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COVID Thread Part Deux


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6 hours ago, greg775 said:

Yeah it's truly baffling. My nephew got J and J and fainted on the spot. He didn't have to go to hospital. And I know some who had side effects from pfizer and moderna both. Now even though I had no problems I'm not looking forward to the moderna booster. Frankly I have no faith in Fauci or the government (let's not argue this; we're so late in the process some 'worship' Fauci some despise him; we're not going to change) and with me being disgusted by the costs for drugs in general I don't trust big pharm. Again it's a political thing: Some 'worship' the government and believe it all if it's their side doing the ruling. Other are extremely wary of the government. That's me now through all this. 

Here's the crisis insanity in a nutshell. 100,000 fans at a Michigan football game; with pictures of almost all peeps unmasked. How many were vaxxed in stadium? 40 percent? 50?

Tons of illegal people crossing the border and not being tested vaxxed (Psaki confirmed in a snarky way) and yet we know about the mask mandates, vaccine mandates for workers and mask mandates for kids in schools. What if the same kid was at the Michigan game? It's all silly at times outrageous at others, handled so poorly and so yes, I DO NOT feel comfortable with the vaccines. In a weird way I sort of applaud those who have not been vaxxed. They have the guts to refuse the jab they feel could harm them. Me? I'm vaxxed baby.

p.s. If this post angers you, ask yourself why? I assure you many Americans feel as I do and I'm merely explaining the position of many to you. WE DO NOT TRUST SCIENTISTS OR GOVERNMENT. Yes their motives can be questioned. Think of it this way. If you are shaking in anger reading this post, that's only natural in 2021. Americans despise each other; that's what's going on. It has to change.

Peace out.

One thing I really wish people  of a certain persuasion would acknowledge is that science and guidance can evolve over time because the facts, evidence and virus changes. Some people dispute that and just scream politics instead of consider how new data, evidence and facts can change things. When I mention this to conservatives I know they say nothing.

I don’t worship the government but it depends who is actually credible. There are few politicians I trust and I can’t get behind any pro Trump politicians since they don’t deal with facts unless it’s alternative facts or conspiracy theories. 

Was this game at Michigan outside? Why the hell is this about immigration and a college football game? Why should we applaud people who won’t get the vaccine period? Because they exercise their freedoms instead of consider public health and promote mostly unproven therapeutics?

Who do you trust if you don’t trust scientists? It gets to a point where I’d love to ask people who aren’t vaccinated or are hesitant, who do you trust and what have those who people trust said to them?

Edited by The Beast
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4 hours ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

Ok, I'm game:

You keep calling this "political." Why is a vaccine "political?"

Also, to the bolded, who "worships" the government, and who "worships " Dr Fauci? Where are the temples or churches dedicated to the government or Fauci? What are their sacred texts or dogmas?


You made the statement/threw this turd into this thread, now go ahead and have a bite. Defend yourself, if you can.

Thanks in advance.

Pretty simple, Pete. I put quote marks around worship cause I couldn't think of another word. I tried, just couldn't think of one so I slapped quote marks around worship. I asked people not to get mad at my post cause that doesn't help anything. People are NOT going to change their minds about masks, vaccines, Fauci, Biden, Trump, China, Wuhan Lab, lockdowns, full football stadiums vs socially distanced churches, etc. We've got to calm down or America is gone.

Sorry about 'worship' in the thread. I truly was stumped at the time. No lie.

Edited by greg775
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59 minutes ago, The Beast said:

 Who do you trust if you don’t trust scientists? It gets to a point where I’d love to ask people who aren’t vaccinated or are hesitant, who do you trust and what have those who people trust said to them?

Great question on trust. I trust nobody right now except immediate family members and best friends. And that's the problem. Millions of Americans trust nobody. I'm sure most people who refuse the vax trust nobody. I won't make this political but we can count MANY lies from both Repubs and Democrats the past 20 months. Hence I trust nobody. I assess what I'm told and decide how I feel bout it.

