options of vaccines that are being mandated on a 350mm person population has been taken away? they talk about horse dewormer like 5 times a day, but not that J&J isn't available? 

I don't know how many times i have to say this, but im vaccinated ... this isn't a "this is a government conspiracy" post. it's a ... uh, why arent they offering J&J and why has there been an effort to keep that so quiet? Like i said, you'll hear about every single other story 10X a day, but this one? One article a month ago about CVS ... other than that ... nada. 

If i had to take a guess? J&J doesn't have a booster ready or approved and with the variants, they're gonna need boosters. Between that and the early blood clots and complications that demand went down significantly when it was brought back, so instead of stocking them, they just let them run out and didnt order additional rounds... 

But of course "crazy brian anderson" bringing up anything that questions anything is considered an attack on health!! :) 

Jesus Christ, I need to find more than one article? Fine. Maybe you should pay attention before you start how nothing is being reported.










If you want that vaccine specifically, you will have to actually talk to a pharmacist about it, or see a health department. As reported in the articles you didn’t read, a major manufacturer had issues that caused them to be shut down, limiting the supply of that one, and once the majority of people were vaccinated in April and May, there isn’t a lot of demand for those shots. So, if your pharmacy has 4 appointments in a day, and each bottle holds 10 doses, if you open 2 bottles to give different vaccines then you discard 16 doses that day. In fact, they don’t let you choose Pfizer or Moderna for the same reason if both are available, I had to go to a Walgreens for my third shot because none of my local CVSs had the Pfizer one available on the day that worked with my medication schedule. More reading you didn’t do:



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1 hour ago, BrianAnderson said:

can't really paint with broad strokes, and i clearly did. which is wrong. but i do think reading this board on this topic it does fall back to the same talking points of generally vax = good, unvax = bad and very black and white. which is very frustrating. 

vax people seem to have this idea that if all 100% of the US was vaxxed that our lives would just be 100% normal. and i just disagree based on science and math. delta variants, among other future variants will always find their way into the US. some are going to be stronger and some are going to side step vaccines and causes issues. and while i think people should be vaxxed, i also think completely ignoring natural immunity is wild. we don't know the science on natural immunity, but there are clearly hundreds of years of data on other viruses where natural immunity has a good track record and would suspect this would be the same. Life is going to be the vaccine and then boosters on a 6-12 month rolling period until this is lessened. however i'd venture we are in an endemic. you're not going to knock this thing off in india and africa and across the globe. so it will always be mutating and coming back to the US. Some years will be nothing, and then others will be a bad "flu" season where we all should get boosters. 

I'll check out the 9/11 thing over the next few days/week. I'll be at the game today, so won't have time to watch today. 

i know my company ... which is HUGE, already sent out their HR response. I was surprised, considering how big we are of the tone of the email. Basic talking points were this poses more questions than answers, would be complicated and said they'd "encourage" us to get vaxxed and to talk to our doctors to see if it was right for us. aka, i dont think they're going to require it, but may give a nice, "gentle" push. my problem is you likely have a table of aids talking about how they can mandate the vaccine without having to do it themselves. Why? because they're worried on how that looks on them during the next election. leaders shouldn't be self-serving. leadership is about doing things for the betterment of your team or people at the expense of yourself. like when someone on my team screws up, even if it was all them, i step in, i take accountability with the client and say this happened under my watch, and its my fault. then you teach your team  how to do better. in this case, i dont think that's what is happening. I could be wrong, but that's at least how i'm viewing this pushdown onto the private sector. 

no real answer there. not sure. but can't see forcing a subset of people who have clearly resisted every opportunity going very well socially. 

A fair response even if I don’t agree with everything.

I would consider natural immunity if we had more time and research but we do not have the luxury of time. Things will not go back to normal if everyone was vaccinated so that is not necessarily true. I do think if a certain percentage were vaccinated it wouldn’t be as big of an issue. Yeah, it’s a worldwide pandemic and other variants will come and other countries will have a vaccination problem, but that is where a coalition of nations need to help get them vaccinated. I’m not sure how we could help them otherwise. If we can get this virus to become the flu with some years worse than others, I would be all for that, but we aren’t there yet and we still need to get there.

