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COVID Thread Part Deux


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Before they moved up north, my grandparents grew up near Tuskegee during the time of the experiments.

If they got vaccinated, there’s no excuse anyone has to not get vaccinated in my opinion. People who are refusing the vaccine, are the reason why we’re still in the thick of this shit 

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7 hours ago, greg775 said:

It seems like a month ago some people that I know who have been vaxxed and got Covid experienced very few problems. Minor illness, back to work in about 10 days whenever the quarantine period ended. ... Now it seems those vaxxed contracting covid are undergoing much more severe symptoms including the dreaded need for oxygen in hospital. What's going on? 

As a vaxxed person I don't like the fact vaxxed peeps are getting covid and getting it bad. ... I also don't like reports there was some contaminated third shot moderna in Israel or somewhere that caused major problems. I don't want contaminated vax perhaps causing major problems in my body.


Finally ... crowds of over 100,000 fans in some stadiums for football. No masks at said games. ... Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel "many, most?" Americans think Covid will be here forevermore like the flu and basically don't give a s--t anymore. It's like, 'It's here. I'm vaxxed. If I get it I get it." Some peeps like me still really don't wanna get it. 

Seems silly that last year at this time we had no fans or 10 percent capacity and now covid is actually worse a year later and we're going with 100,000 fans. What.A.World.

I've repeatedly documented how I had mild symptoms.

An unvaccinated friend went to Miami and is now struggling with fucked up lungs and getting winded every few steps. An acquaintance's sister was unvaccinated, she lived in Florida. She died. 

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21 minutes ago, Joshua Strong said:

Before they moved up north, my grandparents grew up near Tuskegee during the time of the experiments.

If they got vaccinated, there’s no excuse anyone has to not get vaccinated in my opinion. People who are refusing the vaccine, are the reason why we’re still in the thick of this shit 

It is worth mentioning that Tuskegee was centered around the withholding of treatment from these people,  which is quite literally what a group of people is volunteering to do here.

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I can at least understand some anti-vaxxers , afte rall, I have never had a flu shot, one because I am petrified of needles, but mostly because I have seen too many people get a terrible flu shortly after getting the shot, but I don't understand their inconsistency. If the vaccine is bad, so bad, unproven....why was hydroxychloriquin perfect, and horse dewormer an excellent choice?  It would be interesting to see who actually loaded up on stock with these things right before they became the drugs of choice. 

Edited by Dick Allen
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20 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

I can at least understand some anti-vaxxers , afte rall, I have never had a flu shot, one because I am petrified of needles, but mostly because I have seen too many people get a terrible flu shortly after getting the shot, but I don't understand their inconsistency. If the vaccine is bad, so bad, unproven....why was hydroxychloriquin perfect, and horse dewormer an excellent choice?  It would be interesting to see who actually loaded up on stock with these things right before they became the drugs of choice. 

Rand Paul is the only one I'm aware of. 

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17 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

I can at least understand some anti-vaxxers , afte rall, I have never had a flu shot, one because I am petrified of needles, but mostly because I have seen too many people get a terrible flu shortly after getting the shot, but I don't understand their inconsistency. If the vaccine is bad, so bad, unproven....why was hydroxychloriquin perfect, and horse dewormer an excellent choice?  It would be interesting to see who actually loaded up on stock with these things right before they became the drugs of choice. 

I've wondered about that too, and have a few theories. The message seems to be rather inconsistent from the anti-vax side....some of it seems to be "I'm worried about what's in it" or "I've seen so many people get sick from it, I don't want to take the risk" but then I also hear the "I just don't like the way this was handled, I don't want to be told what I have to do, this is America, I'm standing up for what I believe in."