My decision making process on the vax was: I do know it's TRUE some peeps have died horrible deaths gasping for air, etc. Sounds like Covid is the worst way to die. Though I personally felt the vax could remove me from the planet from a violent reaction to it, I felt the smart play was trusting my pharmacist and a few other smart people I know who told me the smart play is to get vaxxed. I also didn't want to cause deaths to others, but being selfish my main reason was the first. In my mind, despite not trusting anybody but loved ones and close friends, I felt I "probably" would not die a horrid death from COVID if I got vaxxed. And I took my chances on vax concerns.

Peace out, I truly wish harm on no one, no matter their political affiliation.

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9 minutes ago, greg775 said:

Great question on trust. I trust nobody right now except immediate family members and best friends. And that's the problem. Millions of Americans trust nobody. I'm sure most people who refuse the vax trust nobody. I won't make this political but we can count MANY lies from both Repubs and Democrats the past 20 months. Hence I trust nobody. I assess what I'm told and decide how I feel bout it.

My decision making process on the vax was: I do know it's TRUE some peeps have died horrible deaths gasping for air, etc. Sounds like Covid is the worst way to die. Though I personally felt the vax could remove me from the planet from a violent reaction to it, I felt the smart play was trusting my pharmacist and a few other smart people I know who told me the smart play is to get vaxxed. I also didn't want to cause deaths to others, but being selfish my main reason was the first. In my mind, despite not trusting anybody but loved ones and close friends, I felt I "probably" would not die a horrid death from COVID if I got vaxxed. And I took my chances on vax concerns.

Peace out, I truly wish harm on no one, no matter their political affiliation.

I wonder if the vaccine hesitant that you know would have been less hesitant if Biden wasn’t president and if they would have gotten the vaccine if the other guy won re-election. These are part of the legitimate questions that people need to answer. But I also would love to know who people who won’t get the vaccine  trust if it isn’t the scientists or even their own doctor. Some clearly trust somebody if they used a reason for not getting the vaccine since someone shared the research, fact or article with them, even if it was online. 

Edited by The Beast
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11 hours ago, greg775 said:

Pretty simple, Pete. I put quote marks around worship cause I couldn't think of another word. I tried, just couldn't think of one so I slapped quote marks around worship. I asked people not to get mad at my post cause that doesn't help anything. People are NOT going to change their minds about masks, vaccines, Fauci, Biden, Trump, China, Wuhan Lab, lockdowns, full football stadiums vs socially distanced churches, etc. We've got to calm down or America is gone.

Sorry about 'worship' in the thread. I truly was stumped at the time. No lie.

No, you don't get to skirt the question by bullshitting your way through this. (And yes, whoever is moderating this thread lets you get away with inflammatory language and deliberately-stooopud questions.)


Here's the KEY question again: Why is a vaccine "political?"


That said, to the above post, you're once again full of shit, and you know it, and the mods know it. Ask the corpse of Phil Valentine, or the other stoopid conservative commentators if they've "changed their minds on masks or vaccines." Dumb fucks dying of covid

THEY'RE rotting in the ground now, but wished they'd taken the vax. The terrible thing though, is that they probably killed other monkey morons among their listeners/viewers who similarly doubt masks and vaccines.

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18 hours ago, wegner said:

Your post does not anger me at all.  For one, I do not really trust Fauci....it seems to me he straight out lied about the funding of the gain of research work at the Wuhan lab.

I am vaccinated and really do encourage people to get so as well.  However it is a dangerous path to go down when the government moves towards mandating everyone be vaccinated.  Especially when they police it by making private industries force their employees to do so.  It is a slippery slope that I am not really comfortable with.

My wife disagrees with me because this is a "pandemic".  


This. slippery slope indeed. it opens up and allows interpretation of the next "global issue". If I had to take a guess? Global warming. Which is a never ending battle/war. Which can and may lead to a lot of liberties taken away in the name of science. 

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3 minutes ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

Here's the KEY question again: Why is a vaccine "political?"