What do you mean by table of aids?

It may not go well socially but people I know who won’t get it won’t even have a conversation about the vaccine and the people commenting about it just get angry and shit on others for pro vaccine views and vaccine mandates. There is no discussion. I just don’t know if listening would lead to anything productive but I guess it depends on the individual. The people in the rural areas CNN talked to seemed a lot more reasonable than people I know or interact with on Facebook.

Enjoy the game and please do find 2 hours sometime soon to watch the program.

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3 hours ago, Balta1701 said:

Jesus Christ, I need to find more than one article? Fine. Maybe you should pay attention before you start how nothing is being reported.










If you want that vaccine specifically, you will have to actually talk to a pharmacist about it, or see a health department. As reported in the articles you didn’t read, a major manufacturer had issues that caused them to be shut down, limiting the supply of that one, and once the majority of people were vaccinated in April and May, there isn’t a lot of demand for those shots. So, if your pharmacy has 4 appointments in a day, and each bottle holds 10 doses, if you open 2 bottles to give different vaccines then you discard 16 doses that day. In fact, they don’t let you choose Pfizer or Moderna for the same reason if both are available, I had to go to a Walgreens for my third shot because none of my local CVSs had the Pfizer one available on the day that worked with my medication schedule. More reading you didn’t do:



Not sure why you're getting so worked up here. Yes, they had multiple articles on CVS not carrying it. Yes there were the stories published when they had the issues in manufacturing back in early Summer, etc. Are you telling me that you knew you can't go to Target, Walgreens, Osco, etc and get J&J? You don't have to defend the religion of Covid and vaccines at all costs ... try and find an article where Walgreens or Target isn't administering J&J .... 

Ask 100 people if they think they can get the J&J shot and what ...95? are going to say it's available? I certainly thought it was still out there. Seeing as you went to Targets website to show me that i was wrong ... means you thought they did too. But that's not actually the case and it seems off to me. That's all. 

 it could be simply supply and demand. likely is. but it's not crazy to question these things out loud. 

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4 minutes ago, BrianAnderson said:

Not sure why you're getting so worked up here. Yes, they had multiple articles on CVS not carrying it. Yes there were the stories published when they had the issues in manufacturing back in early Summer, etc. Are you telling me that you knew you can't go to Target, Walgreens, Osco, etc and get J&J? You don't have to defend the religion of Covid and vaccines at all costs ... try and find an article where Walgreens or Target isn't administering J&J .... 

Ask 100 people if they think they can get the J&J shot and what ...95? are going to say it's available? I certainly thought it was still out there. Seeing as you went to Targets website to show me that i was wrong ... means you thought they did too. But that's not actually the case and it seems off to me. That's all. 

 it could be simply supply and demand. likely is. but it's not crazy to question these things out loud. 

Because you are desperate for there to be a conspiracy to explain things and uninterested in anything else. 


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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

What do you mean by table of aids?

I would venture to guess there are teams of PR people, doctors, politicians, etc.  at the White House that crafted that six step plan which included pushing the mandates onto private sector. Just like any meeting I'm sure there were many options discussed and think they chose this option because it's a solution where they can get the most people vaccinated without having to take the full heat. Which is a bad way to make a decision in my opinion. 

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5 minutes ago, BrianAnderson said:

Not sure why you're getting so worked up here.

Because you’re trying to be a conspiracy theorist and idiotic conspiracy theorists are the entire difference in this country in this plot.

we have been playing this game for 18 months. There’s an actual solution. But it won’t go away because of people screaming about conspiracies. So damnit, yea, I’m sick of this. We didn’t need to do this peak at all.

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6 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Because you are desperate for there to be a conspiracy to explain things and uninterested in anything else. 


Not conspiracy. I'm just not so far on one "team" that i don't question things. 

And ... like I said ... it's not. You find me an appointment. Have you actually clicked on the websites for Osco, Walgreens, Target and went to make a selection?