For example, a distant family member just shared this TikTok on her Facebook page with a bunch of thumbs up and American flags: https://www.tiktok.com/@thatkid6again/video/6999677258470264069

For me, there are two rather large things that stand out there. 1. He's talking about what the flag represents and the people who fought to protect our freedoms, etc. etc. What he's leaving out is I believe the military requires you to get like 15+ vaccines once enlisted. They fill your body will all sorts of shit in order to serve. 2. He says "Why get mad about someone's else choice they want to make?" Feel like it's safe to assume a lot of anti-vaxxers are probably pro-life as well, which seem like conflicting ideologies for obvious reasons....

It's why I ultimately think it just comes down to politics. If everyone got on the same page from the start on both sides of the aisle and pushed the vax hard.....we don't have nearly as many unvaxxed people right now. But way too many high-ranking officials and talking heads on TV pushed the "freedom" narrative and here we are. 

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37 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

I can at least understand some anti-vaxxers , afte rall, I have never had a flu shot, one because I am petrified of needles, but mostly because I have seen too many people get a terrible flu shortly after getting the shot, but I don't understand their inconsistency. If the vaccine is bad, so bad, unproven....why was hydroxychloriquin perfect, and horse dewormer an excellent choice?  It would be interesting to see who actually loaded up on stock with these things right before they became the drugs of choice. 

I know people in Missouri who say the government never pushes anything for free / this much without some sort of agenda.

The agenda is obviously keeping people alive and trying to keep the nation from total collapse, but whatever.

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Here's a link for those who cain't use the google machine, or are locked into their stoopud facebook news feed:


The REAL chances of getting breakthrough COVID


[Yeah, yeah, I know, some of you cain't trust the medjuh, 'cuz they hate freedum or something.]

Edited by Two-Gun Pete
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3 hours ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

Here's a link for those who cain't use the google machine, or are locked into their stoopud facebook news feed:


The REAL chances of getting breakthrough COVID


[Yeah, yeah, I know, some of you cain't trust the medjuh, 'cuz they hate freedum or something.]

“The messaging over the last month in the U.S. has basically served to terrify the vaccinated and make unvaccinated eligible adults doubt the effectiveness of the vaccines.” Neither of those views is warranted.

The last part of the article, copied above, is what's the most frustrating.  Turn on the news, scroll Facebook and Twitter, browse the Yahoo news feed...through all of it you'll find enough articles, opinions, and "studies" to do exactly what is stated.  "We're not safe, even though we're vaccinated."  "Everyone is going to catch COVID eventually."  "Vaccinated people are still being hospitalized."  YOU'RE NEXT!

Personally I'm not worried.  I do wear a mask when indoors in a public place, but I didn't until the mandate was brought back.  We started weekly testing at work for everyone, vaccinated or not.  My first test was negative, as I assumed it would be.  But there was a small doubt in the back of my mind that I might have it and show no symptoms.  I'll keep doing what I need to do to stay safe, but I'm not going to live in fear.  It's hard, though, when everywhere you turn the bad news is streaming.

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greg, thank you for getting vaccinated, not just for yourself, but you mentioned how you missed going to church. that's one of the most vulnerable populations due to age, as well as the general politics of those less likely to be vaccinated. you'll never know for sure, but you've likely helped keep others a little safer as well.


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21 minutes ago, Heads22 said:

greg, thank you for getting vaccinated, not just for yourself, but you mentioned how you missed going to church. that's one of the most vulnerable populations due to age, as well as the general politics of those less likely to be vaccinated. you'll never know for sure, but you've likely helped keep others a little safer as well.


Thanks. I think it's good to hear kind words especially entering the era of the boosters. i'm more apt to not delay my booster when I read nice praise.

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:20 AM, greg775 said:

It seems like a month ago some people that I know who have been vaxxed and got Covid experienced very few problems. Minor illness, back to work in about 10 days whenever the quarantine period ended. ... Now it seems those vaxxed contracting covid are undergoing much more severe symptoms including the dreaded need for oxygen in hospital. What's going on? 

As a vaxxed person I don't like the fact vaxxed peeps are getting covid and getting it bad. ... I also don't like reports there was some contaminated third shot moderna in Israel or somewhere that caused major problems. I don't want contaminated vax perhaps causing major problems in my body.