We've reached a point where there is no longer a distinction between a scientific/medical fact and a political position. Whatever one party favors, the other party must reflexively oppose, regardless of how grounded in science/medicine it is.

It started with climate change. One party took up the cause of dealing with climate change and the other party had to oppose it, no matter how ridiculous they had to sound doing it. What we have now has evolved from there. One party wants to follow the science on vaccines and masks, so the other party has to oppose it, no matter how ridiculous they have to sound doing it, and no matter how many lives it costs.

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18 hours ago, wegner said:

Your post does not anger me at all.  For one, I do not really trust Fauci....it seems to me he straight out lied about the funding of the gain of research work at the Wuhan lab.

I am vaccinated and really do encourage people to get so as well.  However it is a dangerous path to go down when the government moves towards mandating everyone be vaccinated.  Especially when they police it by making private industries force their employees to do so.  It is a slippery slope that I am not really comfortable with.

My wife disagrees with me because this is a "pandemic".  


We only reached the point of having the government mandate it because large numbers of people are too stupid to do it on their own. The risks associated with getting the vaccine are so, so incredibly tiny compared to the risks of getting it. Not getting the vaccine is like betting on a 5000-1 longshot that only pays out the same as the even money favorite.

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On 9/11/2021 at 12:29 PM, ron883 said:

You should try having more respect when debating with others


On 9/11/2021 at 10:03 PM, ron883 said:

You could learn a thing or two about respect as well. 

Haha tell em Ron!

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4 hours ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

No, you don't get to skirt the question by bullshitting your way through this. (And yes, whoever is moderating this thread lets you get away with inflammatory language and deliberately-stooopud questions.)


Here's the KEY question again: Why is a vaccine "political?"


That said, to the above post, you're once again full of shit, and you know it, and the mods know it. Ask the corpse of Phil Valentine, or the other stoopid conservative commentators if they've "changed their minds on masks or vaccines." Dumb fucks dying of covid

THEY'RE rotting in the ground now, but wished they'd taken the vax. The terrible thing though, is that they probably killed other monkey morons among their listeners/viewers who similarly doubt masks and vaccines.

A woman who made anti-vaxx  videos, and bragged that she has never worn a mask and called police on those trying to make her wear one, got Covid and was hospitalized. She wanted to be treated with horse dewormer. She won't be making any more videos or calling the police.

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20 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

A woman who made anti-vaxx  videos, and bragged that she has never worn a mask and called police on those trying to make her wear one, got Covid and was hospitalized. She wanted to be treated with horse dewormer. She won't be making any more videos or calling the police.

Veronica Wolski.  Lin Wood called her hospital and called them murderers and said they would be charged with murder

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4 hours ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

No, you don't get to skirt the question by bullshitting your way through this. (And yes, whoever is moderating this thread lets you get away with inflammatory language and deliberately-stooopud questions.)


Here's the KEY question again: Why is a vaccine "political?"


That said, to the above post, you're once again full of shit, and you know it, and the mods know it. Ask the corpse of Phil Valentine, or the other stoopid conservative commentators if they've "changed their minds on masks or vaccines." Dumb fucks dying of covid

THEY'RE rotting in the ground now, but wished they'd taken the vax. The terrible thing though, is that they probably killed other monkey morons among their listeners/viewers who similarly doubt masks and vaccines.

Why pick on me? I'm consistently optimistic about the Sox and try to explain the position of conservatives who think like me. I'm more an Independent than a Republican. Why do you want me banned so badly?  Man, one controversial topic on the board and you freak out over me. 

Do I need to go on and on about why I feel the vaccine is political? I won't or I will get banned. I could PM you a short essay on it, starting with Trump wanting vaccines when he was president and Joe saying "who would trust that?" To Fauci, who I have some political thoughts about. To the timing of lockdowns being political. Are u serious with the question? A lot of this is political.

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48 minutes ago, greg775 said:

 starting with Trump wanting vaccines when he was president and Joe saying "who would trust that?"