You can click on the CVS website and it'll show "available" too, but as discussed above, it's very clear they don't carry it anymore. Like, i can click on CVS in Woodridge right now it shows updated 7 hours ago that J&J is available. It's not. Because they don't carry it. So why say they do? That's not a conspiracy, that's a normal question.

I am using vaccines.gov .... the government website. Wouldn't you say that's misleading that they are showing it available when it's not? 

Then try Albertson's/Osco. 50 mile radius of Downers Grove ... zero hits. None available. Do it with Walgreens. You'll end up empty handed. 

Sorry that you think I'm attacking vaccines or something. I'm saying it's weird that it disappeared silently. 

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also it could be as simple as something really strange where you have to call and book j&j vaccine? i dunno. it's just not an option online currently. maybe they are available as it says on the vaccine.gov website, i'd hope that the website is tracking correctly. odds are probably it does track correctly. but i don't understand why they'd make it so tough to obtain a vaccine, or why'd they'd push the 2 shot, mrna version rather than the more prototypical, historical vaccine. because it doesn't protect as well against delta? no booster? there's likely a reason that makes sense. it's more about the odd coverup than it is about the vaccine. which you don't seem to grasp. 

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7 minutes ago, BrianAnderson said:

also it could be as simple as something really strange where you have to call and book j&j vaccine? i dunno. it's just not an option online currently. maybe they are available as it says on the vaccine.gov website, i'd hope that the website is tracking correctly. odds are probably it does track correctly. but i don't understand why they'd make it so tough to obtain a vaccine, or why'd they'd push the 2 shot, mrna version rather than the more prototypical, historical vaccine. because it doesn't protect as well against delta? no booster? there's likely a reason that makes sense. it's more about the odd coverup than it is about the vaccine. which you don't seem to grasp. 

I literally added the article above explaining the manufacturing issues with that one and the business choices the company outlined to investors. You didn’t do the reading and then declared it was outrageous that there was nothing written about this.

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5 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

I literally added the article above explaining the manufacturing issues with that one and the business choices the company outlined to investors. You didn’t do the reading and then declared it was outrageous that there was nothing written about this.

You should try having more respect when debating with others

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17 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

I literally added the article above explaining the manufacturing issues with that one and the business choices the company outlined to investors. You didn’t do the reading and then declared it was outrageous that there was nothing written about this.

manufacturing issues MONTHS ago. Wouldn't you think in a world we live in today, with the importance of Covid not only in the USA, but in the world, that maybe over two months they could get things ramped up somewhere? wouldn't that be operation warp speed at the max? wouldn't you think J&J with billions on the line here, along with unmeasurable PR at risk would want to have their vaccine being produced? they'd find every way possible. 

I read your articles, i read your posts, i digested them. throwing insults my way doesn't make you a smarter person, it makes you come off as an ass. 

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19 minutes ago, BrianAnderson said:

manufacturing issues MONTHS ago. Wouldn't you think in a world we live in today, with the importance of Covid not only in the USA, but in the world, that maybe over two months they could get things ramped up somewhere? wouldn't that be operation warp speed at the max? wouldn't you think J&J with billions on the line here, along with unmeasurable PR at risk would want to have their vaccine being produced? they'd find every way possible. 

I read your articles, i read your posts, i digested them. throwing insults my way doesn't make you a smarter person, it makes you come off as an ass. 

You mean like the problems they're having with the J&J vaccine missing its deliveries everywhere, and Africa and Europe fighting over African manufactured doses of it?




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Will folks who got the one dose J and J have to get boosters? My relatives who got J and J got it because of the one-shot aspect. I sought out Moderna cause a few Friends of mine had no side effects and also a small pharmacy had them. I initially was going to the drive thru fairgrounds for Pfizer but I got scared cause of the 'cattle call' aspect of it. I felt some non medical person would be doing the jabbing rather than a pharmacist. I still say trust of government and fear of a violently bad reaction to the vaccines play a huge role in all this reluctance.