Finally ... crowds of over 100,000 fans in some stadiums for football. No masks at said games. ... Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel "many, most?" Americans think Covid will be here forevermore like the flu and basically don't give a s--t anymore. It's like, 'It's here. I'm vaxxed. If I get it I get it." Some peeps like me still really don't wanna get it. 

Seems silly that last year at this time we had no fans or 10 percent capacity and now covid is actually worse a year later and we're going with 100,000 fans. What.A.World.

Just remember that getting the vaccine lowers your risk of getting it and gives you a mechanism to combat the infection. It does not make your risk zero but it does help protect you against the virus.

As for the games, we didn’t have the vaccines ready a year ago and many of the games are outdoors, so I can see why people have gone maskless outdoors. Indoors, I would imagine masks will be worn and proof of vaccination or a negative test is required (see the Saints’s stadium and the United Center as an example).

Edited by The Beast
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10 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

I can at least understand some anti-vaxxers , afte rall, I have never had a flu shot, one because I am petrified of needles, but mostly because I have seen too many people get a terrible flu shortly after getting the shot, but I don't understand their inconsistency. If the vaccine is bad, so bad, unproven....why was hydroxychloriquin perfect, and horse dewormer an excellent choice?  It would be interesting to see who actually loaded up on stock with these things right before they became the drugs of choice. 

It’s politics. The idea appears to be that Trump backed therapeutics and started operation warp speed, but the media shot down the therapeutics and people would rather support those than the vaccines since Trump promoted those. Then the ideology of the Republican Party was more about individual freedoms than being pro-vaccine. People like Mitch McConnell were late to the party in getting people vaccinated. My other thought, however morbid or somewhat serious it is, is that people are willing to not be vaccinated and let the pandemic remain out of control under Biden’s watch to give republicans control of Congress in 2022 and the presidency in 2024.

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1 hour ago, greg775 said:

Thanks. I think it's good to hear kind words especially entering the era of the boosters. i'm more apt to not delay my booster when I read nice praise.

That's almost like the Era of the Statniks/Sabes.  Although not sure you can trademark an era or epoch that has yet to occur, officially.  (Perhaps we had a previous era with our Saturn rockets....)


The problem, of course, is that everyone reacts differently.   Some will only respond to government force or heavy-handedness, believing that everything's basically just a friendly recommendation that can simply be ignored without any significant personal consequence. 

Otoh, we have people getting locked up for months if not years in Asian countries for breaking quarantine protocols or knowingly exposing others to Covid.


This whole argument is at the heart of the vaccine passport/s debate that puts 90%+ Republicans firmly in the against column.

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Sad but true.

“The measures deemed necessary to fight terrorism exploited our eagerness to hate our enemies, which we had no trouble doing. Those required to combat COVID-19 required us to love our neighbors. Somehow, that’s a much harder sell.”


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8 hours ago, Tony said:

This video is incredibly interesting to me. Such a fascinating look into rural America. 



Fascinating to me too. If only there was a way to talk to people in rural areas to understand each other even if we disagree. I try talking to people who support the former president on Facebook and they would never admit as much truth as both of the gentlemen in this video (the guy whose friend lost his wife and the guy at the very end). The sad part is, I want to understand other people but if only they could give me that chance and have an honest discussion on the virus like these people did.

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14 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Fascinating to me too. If only there was a way to talk to people in rural areas to understand each other even if we disagree. I try talking to people who support the former president on Facebook and they would never admit as much truth as both of the gentlemen in this video (the guy whose friend lost his wife and the guy at the very end). The sad part is, I want to understand other people but if only they could give me that chance and have an honest discussion on the virus like these people did.

Much of the country is really two different societies at this point. Rural America is very white, Protestant, and blue collar, and it's hard for them to relate to the diversity of urban areas and vice versa.