When Biden said that, it was specifically in response to Trump saying he wanted vaccines rushed, before the FDA was ready to approve Emergency Use Authorization. So if you think wanting to follow the science instead of a politician is political, then I don't know how to respond to that.

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Instead of looking at the politics and being bigoted saying "Trump supporters are dumb and wont get the vax", is there any demographic data that shows which groups are the least vaccinated? I would imagine it is the old white people not getting vaccinated given the rhetoric around here?

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7 hours ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

No, you don't get to skirt the question by bullshitting your way through this. (And yes, whoever is moderating this thread lets you get away with inflammatory language and deliberately-stooopud questions.)


Here's the KEY question again: Why is a vaccine "political?"


That said, to the above post, you're once again full of shit, and you know it, and the mods know it. Ask the corpse of Phil Valentine, or the other stoopid conservative commentators if they've "changed their minds on masks or vaccines." Dumb fucks dying of covid

THEY'RE rotting in the ground now, but wished they'd taken the vax. The terrible thing though, is that they probably killed other monkey morons among their listeners/viewers who similarly doubt masks and vaccines.

This is why it's become political. If someone disagrees with a point of view, it's wrong and stooopid and from the other side of the aisle.

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46 minutes ago, raBBit said:

Instead of looking at the politics and being bigoted saying "Trump supporters are dumb and wont get the vax", is there any demographic data that shows which groups are the least vaccinated? I would imagine it is the old white people not getting vaccinated given the rhetoric around here?

It's fairly straightforward.


These figures are from June 2021 so a little dated, but only by a few months.

This was a poll done by NBC in late August as well:


  • Demo's that have been vaccinated: 
  • All adults: 69 percent
  • Men: 67 percent
  • Women: 71 percent
  • 18-34: 63 percent
  • 35-49: 58 percent
  • 50-64: 71 percent
  • 65+: 86 percent
  • Whites: 66 percent
  • Blacks: 76 percent
  • Latinos: 71 percent
  • Urban residents: 79 percent
  • Suburban residents: 67 percent
  • Rural residents: 52 percent
  • White evangelicals: 59 percent
  • Democrats: 88 percent
  • Independents: 60 percent
  • Republicans: 55 percent
  • Republicans who support Trump more than party: 46 percent
  • Republicans who support party more than Trump: 62 percent
  • Democratic Sanders-Warren voters: 88 percent
  • Democratic Biden voters: 87 percent
  • Biden voters in 2020 general election: 91 percent
  • Trump voters in 2020 general election: 50 percent
  • White non-college grads: 60 percent
  • White college grads: 80 percent

It seems like the "bigoted" idea of saying "Trump supporters are dumb and won't get the vax" checks out....

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3 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

A woman who made anti-vaxx  videos, and bragged that she has never worn a mask and called police on those trying to make her wear one, got Covid and was hospitalized. She wanted to be treated with horse dewormer. She won't be making any more videos or calling the police.

I know some don't like Joe Rogan at all but he had an interesting podcast on how he threw everything including the kitchen sink at his Covid. Now he's rich and popular and I'm sure has doctors who will help him out in such a health problem, but if there are peeps who have an open mind and want to hear about how this one person treated his own covid and got well quickly, here's the pod. He used various drugs and was better quickly. He does say in the podcast he's is pondering suing CNN. I know some will dismiss, say it's Joe Rogan and not care. I'm not taking sides, just saying for those who like both sides of an issue, it's cool to hear Joe talk about his Covid case and medications. Peace out.     



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48 minutes ago, ptatc said:

This is why it's become political. If someone disagrees with a point of view, it's wrong and stooopid and from the other side of the aisle.

True dat. I could discuss Covid forever but will not do it on here cause I don't wanna get too political and get in trouble. Rules are rules.

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1 hour ago, raBBit said:

Instead of looking at the politics and being bigoted saying "Trump supporters are dumb and wont get the vax", is there any demographic data that shows which groups are the least vaccinated? I would imagine it is the old white people not getting vaccinated given the rhetoric around here?