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9 hours ago, BrianAnderson said:

I would venture to guess there are teams of PR people, doctors, politicians, etc.  at the White House that crafted that six step plan which included pushing the mandates onto private sector. Just like any meeting I'm sure there were many options discussed and think they chose this option because it's a solution where they can get the most people vaccinated without having to take the full heat. Which is a bad way to make a decision in my opinion. 

That makes sense, I thought you meant aides but then I couldn’t make sense of what aides you meant. I’m not sure what better option Biden and his administration had since carrots didn’t work so maybe sticks would. But I don’t know what other options there aside from letting the unvaccinated die or try therapeutics. Maybe more people will end up getting the vaccine. If not and this gets thrown out, I’m not sure how else this pandemic is brought to an end.

8 hours ago, ron883 said:

Amen. You make posts like that anywhere on the internet and you get a "tl;dr" in response

Maybe if you and him bothered to just read the responses instead of the quoted sections you could engage in the discussion.

8 hours ago, ron883 said:

You should try having more respect when debating with others

You should join the discussion instead of telling others how to debate.

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53 minutes ago, The Beast said:

That makes sense, I thought you meant aides but then I couldn’t make sense of what aides you meant. I’m not sure what better option Biden and his administration had since carrots didn’t work so maybe sticks would. But I don’t know what other options there aside from letting the unvaccinated die or try therapeutics. Maybe more people will end up getting the vaccine. If not and this gets thrown out, I’m not sure how else this pandemic is brought to an end.

Maybe if you and him bothered to just read the responses instead of the quoted sections you could engage in the discussion.

You should join the discussion instead of telling others how to debate.

You could learn a thing or two about respect as well. 

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18 hours ago, greg775 said:

Will folks who got the one dose J and J have to get boosters? My relatives who got J and J got it because of the one-shot aspect. I sought out Moderna cause a few Friends of mine had no side effects and also a small pharmacy had them. I initially was going to the drive thru fairgrounds for Pfizer but I got scared cause of the 'cattle call' aspect of it. I felt some non medical person would be doing the jabbing rather than a pharmacist. I still say trust of government and fear of a violently bad reaction to the vaccines play a huge role in all this reluctance.

That is interesting because my son and I both got Pfizer and had no side effects...I went to work the next day no problem.  My wife had gotten Moderna a couple of weeks before us and was sick in bed for 2 days.  BTW that is not why I took Pfizer, it was just the first 2 dose shot I could get signed up for.  It is just interesting how some people felt poorly after the shots and others not at all.  Everyone's physiology is different though I guess.

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22 hours ago, Balta1701 said:

Because you are desperate for there to be a conspiracy to explain things and uninterested in anything else. 


If you are more concerned about the vaccine than getting covid something is wrong. Lay people have no basis to conclude this. There are plenty of dead people who would agree with me. 

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6 hours ago, wegner said:

That is interesting because my son and I both got Pfizer and had no side effects...I went to work the next day no problem.  My wife had gotten Moderna a couple of weeks before us and was sick in bed for 2 days.  BTW that is not why I took Pfizer, it was just the first 2 dose shot I could get signed up for.  It is just interesting how some people felt poorly after the shots and others not at all.  Everyone's physiology is different though I guess.

Yeah it's truly baffling. My nephew got J and J and fainted on the spot. He didn't have to go to hospital. And I know some who had side effects from pfizer and moderna both. Now even though I had no problems I'm not looking forward to the moderna booster. Frankly I have no faith in Fauci or the government (let's not argue this; we're so late in the process some 'worship' Fauci some despise him; we're not going to change) and with me being disgusted by the costs for drugs in general I don't trust big pharm. Again it's a political thing: Some 'worship' the government and believe it all if it's their side doing the ruling. Other are extremely wary of the government. That's me now through all this. 

Here's the crisis insanity in a nutshell. 100,000 fans at a Michigan football game; with pictures of almost all peeps unmasked. How many were vaxxed in stadium? 40 percent? 50?