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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

It’s politics. The idea appears to be that Trump backed therapeutics and started operation warp speed, but the media shot down the therapeutics and people would rather support those than the vaccines since Trump promoted those. Then the ideology of the Republican Party was more about individual freedoms than being pro-vaccine. People like Mitch McConnell were late to the party in getting people vaccinated. My other thought, however morbid or somewhat serious it is, is that people are willing to not be vaccinated and let the pandemic remain out of control under Biden’s watch to give republicans control of Congress in 2022 and the presidency in 2024.

That's a bit too conspiracy. 

It's pretty simple if you ask me. It's not about the vaccine at all. It's not about the science of a vaccine. It's about being anti-government, anti-mandate, pro choice to make your own decisions, and that the messaging continues to shift. 

"two weeks to flatten the curve"

"non-essential businesses must shut down to help" (meanwhile every corporation was okay to stay open)

"the vaccine will set you free"

"now you need a booster to enjoy your freedoms"

:"here is our six step plan to eradicate a virus" (that can't be eradicated)

Or how yesterday you have the economic counsel yesterday say that food inflation isn't really all that bad. it's actually normal if you just take out the pork, beef, and chicken prices ... yah okay, cause nobody eats those. basically? who trusts the government? so this is an opportunity to make their voice heard. 

Or how they skirt the actual science while touting science. if you want to go to hawaii? a saints game, a blackhawks game? etc. etc. you have to either be vaccinated or show negative test. how does that actually make sense? the real science would be a negative test to get in... you can produce these rapid tests for pennies. we spent trillions on a response, but can't spend the pennies to make these rapid tests available to the masses? the vaccine HELPS reduce spread. it's not fool proof. hell, the immunity is rolling off ... someone who contracted covid in the past 3 months has more immunity and protection against the spread than a vaccinated person. But that doesn't fit the "us v them" model that needs to be created. so theres a whole set of people who are creating this "vaccinated v unvaccinated" story line. 

in general republicans are going to lean towards individual freedoms and rights and choices. i dont think a lot of those people are thinking of this as "i dont believe science" - more I'm not going to listen to the government. 

It's a lot of people who are frankly fed up with the government and this is their symbolic stand that they aren't going to take it. Or at least its how i view it. 

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58 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Sad but true.

“The measures deemed necessary to fight terrorism exploited our eagerness to hate our enemies, which we had no trouble doing. Those required to combat COVID-19 required us to love our neighbors. Somehow, that’s a much harder sell.”


"hate our enemies" aka discriminate against any brown people on our soil ..... smh

We just spent 20 years on a fake mission spending $300,000,000 a day for 20 years. That whole was was about inputs without outputs. 

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2 hours ago, BrianAnderson said:

Or how they skirt the actual science while touting science. if you want to go to hawaii? a saints game, a blackhawks game? etc. etc. you have to either be vaccinated or show negative test. how does that actually make sense? the real science would be a negative test to get in... you can produce these rapid tests for pennies. we spent trillions on a response, but can't spend the pennies to make these rapid tests available to the masses? the vaccine HELPS reduce spread. it's not fool proof. hell, the immunity is rolling off ... someone who contracted covid in the past 3 months has more immunity and protection against the spread than a vaccinated person. But that doesn't fit the "us v them" model that needs to be created. so theres a whole set of people who are creating this "vaccinated v unvaccinated" story line. 

Not going to bother with the rest of this, but you went on this rant here and didn't realize how obvious of a contradiction you just wrote - you are complaining about the vaccine not being foolproof, and yet these rapid tests are also "not foolproof". Everyone at Donald Trump's celebration of his last supreme court justice passed a rapid test, and he turned that into a Presidential super-spreader event, because they're not foolproof. Just like the vaccine, they are a strong assistance in keeping a crowd safe, not a guarantee. So please, don't rant about how everyone else is ignoring real science and it's their fault that there is an "us v them" model when you're literally doing the exact same thing. 

