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Is Jessica Simpson...


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I saw that when I was filling up for gas at the gas station (fancy station has a tv built into it and CNN or something is on when your filling up). I still don't understand the point of a tv at a gas station, but I notice a lot more having them. What a dumb comments from such a fine girl though. Its gonna end up making her money.

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These still have me Laughing..


As Jessica pondered the meal she was enjoying in front of the TV, she asked her husband, “Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish?” As it turned out, she was confused by the label that read, as she recalled it, “Chicken by the Sea.”


It’s not as if tuna is the only food to trip her up. She once declined an order of Buffalo wings with the fairly grave statement that she doesn’t eat buffalo. As a friend of hers pointed out, it had apparently never occurred to her to wonder, given her understanding of the etymology, where on a buffalo you would find the wings to begin with.



In fact, when Nick does a little low-key decorating in the new house while she’s away, Jessica is irritated primarily because she is unable to figure out whether she likes it or not


LOL! :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting

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These still have me Laughing..


As Jessica pondered the meal she was enjoying in front of the TV, she asked her husband, “Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish?” As it turned out, she was confused by the label that read, as she recalled it, “Chicken by the Sea.”


It’s not as if tuna is the only food to trip her up. She once declined an order of Buffalo wings with the fairly grave statement that she doesn’t eat buffalo. As a friend of hers pointed out, it had apparently never occurred to her to wonder, given her understanding of the etymology, where on a buffalo you would find the wings to begin with.



In fact, when Nick does a little low-key decorating in the new house while she’s away, Jessica is irritated primarily because she is unable to figure out whether she likes it or not


LOL! :lolhitting :lolhitting  :lolhitting

Geeze thats stupid. I mean when I was 6 I thought Buffalo wings were Buffalo, but when your a grown women. Wow, I don't think you'll ever be shocked by a comment she makes, unless she some how figures out time travel. In that case, I'd be stunned.

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OK so I read the article and now i feel dumb.


Here's an Excerpt


She once declined an order of Buffalo wings with the fairly grave statement that she doesn’t eat buffalo. As a friend of hers pointed out, it had apparently never occurred to her to wonder, given her understanding of the etymology, where on a buffalo you would find the wings to begin with.


I thought etymology was a misspelling of Entomology, the study of insects. So i began to wonder what etymology meant. It didn't seam to fit.


here's the Definition.


1 : the history of a linguistic form (as a word) shown by tracing its development since its earliest recorded occurrence in the language where it is found, by tracing its transmission from one language to another, by analyzing it into its component parts, by identifying its cognates in other languages, or by tracing it and its cognates to a common ancestral form in an ancestral language

2 : a branch of linguistics concerned with etymologies


How does that fit in with the paragraph from the article? It doesn't make sence to me. Let me point out that I was never very good in English. But my brain hurts from that one.


I think the Author meant Anatomy. I guess he pulled a Jessica Simpson.

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when they say the "etymology" of the phrase "buffalo wings", i'm guessing they mean the other meaning the word buffalo has developed. it's a stupid way to use it and i'm pretty sure the author just wanted to sound smart, but i think i know what they're getting at.

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This is what I think they meant:


"As a friend of hers pointed out, it had apparently never occurred to her to wonder, given where she thought the name "Buffalo Wings" came from, where on a buffalo you would find the wings to begin with.

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I love to see the newlt arrived Texans order Chicken Fried Steak and then be surprised there's beef in there. 


Now if I can figure out where the chicken has been hiding all those fingers . . .  :D

haha that's the best one i've heard in a while :lol:

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I wanna see her parents and have a little talk with them, man did they do a s***ty job.

Tired of having to hang up her own towels, she asks a friend whether there are special “maids for celebrities.” Called upon to empty a vase of dead flowers into the trash, she falls apart. She can’t imagine hanging pictures on the wall of her own home without the help of a designer.

The marriage won't last another year.

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