Tons of illegal people crossing the border and not being tested vaxxed (Psaki confirmed in a snarky way) and yet we know about the mask mandates, vaccine mandates for workers and mask mandates for kids in schools. What if the same kid was at the Michigan game? It's all silly at times outrageous at others, handled so poorly and so yes, I DO NOT feel comfortable with the vaccines. In a weird way I sort of applaud those who have not been vaxxed. They have the guts to refuse the jab they feel could harm them. Me? I'm vaxxed baby.

p.s. If this post angers you, ask yourself why? I assure you many Americans feel as I do and I'm merely explaining the position of many to you. WE DO NOT TRUST SCIENTISTS OR GOVERNMENT. Yes their motives can be questioned. Think of it this way. If you are shaking in anger reading this post, that's only natural in 2021. Americans despise each other; that's what's going on. It has to change.

Peace out.

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3 hours ago, pcq said:

If you are more concerned about the vaccine than getting covid something is wrong. Lay people have no basis to conclude this. There are plenty of dead people who would agree with me. 

I agree something is wrong. Read my above post and comment please.

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10 minutes ago, greg775 said:

Yeah it's truly baffling. My nephew got J and J and fainted on the spot. He didn't have to go to hospital. And I know some who had side effects from pfizer and moderna both. Now even though I had no problems I'm not looking forward to the moderna booster. Frankly I have no faith in Fauci or the government (let's not argue this; we're so late in the process some 'worship' Fauci some despise him; we're not going to change) and with me being disgusted by the costs for drugs in general I don't trust big pharm. Again it's a political thing: Some 'worship' the government and believe it all if it's their side doing the ruling. Other are extremely wary of the government. That's me now through all this. 

Here's the crisis insanity in a nutshell. 100,000 fans at a Michigan football game; with pictures of almost all peeps unmasked. How many were vaxxed in stadium? 40 percent? 50?

Tons of illegal people crossing the border and not being tested vaxxed (Psaki confirmed in a snarky way) and yet we know about the mask mandates, vaccine mandates for workers and mask mandates for kids in schools. What if the same kid was at the Michigan game? It's all silly at times outrageous at others, handled so poorly and so yes, I DO NOT feel comfortable with the vaccines. In a weird way I sort of applaud those who have not been vaxxed. They have the guts to refuse the jab they feel could harm them. Me? I'm vaxxed baby.

p.s. If this post angers you, ask yourself why? I assure you many Americans feel as I do and I'm merely explaining the position of many to you. WE DO NOT TRUST SCIENTISTS OR GOVERNMENT. Yes their motives can be questioned. Think of it this way. If you are shaking in anger reading this post, that's only natural in 2021. Americans despise each other; that's what's going on. It has to change.

Peace out.

Your post does not anger me at all.  For one, I do not really trust Fauci....it seems to me he straight out lied about the funding of the gain of research work at the Wuhan lab.

I am vaccinated and really do encourage people to get so as well.  However it is a dangerous path to go down when the government moves towards mandating everyone be vaccinated.  Especially when they police it by making private industries force their employees to do so.  It is a slippery slope that I am not really comfortable with.

My wife disagrees with me because this is a "pandemic".  


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2 hours ago, greg775 said:

Yeah it's truly baffling. My nephew got J and J and fainted on the spot. He didn't have to go to hospital. And I know some who had side effects from pfizer and moderna both. Now even though I had no problems I'm not looking forward to the moderna booster. Frankly I have no faith in Fauci or the government (let's not argue this; we're so late in the process some 'worship' Fauci some despise him; we're not going to change) and with me being disgusted by the costs for drugs in general I don't trust big pharm. Again it's a political thing: Some 'worship' the government and believe it all if it's their side doing the ruling. Other are extremely wary of the government. That's me now through all this.

Ok, I'm game:

You keep calling this "political." Why is a vaccine "political?"

Also, to the bolded, who "worships" the government, and who "worships " Dr Fauci? Where are the temples or churches dedicated to the government or Fauci? What are their sacred texts or dogmas?


You made the statement/threw this turd into this thread, now go ahead and have a bite. Defend yourself, if you can.

Thanks in advance.

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