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2 hours ago, BrianAnderson said:

That's a bit too conspiracy. 

It's pretty simple if you ask me. It's not about the vaccine at all. It's not about the science of a vaccine. It's about being anti-government, anti-mandate, pro choice to make your own decisions, and that the messaging continues to shift. 

"two weeks to flatten the curve"

"non-essential businesses must shut down to help" (meanwhile every corporation was okay to stay open)

"the vaccine will set you free"

"now you need a booster to enjoy your freedoms"

:"here is our six step plan to eradicate a virus" (that can't be eradicated)

Or how yesterday you have the economic counsel yesterday say that food inflation isn't really all that bad. it's actually normal if you just take out the pork, beef, and chicken prices ... yah okay, cause nobody eats those. basically? who trusts the government? so this is an opportunity to make their voice heard. 

Or how they skirt the actual science while touting science. if you want to go to hawaii? a saints game, a blackhawks game? etc. etc. you have to either be vaccinated or show negative test. how does that actually make sense? the real science would be a negative test to get in... you can produce these rapid tests for pennies. we spent trillions on a response, but can't spend the pennies to make these rapid tests available to the masses? the vaccine HELPS reduce spread. it's not fool proof. hell, the immunity is rolling off ... someone who contracted covid in the past 3 months has more immunity and protection against the spread than a vaccinated person. But that doesn't fit the "us v them" model that needs to be created. so theres a whole set of people who are creating this "vaccinated v unvaccinated" story line. 

in general republicans are going to lean towards individual freedoms and rights and choices. i dont think a lot of those people are thinking of this as "i dont believe science" - more I'm not going to listen to the government. 

It's a lot of people who are frankly fed up with the government and this is their symbolic stand that they aren't going to take it. Or at least its how i view it. 

Cool story. Here's some science.


The study of hundreds of Kentucky residents with previous infections through June 2021 found that those who were unvaccinated had 2.34 times the odds of reinfection compared with those who were fully vaccinated.  The findings suggest that among people who have had COVID-19 previously, getting fully vaccinated provides additional protection against reinfection.


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3 hours ago, BrianAnderson said:

That's a bit too conspiracy. 

It's pretty simple if you ask me. It's not about the vaccine at all. It's not about the science of a vaccine. It's about being anti-government, anti-mandate, pro choice to make your own decisions, and that the messaging continues to shift. 

"two weeks to flatten the curve"

"non-essential businesses must shut down to help" (meanwhile every corporation was okay to stay open)

"the vaccine will set you free"

"now you need a booster to enjoy your freedoms"

:"here is our six step plan to eradicate a virus" (that can't be eradicated)

Or how yesterday you have the economic counsel yesterday say that food inflation isn't really all that bad. it's actually normal if you just take out the pork, beef, and chicken prices ... yah okay, cause nobody eats those. basically? who trusts the government? so this is an opportunity to make their voice heard. 

Or how they skirt the actual science while touting science. if you want to go to hawaii? a saints game, a blackhawks game? etc. etc. you have to either be vaccinated or show negative test. how does that actually make sense? the real science would be a negative test to get in... you can produce these rapid tests for pennies. we spent trillions on a response, but can't spend the pennies to make these rapid tests available to the masses? the vaccine HELPS reduce spread. it's not fool proof. hell, the immunity is rolling off ... someone who contracted covid in the past 3 months has more immunity and protection against the spread than a vaccinated person. But that doesn't fit the "us v them" model that needs to be created. so theres a whole set of people who are creating this "vaccinated v unvaccinated" story line. 

in general republicans are going to lean towards individual freedoms and rights and choices. i dont think a lot of those people are thinking of this as "i dont believe science" - more I'm not going to listen to the government. 

It's a lot of people who are frankly fed up with the government and this is their symbolic stand that they aren't going to take it. Or at least its how i view it. 

"It's just the seasonal flu"

"It's only 15 cases"

"We have it under control"

"The Chinese have it under control"

See how that works?

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