From what I've read on here, most (all?) of the board, including me, have gotten vaxxed and wear masks, which I think we should do. I've run into a couple anti vaxxers at church and it's not pretty. They believe what they believe and don't wanna hear my point of view. The three of them are prolly in their 50s.

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2 hours ago, WhiteSoxFan1993 said:

When Biden said that, it was specifically in response to Trump saying he wanted vaccines rushed, before the FDA was ready to approve Emergency Use Authorization. So if you think wanting to follow the science instead of a politician is political, then I don't know how to respond to that.

Fair point, but when I got my two vaxxes, both after Biden took over as president, there still had not been FDA approval. If I'm wrong correct me on that, but I recall that presenting a problem in my mind. Full approval was not granted til Aug. 23 right? ... as far as your initial sentence if that's the proper context then you make a fair point. The news items I've seen with that quote from Joe assert that he was saying "who would trust that?" in terms of a person being smart to question the vaccine and not trust it cause Donald was the one pushing the vax.

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Just now, greg775 said:

Fair point, but when I got my two vaxxes, both after Biden took over as president, there still had not been FDA approval. If I'm wrong correct me on that, but I recall that presenting a problem in my mind. Full approval was not granted til Aug. 23 right?

It had Emergency Use Authorization, and medicines/vaccines get used under EUA all time. Full approval is a standard created by the anti-vaxxers that's never existed for any other medicine/vaccine.

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22 minutes ago, WhiteSoxFan1993 said:

It had Emergency Use Authorization, and medicines/vaccines get used under EUA all time. Full approval is a standard created by the anti-vaxxers that's never existed for any other medicine/vaccine.

Thanx. If we're looking for reasons anti vaxxers have used, however, one was the fact it had not been fully approved. That was mentioned a lot by the anti's. And I was concerned about it at the time of my jabbing. You point out full approval had never been used before, yet it was used for this one and can explain some vaccine hesitancy. The hesitant do not just include eccentrics who have conspiracy theories. Some truly examine the pros and cons then determine whether they will be vaxxed or not.

here's the us food and drug report: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine

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5 hours ago, greg775 said:

Why pick on me? I'm consistently optimistic about the Sox and try to explain the position of conservatives who think like me. I'm more an Independent than a Republican. Why do you want me banned so badly?  Man, one controversial topic on the board and you freak out over me. 

Do I need to go on and on about why I feel the vaccine is political? I won't or I will get banned. I could PM you a short essay on it, starting with Trump wanting vaccines when he was president and Joe saying "who would trust that?" To Fauci, who I have some political thoughts about. To the timing of lockdowns being political. Are u serious with the question? A lot of this is political.

Greg, I don't pick on YOU, I pick on some of your stoopud opinions that are generally based on bullshit.

I've already tried helping you in the past, but you continue to do the same stoopud shit that does not serve you, and that does nothing to improve your life. You're still watching too much TV [especially stoopud political TV], you spend too much time on stoopud social media, you're clearly not exercising, you're not reading non-political books, and you're not going out to meet successful people that come from a different background than you.


So, since you've decided to live in a world of shit, I've decided to call you on your shit, and the shit you toss around in here. 

To the bolded, you're full of fucking shit, and we can FACT-CHECK your bullshit: Fact-Checking Bullshit Greg saw on social media or Fox


Once again, I'll ask you to elucidate: Exactly WHY is a vaccine "political?" [Oh, and back your opinions with some basis of fact, or you'll again look like an imbecile.]


Thanks in advance.

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2 hours ago, WhiteSoxFan1993 said:

It had Emergency Use Authorization, and medicines/vaccines get used under EUA all time. Full approval is a standard created by the anti-vaxxers that's never existed for any other medicine/vaccine.

Hey, does Ivermectin have full FDA approval for the treatment of COVID-19? How about Hydroxycloroquine?


Or are they both bullshit witchdoctor "cures" that are, at best "off label," or at worse, getting the terminally stoopud killed?

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